The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 30, 1918, Image 3

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LP FEED yourself;
-Nf U. S. DE
Boys Gathering the Product of Their Work, and They Are Pleased.
A half-acre Harden, If cured for prop'
i-rly, will produce far more vegetables
tlnui tlio average family can eoimimo
luring tin1 maturlnL' period of the
Drops. Only a small portion of a car
lien of this size should bo devoted to
those vegetables that inut he used as
fcoon as they reach maturity. It Is
advisable to deote the major portion
of tlio space to tho'-e crops which If
not needed at once may bo kept for
winter use. In fact, If the space is
available the garden should be planned
with the definite purpose of growing
crops for storage for winter use.
Lato beets, late cabbage, carrots, cel
ery, onions, parsnips, lato potatoes,
sweet potatoes, salsify, and late tur
nips may be stored in their natural
condition and if possible should be
Brown to tho extent of the family
needs for storage for winter u&e.
Work Garden All Season.
It Is possible In nearly all sections
of tho country to grow late beets, late
cabbage, late potatoes and turnips on
ground that has already produced a
crop of lettuce,, radishes, beans, early
peas, early potatoes, or some crop re
quiring n relatively short period for
Its maturity. Gardeners are Inclined
to neglect the opportunities for crop
production In the garden after the llrst
of the season has passed and frequent
ly space Is allowed to He Idle that
should be producing a crop of late po
tatoes, cabbage or turnips. In sections
where the season is short it Is possi
ble to plant tho late crops between the
rows of early crops before the early
Garden Should Be Kept Busy All Sea
sonPlan Given for Grouping
Various Vegetables.
tPreparcd by tho Unltc.l Suites Depart
ment of Agriculture )
Atl tho L'round In the garden should
bo kept fully occupied nil the season.
As soon ns one crop Is removed, some
thing else should take Its place. The
following grouping of vegetables will
nerve to indicate which ones may pre
cede or follow others.
Crops Occupying the Ground All the
Beans, polo Pumpkins
I'cana, polo Lima Peppers
Cucumbers Potatoes, Irish.
KsKplant real" crP
Melons Tomatoes
Okra FquiiBh
Onions, from seed Potatoes, sweet
Early Crops Which May Be Followed
by Others.
Heans, bush Pens
Bcota Potatoes, early
CatibaRC, early Ttncllsh
CarrotH Spinach
Com, early Turnips
Late Crops Which May Follow Others.
. BcotB Ca 8WCCt
Brussels sprouts Kalo
CabbaRO. lato Pcib
Cauliflower Spinach
Ceiry Turnips
In planning the garden all early-ma-tiirinir
rrons should be grouped to
gether, so that after removal tho
ground will be avallablo ns n unit for
planting something else. It Is not al
ways necessary to wait until tho crop
Is removed. Lato cabbage or sweet
corn may be plnnted between tho rows
of enrly potatoes some two or threo
weeks before the potntoos nro bar
vested. Some dissimilar crop should
fallow tho llrst crop occupying tho
ground, In order to help In the control
of Insects and diseases.
crops are romowd, thus gaining two
or three weeks' time.
I.ate potatoes may be planted on
ground from which early pea- or string
beans have been removed.
I.ato cabbage may be planted be
tween the rows of early potatoes be
fore this crop Is mature. Turnips may
be sown between the rows of late corn
and late bush beans. I.ate beets may
be planted between the rows of late
beans and will grow long after frost
has killed the beans.
Storage In the Home.
Ily utilizing every square foot of
space In the garden a considerable
quantity of vegetables may be grown
for storage for winter use. If no stor
age facilities exist In tho homo all the
crops suitable for keeping may bo
stored In outdoor banks or pits. How
ever, It Is not at all dllllcult to provide
storage facilities In inot homes, It be
ing only necessary to make use of the
cellar, the attic, a large closet, or oth
er parts of the dwelling, depending up
on the character of the product to bo
Iteiins, including the Limns, may be
stored dry, and It Is ndvlsable to grow
them to as great an extent as possible
for winter use. Limns and other pole
beans may be planted around the fence,
It being possible In this way to produce
considerable quantities of dried beans
for winter use. The pods should be al
lowed to remain on the vines until dry
enough to rattle, should then be gath
ered, spread on the attic lloor or In
some other dry place, and when dry,
shelled and stored In bags.
Surely n uniform I Overalls.
A few yards of wire netting
may mean peace with your
chicken-loving neighbor.
If that doesn't work, try n
gentle message to bis wireless
Growing Specialties.
It will pny the home gardener tc
grow certain specialties of which he
may be fond, and which mny he
troublesome or expensive to purchase.
Okra Is "tin example of this class, and
little beds of parsley, chlvos or other
herbs take up very little room and
provide the housewife with additions
for her tnble which arc most welcome
If they can bo picked conveniently nnd
at the right moment.
Heroic Memories of the Past Insplro
Many Regiments of the Army of
the United States.
We have luard of thoM' UrltMi regi
ments the "IllncU Watch," "Seafortl
Highlander." "InnMdllon KuslloerV
"Sherwood Koresters," and some nth
er.s, famous fur the long years thej
have been In cnNiuico. for their licrnlt
deeds In past wars, for the tradltloni
that hae come down through geneta
lions of soldiers, of what they did a
Waterloo, or Inkormann, or at tin
siege of Luc know.
Who, oulslde the army Itself, know;
that we In America have reglmenti
more than a century old, with heroic
traditions, too? That fact was brought
to mind the other day by a little news
Item recoidlng the annual dinner In
Camp Kagle l'ass, T a. of the olll
cers' mess of the Third Tutted States
Infantry regiment, and said the Item:
"Kver since the battle of Monterey,
In the Mexican war, when for three
days the Third bore the brunt of a
great battle, It has been the custom for
'.he officers to assemble annually for
regimental dinner."
Hut the history of Hint regiment
coos away back of that battle In Mex
'co in September, IS 17. It goes back
ivor 125 years of active service, since
Its organization In 170'J as tin "Infan
try of the Third Subleglon." Knur
vear.s later It Ik came the Third In
fantry, and so It has remained ever
This famous regiment wns not In tho
Revolutionary war. but many veterans
of that war were In Its first organiza
tion. It was part of the first regular
army of the United States, and fought
In the War of 1S12 and lir the cam
paigns against warring Creek, Chip
pewa, Sioux and Hlackfeet Indians. In
the days before there was a house oi
a road In Kansas territory It did duty
there. It went through the Mexican
war, the Civil war and the Spanish"
American war.
Hut there is an older regiment than
the Thlrdi The First regiment of In
fantry was organized In 3789. from n
regiment of state troops which fought
tinder Washington In the Revolution
nry war, and It Is yet In existence, Its
colonel being Daniel L. Howell of Iowa.
This regiment has n history of glori
ous deeds, too; and both these old
regiments will have those traditions of
the past to spur them on to greater
deeds In this war.
Plants which grow high and cause
heavy shade should not bo located
where they will Interfere with sun-loving
small plants. It Is well, also, to
sepnrate perennials, such as rhubarb
and asparagus which are not culti
vated, from plants which must be
Gardening before breakfast
etnrts nny dny right.
Thoso tomnto stakes? Where
. . Y...r.lan 1.1 .wilier
arc meyf ivixiienmvu twiuum,.
Are you saving some finely jv
sifted conl ashes to loosen that
clnyey spot?
Planting Castor Beans.
A bushel of castor beans of tho Indlu
variety will plant from 15 to 20 acres.
Tho seed should bo soaked In warm
water for 12 to 2-1 hours before plant
ing. Such treatment makes germiua
Hon more rapid and certain.
Mining Soil Profitable.
Mining the soli can only bo made
profitable by the miner turning man
ufacturer and selling his product on
tho market nearest tho consumer, nnd
roturnlng the waste to the soil.
The same kind of vegetables should
not bo grown twice, If this can be
avoided, In the same part of the gar
den. If a radlcnlly different kind Is
grown, disease spores nnd Insects,
though present In the soil, probably
will not attack the second crop.
Ready Market for Crops.
Early calibage, cauliflower, celery
tomato and other garden plants shoulc
find a ready market this year. Flor
Ists In some of the towns and cities arc
using part of their houses for grow
ing this kind of stock.
Depth for Planting Beans,
neans of any kind should not be
planted nny deeper thun Is necessnrj
to secure good germination. This
should never be more than 2 Inches and
on heavy soil It should not be more
than 1 to lJi Inches.
Many Gardens Neglected.
Many gardens which start very fa
vorably In tho spring gradually decline
In productivity as the season ndvnnces
and become weed patches long before
fall arrives.
Great Nitrogen User.
Corn Is n great user of nitrogen
while potatoes and root crops need
plenty of potassium. Has your soil
enough of these?
Don't Experiment.
Do not experiment with crops about
which you know nothing. There Is no
easy way of beating tho crop produc
tlou game.
Indians Making Good Soldiers.
At a soldiers' camp In Texas there
Is a Cherokee, Jesse Flxon. He can't
talk English, but he can talk the al
lied language. A few days ago he
wanted to convey some menage to n
lieutenant, and, using an Interpreter
nnd sign language, he declared ho
wanted to go to Franco right away
nnd bayonet the kaiser nil by himself.
There are some noted members of
the various tribes In servlci'. Oeorgo
Uaconrlnd, son of Chief lhiconrlnd, of
the Osage nation, Is u good soldier and
patriotic. His father, back In tho
Osage country, still wears a blanket.
Herbert Whlteshleld, n noted base
ball player, sought by several major
league clubs, Is In tho army. At ono
of the cantonments Major Koehler,
long West Point swordmnster, put tho
men through strenuous exercise. It
wns play for Indians. Some men
were overcome nnd had to drop out,
but not one of the Indians did. Tho
Indians, too, are not only healthy and
strong ns a race, but they follow all
tho sanitary regulations In camp.
Several Indians havo reached tho
grade of captain.
Military Decorations.
They nro us follows: Great Brlu
nln, Victoria Cros of bronze, with red
ribbon for the nrmy and blue rlbbor.
for the navy; Great ISrltaln, Dlstln
gulshed Service Order In enamel, red
ribbon with blue stripes; Prussia, Or
der of the lied Eagle In enamel, white
ribbon with yellow stripes; Prussia
Iron Cross of Iron and silver, black
ribbon with white stripes; ltussln, Or
der of St. George In ennmel or silver
blnck ribbon with orange stripes; Hoi
glum, Order of Leopold In gold nnd
enamel, maroon ribbon; France, Croix
do Guerre In bronze, ribbon with green
nnd red stripes; France, Legion ol
Honor In gold and enamel, red rib
bon; France, Medalllo Mllltalro In
gold and ennmel, ribbon with yellow
nnd green stripes; Italy, Order of Sa
voy In gold and enamel, ribbon vltli
reel nnd blue stripes.
Nature's Inconsistencies.
"IIow shall we Interpret tho slnj
Ing of birds? nsks John Ilurroughs in
un article In Harper's.
"Our turkey-buzzard has no voice
brcause It has no syrinx (the musical
box of tho birds)," he says. "Maybe
Nature did not dare tmst the unclean
ly glutton to speak. The hawks one,
the eagles she seems moro liberal
with because theirs Is a nobler type
of savngery.
"And yet, not to bo too sure about
nnture's motives, thero Is tho Euro
pean stork, n rather noble bird, whlct
has no voice. It Is not easy te
fathom nature's inconsistencies. See
what n voice she has given to the
frogs, and none to the turtles! He
hold tho noisy crickets and grasshop
pers nnd tho silent moths and butter
Hies, tho whistling marmot nnd th(
bllent Bkunks and procuplnesl"
Rougo a Fighting Spirit
Tho Trenton Republican offers tills
proof that Thrift Stnmps rouse lighting
spirit: Ono Trenton kid had lil cents
nnother 12 cents. They atiuglit a Thrift
Stamp together and then Sought to see
In which one's book It should bt
pasted. Knnsus City Times.
A Word of Precaution,
JUST wherein lies tlio reason for tho uso of vegetable preparations for infants
and children ?
Why are any but vegetable preparations unsafe for infants and children ?
Why aro Syrups, Cordials and Props condemned by all Physicians and
most laymen ?
Why has the Government placed a ban on all preparations containing, among
otiVr poisonous drugs, Opium in its variously prepared forms and pleasing tastes,
aud under its innumerable names?
These aro questions that every Mother will do well to inquire about.
Any Physician will recommend tho keeping of Fletcher's Casturia in tho
house for the common ailments of infants and children.
l i
jr; . W.V
'' Net Contents 15TlrMljfaghrj
ChiBdren Cry For
isr--VM i1
Ms 2'
Kit a
nini ! . - s j
neither Onlam.MorpItocn
Mineral. NoTNAiiopiwfl
dOdDzSiimmu t
f 'umjm'
. . . in juf,r
ConS ,QtionandDlarrhoe
l,OS w . . r,niV'
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Letters from Prominent Druggists
addressed to Chas. li. Fletcher.
S. J. Brtegs & Co., of Providence, R. I., nay : "We linvo sold Fletcher's
Castoria in our three utores for tho past twenty years nnd consider it
one of the best preparations on tho market."
Manaur Drug Co., of St. Paul, Minn., sny3 : "Wo nro not in tho hnbit
of recommendinu; proprietary medicines, but wo never hesitate to sny a
good word for Caatorin. It is a mJicnl success."
liegeman & Co., of New York City, N. Y., say : ."Wo can Bay for your
Castoria that it is ono of tho best Belling preparations in our stores.
That is conclusive evidenco that it is natisfactory to tho users."
W. II. Chapman, of Montreal, Que., says: "I have sold Fletcher's Cns
toria for many years nnd have yet to hear of ono word other than praiso of
its virtues. I look upon your preparation ns ono of tho few so called
patent medicines having merit nnd unhesitatingly recommend it as a safo
household remedy."
:, the
Ciick !
Population of the Earth.
In T787 the population of the earth,
according to Huschlng, was about 1,000
millions; in 1S00, according to Kabrl
and Stein, only 1MX) millions; In IS!!.'!,
according to Stein and Hor.schclman,
872 millions. In 18.r.8 Dlctrlcl esti
mated It at 1,200 millions and Kolb, In
1MJ3, nt 1,220 millions. According to
the largest calculations the earth Is In
habited by 1.-100 million happy (?)
huiiiun beings.
There is only one medicine thnt really
itands out preeminent iih a medicine for
curable ailmentb of the kidneys, liver
nnd bladder.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root ntands the
highest for the reiuon that it Lis proven
to he just the remedy needed in thou
sands upon thousand of distressing cares.
Swamp-Root, a physician'H prescription for
(pedal disea.u'H, makes friends quickly be
r.iufo its mild and immediate effect is
fnon realized in most canes. It is a gen
tle, healing vcgetablo compound.
Start treatment at once. Sold at all
druK stores in bottles of two elzca, medi
um and large.
However, if you wish first to test this
crcat preparation i-end ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Hinghamton, N. Y., for a
Minple bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper. Adv.
Force of Habit.
"Sny, Maggie, what has becomo of
that drug clerk who was paying you
biuh marked attention?"
"I guess ho thought I wns a bottle
of medicine. He bhook me."
Tho Suspense That Kills.
Stranger There doesn't appear to
be much lawlessness i bout your town.
Had Hill No. We won't stand fur '
It round here.
Stranger Ah. I Mippuvp when any
bad character drift Into your tow you i
Immediately c:;pcl him.
Had Hill Well-er-most frequent we
suspend 'em. '
Now h the Time to Get Rid of Thcie Ugly Spoil '
Thfrf'R no loifrr tt lOlchli-ft nffrt of frrllne j
tftmmnl nt your frukliH, im Ollilnr iloulile
strrngtb U ruiruntrcd lo rrtnuTt ttirkt- tiotnel; I
Slmplj gft in eunre of Othln double
trrnglli from jour ilnigxlot, ind apply a little
of It tilclit and morning and jou abould anon are
that even the rorxt frccklra bare tireitn to din
ar pf a r, while the lighter enra bare Tanlxhcd en
tirely. It In seldom that more than one mince
la needed to completely clear tlu- akin sud gain '
a beautiful clear compteilon. I
He Mire to aek for the double strength Olhlne.
a thin la aold under miarnntee of money back
If It fall to remote freckle a. Adr.
A lot of people who never knew
what thrift was are beginning to llud
out a good dotil about It.
Adam and Kve probably used tho
date tree In reckoning time.
"I can't take that. I muBt have ltd
Cross Dall Blue. I havo used It for
moro than ten years. My white
dresses, linens and laco curtains aro
Bnowy white. 1 elmply can't do with
out Red Cross Ball Blue. You will get
lt7 All right, I'll wait." Adv.
One Help.
"Can you throw any light upon this
theory of' astral bodies?" "Well, wo
have some good astral lamps."
Tabs Car of Your lloraeal
Nothing viae will do aa mncti to
keep tbein In fine condition aa
Dr. David Itobrrla'
oncn erery three montbt makes a
ale ek coat, prerems wornia, etc.
Read the Practical Home Veterinarian
Sta4 for frf booaUl oa Abertloa la Ct
If nfif1fnlrln vntir liwn. vtrifj.
Df.DarlO Robtrtl'Vat. Co., 100 Orand Attau, Hauktlh. Wla.
Ejf, Iiver
yf i Pius.
For Constipation
Carter's Little
Liver Pills
will set you right
over night.
Purely Vegetable
Small Pill, Small Doie, Small Price
Carter's Iron Pills
Will restore color to the faces of
those who lack Iron in the blood,
ss most pale-faced people do.
. Afck' M
A toilet preparation of merit.
Iltlpa to radical dandruff.
ForRaatoHa Color and
Baauljr loGrajr or Fad ad Hair.
too, and I too at Orurflau.
I Want to Hear From Owner of a Fim
erunlniproTexJ land for aale. Mr,w, aia,ralaaU,U.
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 22-1918.
Have a Clear Skin.
Make Cutlcura Soap your every-dny
toilet Goap and assist It now und then
by touches of Cutlcura Ointment to
soften, eoothe and heal. For free
samples address "Cutlcura, Ddpt. X,
Hoston." At druggists nnd by mall.
Buav 2C, Ointment U.ri nnd 50. Adv.
He "I see where wo may expect
niK'thor coal famine." She "Then
u will havo hot times this winter."
When Your Eyes Need Care
Try Murine Eye Remedy
No Hmartlng Jmt llytt Comfort. W oenta at
Druaglata or mall. Write for Prefl 11 to Hook.
i ll
t Stomach
A Wonderful Testimonial
Endorsing EATONIC
1 have uaed EATONIC tablets In my
family nnd find It o moat excellent
remedy fordyapepala and all forme or
Indlseition. Youra respectfully,
Former U. S. Senator
From MUabUppL
Kfow your stomachs sakejj
At All Druggists
Quickly Removes All Stomach Misery Indigestion,
Dyspepsia, Jt laf.ilence, ncartnurn, aour.
Acid and Gassy Stomach
Here' the accrel: EATONIC Drives tho Cm out
of tho body-nnd tho Blont goei with It. Guaranteed
to bring relief or money back. Get a box today.
uosts on v a cent or two a nay uao it.
B.d4 for Um 'ILId" Hook. Kiintt Utoola lUm. Co.. 1018-tl So. Awi, CMfaao. III.