The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 20, 1918, Image 1

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. t
A NtMsnaiicr That (lives The Kens Flih-lwo Weeks Eacli Year For $1.50
HEIJ CLOUD, XBr.IlAivA, .1 L'N 10 20, 1SHS.
This Bank will Pay, Free of Charge,
LIBERTY BOND Interest Coupons, at
Maturity or Fifteen Days Prior Thereto
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
DEPOSITS in this bank are PROTECTED by the
Depositors Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska
Webster County Bank
A Night in Camp
The Next Contingent
giRHHf )f II, WW, I II 'H 'II l.'MimA.ffJJMM. ,
For a good well sirsad I
House Drcjsa and Apron,
JS fiTlft
-f? Jh&OL.
WSst ,
U.&PA10F. Wt lC Wtifl L)
T Trwe Worth Dress
For sale by
Jfe. Barbara Phages
Piomptly at 7. i feriturday evening
Bugle C ill assembled the HomeGtiardi
mill miller tiro of u licnvy buttery of
admit log eyes they retreated in good
order to the second line it nnttual
strategic point of defense against
fut t her attack of the kind mentioned
Camp was made, guard tiiountei'i
Hunts out, all was serene not ii leaf
(deleted by censor) guatd relieved
hourly were leported as very iusy,
and a full guard house In tho early
morulas ho.irs lends authentieity to
this report
In the deep shades of night alarms
were given of enemy approach fnm
the soutlieast; guards respo ided pell-
mell clad in miiU3 and (deleted liy
uetisot) iiic, sedate oltl.en-ioldiery,
one would not think they wcie In tor
(deleted by eetisor). Court mnrtinl
found many guilty who wet e assigned
to putiltlvo tasks. Out of respect to
their families names are omitted.
At assembly, 0:15 a m , a one-net
drama entitled "Now We Will C.alher
at the IvivL-i," was put. on all pattiei-patiug.
Chin eli was serious while it lasted.
A pinyct by Itev Becbc and two patri
otic hymns
Afternoon drill and dies' parade
were ndj in tii oil sine die.
Aside from the-e items the program
a heretofore, published was cat tied
out in detail and with full milltaiy
Primal tly t-ho object ot this outing
was torbHiTj: tlio Home Guard in I wffiir'
with piiu'tical military camp lift
Full military duties of camp were c
emplitied in di-tail. making the outing
a valuable and highly nppt eclated ob.
jt'et lesson.
Tatget practice was particulaily edi
fving, many high scores being made
Mcsis Hoy Hu&tiitid II. Thomas ijuali-fk-d
as sharpshooters. A U(n) yard tat
get and Sptinglleld rilles uertfusvl
Much pleasure was manifest In th
matter of 'eat,-' .Messrs I'd I'lntt.
Mess tsergt , and Hoy tluastuger, Supplj
Setgt , together with a eorp of abb
kitcben as.slstants, receiving heaili
commendation. '
All in all the olli:er.s speak well of
the behavior of their men, and ale
h'ghlv pleased with the entire as-iiu-bly.
owing tire tho names of men
ti-il to answer latest cull lor mill
set vice:
Men Selected for Call No. (571
11 men for Ft. Riley, Juno 27, 1D1S.
Win. A. Weaver, tinusforrod to
l'aji Co., Clnrinda, Iowa t
Win. R. IHooni, transfoncd to Pago
Co Ckuinda, Iowa
(no. A. Kimker, ttansfcticd to I'er
r Co., Conneltoti, Ind.
Co. A. Mabson, tinnyferiod
Hi id N'o. 1, Dallas, Texas.
IVgar McBride, Blue Hill
Kiohaid W. Biasch, Beatrice
1 i ank I. Hooker, Guide Hock
la, Fountain, Grand Inland
1 ank J. Hallcr, Uevcrly
!io. A. Fritzingor, Guide Rock
n-o. E. Shndboldt, Red Cloud
12 Men Selected Tor Call (iaS
l Camp Funston, Juno 27-18.
l.dwjird Brinkman, Ued Cloud
i um Mnckoy, Hod Cloud
Howard J. Dully, Guide Hock
lli'iijamin F. Lambiecht, Itmvalo
1'iank Hieliatd-, Hed Cloud
I'nny H. KonnMehor, Lawicncc
Albeit T. Doom, Bladen
il. nry A. C. Wihbcn, liluo Hill
vidiew Andeison, llladen
'.i beit W. Fiahm, Dine Hill
l!"tuy A. Drooks, Guide Hock
.!uo. V. Hobeiti-on, Innvalc
Ovid 13. Doughnian, Cowlos
Itaymond Chtlcott, Cowles
Joeph Nollette, Guide Hock.
There is a Difference in
Just as there is between a piece of pare gold and that
containing alloy. The lenses used by me are the finest
that can be had. These enmo in the rouuh and aie
giound until they exactly meet tlieicqiihement of your
pattleular eye trouble. One cannot be too careful about
the eyes The matter of a dollar or o hould not enter
into the calculation. This stole refuses to ask for your
patronage by pi Ice alone the cure Is kthe thing desired
by me or well as yout self, liven to, you will llud the
charge, unusually low, taking into consideration tho
will lc to the interest of your
eyes to have them examined here
Jeweler and Optometrist
tSrC. 0. a Q. Watch Inspector
Board of Equalization
This war is ono of nations, not of
armies, and all of our one huudn '
million people must be economical
and industrially adinsted to war cot
ditious. Friday, Jmno 25th, 11)1$ -National
War Savings Societies D.u
The follov ng aie the pioceeding
of thp county boaul of pimalizatiuii,
which wad in e.- ion last wcelc:
Juno 11: Giant Shicllev clcctedchaii-
man. Co. Tua urer instmcted to te-j
fund oxcicliaige of taxes tlnougli
error In a-p-ment In Lot 0, Illoik
5, Guide Hock.
Juno 12: A.-e&&cd value on I.ol.21-2-1.
Blk 2 Piatt's add to Hed Cloud 10
duced from .j00 to -lUO on complaint
of Hoy Sattley, and ovcicliaiuc for
ll17 ordeicd lefunded. Heduction of
?500 on actual value of impiovements
oulcicd on south lot 5 and all lot G
LeDuc's add to Hed Cloud, on com
plaint of Mrs. llessio Hichardson.
Assessed value of Lot 1) Hlk 8 Smith
& MooroV add to Hed Cloud ownci
by F. G. Tin nine, reduced fiom $.r)0
?10. Reduction of yiW outercd on im
provements on lots 1-!! Hlk 11 Hcd
Cloud on complaint of Sirs. J. O. Cald
well. Juno 13: Heduction of 1500 onactual
y?' ' "" " ...wmiaiMiwi mi miwi.iimi wmmiMM tmmmtJm mm mw m .iwibwtwV
1 ( sT'i -zfs- wmmS
hv nllbdiil ni'di'liiniHt inn nf lncliliiit
Wilson, Governor Keith Neville and'1"0 of S 3l'3-u ,dcvci com-
piainc oi i. v. Vjiowcu. jcenuciion ic
fuscd on part Lot 1 and 2 Hlk 19 Red
Cloud after hearing complaint of Geo
Christian Church Program!;
FOR JUNE, 1918 !;
June 2 Sammie's Day
June 9 Children's Day
June 16 Flag Day Service
June 23 Women's Day
June 30 Woodrow Wilson's Day
Bring the Children
Everybody Welcome
A Reward for Those
Who Go To Cut lie it
War Savings Director Ward M. Bui
guss. Committees will bollcit eacli m
dividual to join a War Savings SoeicU .
All loyal citizens will accordingly tie
vote as much time as possible to assist
lug in this work of organizing War
Savings Sooleties. Volunteer for sot-
vice. Rout. D.ymeiibli., Mii.oi.
Strange, Isn't It?
Evidence plies up mountain high
that America was the apex of Git
inuny'a ambition nd tho object of her
designs; but nfter she begBti the light,
sunk our ships, murdered our citizens
and announced a war" of extermina
tion of every American ship that dau"l
to cross tho soa, sho tluows up lui
hands In blank astonishment and cai -not
see why America entered the wai
Moihnit. Heduction refused on Lots
7-9 Blk 2 Hed Cloud, after hearing
complaint of Mrs. J. E. Ryan. Re
duction of G00 actual value on E.l
S.W.J 4-1-0 on complaint of Jas.
B ram well.
Boaul adjourned to call of cleik.
Going to Colorado
Chief Ads Pay You
Getting Things Mixed
The new girl in the counting roo.i.
of a dally newspaper was from the
country. An eldeily gentleman walk
ed up to her and said, "I would ldo
to get copies of your paper for a week
back." Sho replied, "Auntie has one
too; you had hotter tty pot ous plasters.
You can got them Just across the
II. E. Feiirn a native son of Nobias
kn, who has resblod near Inavale for
many years, wis a pleasant caller at
tho Chief ollluc Monday. Ills parents
were among the early settlers of this
sectlon,being beie when tho only
store was in a log building and man
aged by Sam Garber. At one time in
its hlstoty the Chief was edttcljnnd
published by D. Lutz, stepfather to
Mr. Fertin. Tills paper Jwas"at that
time located in what was known as tho
Moranvlllc building.
As lie grew up Mr. Penni' becatno a
carpenter but for the pist six, 'or; eight
years has followedjfarmltig.
Ho goes to Colorado Ifor tho benellt
of his health, being advised that the
higher altitude will prove beneficial.
j Ills family tiocoinpanlelilnr, all going
July. A by auto nnd travelling byj easy stages
ot Tied, until -tlWy lludlVultable location for
We cater to the class of shoppers that is ncr.ustom
.. ed to securing satisfaction and who know
when they secure it.
That is why our customers are so ready to rec
commend us as a place to trade.
Hurrah for the Fouith of
grand military celebration
Qloud, Get it on your map. and raako continultigHhe stiiritflluelof work-as at
preparations to spaud the day with us. ' Inavale. The best wishes of a host of
You'll bo made welcome and happy. j friends go with them.
Open Day and Night
Powell & Pope
Show the "Chief' to Your Neighbor