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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1918)
'? I f. K I' tt: Br I 4 4 I -.i If 5 5 , 'P w nisUTlocUt7 .. . " r. tf n." A Hcst).iiM.r That ilr.s The, Ni:s PIft-tno HrrKa Ench Yi:nr For 51.50 VOIU3UI3 1 Ki:i) CLOUD, XE Hit ASK A. MAY, .'t, Mils. NUMJJER li2 uwvrwoRuaatijicsM v.1 v. This Bank will Pay, Free of Charge, LIBERTY BOND Interest Coupons, at Maturity or Fifteen Days Prior Thereto -s- InteresT: Paid on Time Deposits -s- DEPOSITS in this bank are PROTECTED by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska -$- Webfter County Bank The Three Crosses The iiu'i i ross ! bl.iou as il ,ith anil li.ii tins tnuiKin hate, The wooden otos li white and still and whispers n "'rnii late," Hut the Hod Cioi Mug- ol 11 fo mil love iVIIll llOUl t- tOgOUOtate. The iron cross is a boastful oioss hik! minks ti wai-und slave; 'I ho wooden oioss is u dumb, tlvml cross mid guaids a shallow grave, Uut the Hod Cross 1 caches out its. arms to solace and to save. The iron oi oss is u kaiser's cross uud narrow U it's Man: The wooden cross Is n soldiet's cross and mourn-, its nanism, Itut the Hod Cros Is the cioss of ne who served his fellow 'tuau. Kd wn rd Wince Cooke W From Friend "Mac" e For a good w&li made : Dress w$ , ?JrucrJlort& House Dreucj attdJlprons. 3uay True Worth Dress For sale by lift's. Barbara Phares a a i 5 j: Christian Church Program j; : FOR JUNE, 1918 WA m . fe.a'1 w June 2 Sammie's Day June 9 Children's Day June 16 Flag Day Service June 23 Women's Day June 30 Woodrow Wilson's Day A 11 McAtthur utiles a petsnnnl letter from which we take some items ot interest that aienot in conillel with the spirit of the ruling iegardng the publication of military information After speaking of his genet .il good health am! satisfaction logardiup con ilitions connected with his duties Mac" goes on to siy "Mj boat is on the sen wall lacing tho statue of Lihcitv Tins pleat statue looks very piettj at tdght when illuminated ulth olectilc lights. We see the big boats i oniing In and couioiii1 every day and tuls morning I saw a Itritlsh cruslor go up the river. Part of the 'J.'nd regiment of itifau tty is also stationed on this island nnd they guird Fort Joy and also the prison. The ptNon contains over four bundled pilsoners and men are leav ing and coming in every day to servo time tor crimes committed in tho army and nivy A company of Italians who were tak en prisoners by the 'Austrian escaped and lauded hero thl,s week, and they also at the present time are enjoying tho hospitality of the Ui.lted States on this island. Thursday evening the men fiom the infantry and tMiarternmsters corps put on a home talent play at the V M. (J. A. and it was greeted with n clouded house and till enjoyed the evening's entertainment. Hvery Tuesday even ing n social hop is hold at the Catholic chapel mid those who attend have a very good time. Last week wo weic issued two khaki uniforms and three suits of summer uuderwear. This week we turned Id our Held shoes and will be issued an othet pair of russet shoes. Tho duties of tho company 1 belong too are to guard the warehouses and also look out for (lros tit night and in tho day time to see that tho men .who are em ployed, don't kill uny time while work ing. We are on duty six hours, I was over to New York City last Satutday afternoon and whs up on nth Avenuo Uroadway, Saw tho Red Cross parade which President Wilson led. It was a grand sight to seo some eighteen thousand jouug ladies dress ed in the Hod Cross nur-e uniforms. I'heio were several bauds and com panies of soldiois in the same. Hvery aftornoon all tho whistles blow and tho bells ring at three o'clock during the lied Cross dtlvo for funds. At this hour every day $l,ouu,0i)0 is raised in this city. A. IS. McAiiTiiuu, Headquarters tSuurd & Fire Co. Warehouse 37 Governor's Island New Yotk City. m In order to be able to wait on the American customers tho French shop girls and waitresses In cafes are ear nostly studying tho English language. The American boys ate holplng them to learn, biit somo of the mischievous boys often teach them words the moan.' hwimiii iMMumwvmwumjM ivmmimtm i iiiibm i m i Superintendent Re-elected At a ii ' tip c ' the I m if I. luou tlon lio1 istrnla ii ght l'Mh'ss .i P. M W In-ad was le-i-loilcd Mipei intend! if the city schools This action i "ii approval of the pro fessor's i "i 'lontiittention to the du'les and rocju ti-monts of his position, and j many tin 'ids. patrons unit pupils will 'rejoice tUieat. Tho salary louiains I unoliniu!" i The Uoiud also appointed I Miss Mam oo Caldwell as a teacher in tho 1st guiloat a salary of Si'm, and allowed 11 v. hlinll $i' per month for three niKiit lis, .'1 days u week, fot -uper vision ol Inline garden work To Lose Good Official The W.istoV county friends of Miss Gertrude . Coon and they me to be counted hy hiindiods tegrot to learn that she Ii is decided to rotiic fiom of. lice; that her otllcuil position known under its full title as Coiiutv .Supoilii tendont f Public liistiuctlui, Is to passton'hor hands, Together with the gone d public the Chief tegiets her dec si m and lUuls its only consola tinn in hope that her successor in oflieo m i he as good bettci woio iiu possible iMiss i .hi lias liold uluoo lor soin yoaisan some time since added to hoi ret i ar duties the supervision ot lied Ci'iss and Woiuiuin Cnuncll of Ue fonscL'tlvitles. she has iliuided that I Jt2i ... -. it good rrst is .nil i -a 1 1 1 u Mini nltoruaiil will take up nthoi Hues of educational wo i ... pftaiMian mini -mut imwuwmmhwbwmi muwimwiwin rnm rmmtmmMjarm fmvmmssxsxgHuissssss tt There is a Difference in Lenses lust as there Is between a piece of puio gold and that containing alloy. The louses used by ine are the Unest that can be hud These come in tho rough uud are gtound until thev exactly meet the roiiulieiueiits of your piutlctilar e,o trouble One cannot be too earelul about the eyes The matter of a dollar or so should not enter into the calculation. This store refuses to ask for your patronage by price alone the cure is the thing desired by me or welt as yourself. Kvon so, you will Hud the charge unusually low, talcing Into consideration the higlniuali ty will lw to the interest of your e es to have them examined here B. H. NEWH0USE Jeweler and Optometrist ' tlTC. D. & Q, Wutch Inspector How They Stand The Funnels' Independent Tele, phone Co. 1ms been established heio for a period extending over fifteen yeais Dining that time tho seivlco l Giidei ed has been at least us good as that of any telephone, and the cost to patrons considerably low or In tlcbtciiut'ss is in the Mid up cla-s and the iijiupauy owns property to tho value of 810,001) 0" Patronage is high, this phono being used in almost every business house ot the city as well as by a largo list of c untiy subscribers. Improvements now under way will make tho sotvice second to none. Con solidation would mean added costs to subscribers and merging of Indepen dent property interests. Tho com. pany and its patrons fail to see any advantnge in such a proposition. SVb". i; PROTECTYOURSELF : AMD HELP UNCLE SAM t j. Nigger head Maitland, Canyon City and Pinnacle : .; Lump on the road. Store now at May Government V prices and be sure of good coai next winter .; ;. ;a lllalone-Gellatly Go. Baptist Church Notes .Sunday School at 10 a. m. Preaching at ll a. in. and 8 p. m. Marvel not that 1 say unto you, yo must be born again. heveial of tho prominent people of our city havo expressed their approval of Mi Harper's sermon Memorial Day as t the war and the plain declara tlon of Christ that a man must be born again if he would enter tho Kingdom of Heaven. Mi Harper and daughter CI race ex pec' t ' be homo Thuisday morning so all rigular set vices will bo losuined. Jin io havo been drives and special meet ngs galore, now let us niako next Siibbiith everybody's day and all at tend TALK WITH US ABOUT LUMBER" v-v-vvw We solicit a share of your patronage during ipi 8 PL ATT & FREES Bring the Children Kvorybody Welcome A Reward for Thoso Who Go To Ciimtrit UV,a"J.VaVa"aVV-V.V-VaVaV.V.V.V.VaVVaV.V.Wa'aV.VaVJ,."JVtf Chief Ads Pay You Must Have License Itetail dcalors of Nebraska, who sell eggs to any other than a customer,' must take out a license, which will bo Issued by tho Iilccnse Department, Food Administration, Washington, D. 0. Practically every Nebraska rotallor in foo Istuirs buys eggs from farmers and ships them to commission houses in doing under into a French cafe and was approach, license. Only if tholr sales uro liinitod ed by a waitress who informed him to tho customer, tliy are not required that sho spoko HngHhh. "Havo you ' to license. any hot chocolateV" ho asked. With j This ruling was announced by Our a sinllo of entrancing sweotnoss sho ' don W. Wattles, Federal Food Admin answered, Hell, yes "Downs, Kansas, ' Istiator. following Prosldont Wilson's N'ows 1 proclamation of May II At the Big Tent ONE JOLLY WEEK Starting Monday, May 27 Change of Program Nightly ing or which Is still foreign to them. 'the larger cities. Merchants Not long ago an American odlcer went ' that In ml of business must go The Famous Arington Stock Co 25 - PEOPLE - 25 A Real Show by Real People Feature Play Friday Prices: Children 25 Adults 35c This Included War Tax