The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 27, 1918, Image 1

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4 Newspaper Tlmf Qlvcs The Mens F fh-two Weeks Each Year For $1,50
iipjuwiawwiLMMnnii im i', miniiMioniiiiininiinTmm
IM2I) (JLOri). XEIJi: sivA. JUNE 27, lillS.
inri vMMhu&'lfffTUllarftxvvJxctsrncr7V'IULrv
This Bank will Pay, Free of Charge,
LIBERTY BOND Interest Coupons, at
Maturity or Fifteen Days Prior Thereto
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
DEPOSITS in this bank are PROTECTED by the
Depositors Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska
Transferred to Class 1
'I !u IoliI boa-d'of u-gMiation hit
received word fiom the district boa)
that 51 Webster county men have beci
transfericd fiom lower classes U
Class 1. The distiict boaid still ha
a few cases of men lecommcndcd foi
tiansfer to leport on. The following
A Good Woman Gone
lvoscote .wins ago Mr". Thomas
N .unglovo. thn tt widow wild depend
mt olillili on came to Nobiasku. I'll-
minted by t Iio petils mid hardships
of pioneer life, sho settled with lur
'ittlf family In "this section and by
'rugnllty and toil achieved n eouipe
i Websler County Bank
For a good well made
House Dress
is the list of changes leceivcd to date, tnice
all of the following having fonncrl Last Thursday evening, In Red Cloud
been Class 2 men except in three "-here she hud reshkd Tor many years,
cases, the former classification of this aged lndy parsed onward to bur
these being given opposite their nnai rowniu. Tiiose who looic uoynna
the uonters or urn sicy see her reunited
with her soldier-husband and their
four children nil of whom long slnco
Louis A. Hartman, Blue Hilt
Howaid W. Myers, Bladen
Ralph Van Boening, Rosemont
Carl G. Waechter, Bladen
Howard M. Cotner, Bladen ,
Lylc J. Jones, Bladen
John W. Wot ley, Bladen
Edward J. Hansen", Guide Rock
John P. Bock. Blue Hill
R. E. Hunsicker, Red Cloud
Martin G. A. Siebrass, Blue Hill
Carl P. Scheiding, Cowles
Frank A. Svoboda, Lawrence
Anson H. Giger, Guide Rock
Earl E. Harvey, Inavale
Glen E. Mitchell, Inavale
Dale C. Laird, Lawrence
Ernest Streit, Red Uoud
House Dresses and Aprons.
rryr c h
iflAscKAnKRcc r vyw I In 11
USPAlOf. Wd TV Wtill LI
i0M IS
ll " HifiVf ' ;
i jr
True Worth Dress
For sale by
llfto. Barbara Phages j
tn . . n . l n
uinsuan inurcn rrogram
FOR JUNE, 1918 -
t. vT" '..
uK? --','.!
it (
June 2 Sammie's Day
June 9 Children's Day
June 16 Flag Day Service
June 23 Women's Day
June 30 Woodrow Wilson's Day
Bring the Children
Everybody Welcome
A Reward for I'linso
Who Go To Cm in a
Chief Ads Pay You
Adolph Stumpcnhorst, B. H., CI.
Elmer Bent, Bladen
Victor C. Peterson, Inavale
Geo. L. Uberg, iilauen
Ftank A. King, Inavale
Carl W. Bangett. Guide Rock
Guy E. Dickson, Rivetton
Anton Kudrna, Red Cloud
Tloyd J. Moulton, Guide Rock
Walter F. Bangett, Guide Rock
Milliaid Fontioss, R. C, Class
Joseph .Telinck, Red Cloud '
Claud Rlekairt. Guide Rock t
Edd QuieKle, Rosemont
0. 31. Shorwood, Rod Cloud CM
Aug. II. Myets, Inaale
Oscar 31. Banks Campbell
Geo. Anderon, Bladen
Roy C. Rutledge, Inavale
Amos, 31. Dillon, Rod Cloud
Llojd E. Riggins, Bladen
Hairy II. Baikcr, Inavale
Fied C. Bangeit, Guide Rock
Edw. J. Geilach, Cowles
Fied C. 3Iuhleisen, Blue Hill
Victor W. Andoi?on, Bladen
.Tno. F. Banks Campbell
Ross II. Woiman, Inavale
Alex. Honkcl, Inavale
Lammont J. Steen, Campbell
Rudolph G. Humm, Guide Rock
Wm, O. Nolle, Campbell
Adolph Swoboda, Lawtence
Join the War Savings Society
Fourth of July
The 142nd anniversary of the Decla
ration of Independence will be cele
brated in fitting manner at Red Cloud
next week. Judge E It. Perry of
Cambridge, Neb , is engaged to give
the otatioti. Home guards lrom
Bloomingfoii, Knot tun, (iuhlo 1'hdU,
Inavale, Noli., and Manltato, Kill.,
with othois yet to hoar from, will i n
pete in I lie militair diills.
Music foi tin day will bo hirni-lted
by the Gunk Kick and Red (.laid
bands; for the evening dance the lied
Cloud otohettrif will entertain.
Hsbon, Kan., will supply the comae
tltlou on the base ball Held.
A big time Is assured. Everybody
preceded her In death.
She was a native of Wisconsin and
was seventy-six years of pge on tho l3tb
of last March. Her maiden name was
Jane Nelson and her first tnovo fiom
home was to Michigan where she met
and married Thorn is Vouuglove, later
a soldier in the Civil War, who died in
the early seventies.
The children were, Horatio. Francis,
Uyuthia and Mary. Only tho latter
lived to maturity. She becanio Mrs.
Rosecraus, the mother of Mrs. Dalslc
Aubushon, tho only surviving grand
daughter, who, with her four children,
Uerthn, Lester, Ray and CllHord, nioutn
tho departure bf Grandma Younglovo
fiom their home.
Mrs Phoebe Uobert'ou, with Antile
Shindy, Edith Law, Ida Bui ton, William
and Joe Scarl, nieces and nephews,
mnnru their loss.
Mis YountrlovB as: trulvClulstlnn i
1 j woman, having boon a member of the
3;chnr'li f Di'eiples for twenty yfRsJ
a wfunan who will live long in thr
memory f many fi lends.
Fiinetal 'eivices worn hold in tin t
Chiistlan chin ch Situiday nt one
o'cloelc; epiuinn by Rov J L. lloobe,
pastor. Intei nienl in Red Cloud eeme
teiy, The pall bearers wore, SheriH" Frank
llnllei, II C Wolf, Dan hlndsey, Sam
Llndsoy, .las Chaney and Mr. Campbell.
There is a Difference in
Just as there is butwoeti a piece of pure gold "and that
containing alloy. The leusus used by me aro the finest
that can be had. These come In the rough and are
ground until they exactly meet the requirements of your
particular eye trouble. Oue caauot be too careful about
tbo eyes The matter of a dollar or so should not enter
into the calculation. This store refuses to ask for your
patronago by price alone the cure Is the thing desired
by me or well as yourself. Even so, you will find the
chargo unusually low, taking Into oousidemtlon tho
will be to the interest of your
eyes to have them examined here
Jeweler and Optometrist
C3TC B. & Q. Watch Inspector
A War Bride
Thomas J- Mackcy and Miss Ne'lle
Cunningham, both of Red Cloud, were
united in marriage by Judge Itanney
last Monday. Oscar Ogden and Mrs.
Dallas Smith attended as witnesses.
The groom is a sou of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. M. Mackey, ami the brido a
daughter of Mr. and 3Iis. Arthur C.
CiinuinKhutn, nil well known in tills
community. Tholi many friends h
this ouiig vouplo I applness on ' ir
voyage if 'ifu t.yd w Tho g
Is one of the men n 'oi to hUi. u
try's sen ico, anl kit fur Camp 1
ton josterd.iv.
Makes One Feel Cool s
Peter Raun and Fied Gund are he no '
fl AM, ilinti, 4tt iin3 nnl Z..4-A tlm'
.... vnvil Villi IH' UilU illW IIIU
liotth. Owing to th? snow they w io' At the homo of her sister, Mi
unable to get into Yellowstone p. ik. Eibelninn, on Wednesday
Christian Church Notes
Five War Saving Societies were or
ganied Sunday to aid the government
in the mattor of thrift and economy.
C. Wolfe has moved to the Muurer
property south of Col Basse.
The Aid Society and ladlos of tho
church are planning on helping feed
the people the 4th of July.
The pastor is aiding the food ad
ministration In the muter of thresh
ing and saving giaiu.
Tho piayer mcotliiKs on Wednesday
ovening h.ivo been well utteuded in
spite of hot weather.
The preacher is turninj; fanner and
will help shock wheat.
Sunday at 11 a in , subject, 'Wealth,
Waste aud Want." 8 p. in., subject,
"Lecture on Woodrow Wilson." If
you have made Wilson n study now is
a good time
sj' - .'
(c-TYW . "
U U&&t2tiS'UZllVUUm
i A Hoar srjrAcroy
P.AC:. rotiSrtot
r . !S' r- i -i
mi J' f - iv-. :
ItVi UWC,k-SnA'3 JWv&sW&AKGMmMh'in
We cater to the class of shoppers that is accustom
ed to securing satisfaction and who know
when they secure it.
That is why our customers are so ready to rec
commend us as a place to trade.
Congregational Church
After services Sunday morning a
War Savings Society was organized by
members and frleuds of the church.
Mrs. Edgar Cowden wns elected presi
dent uud C. L Cottlng, secrotary.
Pledges aro being solicited for stnmps
for the balance of tho year, 1018. It
Is especially desired that tho children
become Interested In this society and
thosavlnirof stamps, as they cm bo
purchased In am units from t.iiy
live iseiits up.
i Services as usual next Sunday morn
ing, Rev. Goo. M. Mitchell, of I'raiilc
llr., will fill tho pulpit..
A June Bride
s C. F.
on wetiuesuay evoniug,
Thoy wont over a big portion of C n- June 20th, Miss Floionoo May John
nda and weio in 100 miles of an nd ston and Mr Cecil F. bean were united
of tho lailioad faithevest nottli in In marriage.
Canada. Pete says that there as j Roth of these young peonlo aro well
only two hours of night up thoio, and known in this section and tho best
that you never saw a house close to ' wishes of a host of friends aro theirs
the milioads. Tho land is boinVhcUi ' They wlR bo at home near Innvalo
by snoculatoi-3. Upland Eagle, " after July 10th. -
Open Day and Night
Show the "Chief" to Your Neighbor
Kf !.