The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 23, 1918, Image 8

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Nebraska War Drives
l)io Bureau of Publicity of tlic Oiim
Iih chamber of Commcrc, recently to
ct'ivcil it telegraph request from Wash
inaton for it record of Nebrifdta'-i war
dr.vesjnul (lledthu following report:
J' . ('iota Subscriptions
First h. h. iis.noo.o'ji) sio,o:i:.,7oO
Second L L. U!,U 0,(.0ii :J.l,:il",'20l)
Third h. L. ' .'Jl.lM'.'.SoO l8,JII,liiU
War S. S.
Y. M.C A.
1st B.C. V.
K of Col.
S nlleHCf IS
3'i,0 1 0,1 'JO
S3,.fll 107
.' H.r.
Totals ?10(,2D7,00
"In Third Liberty Loan snbcfip-
! u-t ate not the Mtntl llgtiros. The
War Saving' figures nro only cash
A.tli .
Junior Red Cross Sale
The slivol sale held Saturday after.
Horn under the auspices of the Junior
lied Crots iigiin ovidi'iiced popular
hciiMinent regarding the greatest char
lty rirpini.'iii(iii of all time. Over
Si"'1 ch was letlhted and the Juniors
of lied Clou 1 schools and twenty out
is. di districts aro now nil "over the top"
In the Bed Cross record, J. II. Fillinger
contributed auctioneering ability to
tlu occasion.
Terry King of all, "Uncle
Tom" Producers
Unolo Tom shows tuny conic and
Uncle Tom shows may go, but Tetry-.s
Big Company goes on forever, and is
looked upon as King and Monarch of
them all, with the slogan "Forover,
1'orcinost and Newest." Many have
tried to imitate tlie successful Terry
for years, springing up llko Jonahs
gourd, but they have withorcd in tlio
night like a school of minnows follow
lug in the wnlie of a whale, and it was
thus that the lines were adopted, "Af
ter the Minnows, ootnes the Whale,"
and it lias euro proved in its place
when tfed. Terry has been n pro
ducer of -successful plays for the past
twenty-eight years and this season is
no exception to the rule. Ills Uncle
'i'oui'jj Cabin this season is living up to
the past icputation of former years.
Terry's big production of Han Jet
Ward Needier S'owu's famous slave
play will appear for one performance
only nt Bed Cloud, May :23th, and when
tliu show cnnies Hits year tho citizens
will 4lti(l that it has boon greatly en
large I, having n tent that sen I -J 2.-.00
Ie i le.
T. rr.'sohallengo concert bands will
pti'.tfu-f street parade at noon and
t'er in tl.o evening at 7'I0 a bind eon-
r Ii.niH npt'si at 7::io p. in , perfor
i1 t . a' H:.'W j. in.
When Fanners Go lo War!
II ii.-rt Quick has a great article in
t'.i Km in and Fireside, lie says:
The limners of thin country could
carry tie war to a victorious conelu
hton t-vin if all th rest of the nation
khm.l 1 i'ift- The rest will not quit.
I ot m. cuul. I win It without them if
l e ll.v I Id (111 i..
"The farmers of the United States
n whip Germany. We call" whip
t hi. with guns. We can whip thorn
v it. uurpioducts, We can whin them
wit I. our money.
Lvi-ry farmer lit tho United States
runs' ip member that tho war has a tit st
mortgage on every cent he has. The
I ibt spare cent In the pockets ot every
l'nruu r in America should bo dovoted
t.. it war
'!'. Kaiticr b-gau foreclosing his
ii i !.",;' on our farms when lie d
i.iiih, iiithloss hiibniarlne warfare,
an 1 itn war is our answer
of f i Insure."
to Ids bill
Cottage Cheese
v...ig. Choi, while it.' hits lung
I .tin known, lias beoti little iippreolnt
c 1 to niftk, It has often -been
I tiy ih;ul' arid unattractively served.
Jo fund value cottage cheese iw In the
lusswith lean tnoat and eggs, being
more valuable than either in material
that goes t. build muscle, blood and
VtHgo cheese in fuet as a food that
may I'm in an important part of the
dipt, served either alone or In combi
nation In soup, sauce, meat like dish,
hulnd or desort, cottage cheese may
well bo used. As a basis for the main
dish of the meal it will materially
reduce expenses, appenl to the appo
tlte, and bave meat.
Being made from skim milk, which
now is either fed to live stock or wast
od, cottage cheese makes available
directly for human food n valuable but
little appreciated dairy byproduct.
Cue hundred pounds of skim milk
will make fifteen pounds of cottage
cheese If all of the skim milk in the
United States would be made into
cheese, It would be equal to Two
Hundred and Fifty One Thousand, one
Thousand Pound Beeves.
Sensational Shooting
Friday last a story went around, to
tho effect that, soma man at Iliverlon
had shot himself Sivrnl versions of
the affair wore given nut, but iiutliuti
tic information flaally disclosed that
it was one more Instance Involving
that impractical triangle two men
and a woman A Denvar paper pub
lishes the following:
Holvoke, Colo., May 13- It. S. Bnyoo,
a fanner, an 1 C IJ. Woo'l, Ids formes
hired iit'iti, fought a pls'ol duel late
yes'erd.'iy afternoon ten tulles south
cist of Holyoke in which both arc re
ported to have been wounded, tho hit
Ur perhaps fuUlly. Following tho
duel, Wood was kidnaped by lloyce and
two friends, who disappeared in
I5oyeo'.Haui.MinobiIu m the direction of
the ('o'ni-adoNobruska lino. What
lloyce and his friends did with Wood
h is not yet been learned here.
Four months ago I'.oyco nud his wife
wore living happily together on it farm
In Franklin county, "Nebraska. Boycu
so'd tho farm, turning tho money over
to his wife. Then ho went to Oklaho
ma to seek a new location.
Shortly after Hoyc left, his wife
and Wood canto to this section and
Mrs. Boyco bought a tanch ten miles
southeast of Ilolyolse. employing Wood
as manager.
When Uoyco returned to his former
home In Nebraska and discovered that
his wife had disappeared, he began
searching for her. Finally, thru n
tvtncoled bank check, which the wom
an used in paying for the Colorado
ranch, he discovered her whereabouts.
lioyee canto to llolyoko with his at
torney and effected n financial settle
ment with his wife, v. ho it is said, re
fused to return to her husband.
Three weeks ago Wood was myster
iously wounded. He deciuod it was
an accident.
About that tlmo Uoyco
was seen in tho vicinity of his wife's
farm. Neighburs advised Wood to
leave the district.
Uoyco and two friends suddenly np-p.-ared
at his wife's farm yesterday
afternoon in an automobile. Doyce,
untied, sought Wood, who also carried
a gun. The men emptied their guns
it cacli other, being only a few rods
aptrt. Harry Thompson, a neighbor
attempted to interfere, but was warned
by Uovoo's friends not to mix hi the
light, as he might be killed. The meu
declared they had accompanied lloyce
to seo that ho got fair play and would
not tolerate any interference."
It is repirled bore that lloyce, al
though badly wounded," strapped his
opponent baud and foot and brought
him by auto, a long drive, back to the
neighborhood of lilvorton with the
purpose of wrecking .suinniary ven
geance; thai, the sherifr got wind of
the ail.iir and arrived in tint to bruak
up this part of the progtirn and put
the principals under arrest.
Ptlzv'-Mr,. J 1) Trlvelplcce or
Blideu, oilers as a premium to any
child raising chickens and exhibiting
the host ten of any breed of pure bred
chickens at the Farmers Institute In
Bed Cloud One dozen Bull' Orphing
ton liens and one rooster.
District Court
(jiiiMiww. dsckct
State vs G rover Snell. Parole con
tinued. Vera Sutton vs O. K. ldggett. Ills-
civil imrivin
Occlilontal Bldg. . Loan vs Walter
illicit. Continued for term
Donald 1-2 Cluud vs Hattie 1. Or
chard. Continued.
Fred Kirsoh vs Aiitut Klrsch DU.
Moorman Mfg Co. vs Borgfleld
Wutkim Medical Co. va F. M Hum
t Frank Campbell. Judgment for
plalntm tor t ll.8o.
N. B Harvey vs Minnie Wnlson.
Continued for term.
J M Aniold vs Kmory Waller.
Judgment for defendant.
B l May vs Frank Waiittl,- Judg.
inent for plaintiff for 85.
Mary K. noudnn v Mary,
eUl. Contluuad.
D. M Hynds vs.l. F. Bdward Sale
continued. Doed oidored.
.1. w. lieiijttgpr vs U IJ S: g Di8.
C II. Miner et al vs City of Ued
Cloud. Disuiisfod.
Ilattie M. Chrihliaii vs Prank TluflVr
hherUV. Jiidgnienl for plalntilV.
A. I). Gruborn vs Frank "Vuvrieku.
Dlsmiusod al pliiiutlll'.h costs.
Occidental Bldg. Loan vs W. S.
Parks. Continued for term,
The Montana Natl. Bank vs li. II.
Sanders et al Judgment for plaintliT
C. V. Gund vs B A. Diesel, otal
Continuod for term.
Mary Grectihalgh vs J. B Green
halgli. Divorce for plaintlfV.
Win. II, Fisher ve May Fislior. I).
vorco for plaintiff.
Commercial Bank of Blue Hill vs
Charles Lopin. Judgment for plain
till' for 81113.
E U. Overmtn vs Lloyd A. Carpen
ter, otal. .Tudgmont for plaintiff for
Genevieve Miller left Friday nlgjrt;
for Denver, where she will nieet her
uncle, A. K. Btvls and will return ti
his home at Itatoon. N. M for n short
Guy Bilker and family ipent Satur
day evening in Bed Cloud with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Barker.
Mr. Barker has been in poor health
for some tlmo,
Mr.Stevo Kennedy and Mrs. Uny
I'lilni'M- dittoed tolled Cloud Saturday
A large crowd uiloitded tho school
picnic at Mr. J. W. Vance's Friday of
last week. Everyone enjoyed them
sclvei. Mr. mi I Mrs. Vance ate excel
lent entertainers.
WillTophMii and family and Mrs. H
10. Iloldredge and mo' her, Mrs. M. C.
Hummel autocd to the cemetery nt
Ued Cloud .Sunday morning.
Mr3. Wickwiro and Mrs. Grout, weie
In lied Cloud Tuesday afternoon.
I toe Bonkel is homo spending u
short vacation with relatives.
Claroiice llorge-s was quite- ill Titos
day night but Is able again to be at
the post office.
Wllber Peterson, Floyd McCall 1m 1
Fey Arm-sou shipped cattle Tuesday.
Tim Tophatn and family spent Tues
day with Will Toph'ain and family.
Mrs. Wins Strong was shopping In
Ued Cloud Monday morning.
BernlcP Saunders spent a couple of
days in Blue Hill the latter part of
last week.
A DeMars and wife and K. DeMars
and wife were down from Campbell
Thursday of last wook attending the
Dunn store sale, which Is being1 held
every Thursday. ft
Bert Leonard and family spent Sun
day in Ued Cloud with their daugh
ter, Mrs. Joe Topham and husband.
Oivingto threatening weather very
few attended the Missionary meeting
MpmrW and Tuesday nights at the
Christian church.
Kev. Murllcss and Claude Pierce
woroln Bed Cloud Tuesday.
Clarence Anderson was in Hastings
Miss Anna Brommer returned to her
home at Hastings the lltst of tho week
after finishing a successful term teach
ing the Highland school.
Howard Meyer sports a new Bulcl;
Six roadster. i
Mrs. W. B. Cramer received a delight
fill surprise Wednesday when a group
of friends and relatives dropped in on
her for dinner, it belli,' her O.'Jrd birth
ihiy. The visitors were accompaiiad
by an ample supply of provemKr for
'lu-'insclits mid hostess. 'Those pro
sent wete, .Mis. Anna Uurl.n:k, mother
of the huste.s-, Hurry Cramer and
family f Med Cio'itd, Claude Cramer
and family, Homer Cramer, W J.
Wliolmes, Mesdatnes N. J. Cowley, C.
W. Uowloy, Oley Ivcrson and .Mrs.
Iverson of Hi vert on.
AinosCutlii- was In Campbell .vm
day.' Virgil Wullniiii and Mllhird M.iry
moo we to tip fri'in Camp Fuiiston s ,
day vUitiug rulutlves,
Mr. and Mrs. 1 2. P. Denton ot Oak
land, Iowa, vitlted J. A. Denton and
family thib week.
The High School commencement c
orcl5os wcio given Friday evening
nt th i opera house. Tin; graduating
class consisted 0r four boyis and three
girls, the first clasb to graduat) from
the local high school with the hoys In
inajnilty Dr. IMwin Maxev of' U
coin gave tho addiess of the evi-ni-,,'
If You Meed Farm Help
Whonjoii tied larai help or ml
work on the tatm apply nl the no'tijjbl
of the following free labor bureais
County Agent oHlco, Tied Cloud.
First National Bank, Itlno Hill.
Stato Bank, CJnldo Bock.
Banl; of Cowl es, Cowing'.
Bank of Bosotnont, Uotetnout
Bulk of luavnlo, InnvnU.
FarniPis Union Coopcrnthe
These nru ofilclal labor litirouu, ho
tnjj represeiitatives of the Nelnaska
SlU Labor Ituroau and the U. s Em
ployment Service.
Articles oJ Incorporation
The Inavale Independent
Telephone Company
Know all men by those presents.
That we, the undersigned, have ns.
isooiated ouiholves together for the
purpose of forming and becoming a
corporation undor tho hws of tho
State of Nebraska, and for that pur
pose do horeby adopt (hose articles of
in corpoiation.
The name of this .Company Miiill be,
"Tlio Inavalo Independent Telephone
The principal place of trnnsnotlng
tlte business of this corporation shall
bo Inavale, Nebraska.
The general nature of the business
to bo transacted by this corporation
siiall be the constructing, buying, own
ing, leasing, acquiring, operating and '
selling telegraph and lelephono line or
lines, and their Interest In the central
oHlee in the city of Iiiav.iln, Nebraska, I
and tlio "surrouii'dliig country, and I
other places in the State of Nebraska j
and adjoining stutes, the making of j
exchange an I exelnnge iigreenients I
with other lines or uomp-itile-t, and in '
general to curry on for hire the bttsi- I
ness of transmission of news and mas
siges, local and long distance, for its
members, patrons atld the public in I
gener il, and to acquire, hold and dis-'
pwe of such properly, real or peUonal, '
as tiny bi? deemed expedient in thn
conduct of the business.
The amount of capital stock of this
corporation shall be the sum of
510.000.00, divided in shares of -jlooo
each to bo issued one share to each i
signer of the prHllmiinry corporation j
iigrceinuitt for euoli 'phone share now
field by them respfcllvely in the origi- I
tial association known as the Inaviile '
Independent Telephone Company, an I '
the remaining portion to bo treasury j
stock, to be disposed of for the botiefp
ot the Company, as the Dlreetois liny
ili'tfirmltuk. i,i.l ......I. Ll,n .. -. ...i , '
"--- v, ...... illiliu VMIt'll issnyn
shall entitle tho owner to otto vote at
all stock holders' meetings; said .stock
shall be fully paid up when issued, and
shall be iionns(iesable except as may
be voted by a majority of the s'ock
present, and ontltlod to vote. The
stock shrill be transferable only on
the books of tlio Company, and no Real
Estate Franchise, or material portion
of personal property, of Hit Company,
needed for tho transaction of its busl
ness, shall bo sold, leased or trans
f erred, except by the consent of throe-
fourths of the stockholders of stock is
sued and outstanding, which consent
may be given at any stockholders
meeting, or in writing and for which
both the votes and wiitton consent of
stockholders not voting may be count
ed No stockholder ahull hold In any
way to exceed five shares.
The time of the commencement of
this corporation shall be on the First
day of January, UUs, and It shall con-
tlnue during the period of fifty years
The highest amount of indebtedness
1 1 which this corporation shall at any
tunc subject Itself shall not be more
than Sl0.)0)0
The business of said corporation
shall be conducted by a board of direc
tors, not to exceed seven in number,
who shall be elected annually by and
from tho stock holders; .such election
to take place at, such time and bo con
ducted in such in inner as shall be pre
sciibed by the by-laws.
The otllceis of said corp -ration shall
bo u. president, secretary and treasurer,
to be chosen from and by tho directors
and shall hold their oil! -e for one year
and until their successors are elected
and qualified.
The board of directors shall provide
a corporate seal on which shall be en
graved the name of the Co tipauy and
dateol'iuorporatlon, with which all
instruments of the Oompuny shall be
There shall bo hold at the piiucipal
place of business of tho Company, an
Dually, on the Second Tuesday (if Jan
uary of each year iw meeting or the
stockholder.- of tho Company, ami the
manner of conducting the sum-i, the
I'leotloti ot otlijfis, and the method of
conducting the business of the orpo
rut Ion shall lu as provided by the by
law's adopted by the Bird of Diroc
tors. Special uipuUng of the stojlc
holders tniy he uilled when deemed
ueceshiity by order of thu Board or Di
rectors, an I nnlum thereof sh-tl' bo by
the secretary niatllng n written notlco
to ouch stockholder at least seven days
before mid meeting is to bo held.
In witness whereof, wo have hereun
to ict our hands this ltth day of Jan
uary, 1018
II . E. Wii.u.uis, lVes.
C- G. Pitxi-y, Tious
A. L. (inossM.iN.Secv.
Stntoof Nebraska,
County of Webfstor J
On this nth day of January, 111 h, do
fore me, C. II. Uurgov., a Notary l'ub
lie, In and for wild county, personally
canie II B. Williams, O. (J. I'itney, A.
L, (iiossttian, to mo known, to be tho
persona whose names are afllxed to tho
roref-olng articles, as incorporators,
and they severally acknowledge tho
execution of iald instrument In bo
thoir voluntary net for the purposes
therein expressed.
Witness my hand and notarial seal
at luavnlo, In' said county, the date
last above written.
C II. Bunoj'ss,
Ui'.u.) Notary l'ubllo.
Filed for record In tho Clerk's ofllce
of, W'ebstor county, this 17th day of
January, A. D., 1018, at S o'olook, and
10 minutes, P. M. Itceorded in book
G of Miss., on page 031.
II. F. Fkriiv, County Clerk
! Lincoln Telephone
fe arm I
I ft re is the Policy that is the
(hailing Principal of the Company
To give the best telephone service
ve know how to produce.
To charge the Ioxvest possible rates
sistent with prompt, efficient service.
To treat every- patron with the utmost
courtesy and consideration.
To win and merit
tcgnty, efficiency and decency.
To install these principals in the
of every one of our employes, from the
oldest to the youngest, and to have these
employes proud of the company proud
to serve its patrons and jealous of their
own and the company's good name.
Various -Summer Tours Season of 1918
The public is Informed that, generally speaking. Su nmer T .in-ist, fares
to Western resort- wl'l be effective
From Central and Eastern Nebraska, represent itlve Tales would
Denver, Colorado Springs, Pike's Peak region 322.S0
Ricky Mountain National Estes Park, Colo., just north of Denver,
round trip, approximately (Including uu'oes between the railroad and tho
I11--) $30.50
To tho BeautHul Black Hills Region, Hot Springs, sj. D round trip
'lbo.t 520.78
To the Big Him Mountain Resort, in the Sheridan Ruisbi-steV
county, to Sheridan and return, approximately $30.78
To tho Famous Thermopolis Hot Springs, tho place of linrvelous cures, via
Denver, and Scenic Colorado round trip, approximately $30.50
Round ttip Summer Toursto California, direct lines, $08.00
To Yellowstone Park, all-expense tour, "hotel way" $01.60
"Camping Way" SS2.50
Automobiles for cither tour, and railroad privileges all the same
fur the "Crtmpli'j-," or 'llotel'" way Ask us about rates. We are here to
serve you. to take the bet possible care of our Summer volume of travel.
S. B. Howard, Immigration Agi C. B. & Q.'Ry
I'")! Fiununi St. Omaha. Nt-hr.
N. B. Bush, Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Neb.
Notice of Hearing
In ilu iii-itttn.f tin i: lie of l'ar; 0nc.
C'Cl-usoI. in tin (miiti (mirt o! Webster
county. Ncbrasl'ii.
riiL-Mati-ul Xolirai'-a, To all persons In
terested In snlil tit ate. creditors and liclrs
take notice, thai Mao (.'one lias Hied her ni-tliloiitillL-i-.lii-
that ( arl( 'one dud Intestate In
Webster County, Nebraska on or about the
-Oth day of October. I'.OS belli,' a resident nud
Inhabitant of Webster Count. Nebraska
and the owner of the tollowlnt-dorrlbl real
estate, Tlte undivided one halt inter
cut In the south hull of tho southeast iimr.
ter of sictlou llfteen (.i), township lvo. i
raui-e nine, leavhu as his ho!o aiul
only heirs at law the following mimed
perKoas, tj wit: .Mae Cono, hH survlv-1
Ux spouie llurtoii Conu land Keunclh
Couo tils Miiis an t ltuth Couu his diumh-1
ter. That petitioner has an undivided t v. o '
thirds Inter. wt In sadl entato in tier "Mil
rUhl and as heir of s:id di cedent and prny I
lm for a ilecrkd barrluu chitius; that siild do
rdtint died lutostntc; thai no application lor j
ud ministration has Ixeu miido and Die is
lute of Bald decadent has not been nditilnU
tereit III tlio Stntoof Nubraxka.aud that the I
heirs at law of said decedent hk hi rein set
furth xliall be decreed to lie tho owners In '
fee Klin pic of tho above described real estate, '
which has been Ket for hearing on the 1st
day o 1,1 line . i. nns. at a o'clock p. m.
Hilled at Ited Cloud, Nebrnskn, tills IkI day
of May A. Ii. lids.
(SP.A1.) A.h.llANVM.
II. W. Stewart. County ludt.
Altoruej for i i.iiu. (Mil) ---J.'i
Better Kodak Finishing
And Developing.
A Full Line of Supplies
Dr. R- V. Nicholson
. Dentist
EarOrncE Ovuu Amiuioiit's Stoiie
w i inn
Chief Ads
h Co.
- .v.w6Mrj
a reputation
When the
Firemen. Appea.r
the inurrd maii'i firt thought it one o(
'ihrinkfuhifsi i!nt he is to i low nbou
your thou-tliti l( n fnrcniaii ihoulil ap
pear al youi linmc
The Day
Before the Fire
ia the day to irtime. A that dfcy may
he to-morrow for all you caa or
do, it Mlou'a thai prudence would im
pcli you lo slop in our olfice to day and
have u iue you a policy.
Ei.elia.ble In.snrQk.nce
Eastern Star Convention
Over .'iiiO delegates attended the Nc-brash-u
btite C.iiivcntion of the Order
of tlio liasU'i-n S'ar In Omaha last
week The ('Ulcers elected were: Mrs.
Carrie M. Spellnjan of Beatrice, grand
matron; .Mrs. Stella Yont of Brock, as
sociate grand matron; Miss Kobe
Owens of Oniahr, secretary; Mrs. Lou
A. Conklin of Ilubbell, treasurer;
Oliver II Mlokny of Osceola, grand
pntron; Alfred Powell of St Bdward,
associate grand patron; Miss Anna
Davlb of Alliance,' grand conduetross;
Mies Maude Smith of Omalia, associate
grand conductress; James E, Bodnar
of Omaha, grand marshal
ft r- uiU-uLj4"'-' fr'
Pay You
-A -.
. j-.t,