The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 13, 1918, Image 5

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Our Mono-Cleanliness, Quality, Service, Price
Folgers Coffees, Teas, Extracts and Spices .
Frontier and Acropolis Canned Goods
Itens Crackers and Cookies p.,n.d
Lowneys Chocolates
:j Hastings Bread Fresh Daily
: Highest Prices Paid for Your Produce
:i Cash or Trade :
l Give us a chance to supply your want. Your ;
trade appreciated. Courteous treatment to all. J
Rest room in store come in :
S and make yourself at home. -
Rev. J. L. Bcebc and daughter went
to Omaha Friday.
A. T. Walker left on a business trip
to Lincoln, Saturday.
Miss Violet Zeiss is attending busi
ness college ut Lincoln.
Dr. and Mrs. Stockman were Satur
day visitors at Hastings.
Mrs. Barker and family have remov
ed to Marshalltown, Iowa.
Eyes tested, glasses fitted. J. C.
.Mitchell, the Jeweler.
Miss Elsie Miksch is visiting friends
in Ft llieley and .Seneca, Kansas.
Farmers' Union meeting at Kellogg
Hall every Thursday night at 8:30. tf
Mrs. A. Letson has gone to Oakland,
Cali., for a visit with her son, William
Miss Margaret Fogel lias gone to
join her parents in their new home at
Eatonville, Wash.
Word is received that J. E. Hutchius
son of Mr. aud Mrs. John Hutchius of
Cowles, is en route for Frauce.
Coming to the Orpheuin July .'lid
and If h, "The Kniser," n bigger at
traction than the "Itirth of a Natioir."
It. S. Godfrey has accepted a posi
tion at Ravanua. lie left Saturday to
report for duty. The family will fol
low later.
MiSs Teresa Gavin who has spent
the past two m6nths vllG' h'cV Ulster,1
Mrs. M. K. Quigley, returned to Her
home in Denver Saturday eveniug.
Miss 0. M. Johnson touring from
Weekawken, N. J. to California points,
stopped here and was a week-end
guest of her friend, Mrs. F. T.Wells.
U. R. Rakestrawof llladen, says he
is a democrat. He talks like a demo,
crat, looks like a democrat, and we be
lieve he is a democrat not withstand
ing some report to the contrary.
Messrs Powell a- 1'opo keeping right
up to the times have installed an at
tractive electiic lighting outfit in their
cafe windows. See the lights sliiuo and
go in and cut. Kd (Surlier did the
K. U. Mawson's petition for permis
sion to raise the price of ice was grant
ed by the County Council ot Defenso
.Mr. Slawson presented evidence show
ing clearly that increased cost of pro
duction jiistillod the advance of 10
cents per hundred which was asked
for and granted.
Mrs. Arthur Nelson visited in Eas'
ings Saturday.
Ellery Hooper has gone to Chamber
lain, South Dakota.
John Throne has returned to his
home in Shenandoah.
Miss X. Hummel went to Superior
Monday to visit relatives.
Good meals good 6ervicc moderate
prices Powell & Pope's cafe.
Gus Hauserman of Alma, was visit
ing friends in Red Cloud Sunday.
G. K. McCrary, cashier of the Rank
of iuavalc, was a Red Cloud visitor
A. B. Elder and family and Miss
Mildred Hayes nutocd down from
Riverton Wednesday.
Harness repairing and half-solcing'
in basement under Ege's store. P. L.
Hanskn. 20tf
Mrs. A. It. Eldred and children and
Mrs. John Elder spent the day Wed.
nesday with Mrs. Charles Eugstrom in
Red Cloud.
Carl McArthur, engaged in electric
wiring at Riverton, under contract of
Ed Garper, of this city, was home for
the week-end. His work is nearer
home this week so that he gets in even
ings. K. M. Ego has swung a brilliant new
electric light sign above the Euclid ica
cream parlor. Oue of the features of
this addition to his business is the
fact that Mr. Ege constructed and put
it up himself.
, County Chairman. .Attorney P. .J.
Miindayt)o't,hQ,fi-Minutc Men organ
ization announces as speakers between
reels at the drpneum Friday night,
June 14th, E. G. Caldwell; Saturday
June 15 Rev. J. L. Beebe.
An ice was held Friday
evening at the Len Wilmot home,
south west of the city for the purpose
of organizing a Red Cross auxiliary.
The "Chief" regrets that this item jr
rived by mail too late for an advance
E. .1. Overlng, ono of the 1-minute
men, addressed the huge audience as
sembled at the Orpheuin Suturd y
night ids topic being "Dangers to
America" and judging from the ap
plause that greeted his brief remarks
it is evident that Red (Moud stands
high in patriotism.
Kenneth Wilson, formerly ussis'ant
in the Webster County Hank, and
Raymond Turnure, )ii of Mr.
and Mrs. F. G. Turnure, passed
through Red Cloud this morning on
troop train eurnute fiom Ft. Logan,
Colo., to Ft Riley. Both these young
men enlisted in the Artillery.
Orpheum Program
Charles Ray in a Paramount 5 Reel Special
"His Mother's Boy"
Admission 6c and 17c
Roscoe Arbucklc in 2 Reels
"The Bell Boy"
1 Travelogue-1 Picturegraph-1 Bray Cartoon
A Paramount Special Program
Matinee 3:00, 6c and lie Night 8:00, lie and 17c
Harold Moranvillc has enlisted in
the coast artillery.
The City Council has ordered the
purchase of a new switchboard,
Mayor Damercll returned Wcdnes-
from n business trip to Kttisas.
Monday Sheriff Buffer made a trip
to Inglesldei having in charge Anna
P. 2A. Wullbrandt, the popolar
grocer, went to Hastings Tuesday on
Mr. and Mrs. J. 1! .Wistqnrver are
entertaining their , daughter, Mrs.
llruce Payne and children, .
Today marks the COth anniversary of
the Cowden-Kaley Clothing company's
business career in Red Cloud.
Mr. R. B. Wixon, representing the
Carpenter Paper Co., was In Red Cloud
today, looking after business interests.
Oliver Anderson, who was picked up
at Guide Rock bcveral n onths ago,
was taken to Inglesido Tuesday by
Sheriff H utter.
Mr. S E Upson or Bristol, Wis . and
Mr-. Mary .1. Marsh from Washburn,
Wis , brother and sister of Mrs. L. M.
Stouebienker, ate visiting relatives in
the city.
Messers Garber and Stevens, elec
tricians, ate engaged together oti the
contract for connecting the city power
with the Inarale aud Riverton Light
and Power Company Hues.
11. S. Foe and C H. Miner attended
convention of War Savings chairmen
and directors, held in Hastings Wed
nesday. Plans were formulated for the
organization of War Savings Societies
in the county.
C. A. Herrick, county adjuster for
State Hail Insurance, tins to the pres
ent time made llvo settlements rim
ing troin 10 to 100 per cent on losses.
The farmers express entire satisfac
tion in the adjustments.
Stray mulo came on my farm. 3 miles
south and 7 mi'es east of Red Cloud,
June 7th. Owner can have same by
proving property and paying expense,
Including this notice.--Omkii Cnow
Paul McDowell in the employ of the
Independent Telephone Co. had the
misfortune to step on an upturned
nail Tuesday, inllicting a puncture
severe enough to necessitate discon
tinuance of work.
Miss Ethel Waller, who has been the
guest of her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Bailey, and also an honored
visitor at the Chief, ofllce, returned to
her home at Cowles Monday. Miss
Mabel Bailey accompanied her for a
short visit. Among otner accomplish
meuts Miss Waller is quite an adept
in the art preservative of all arts.
James Hubatka of Bladen, was a
welcome visitor at the Chief olllice
Tuesday. Mr. Hubatka recently re
turned from Oklahoma, having been
called to the south by the death of his
nephew Win. Hubatka, a soldier Bt
Camp Donohoe, who contracted paeu
inonia and had been ill for some time.
Canning School
A canning School will be held at the
high school building June 17 and 18.
Each person planning to attend the
school should report to Miss Pearl
Pope, Independent phono 7(1, Friday,
June Uth, stating whether slio will
bring vegetables or want Mis- Pope to
provide them. A fee will ho charged
to cover cost of heat and vegetables,
if provided.
Students should bring the following
Apron ' Large Kettles
Hand Towel !i pie tins
Dish towel and I square cheese
cloth cloth
Xoto Boole 1 tea. spoon
Pencil .1 pint jars with rubbers, etc
Help in Harvest
i'o help fie farmers in harvest the
Board of Directors of the Red Cloud
Chamber of Commerce met iu extra
session Monday evening and complet
ed arrangements to co-operate with
the farmers of Nebraska and Kansas
in territory tributary to Red Cloud in
harvesting their wheat crop.
A committoe was appointed con
slsting of F. W. Cowdon, W. (J. Hamil
ton and R. P. Weesner, to npk volun
teer scrvico of all ablebodied men,
from 1.1 to CO years old, to assist to the
best of their ability in the work. Tho
committee reports that already over
100 men havo signed to work and that
thoro will piobably bo GO to lOo more
added during the wcok.
Anyone- who has been overlooked
will give his namo to the committee
so that they may place him in lino for
work on some farm.
Farmers needing help will leave
their names, together with tho num
ber of men needed, with tlo secretary
of tho club, Mr. Frank W Cowdcn
who will do his utmost to secure thenfl
the help needed.
Hvcrynuu who can, is asked to voluu
tcer In tills great wotk.
People owning cars arc also asked to
oiler their services iu helping to get
these men to thulr places of 'employ
ment. F. W. Cow in.N, Soc'y,
Red Cloud Chamber of Commerce.
Verlin Taylor Wounded
At ten o'clock Tuesday evening Mis
vZellil TAvlhr ri'n.tri.'l n Wn nnn..
j&C'.t niessogo convoylug news that
hn. 1. . It -I. ...
!- "loiiier ernn iihu ueen severely
wo. uded. This is bringing the war
wo-e home for Verlin (familiarly
Known as lllll) Taylor, is of Red Cloud's
best young manhood. ,
The iitstirnnce that from time to
tiuit advice wpnld Hjc sent as to his
con 'ittfm is toko looe to his rela
Iu., and the ua'tlro immunity joins
in the hope will follow
bad rr v-
' U enlisted in May, 1017. and in July
vfPM to France. H had served at thp
frou and just recently returned to the
umg lines.
in i ;
a v
To Purchase Sprayers
a meeting of the Woman's Coin
of the Council of Defense, Rev.
ml was instructed to purchase
er not to exceed SW.CO, for the
l gardens, aud for the use of any
'm desites to use them. Tlice
-is aro used Iu combating the
'" bug, and other insects which
ys garden vegetation,
'ugh tho efforts of the members
'ie men's council wo expect to have
itnunity dryer in operation before
tune for drying corn, fruits, etc.
For the Fourth of July
1 Ho Home Guards are making pre
parations for a rousing Fourth of July
celt-bintion in Red Cloud. It is to be
of the "safo and sane" variety good
speaking, Home Guard drill in which
companies from other towns will have
a part, a big dance, merry-go-round,
Feins wheel, refreshment booths, etc.
Fu! letails will be given as the plans
are untured. Meanwhile make ar
rangements to spend your Fourth in
Rid flood and enjoy a big day.
For Special Training
The men selected to till the county
quota for special training at tho State
University, Lincoln, arc ns follows:
J unies M. Arnold, Blue Hill.
Wn.tcr C. Robinson, Bladen.
S. V. Andeison, Bladen.
Frank M. Delehoy, Blue Hill.
Russel O. AniBck, Red Cloud.
Puul McDowell, Red Cloud.
They will lcavo tomorrow evening
on train No. 17.
Dr. Mitchell's Office
By special invitation tho writer was
perm tted to visit this otllco Saturday
and sec, by means of tho marvelous
X-Riiy, how a man looks inside My
partner, Mr. Juigley, did the posing,
the primary object of which was to
locate the stray bullet that came so
ncarlbeing fatal to him. The bullet
was plainly discerned, lodged iu the
bone just bb'pve the hip on the right
side, immovable aud unlikely to be of
Htiy barm Jt is, moreover, in such a
position that should occasion arise
it may be extracted with little difficulty
All of which is good news that will be
very pleasing to "QiilgV many friends.
Incidental to this the experience of
actually seeing a man's heart beating;
seelhg other interior organs, was
wonderfully edifying.
Dr. Mitchell's new office is positively
one of the most complete in fitting?,
unfit nnd appliances, that could bo
asked or expected. It is in truth n
wi itabic little hospital leady for any
iiiergency in the "first aid" lino. Add
i i iu for the accommodation of many
I itients and it would truly bo a nio 1-
in hospital u
Public Welfare Meetings
u unusually interesting and very
important program Is piomlsed fo
Red Cloud lorn period cxtendinir ore
three days, beginning witli a mass
meeting for men at the Orpheuin nex
Sunday afternoon nnd closinu with i
general community mass meeting on
Tuesday night iu tlioMethodlstchnrch.
This is in accordance with plans made
lust Saturday when Wilbert Miller,
business mnnagerof the Nationnl Pub
lic Welfare League, with headquarters
in Kansas City, met and dlscussad tho
matter of Public Welfare and Sooial
Service with the ministers and others
Sundav, June Itlth, at the Orpheuin
: 00 p. m. Mass meeting for .r.en.
Snl.ject, "The Other Follow."
i- 0 p. in. I'niou Mass Meeting
Sut jfcst, "Community Salvation."
linday,.IuiMj 17th. Methodist church
" p. in. Subject, "Prevention,
Not Cure." Child training.
')) p. in. Subject, "The What, The
Vh and How," of a public welfare
llU II 'I
'! i osduy, June Istu Muthndist church
". i"l p. in - Subject, "Prevention.
Ni ' Cure." Child Supervision.
v i p. in.--Subject, Tho World Assot
Out National Liability."
! rduy, at 1:00 a, in., Dr. Hanson
wil. speuic in Oulde Rock witli the
elm i lies all'uniting in tho Mothodist
c'iui II, aud he will return there to
com nuo tho woik, Wednesday and
Tim, June luth nnd 20th. The
woii herds not only of local interest
but it is a part of a county campaign
which Is 6tatc wide In its scope.
You always get the very
best at our store because
QUALITY goods are the
only 'kind we sell. The
brands we carry in stock
are recognized by the
housewife as the VERY
, BEST of their kind.
Everything Fresh and Pure
Chase & Sanborns Coffees
Itens Crackers and Cookies
Batavia Jams and Spices
Sunflower Canned Goods
Lincoln Telephone
and Telegraph Co.
GEO. J. WARREN. Manager
A Great Convenience
At A Small Cost
A telephone in the home promotes
companionship and a feeling of security,
' permitting you at all times to communi
cate With'neighbors and friends, and ,,
,JW pi'jw i ; i - . " ':a' . ' . ' '
with members,, of th family who are-'
away. It should tarnish lonliness and '
j bring a sense of comfort.
You Need a
Telephone !
for shopping and for social purposes as
well as for emergency calls in case of
fire, sickness or burglary. It may not
cost as much as you think.
We solicit a share of your
patronage during ipi8
Nigger head Maitland, Canyon City and Pinnacle :
Lump on the road. Store now at May Government :
prices and be sure of good coal next winter lj
-Gellatly Go. j
Professor (Jury, who announced him
sulf as the "Champion Iiiuluranco
I'.ann Player of tho I'niverse." fur
nislicd mnsio nt the Orphcnm picture
show Monday night. Honestly we pic
fur the music of tho legiilar pSiiiiiat.
Go into Xcwhouhu'ri listen to uotnc
I-Mison records of real trained players
and blngcrs. compare them with Pro
lc6SOt1' Gray and yon'H catch tho idea
The inimitable Mary Piekford drew
a "standing-room only" crowd to tl.
bilent drama at tho Orphoum Satur
day. Among the marvel, of tliejphoto
play in that of making ono individual
personify two characters sltnultane.
ously. The lioighth of perfection in
tills art. is reached In the picture pro
sented by Managor Rctznnn Saturday