The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 13, 1918, Image 7

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1 American Infantrymen In Frnnuu ontiiiliilni? to tuko their places at Hie tlKhtliiK front. 1 Survivors of
the schooner I-Mwnril II. Cole, one of the victims of the ruhmarlne that rallied American waters, it Airplane
photograph of a French hospital on tho neur Solssons, showing; Its ltetl Ciosmn clearly on the roofs anil
the Rround.
German Submarine Raid in Our
Waters Fails to Terrorize
American Nation.
Splendid Work of Yankee Troops In
Halting Hun Drive at the Marne
Enemy's Losses are Appalling
Renewal of Offensive Is
Germany's utter Inability to under
stand the spirit of the nations that
oppose her was never better shown
'than In the rnlds made on American
shipping In American waters by sub
marines. Their purpose could only be
to terrorize the United States nnd thus
check the How of men and munitions
to France. Their result, If Germany
but knew It, could only be to Inspire
the nation to continue tho sendlriK of
Its armies across with uninterrupted
speed and In every other way to do
whnt Is necessary to win the war. The
net loss to America is tho sinking of a
dozen sailing vessels and two or three
ntcnmshlps; the net gain Is a renewed
determination to whip the Hun, and a
large Increase In tho number of enlist
ments for the navy.
Germnny attempted to terrorize Eng
land by Zeppelin talds on London, and
tho Englishmen merely turned out
their lights nnd rushed by thousands
to tho recruiting olllces. She tried to
terrorize Franco by bombarding Paris
with tho "mlraclo gun," nnd the
, Frenchmen gritted their teeth and
Bworo to light to tho tlnlsh. Now she
has tried to Intimidate tho Americans,
und nguin she has failed miserably. In
truth, the German policy of frlghtful
neas has been a failure everywhere
und from the beginning. Even muti
lated and ravished Belgium still stands
unafraid and steadfast to the cause
of decency and righteousness.
The uppeuranco of the submarine or
submarines their number is not
known off tho New Jersey coast nut
urally revived tho tnlk of the existence
of U-bout bases on the Mexican coust.
This Is oillclnlly discredited by our
navy department, though there Is little
doubt that Carrnnza and his crew
would so assist Germany If they
could. Their behavior and known pre
dilections uro not such as to delude
anyone Into belief in their neutrality.
However, there was evidence that the
raiding submarines had come direct
from Germany, and us they have been
out some time, they probably will soon
New York city Indulged Itself In n
smnll scure over the chance that It
might he bombed by an uirplnue car
ried by tho U-bouts. There was llttlo
(lunger of this, for a piano would take
up too much space on tho submarine,
and moreover after n raid would bo
compelled to return to the vessel, thus
revealing Its location to tho naval craft
that have been swarming the Atlantic
coast waters looking for it. The sub
marine Is driven by Diesel engines that
glvo It n wide radius, and curries guns
with which It might shell const cities.
Probably there will bo more of these
raids in the near future, but they must
bo nccepted us Incidents of tho grout
war In which wo are engaged really
smnll Incidents thut can hnve no In
fluence on tho outcome of tho struggle.
Some of them uro likely to ho directed
ngulnst our troop transports, but this
need cause little alarm becauso of tho
perfection of tho convoy system. To
Kuurd the coast against attacks Secre
tary linker bus asked congress for
510,000,000 for establishing balloon and
seaplane stations, thirteen on the At
lantic und three on the gulf.
over In Franco the kaiser's third
pretentious drive of tho year camo to
u halt, at least for tho time being, at
the Murne, tho Ourci valley and tho
Olse. Early In the week severul at
tempts to cross tho Murno were re
pulsed with sevens losses. In these ac
tions American machine gunners sup
ported by French Infantry took u prom
inent part and won the warm praise
of the French and Ilrltlh b. their gal
lantry nnd vulor us well as by their ex
cellent marksmanship. The Americans
were called on to hold a bridge head
near Chateau Thierry Immediately on
their arrival after thirty hours on the
road In motortrucks. They took up
their positions (illicitly und slaughtered
the Huns who tried to cross. Under
cover of this lire Yankee engineers
successfully dynamited the bridges,
nnd tho machine gunners have since
held tho south hank and repulsed all
attempts of tho Germans to build new
bridges. It Is reported tho Americans
killed about 1,000 Germans at the
bridge head, having themselves only
one man killed and u few wounded.
In thcNeullly wood, northwest of
Chateau Thierry, tho American Infan
try hud their cliunce, and three times
they drove buck despernte attacks of
tho Huns, their rlllo lire being deadly.
On the third assault they met the Ger
mans In the open nnd put them to
rout with the bayonet.
In what may be called their own
sector, In the Lunevlllo region, tho
Americans carried out some highly
successful operations.
The allies frankly admit that they
nrc counting on the United States
troops to save the day, and the tests
to which the Yankcs have been sub
mitted show the trust of tho lirltlsh
und French Is not misplaced.
Fulling to make further progress
southward, tho Germans turned the
main force of their attacks on the
western front of their salient, between
the Alsne and tho Murne. Here they
found any advance still more dUHctilt,
and Indeed at many points they were
driven back some distance by tho Im
petuous attacks of General Foch's
troops. In that region the dense for
ests of Vllllers-Cottnrets nnd Neullly
offer the best of defensive positions for
the allies, enabling them to move nnd
concentrate their forces unseen by tho
enemy nvlutors. The allied urtlllcry,
too, has been brought up with remark
able speed und Is pouting a devastat
ing flro Into the Germans from well
selected positions day and night. Along
the line from the Mnrne northeustwurd
to Helms the allied lino wns holding
strongly, und the ancient cathedral city
was still, rather unexpectedly, In the
possession of tho British.
The Germans mnde no clulnis to defi
nite advances during tho week, uud
their losses were growing so appalling
that government olllclals In Berlin felt
It necessary to speak of them apolo
getically, asking the people to consider
the magnitude of the operations and
of tho stake.
Townrd the end of the week there
were signs thnt Von Illndenburg wuh
preparing for n renewal of the drive
on another part of the line, possibly
In tho Amiens sector, but tho allied
nillltnry authorities expressed satisfac
tion with tho situation and confidence
In their ability to meet any new at
tacks. IBI
The Gcrmnn press wns nlmost n
unit lust week In Its culls for a peace
offensive, but the papers and the fac
tions they represent were as fur apart
as ever on the question of what Ger
many should state as her pence nlms.
The radical press still Insists on the
no annexation nnd noIndemnlty pro
gram, while tho organs of the pan
German party blntnntly Insist that the
central powers are now In a position
to make demnnds nnd to enforce them,
and that though Germany entered the
war In 101 1 with no predatory pur
poses, It Is now entitled to take what
It desires to mnko up for Its losses
and to Insure Its future safety.
There Is no longer nny pretensions
on Germany's part of treating the
Husslnn provinces as any other than
conquered territory, Ine ireuty of
Brest-Lltovsk being now Ignored. Nei
ther is there any evidence that Ger
many Is getting nny benellt from those
lnnds, for the fool question Is still
driving tho civilian population to ins
truction; nnd In AustrluIIungury the
situation Is fnr worse.
Greuter Russia Is ucttinlly starving,
for tho soviet government can pro
cure no more food from tho Ukrulne,
and In tho Kuban und Don regions
there nro counter-revolutlonnry bauds
thnt keep things In a turmoil. The
counter-revolution plot, tho govern
ment suys, sprends throughout tho
country and In consequence Moscow
has been declared In a stnte of siege.
It Is reported the American govern
ment Is contemplating the extending
of assistance to Husslii In the way of
assembling food supplies In Siberia
and distributing them In European
In equally parlous state Is Turkey,
where famine Is widespread ami many
of the poorest people are subsisting on
chestnuts and pumpkin seeds. In
some districts the troops have de
stroyed the crops though they them
selves ure on mighty short rations.
Only the olllcers nro well fed. With
these food conditions, the steady ad
vance of the British In Palestine and
Mesopotamia and the growing strength
of tho Arab forces, there are evidences
of the approaching break up of the
Turkish empire. It has got nothing
yet for nil Its efforts except 'certain oil
districts ceded by Hussiu under com
pulsion, anil the possesesion of these
Is threntened by the northward move
ments of the British expeditions.
The Italians kept on hitting hard nl
the Austro-I Bulgarian forces along tho
Plave line, and they henrd undisturbed
of the massing of thirty enemy di
visions nt three points on that front
for u resumption of tho drive toward
the plains. The Itnllnn army Is now
In better condition thnn ever before
nnd, with the help of the Americans,
British and French, can bo relied on
to stop tho expected offensive.
The supremo war conference of the
allies at Versailles expressed Its com
plete confidence In tho ultimate defeat
of the central powers and declared tho
allied noople nro "resolute not to sac
rlflco u single one of tho free nations
of the world to the despotism of Ber
lin." The premiers of Grent Britain,
Franco and Italy agreed on the crea
tion of u united Independent Polish
stnte with free nccess to the sea as one
of the conditions of n just peace, and
adhered to tho declaration of Secre
tary Lansing expressing sympnthy with'
tin national aspirations of the Czechs
nnd .Tugo-Slnvs. This tnenns, If it
means nnythlng, thnt Emperor Charles
lias lost his lust chance to rctnln his
empire entire by breaking nwny from
Germany. It foretells the dismember
ment of Austrl"-Hungnry when peace
Is mnde, If not at nn curlier diitc.
In tho United States tho U-bont raid
served to Impress the people with the
pressing need of the conservation of
wheat nnd sugnr, cspeclully. Tho
former must be sent ncross the ocean
In Increasing quantities us our forces
there grow rapidly greater; and sugar
cannot be bought from Cuba becnuso
we must use nil nvnlluble shipping for
the transportation of troops nnd mu
nitions to Europe.
The fuel ndmlnlstrntlon devoted Its
energies Inst week to urging the people
to order their next winter's supplies
of conl nt once. There has been wide
spread complnlnt that the retailers
canot fill orders, but Doctor GnrlleliJ
says that orders now, whether or not
they are filled soon, will do much to
stimulate production. There Is plenty
of coal If only It can bo got out of
tho ground and If the rnllroad admin
istration will llntl some way of sup
plying enough curs. The shortage of
cars ronlly Is at tho bottom of the
whole trouble nnd will be to blnme If
the predicted conl famine
next winter.
The Semite's attempt to stop tho
innniifncturo of beer nnd wlno by
means of nn amendment to the emer
gency agricultural bill was blocked by
tho ndmlnlstrntlon Inst week. Food Ad
ministrator Hoover opposed It bocuuso
he believed It would put the nation on
n "whisky, brnndy nnd gin" basis with
attendant evils fur outweighing tho
small food savings thnt would result.
President Wilson hud told Senutor
Sheppnrd he would not forbid tho use
of foodstuffs In beer and wine unless
Mr. Hoover regarded such n step nec
essary. Tho senate thereforo receded
from Its position.
The week saw tho registering of
about a million young Americans who
hnve become twenty-ono yenrs of age
slnco lust spring; nnd this registra
tion probably will bo repeated about
once In three months. Provost Mur
shul General Crowder sent to the gov
ernors of all tho states except Arizona
orders for the moblllzntlon of 200,000
more registrants between June 21 and
28, and 40,000 negroes were called
from twenty states.
Occupant of Next Room Finds
Him Stretched Out Like
New n, X. J. Ho fdiimberod deep
ly nn-' ..udly In his room at tho Wald
mere - .nl. After u little a clgurettc
butt i it he hud dropped Igtilled the
inutti s. He continued to nloop, while
little lines run ulong Its edge und
tin r ,i filled with smoke.
Tin nan In the next room begun tc
choki ml traced the lire to the doot
of lb- -lumberer. He entered to lint
ho i 'tress ullro, with Its occupiinl
Entered to Find the Mattress Afli
stretched culm and still like Brun
hilda mi her pyre only Bninhllda did
not snore.
The Intruder picked up the pitcher
nnd emptied Its contents on tho mod
ern Hip Van Winkle, who stirred, mut
tered drowsily, und slept again. Tho
flro was out, to nil nppeurunces, and
the reseuer left, pursued by the snores
of tho rescued.
Five hours Inter the man In the next
room appealed to the management.
"He's ntlro again," ho complained,
"nnd I cun't wake him up."
It took two strong men to rouse him
suillsyently for Thin to slide off thf
bvrnlng mattress.
San Francisco. A long hug by
n pretty girl cost Charles Stuul
ters, of this city, .$1.10, and the
fact thnt the young woman was
henutlful does not console him
In tho least. Smulters told the
police thnt he wns walking down
tho street when the "fulr young
thing" threw her urms about his
neck babbling terms of endear
ment with vehemence. Smulters
struggled n half block before he
could break frohi her embrace.
Then ho discovered thut his
wallet wns missing.
Georgia Woman Treated to 8ensatlor
When She Meets Him In At
lanta. Atlnntn, Gn. All the sensntlons ns
soplnted with tho miracles of oldon
times hnve been experienced by Mrs
Bnsa Hollcy Whitehead of Atlnntn,
who recently attended, us she thought
the funeral of her son, Aubrey White
head In Louisville, Ky. After the cere
monies Mrs. Whitehead returned to At
liintii and met her son, who Is In per
fect health. The cause of the curious
nilstako wns tho result of n remnrk
made by Aubrey, which was overheard
thnt he "would end It nil In the river."
The body of n mnn wns found In the
Ohio river nnd young Whltehend dis
appeared. There was great resemb
Inii' e In the body to young Whltehend
A Louisville undertaker Is wonderlnfi
wIhi Is going to pny for the expensive
Detroit Defendant, After Demonstrat
Inn a Crap Game, Is Con
victed. Detroit, Mich. While n court nnd n
Jury looked on nnd snnctloned the net
n rnl old-fnshlontM crnp game took
place In the courtroom here.
After somo of the Jurors had startled
the (ourt by admitting they had novel
seen a crnp game. Alfred Frank, a ne
gro, who wns tho defendant In the
ense nn trlnl, wns called on to demon
strate "rolling the bones."
"Now, 'talk to 'em,' ns you did the
night of tho murder," the court or
dered, and Frank obeyed. It wns one
of tho names given tho dlco that lod
to the shooting of Charles Powell, an
other negro. Frank was found gulltj
of the crime.
!i V,t:lfaJitrrr7
Mexican Poses as Fair Cloali
Model and Dupes Many
Mcmentoca of Conquests Held by
"Gertrude," Who Finds Dulld
Better Fitted for Feminine
Than Masculino Robes.
El Paso, Tev. The most remnrknhle
ense of masquerading on record Is thai
credited to "Geiiruile" Gnrclu, twenty
three years old und of Mexican par
outage, who successfully gulled de
partment tunnngors of" San Francisco
El Paso, Tex., und other cities; be
gulled scores of lovers; linodwlnkor
the police uud even posed us a clonli
model In exclusive women's establish
incuts, demonstrating how easy It It
for clothes to make the woman.
But "Gertrude" fulled to fool one
mnn, Immigration Inspector E. M. Mar
noil, on duty nt tho Interiiatlonii
bridge nt El Paso, when he attempted
to come ncross the American houudury
from Juurez with u passport signed
"Murlu" Ourclu. A dazzling frock
high-heeled shoes, tho lntcst twist It
coiffures, penciled brows, Jet our pond
nuts and n stray dimple were not suf
flclent "cnmnullngo" to fool the keen
eyed Inspector, nnd "Gertrude" nnd twe
of her latest admirers and dupes were
turned buck.
Garcla's Amazing Dual Life.
The exposure brought to light tin
umnzlng dual llfo led by Gennbelm Gar
cla, born In Zncuteens, Mex., who first
entered tho United States In the guise
of a woman In 11)15, nccompanled by n
mail who posed as hor husband. Gnr
cla's fnce Is ns smooth ns u child's. II
never hns known n razor. Ills liubltH
physiognomy, deportment and nppenr
nnce arc those of a woman. Ills luindi
are small and tapering nnd ho wnlki
with n feminine stride, due probnblj
to tho constant wenrlng of high-heeled
Bhoes, exumlnlng physicians state.
"It will bo dllllcult for 'Gertrude' tc
make a living a a man," wns tho ro
port of Immigration servlco physicians
"because of the peculiar miinnerlsmi
"Gertrude" Failed to Fool One Man
and feminine characteristics which lib
constant pose ns a woman for ninnj
years have developed to it marked do
gree." Ills hair, widen ho wears like t
woman, extends far below tho wulst
when taken down. It never bus beer
Mexican Had Many Admirers.
Trunks which Gnrcla attempted t
get across tho Mexican border at tin
tlmo ho was apprehended contuiuec
quantities of feminine attire. Thej
nlso contained pictures of many men
who, Garcia explained with n smllo
had been udmlrers of his and win
never hud penetrated his disguise
Garcia told the Immigration olllcluli
that ninny of his conquests were nindi
while ho wns posing us a clonk uiodo
In shops nt El Paso, San Diego nn
Sun Francisco.
Yellow-Feathered Songster Escapes li
City From Cane and Falls
Prey to Hawk.
San Francisco. A Chinese womni
nnd her three llttlo children enim
miirchlng proudly up Kenrny etreel
They cnrrlod n cugo nnd n canary.
At Commercial street tho door o:
tho cago came open nnd the bird flew
out. It lighted on u wire overhead
Pedestrians guNiered around am
helped tho woman and tho chlldrci
try to conx It down.
Tho ennury hopped nbout nnd deflce
them for a while. Then all of a mid
den It fluttered down toward the wnlk
But It wns not quick enough. Bcfori
It alighted a spurrow hawk swoope
down from somewhere nnd grabbed It
There was a squeak nnd a flutter ol
wings almost within reach of tho peo
plo on tho sidewalk. Then the hnwl
with Its prey flew down Commorcla
street and wns gone.
ITavo you ever stopped to reason why
it in thnt o many ptmlucts thnt arc ex
tensively nilvcrtiHod, all at onco drop out
of difjlit and nro noon forgotten? Tho
reason Ih plain thn nrticle did not fulfil
the protnlrvA of the manufacturer. Thin
npplies more particularly to a medicine.
A prcpntntion that has reil
curntixe value almost soil Itself, ns lllco
an enille-s ehain system the temeily Is
rpcnintiieiiileil by tlioic who have been
benefited, to tlio-o who arc in need of it.
A piomineiil drtiRuist snys, "Take for
example Dr, Kilmer's Swamp-Boot, a
preparation l lm0 xold for many years
and never lic-nlnto to recommend, for In
almost every case it miows excellent re
suits, ns in -my of mv cuslntiiriN testify.
No other Ulnev temeily that I know of
has so large a sale "
According to sworn statements and
verified teliinony of thousand who have
iwd the prcpatatuui, the success of Dr.
Kilmers' Swampltooi h due to the fact
that, so many people claim, it fulfil al
most every wish in ovcicomiiig kidney,
liver and bladder nilmeuts, conects ur
inary troubles nnd neutralises the urio
acid which cauiei rliuuimtism.
You may receive n sample bullle of
Swamp-Itoot by Parcel Pont. Address
Dr. Kilmer &. Co., Hinghaniton, X. V and
enclose ten cents; nNo mention this paper.
Large and medium sizo bottles for Balo
at all drug stores. Adv.
They Had Retired.
Dr. Hlllson Browning said In nn ad
dress before the antlgnnihllng leuguo
of Duliilh:
"It's Impossible to speak a good
word for gambling except In Jest.
"One of my addresses wns Interrupt
ed on a certain evening by a chap who
yelled :
" 'Don't knock gnudilln' so hard, doc.
I know three men In this town who
hnve retired, thanks to ganibllnV
" 'What's their address?' I demanded
"'Corner of State street and Well
ington avenue!' yelled the chap.
"The whole audience then burst out
laughing, for that was tho address of
the local nlmshousc."
Now Is tks Tub to Get Rid of Tnue Ugly Spots
Thero'i no longer thn slightest need of ftellDf
illumed of your fncklr-t, in OUilne double.
strength Is fusrintecd to remoto tlicso bomelr
Blmply set in ounce of Othlne dcmbl
Itrength from your tlrugglit, tnd apply a llttlo
of It night and morning and you should loon too
that area tho wont freckles bare begun to dis
appear, while the lighter ones bare Tanlabcd en
tirely. It Is seldom that more than one ounce
Is needed to completely clear tho skin and gala
beautiful clear complexion.
Bo sure to ink for the double atrrngth Othlne,
s this la sold under gunrtnlee of money back
If It falls to remoro freckles. Adr.
Its Sort.
"Ilnvo you been following tho nowi
from Plmllco this week?"
"Yes; It makes racy reading."
Aerial Post
"IIow did you send your fugitive
"Naturally, In tho flying mull."
trtth. rtlUblei
Irettfrn stock
tn-n. becuue thtv
rsliet Mhireaihtr
IS) .,,.. . vsmwio fail.
tr 2Vritt " booklet MdtCTdmonWi.
If 10-e'ottpkg.llKkli(Pmi, t.l
OWaia i.g. BltcUii rills. S4.00
Vh ut lilectof, but Cutter! ilnplnt lid rrtrafttt.
The wptrlorltr ol Cuttcf product U dua to orer IS
ytn ol tpecUlliliK la vaccines and sisums
ordtr direct. fc M
nt nttw iMtriwr, Nnwr, m. w mag, m.
SoapgOc. Ointment 2fl and 00c.
100 Per Cent on
100 Intereat on Liberty Bonds and War Bating;
Btimpn poislble. We want 1250,000 worth at
face value In denominations of ISO and up
warda, NO LIMIT. Write quick what you have.
Sratta 200 Elks Bldg. Brownwood, Texas
Bar Land Unilor tlio Ntan find Strip
In marvclona l'ralrlu Co., Kastera Man
Utnu. forms, lianctifs.snd WbuloialeTractit
IlMt of Soil, Ooal. Good Water and IJrlnf
Springs. We own and control nliitweoffor.ara
ootaajndlcato. Can savo and make jou monor.
Itvron Mnbon, Her. Terry, Mont.
Kill All Files! ME
Plvd uijwber, Daley Fly KMrttrfcctj and kill
allOlM. Net,clen.orrifcmeDUl,conTnlentndciiMp.
LaUU aVll Mom, MM
f iUL eu't Dill or
f Injur aurtittoc. Ouxrav
fM4tffcllv Atkfor
' Un ctVftri will tutt tall m
Onlay Fly Klllor
aold by driltri. r S m1
)r iprM. pr.pud. 11,00.
. tAfcKfcst'S M
A toilet prtparatlon ot mtrlL
nilpa to eradicate dandrott.
For Rattorin Color and
Baautr toGrar or Fadad Hair.
600. and SI W at DruirrKH.
This Is Colorado Year oVrM?
vanolni rapldlr. I have farms, ranches, raw land
cheap, aalo or trade, u. n, oiik.ri, u;.., m.iu, c.u.
Ford Owners Attention!
Ever-Tyte Ford
tup all carbon deposits and
fouled spark plugs.
Increase compression and speed
nt aiTuu ii bisoLui no oil
Guaranteed to do tbe work or
your money back.
Hna-TTTES made In all sties for
auto, traotor and gaioltno engine.
Aak jonr n aires! dealer or write
the rnxTKBT ruTOit Mis co.irjurr
Dafirtaotr. ST.L0C13.N&
i ii' i jaa tiii t ami
ABaViESEaataSMal I
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 24-1018.