The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 20, 1918, Image 5

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Our Clean finess, Quality, Service, Price
Folgers Coffees, Teas, Extracts and Spices
Frontier and Acropolis Canned Goods
Itens Crackers and Cookies pSLfi
Lowneys Chocolates
Hastings Bread Fresh Daily
Highest Prices Paid for Your Produce
Cash or Trade
Give us a chance to supply your want. Your
trade appreciated. Courteous treatment to all.
Rest room in store come in
and make yourself at home.
See Dr. Warrick Juue 20-th.
Jus. Ilubatkn, of ISlndcu, was heie
Ktit an 1 drink r.t rowel 1 & Pope's
Cife. tf
Attorney Walters of Illne Hill, was
In lied Cloud Tuesday.
J- Win. Duster and wife- of Franklin,
were in the city Wednesday.
Arehie Totter went to Oinalia the
list of the week on business.
Eyes tested, glasses fitted. J. C.
Mitchell, the Jeweler.
Bring the whole family for the day
w; celebrate at Red Cloud July 1th.
Farmer' Union meeting ut Kellogg
Hall every Thursday night at S:!)o. tf
Mis- Mabel Dalley and Mrs. Alice
llosiner were Hastings visitors Monday.
Mis Ned Grimes went t North
1'lntt Monday to nttcml u 1'. H. O.
Harry Waller and family and Krnot
Tend of Uowlos, were lied Cloud
visltois Wednesday.
Mrs. N. A. l'latt wa- called to
Cowles Sunday by tin illness of her
mother, Mrs. Lney.
Harness repairing and hulf-solclng,
in basement under Kge's store. 1. L.
Mrs. T. A. Jones of AlmS, was in the
city Monday between trains enroute to
Hastings to visit friends.
Coming to the Orpheum July 3 d
nud 4th, "The Kaiser," a bigger at
traction than the "Ilirtli of a Nation.''
Mrs. John Sutton of Iuavale and
children, visited at the home of her
mother, 'Mrs. Mary Ameson last Fri
day. Chautauqua is coming, all ha, my ma;
I've got to see it, ah ha, my ma; I will
have to see it, so go and tell pa, for
how can I miss it, how cau I, mamma.
Mayor Damerell appeals to the civic
pride of lied Cloud for a clean-up of
unsightly rubbish, weeds, etc. The
doctor's prescription is timely. Do
your bit.
A card announcing the safe arrival
6omevhero in France of his son Veine
Dalley, was received by J. II. Bailey
on Saturday. He enlisted about two
mouths nud a half ago.
Miss Mary Christian returned home
Monday night from Mlnden, at which
place she has been working In a drug
store. Her parents expect to move to
St Joe In the near future.
The city has had some much needed
improvement work done by clearing
the gutters and grading up the streets
north and cast from the Webster
Street and Sth uveniio corner.
Stray mule came on my farm, 3 miles
south and 7 ml cs east of Bed Cloud,
Juno 7th. Ownor can have bitinu by
proving property and paying expense,
Including this notice. Omkic Chow
Mr. and Mrs (). Leploy of Hastings,
woto'heru Saturday nnd Sunday visit
ing thcr daughter. Mrs. Jacob Peter
sen nnd family. They returned homo
Monday accompanied by their grand
daughter, Jane Petersen.
Lost Satmday Henry A. T. Sohulte
announced to the public that he has
located In the ofllee next south of
Petersen's Implement store and Is
buying cream. Ho repressnts the
Harding Creamery Co., of Omaha, and
solicits your patronage
No .ice of prob'tto of will is on Jlle at
the Court H nisi' petit! inlug tlmt H. J.
Overlngsind Attnin-y Iv. (i. Cat.l .v. U shipping iiuird.
bo granted the administration of the ' wm )ti tiu ,1,.,,,
estate of John W. Tifriu-y, deceasm1,
Mr. Tlurney w.f.foiin mI. mvell known
cbarae'or on tho stivots of Bed Cloud
He paved nway ru.'outiy in L!nc3ln
Sanitarium aud was buried at Chicago,
Mrs Frank Smith ! quite sick tl.'s
Mi-s Carrie Hlonrlch i- visiting in
The Junior lied Cruss has taken n
quota of for'y petticoats to make.
The telephone controvcivy was again
postponed this time to July '.'nd
Good mealsgood service moderate
prices Powell A- Pope's cafe.
Services will be held in (irne.e Bpis
copal church next Sun lay. Rev. J. M.
Bates, pastor.
Master Austin Cramer, who has been
visiting Ids grandmother In Bladen,
returned home the last of the week.
Mrs. C. M Smith has gone to Kckley ,
Colo , where she will visit her daugh
ter, Mrs. C. K. GUmore.
Mis Clara Warren went to Hastings
last week where she will attend the
Hastings College Summer School
A. F. Tunquary died at the home ot
his grandson, James Tanquary, in Bed
Cloud, Tuesday evening, agon nearly
elghty-Uve years.
Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge Cordle, of near
Ulverton, were tho guests of Bev. ami
.Miss CJracu Harper, tho lady's father
aud sister, Tuesday.
Secretary and Mrs. McAdoo were
Hastings callers Monday afternoon,
for about ten minutes. They were
aboard train No. U going west.
Miss Gertrude L. Coon goes to Otna
ha today as representative of six coun
ties in tho Junior Bed Cross conven
tion pieoting iu the "Gate City."
The harvest has commonced iu Ne
braska on the farm of Wm. Itogors,
four miles south of Falls City, just
th's side of tho Kansas state line.
It is urgently requested that the city
base ball suits be turned iu at Tur
nurc'a store at once so as to make
ready for the Fourth of July'celebrn-tion.
The School Directors of District No
3i arc considering plans for tho en
largement of their school building and
the employment of two additional
Dr. Warrick, the Specialist will meet
eye, car, nose and throat patients, and
those needing glasses lilted, at Dr.
Damerell's otlice Wednesday, June
20th. Hours 'J to 0
Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarence Patterson and
iufant son were the guests of Rev
Harper and daughter Tuesday evening
Mrs. Patterson is ti daughter of Rev.
Harper aud resides at Iuavale.
Thj Farmers' Union Co-operative
Co. dually closed a deal for the pur
chase of the elevator at the depot an 1
Mr. James Btliott, an experienced
grain man, is now in charge preparing
it for business.
Mr. and Mrs Jalues Gather aie tho
proud parents of a girl who arrived
Saturday morning. A granddaughter
to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Barber. Likewise
to Mr. and Mrs. C. F. CatheV, but they
are more accustomed to the title.
There wero about twenty families
represented at the canning school hold
here Monday and Tuesday. Miss
Tetter, sent by tho state, had chargo
and was assisted h 'Miss Pearl Pope
who will continue tho work here dur
ing the sunimor.
Rxamluer Wright, of the St. Louis
Natural!. Uion Division, is in It-id
Cloud this weok, looking over the
records of recent naturalization .
From hero he goes to Camp Funslon,
where Ids duties will consist of com
pleting tho soldiers naturalization
Floyd Proved visited Superior, Sun
day. Mr. Ficd Stdllim Is visiting In Bid
Clo id
A I' Walker is home from his trip
to Ouirtho.
Mi. J. Bauelmmp has returned to
(iiihle Bock.
Ralph Hariingtou was a Sunday
visitor at Superior.
Mi-s Lola Barrett and Josephine
Sherer spout the week-end at Riveiton.
Mr Ancll Crabill lctt Tuesday for
Hebron to visit her sister, Mrs. Wal
lice Wright.
Thursday, June '.'0 is the date set for
collecting Red Cross subscriptions.
Money need not be paid in until Tues
day, the c:,th.
Mr. and Mrs. (ieo. llastlan of At
wood, Kan, who have been visiting
Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Mcllrido, returned
to their home Wednesday.
Mrs. Vaul McDowell has vacated tho
J. Street residence and will make her
home with her mother, Mrs. Lambert
in another section of the city.
Bev. John Brnst. Pastor of the liar
Held Dunkard church was operated
upon for appendicitis, Situnlay after
noon at Dr. Mitchell's hospital.
Mrs. Frank Perry and children and
Opal Weesner, who have bcon visiting
Mrs. Perry's sister, Mrs. (Juy Xelgler
in Lincoln tho past week, returned
homo Monday evening.
The Hastings Tiibuno states Hint
Miss Myrtle Brower, of Bladen, and
Mr. Deliuore Doty, of Sidney, Nebras
ka, were married at Hastings .Monday.
Mrs. Browor. mother of the bride was
iu attendance.
Rov. Harper was called to the Bono
Tiee school house northeast of River
ton. last Sunday, where ho delivered
tho Children's Day address. Miss
Brace Hai per accompanied him, They
returned Tuesday.
Why arc we at war? "A Slacker's
Heart." A production of magnitude
with over :i000 people taking part A
photo drama which appeals to the
honor of every true American citizen
regardless of their birthplace, creed or
station will bo shown at the Orpheum,
Satuulay, June 'i'2. Matinee :.oo, He
anil 170," night S30, lie and 27c
Welfare Committee
As the result of the Public Welfare
loe'ures iven by Theo Ilaurn. super
lutonde , of tl.o National We'fare
Lnagu., a onnty Welfare Committee
hat been appointed as follows
Wilier Hamilton, chairman; Mrs.
Win. Am;.!. Mrs A. Met all, P. A. Wall
braudt R.v. J I,. JJeidie, Bd Over'ttg
A Short Session
The i -unity i.imisunors In regu
lar se-sinn Tuetdav. granted tho peti
tion of Mi Talier to conduct a pool
hall at In.unte Two other Items weie
consid,- c oillelal bond of A. Hart
mat), i - ad overseer Hist. No. 7 j was
npproeiiii.i claim of C D Robin
son, (- -my Treasurer, Tor SJ,")1- si
countv , spi-nses paid by him, was allowed
Mrs. IS
the hi"
Death of Infant
i. A. Italian and daughter
"i1 Johnston, returned home
lu.MM.Inir with the retinitis cf
I s live months old baby, who
passc-l i iiy at Fleinlnif. loloiado. on
Friday -wiling. Funeral services were
cotidi: I from the Harlan home sun.
day at'rtu.Hin at 2 o'clock, iu charge
of Rev V M. Harper, pastor of the
Bapti-- . lunch, after which interment
was i i in the o'rlolv cemetery
Com . I
vhe home of twodnughtors surviving:, the draft
R. L. Grimes his been appointed re
cruitiug agent for the United States
R"uruitlng ofllee
store of (Irioe V
(irimes, whiie young til"!! 1kiw(uii the
ajjes of 2s and !!) may lgn fur train
ing on s.-liod ship,. Hnliitment will
bo for the criod of the war and ex
empts the successful appllcaut from
Congregational Church
Mr.s. Mitchell's sermon wai
usually good Sunday morning
The Woman's Society of the chinch
will meet Fit-lay. June -'1st at three p
in. with Mrs. Lois Cowden.
Set vice? next Sunday limning aud
evening as usual.
Canning Demonstrations
The iMtiiiu demonstrations attiaet
much r.teutioii. They wero arranged
for lj County Agent assisted by
Miss (,.i trade Coon, and wero held
here at. 1 at Iuavale tho first four days
ot tin .eelc. Further dates are as
follow r.ladeti June 21. and .'J, Blue
Hill i t.f.'l and 1!:,, llosemont June
2d ant r. (Inkle Bock June :s and .'!.
Locai iters have been appointed In
each to--, i) who will have charge of the
Clean-Up Notice
All I'liens of Red aloud are request
ed to i-loau up their premises, espec
ially the terraces and alleys, wherever
needed. In order that the city may pre
sent a favorable appearance to Fourth
of Jul. visitors. If each one will put
In n little time every day this cau be
done -i i.L-kly anil easily. If not done
the Mat -leu will visit you to see that
the sil to request is strieth einp!,ed
RollEIlT DAM!.!!! I I . M.l,it
We Ye showing Mens and Young
Mens Mid-Summer Clothing al
8 $8.50-$10-$12.50 to $15
Cool Clothes: Palm Beach-Mohairs-Serges
Straw HBts at SOc to $6
No advance in price on Panamas and
a bigger line than ever to select from
Vhite Canvass Oxfords $2-$2.50-$3-$3.50
Hot Weather Underwear 50c to $1.75
Silk and Silk Finish Shirts $2 to $6.50
Mens Worsted Suits $18-$20-$22.50-$25
Extra Values for Bargain Hunters
Cowden-Kaley Cldtliing Coe
11 .
uwgtjr.,MmiiiiiiiiMnwimn ilium mntwii-Mi3fn- - "TiffV'fW iiM-""j"Vu'iwiwtM
Community Canning
Those wishing to use thecoinmuuity
canuermay lirltitf tholr vegetables to
the basement of tho Washington
school building on Tuesday or Thurs
day afternoons. They Miould be tliore
by 1:30 and not later that 2:110. An as
sistant will bo iu charge who will in
struct iu tho UbO of the catincr. A fee
will be charged to pay for fuel used.
This will vary from one to ten cents,
depending upon amount of vegetables
and number of peoplo working.
A Warning
The Chief representative being a
little late at the meeting and looking
over n contemporary report of City
Council Proceedings to discover if any
thing important transpired previous to
his arrival, found that the first Item
related to the merits ot n well known
hair remedy. This is a serious ques
tion and it might be well for the pub
lie to watch tho mutter a little. Just
how this item goe into the bttdgot is
unknown but appearances suggest
Messrs Smith and Tool as Interested
Baptist Church Notes
Preaching at 11:00 a. in Sunday
school at 10:00 n. m. Prayer meeting
at 8:110 each Wednesday evening.
Forsake not tho assembling of your
selves together as the manner of some is
Brother Harper preached nt tho
church in the morning, last Sabbath,
conducted a funeral service iu tho
afternoon and atttoed to Rlverton for
tho evening.
Wo hear very favorable reports from
the community Sunday school con
ducted by. sister (Jeorge Cordle a few,
miles out of Rlverton. -
Somo of our people have been much
Interested iu tho work of. Mr. Theo
Hansen, President of the Nntinual
Community Welfare Assoelition.
The Southern Union Baptist Ahki
elation moots at (llenvllle, June 2-2ti
We hope our church will be w. 11 rep
rosouted. Tho willing wo ikeis will meet with
Mr. X. M. (Ireen, Friday at 2::io p. m
Do Mat Sell Laying Hens
AlMi-iu -h restrictions on the sale of
live en freshly killed hens were 10-tnovo-1
in April 20. farmers tiro asked
to keep nil their laying hein and to
market other fowls gradually. The
Food Admistratlon shortened by ten
lays the period of tho regulation, in
foteu since February 2'1, which pro
hibited lleonse-1 dealers from buying or
selling live or fre-hly killed liens. The
original dute at w'di'h the restriction
was to have expired was Apiil .'10.
Caught a Big Bug
uite n ripple of excitement occurr
ed in the Turnuru store last Saturday
morning when "Bob" Boxey discover
ed a tarautula snugly enscoused in n
bunch of bananas.
Ausweriug the call for reinforce
ments Tom Robert assisted by Mb.s
Pearl Bines, went bravely "ovor the
top 'and valiantly fought the "banana
bug ' into a glass jar which was after
ward placed on exhibition anil attract
ed much attention.
'I he monster insect is of a si.u sel
dom seen so far north, measuring over
tin cl' Inches in diameter. It was some
whv cramped iu ib. fiultjir prUotu
an i lookod dangerously ugly.
U itj is congratulating himself that
he -uv It first, tut 1 suggests it be sent to Kaiser Bill as a
Llir.yennc County. Uan , Improved Farm
.V,'1 acres, 1 1120 aetes under plow, 210
in pasture. All tillable A finely im
proved farm, !)' miles from Saint
Francis, 0 miles from Wheeler, 2 miles
from Saint Fraiicls-tloodland graded
road. Runt sharo crop goes with sale,
if sold at once. A line bargain at
817.11'U.OO. Can give terms. Write or
come quickly. No trades.
TUAVls W 111 N.1AMIN,
.'-.' Saint Francis, Kansas.
Threshing Machine for Sale
Twenty-llvo II. P. Pitts engine, to ill
Advatico Separator, fun only one
season and In good condition, will bo
sold at a bargain. .Machine nj miles
from Bladen. Call on or phono I). S.
Phelps at Bladen for particulars, or
write J, I. McCracken, Lebanon, Kan,
How to Handle Wool
(i lowers who clo not wish to sell
wool to local dealers, and who have
le.-- than a raiload lot may
ha - it shipped directly east in car
load lots by sending it to any of tho
following concent) ation points: Lcx
ing'oii, Baltic Creek, David City,
Wii'.-to, Aurora, Lincoln, Beatrice or
Fu'l- City. Farm bureaus, thru coun
ty agricultural agents, arc assembl
ing wool at those points for direct
,sh', iicnt. Somo local dealers aro
ha ' -Hng tho wool for 1 cent a pound,
go :nmcnt fixes tho price and allows
them a commission of one and a half
eenu a pound. Tho government per
mit , tho growers to' tell direct to tho
local dealers, or to consign thru them
to ra-torn points. Growers should got
in touch with their county r.gcnt if
they have not already nintlo arrange
ments for disposing of their wool. The
government has asked that Nebraska
wool bo forwarded to eastern districts.
You always get the very
best at our store because
QUALITY goods are the
only kind we sell. The
brands we carry in stock
are recognized by the
housewife as the VERY
BEST of their kind.
Everything Fresh and Pure
Chase & Sanborns Coffees
Itens Crackers and Cookies
Batavia Jams and Spices
Sunflower Canned Goods
Lincoln Telephone
and Telegraph Co.
GEO. J. WARREN, Manager
The Telephone
Builds Business
"The first requisite for doing busines s
is to be able to get a customer. The
more customers you can readily got at
the more business you can do."
As it is "the mind that does business"
and "the telephone gives the mind wings"
dou con do more business by telephone
than any other way, because you can
reach more customers and you reach
them in a personal, voice-to-voicc man
ner, that builds business.