The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 06, 1918, Image 1

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3--Sifer?.-v. VS2
7,"j; i
1 rviihspapcr That Glcs The flows FIHwho WccKs Each Year For 51,50
KI2H CLOUD, X GBUjWvA, .1 t'N K li, 1!lh.
Webster County Red Cross Record
This Bank will Pay, Free of Charge,
LIBERTY BOND Interest Coupons, at
Maturity or Fifteen Days Prior Thereto
Interest Paid on
5 DEPOSITS in this bank are. PROTECTED by the
J Depositors Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska
-$- I
l Websler County Bank I
Webster County's part iu the f 100,000,000'
Stilted US ft)
S 1105 00
470 00
:joj oo
JU'i 00
01 ) 00
:ioo oo
r.jj oo
2925 00
700 00
12lr 00
Cros War Tirnl Urivc io-
Cuiilu Hook
Out Held
LI no
Walnut Ureelc
Denver Cioelt
Plciisaut Hill
Red Cloud
Stillwater 1
Uak Creek f
Elm Creek
Potsdam (lllue Hill)
Ulenwood (Uladeu)
13') 00
. 4i)0 00
430 00
ii:iri oo
hoc oo
r,-.i oo
$ 14:10 :ii
lot 00
15 10 50
871 00
Not reported.
:nr r.o
.100 (i 1
450O 25
7DG 82
l'JB'i 00
021 r.o
.178 25
453 00
lr.Dr. nr
1285 75
731 50
S 111 HI
m 00
iU 50
:hj 00
Still working
15 00
(51 03
1575 J'
(! 82
10 00
30 50
Sttll working
22 00
100 5)5
110 75
177 CO
For a good well made
House Dress
e- : wwoe tvm nt. - V V I IK
Total 813131 00
815577 00
$ 3770 74
The above figures will be a little confusing owing to the fact that Uatin
and Beaver Creek are not up to their quota It will be seen that these two
precincts will have to reach their quota to make the over subscription amount
to S2779 71 as above shown
I feel sure that this will be done as tlu people In these precincts sutoly
don't WHnt the balance of the couutv to piy whatis justly their obligation.
I whh to express inj siucere thanks t all who uoutt United to this veiy
worthy cause, and to especially thank till committeemen who so generously
gave of their time, In addition to their iy liberal contributions iu money.
I urn indeed proud to make my home iu u county of tlood Loyal Amorlcau
People. Again thanking you one uud all I atu,
Your Obedient eivant,
JAS. McDlUDi:, County Chaiinmn.
TtMe W&Ftfa Dre
ror ante by
'. y
Christian Church Program
FOR JUNE, 1918
June 2 Sammie's Day
June 9 Children's Day
June 16 Flag Day Service
June 23 Women's Day
June 30 Woodrow Wilson's Day
Drlng the Children
Everybody Welcome
A Reward for Thoso
I Who Go To Oui'iiiH
Chief Ads Pay You
News From "Mac"
There is a Difference in
.Tust as there is betwoon n piece of pure gold and Mint
containing alloy. The louses used by me uio the lluost
that can bo had. These come in the rough and are
ground until they exactly meet the requirements of your
particular eye trouble. One cannot be too Careful about
the eyes The matter of a dollar or so should not enter
into the calculation. This store refuses to ask for your
patronage by price alone the euro is '.the thing desired
by me or well as yourself. Even so, you will llnd tno
charge unusually low, taking into COUslderuUon the
It will -be to the interest of your
eyes to have them examined here
J owe lor and Optometrist
tyC. B. & Q. Watch Inspector
Friend McArthur wiites again
among Us items of interest says.
The sOth division moved fiout Camp
Funston to Camp Mill, which is about
twenty-one miles from New Yoilc City.
I was over there Tuesday acd spent
the day with my fi lends iu Co. tt. 355th
legiuietit and it teemed like old times
to bo with the gang again I wish 1
was going with them acioss the watei
liarvey IJickeisou, who was the pop
ular barber at the Meicer shop, an i '
1I-0 a member of the gang that 1
(.hummed with at home, is in Co li
and lie was glad to see nie. We had .1
good time together. ILtivey looks tin,'
111 the ouMiill suit and says he HU1
the at my life. Ho wishes that om
f 1 lend L)r Nicholson was along with
us too, ulo Russel Amide. Had .1
tHt with Major FMier, who was the
captain ot Co. li. for several nuuitli
nnd also Lieutenants Dennis, Websti 1
mid Patten and they intoriued me Urn'
Thomas-Eshelman Wedding
Miss Katharine V. Thomas and Mr.
.rute N. Hshelmau were united in
marriage Monday evening, Rev. Ira
Wugoncr, pastor of the church of the
Brethren, pet forming the ceremony nt
the home of the bride's parents in tills
Tho bride wore a handsome suit of
white satin and carried white loses;
the gioom was attlied iu conventional
Miss Maiiil. Ciisp, a visitoi from
Skidmore, Mo, was the biidesmaid, I
Suniuei Eshelmaii, a lirotlier of tho1
groom, best iaii, and Kathen Wag-'
onci, II IWl'l gill. I
Tho bride ii the daughter of County
Commi&siniiiM ami Mis. W. H. Thomas
a young 1 ul. of more than usual abili
ty and ,'itti action, 11 graduate of the
MoPlietson, Kansas, college and for
some time pist teacner ot music in the
public sch io!s
The gioom. also a McPlierson glad
- V
it seeniul like old times to huc me I uate, is the son of Mr. and Mrs
with them I staid foi dinner and a
tlieio woie no e.ttu mess kits 1 used
pie tin mid Knife and spoon 10 eat with
A soldier when hungiy can eat oil il
Htij tiling and be glad to do it. Si"
Mi Anderson's sou nud Geo. Eng
trom and "Rabe" Hunt of (hiido Rom
who operated 11 barbel shop at tli.
lattel plueo ior seveial years. The
Thomas Kslielinau, and it highly estl.
mablu youub' man
About f it ty guests, including lolu
tijes, witnessed the ceicmotiy and had
plnco at a b mutiful wedding suppet
Music was ruiuleied by Miss Gieta
IXlielman an I Messi'i II. Thotins and
X U. Rush
A lecoption was liuld Tuesday eeii-
, To cater to the class of shoppers that is accustom
ed to securing satis taction and who know
when they secure it.
That is why our customers are so ready to rec
commend us a3 a place to trade.
1 """"" "'" ---- -T 1 v 1 r ii 1 11 niimiiiw whmwotw rwir
wm, 1 mi" iiwwiwi'ir T-rrinwiiiniiiiii inn nwiim rri ininrirp mimii 11 itnn
are tilbo in Co G. The men lire slei p- "ig at the Esheliiian home and a l.ugc
number ot triends .mito iu wishing
Mr. and Mrs. Hruee Eshidiiian hiippi
ness and prospeiity 011 the voage of
life. They will, for .the picsent, mtldc
with the oiidu's paienis.
ing in tents The tegiment was fillfl
up with new men who have had virj
little training in the infantry, but
they will recolve training across the
water. Mineola, which is 1111 aviation
school and is near lieio furnishes
plenty of excitement foi tho men as
the aviators My over the camp uu
Tuesday 1 saw eight machines in the
air at one time and also an c.'poiieneet
llyer turn three complete summer
saults in the nir and then rise again
Wo 1iho had considerable rain hero
this week. Wo signed tlio piy toll
Thursday and hold mustor this morn
ing and will get paid Sunday or Mon
day. Another company of men aiej Ladies Aid meets with Sister Cable
coming soou to join us and help do Friday. Let all the mombersjbo pres
guard duty here. Wo will appreciate ent.
it as the men arc getting tired of be-1 A cordH, ,nvltnUon ls oxtonded to all
ng on duty ail tho time ana then tak t0 aUeud oup horv:.eSi
ing in tno sights at Now York and
Baptist Church Notes
Rev. Hiirnur. the pastor, returned
hquic from northern Missouil, after
I an absence of more than 11 month.
' Sot vices each Sunday as follows:
1 Sunday School at 10 A. M. Preaching
j at 11 A. M. and s P. M. Prayor Meet
ing at 8 P. M. Wedtiesday evenings.
Island without any time for
A. 11. MeAitniuit
Hy August 1st of this year Nebraska
will bo producing more than 80 per
cent of the potash producod in 'the
United States. A thousand tons a day
will be tho average production by that
Mis Uraco Harpnr returned homo
Thursday from Ualnsvllle,2Mo.
Mrs. Miner returned home Monday
from Omaha, Nebr.
J. M. Hewitt will leaveTuurstUyifor
seotts Muir, Nebr., to look Rafter
"Food is ammunltioa; ;dou't waste it,"
Open Day and Night)
Powell & Pope
Show the "Chief" to Your Neighbor