The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 23, 1918, Image 6

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Synopsis. Don Estebnn Vnromt, u Cuban planter, hides his wealth
mouoy, Jewels and tttlo deeds In n well on Ills estate. The hiding
plnco Is known only to Sebastian, n slnve. Don Estelian's wife dies at
tho birth of twins, Estebou nud Itosn. Don Esteban marries tho
nvarieious Donna Isabel, who tries unsuccessfully to wring the secret
Qf tho hidden treasure from Sebastian. Angered nt his refusal, sho
urges Don Esteban to sell Evangeline, Sebastian's daughter. Don
Esteban refuses, but In tho course of n gambling orgle, ho risks
Evangellna nt cards and loses. Crazed by the loss of his daughter,
Sebastlun kills Don Esteban nnd Is himself killed. Many year3 pass
nnd Donna Isabel Is unable to find tho hidden treasure. Don Mario,
rich sugar merchant, seeks to marry Itosn, who has returned from
school In tho United States. Johnnie O'ltellly, an American, who loves
Itosa, wins her promise to wait for him until ho can return from New
incnt to nnyonc. Anybody could sec "
"Stopl" Esteban was turning alter
nately red nnd white. "You seem to
Imply something outrageous."
"Now let us be sensible. I under
stand you perfectly, my boy. Hut an
olllcer of tho Gunrdln Civil may arrive
at any moment and ho will want to
know how you came to ho with your
stepmother when sho plunged Into that
trap. So prepare yourself."
Young Vurona was wntchlng his In
quisitor now with a faintly speculative
frown. When Cueto had finished, Es
teban said:
"You would like mo to confess to
some black Iniquity that would make
us better friends, eh? Well, It so hap
pens that I was not nlono tonight, but
that another person saw the poor wom
an's death and can bear mo out In ev
erything I say. No, Pancho, you over
reach yourself. Now, then" Esteban
wns quick-tempered, and for years he
had struggled against an Instinctive
distrust and dlsllko of the plantation
manager "remember that I have be
come the hend of this house, nnd your
employer. You will do better to think
CHAPTER IV Continued.
Seating himself on ono of tho old
tono benches, tho young man lit a
cigarette and composed himself to
wait, no sat thero for a long time,
grumbling Inwardly, for tho night was
damp nnd ho was sleepy; but ut last
a flguro stolo out of tho gloom and
Joined him. Tho newcomer wus a rag
ged negro, dressed In tho fashion of
tho poorer country people.
"Well, Asenslo, I thought you'd
nover come. I'll get n fever from this 1"
Esteban said Irritably.
"It is a long way, Don Esteban, nnd
Evangellna made mo wait until dark.
I tell you wo have to he careful these
"What Is tho news? What did you
Asenslo sighed gratefully as ho seat
ed himself. "Ono hears n great deal,
but ono never knows what to believe.
Thero Is lighting In Santa Clara, and
Mncco sweeps westward."
Taking the unaddressed letter from
his pocket, Esteban said, "I have an
other message for Colonel Lopez."
"That Lopez I lie's hero today and
thero tomorrow: one enn never Hnd
"Well, you must find him, nnd Im
mediately, Asenslo. This letter con
tains Important news so Important. In
fact" Esteban laughed lightly "that
If you find yourself In danger from tho
Spaniards I'd udvlse you to chew it up
nnd swullow it as quickly as you can."
"I'll remember that," said tho negro,
"for there's danger enough. Still, I
fear these Spaniards less than the
guerrllleros: they are everywhere.
They call themselves patriots, but they
nro nothing more than robbers.
Asenslo pnused abruptly. He seized
his companion by tho arm nnd, lean-
awtflww! Ml Mi
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La LJ'TvJil
"What's That?" Gasped the Negro.
lng forward, stared ucross tho level
garden Into tho shadows opposite.
Something wus moving there, under
tho trees; tho men could seo that It
iwns white nnd formless, nnd that It
, pursued nn erratic course.
"What's that?" gasped tho negro. Ho
began to tremble violently and his
hroath became audible. Esteban wns
'controlled, to hold him down by main
force. "It's old Don Esteban, your fa
ther. They say ho walks at midnight,
carrying his head In his two hands."
Young Vnrona managed to whisper,
with sonio show of courage: "Hush I
"Walt I I don't bcllevo In ghosts." Nev
ertheless, ho was on tho point of sot
ting Asenslo nn example of undignified
flight when tho mysterious object
(emerged from the shadows iuto tho
open moonlight; then ho sighed with
relief: "Ah-hl Now I scol It Is my
stepmother. She Is asleep."
For n moment or two they watched
tho progress of tho white-robed figure;
then Esteban stirred and roso from his
seat. "She's too close to that well.
Thero is" Ho started forward a
pace or two. "They say people who
walk at night go mad If they'ro awak
ened too suddenly, nnd yet "
When tho somnnmhullst's dellhcrato
progress toward tho mouth of tho well
continued ho cnllcd her namo softly.
"Donna Isabel!" Then ho repeated it
louder. "Donna Isabel I Wako up."
The woman seemed to hear und yet
not to hear. Sho turned her hend to
listen, but continued to wulk.
"Dont be nlnrmed." ho snld, rens
Hiirlngly. "It Is only Esteban Donnn
Isabel I Stopl" Estobnn sprang for
ward, shouting nt tho top of his voice,
for at the sound of her name Isabel
had abruptly swerved to her right, a
movement which brought her danger
ously close- to tho lip of tho well.
"Stopl Co backl" screamed tho
young man.
Above his warning thero camo n
shriek, shrill and agonized n wnll of
such abysmnl terror as to shock tho
night birds and the Insects Into still
ness. Donnn Isabel slipped, or stum
bled, to her knees, she balanced briefly,
clutching at random whllo tho earth
nnd crumbling cement gave way be
neath her; then sho slid forward nnd
disappeared, almost out from between
Estclmn's hands. There was n noisy
rattle of rock and pebble and n great
splash far below; n chuckle of little
stones striking tho water, then n faint
bubbling. Nothing more. The stepson
stood In his tracks, sick, blind with
horror; he wus swuylng over tho open
ing when Asenslo drugged him back.
I'aneho Cueto, being a heavy sleeper,
was the last to he roused by Estclmn's
outcries. When ho hnd hurriedly
slipped Into his clothes In response to
the pounding on his door, tho few serv
ants that the establishment supported
had been thoroughly awakened. Cueto
thought they must be out of their
minds until he learned what hnd be
fnllen the mistress of the house. Then,
being a man of nctlon, ho too Issued
swift orders, with the result thnt by
the time he and Esteban had run to
the well a rope and lantern were reudy
for their use. lleforo Estebnri could
form nnd IU n loop for his shoulders
there wus sulllclcnt help on hand to
lower him Into the treacherous abyss.
That was a gruesome tusk which fell
to Esteban, for tho well had been long
unused, Its sides were oozing slime, Its
waters wore stale and black. He was
on the point of fainting when he finally
climbed out, leaving the negroes to
hoist the dripping. Inert weight which
he hnd found fit the bottom.
Old Sebastian's curse had come
truo; Donna Isabel had met the fate
he had called down upn her that day
when lio liting exhausted In his chains
and when tho files tormented him.
Tho treasure for which the woman hud
Intrigued so tirelessly had been her
death. Furthermore, as If in grim
mest Irony, she had been permitted at
tho very last to find It. Living, she
had searched to no purpose whatso
ever; dying, sho hud almost grasped
It In her arms.
Onco tho first excitement had abated
and a messenger had been sent to
town, Cueto drew Esteban asldo nnd
questioned him.
"A shocking trngedy and most pe
culiar," snld tho overseer. "Nothing
could umnzo mo more. Tell me, how
did you come to bo there at such an
hour, eh?"
Esteban saw tho malevolent curios
ity in Cueto's faco and started. "I
That Is my affair. Surely you don't
"Come, cornel You can trust me."
Tho overseer winked and smiled.
"I hud business that took mo there,"
stlflly declared tho younger man.
"Exactly I And n profltuhlo busi
ness It proved I" Cueto luughed openly
now. "Well, I don't mind telling you
Donna Isabel's dcuth Is no disappoint-
f " ?tt,
"Your Accuser Is rTono Other Than
Pancho Cueto."
of your own nffnlrs thnn of mine. I
Intend to havo a careful reckoning
with you. I think you know I havo n
good hend for figures." Turning his
bnck upon tho cider man, ho walked
away. '
Now It did not occur to Cueto renlly
to doubt the boy's Innocence, though
tho circumstances of Donna Isnhel's
death were suspicious enough to raise
n question In any mind-; hut in view
of Estcbnn's threat he thought It wise
to protect himself by setting a bnck-
As ho sat on nn old stono bench,
moodily replcturlng the cntnstrophe as
Esteban hnd described It, his nttentlon
fell upon nn envelope nt his feet. It
was scaled ; It was unnddrcsscd. Cue
to Idly brokcC It open nnd began to
read. Before ho had gone fur ho start
ed; then ho cast a furtive glance
about. But the plnco wns secluded ; ho
was unobserved. When ho llnlshcd
rending ho rosoTBmillng. He no longer
feared Esteban. On tho contrary, ho
rnthcr pitied tho young fool ; for hero
between his fingers wns that which
not only promised to remove tho boy
from his path forever, but to place In
his hands the entire Varona estates.
One afternoon, perhaps n week later,
Don Mario do Cnstnno came pulling
and blowing up to the qulnta, demand
ing to seo Itosa without n moment's
delny. With n directness unusual even
In him, Don Mario began :
"Itosa, my dear, you nnd Estebnn
huvo been discovered I I was at lunch
with tho coiunandnnto when I Icnrned
the truth. Through friendship I pre
vnlled upon him to glvo you an hour's
"What do you mean, Don Mnrlo?"
Inquired the girl.
"Come, come I" the plnnter cried, ini
pntlently. "Don't you see you can
trust me? Henvcnl The recklessness,
tho folly of young people I Could you
not leave this Insurrection to your
elders? Or perhaps you thought It n
matter of no great Importance, nn
amusing thing"
"Don Mnrlo!" Rose Interrupted. "I
don't know what you nro talking
"You don't, eh?" The caller's wet
cheeks grew redder; he blew like a
porpoise. "Then cull Est.olmn quickly !
There Is not u moment to lose." When
the brother appeared I)e Cnstnno
blurted out nt him accusingly: "Well,
sir! A line fix you've put yourself In.
Perhaps you will be Interested to learn
that Colonel Fernandez has Issued or
ders to arrest you and your sister as
agents of the Insurrectos."
"What?" Esteban drew back. Itosa
turned white as n illy nnd luid u flut
tering hand upon her throat.
"You two will sleep tonight In San
Severlno," grimly announced tho ro
tund visitor. "You know what that
Itosa uttered a smothered cry.
"Colonel Fernandez," Don Mario
proceeded, Impressively, "did mo this
favor, knowing mo to bo n suitor for
Rosa's hand. In splto of his duty nnd
tho ovldenco he "
"Evidence? Whnt evidence?" Este
ban nsked sharply.
"For ono thing, your own letter to
Lopez, tho rebel, warning him to be
ware of tho trap prepared for htm In
Santa Clara, nnd advising him of tho
government force nt Sabnnllln. Oh,
don't try to deny It I I rend It with
my own eyes, nud it menus death."
Rosa said faintly: "Esteban I I
warned you."
Estebnn wns tnken nbnek, but it wns
plnln that ho was not In the lenst
frightened. "They haven't caught mo
yet," he laughed.
"You say they Intend to arrest me
also?" Itosa eyed the caller anxiously,
HJ'Exactly I"
"Who accuses her, nnd of what?"
Esteban demanded.
"That also I have discovered through
the courtesy of Colonel Fernnndez.
Your accuser Is none other than Pan
cho Cueto."
"Cueto I"
"Yes; he hns denounced both of you
as rebels, and the letter Is only part
of his proof, I believe. Now, then, you
can guess why I am here. I nut not
without Influence; I can save Rosa, but
for you, Estebnn, I fear I can do noth
ing. You must look out for yourself.
Well? Whut do you say?"
When Esteban saw how pale his sis-
tor hud grown, ho took her In his arms,'
saying gently : "I'm sorry, dear. It s ull
my fuutt." Then to tho merchant:
"It's very good of you to warn us."
"Ha!" Don Mario fanned himself.
"I'm glnd you appreclnte my efforts.
It's a good thing to hnve the right kind
of a friend. I'll marry Rosa within an
hour, nnd I funcy my name will be a
sulllclcnt shield"
Rosa turned to her elderly suitor
and made a deep courtesy. "I am un
worthy of the honor," snld she. "You
see, I I do not love you, Don Murlo."
"Love I" exploded tho visitor. "God
bless you! What has love to do with
the matter? Esteban will havo to ride
for his life In ten minutes nnd your
property will be seized. So you hnd
better moke yourself ready to go with
Itut Rosa shook her head.
"Eh? Whnt nils you? What do you
expect to do?"
"I shall go with Estebnn," snld tho
This calm nnnounccment seemed to
stupefy De Cnstnno. no snt down
heavily In the nearest chair, nnd with
his wet handkerchief poised In one
pudgy hand ho stared fixedly at the
speaker. His eyes were round and
bulging, tho sweat streamed unheeded
from his temples. He resembled somo
queer bloated mnrlno monster Just
emerged from tho sea and momentarily
dazzled by the light.
"You You'ro mad," ho finally
gasped. "Esteban, tell her what It
But this Estebnn could not do, for
he himself hnd not the fnlntest no
tion of what was In storo for him. War
seemed to him a glorious thing; he had
been told that the hills were peopled
with patriots, no was very young, his
henrt was ablaze with hatred for tho
Spaninrds and for Pancho Cueto. no
longed to risk his life for a free Cuba.
Therefore he snld: "Rosa shall do as
sho pleases. If we must be exiles wo
shall shore each other's hardships. It
will not be for long."
"Idiot 1" stormed tho fat man. "Bet
ter that you gave her to tho sharks
below San Severlno. There Is no law,
no snfety for women outside of tho
cities. Tho Islnnd Is In nnurchy. These
pntrlots you talk about are tho blacks,
tho mulnttoes, the lowest, laziest snv
nges In Cubn."
"Pleusel Don Murlo!" tho girl
plendcd. "I eunnot-tmirry you, for I
love nuothor."
"I love nnother. I'm betrothed to
O'Reilly, the American nnd1 he's com
ing back to marry mo."
Do Cnstano twisted himself labori
ously out of his chulr and wnddlcd
townrd tho door. He wus purple with
rnge nnd mortlflcntlon. On tho thresh
old he pnused to wheeze: "Very well,
then. Co I I'm done with both of you.
I would have lent you a hand with this
rnseal Cueto, but now he will fall heir
to your entire property. Well, It ts
a time for bandits I I It-" Unable to
think of a purtlng speech sufllclcntly
bitter to mutch his disappointment,
Don Mario plunged out Into tho sun
light, muttering and stammering to
Within nn hour tho twins were on
their way up tho Yumurl, toward the
home of Asenslo and Evangellna; for
it was thither that they naturally
turned. It wus well thnt they hud
made haste, for as they rode down Into
the valley, up the other side of the hill
from Mutunzus cume u squad of tho
Ouurdlu Civil, and ut Its head rodo
Pancho Cueto.
A Cry From the Wilderness.
New York seemed almost like a for
eign city to Johnnie O'Reilly when ho
stepped out Iiito It on the morning
after his arrival. For one thing It was
bleak und cold: the north wind, hail
ing direct from Ratlin's bay, had teeth,
and It hit so cruelly thnt ho wns glad
when he found shelter In the building
which housed the olllces of the Curter
Importing company. Tho truth Is
O'Reilly was not only cold but fright
It wns not tho effect of his report
concerning tho firm's unprofitable Cu
ban connections which ho feared
Samuel Carter could take calmly tho
most disturbing flnnnclnl reverse it
wns the blow to his pride at learning
that anybody could prefer another girl
to his daughter. Johnnie shook his
shoulders and stumped his feet, but
tho chill In his bones refused to go.
Ho wept to meet his employer ns n
man mnrehes to execution.
Ills henrt snnk further nt tho wel
come ho received, for tho Importer
gavo hint a vcrltnblo embrnco; ho put
ted him on tho bnck nnd Inquired threo
times ns to his health, O'Reilly was
anything but cold now ; ho was perspir
ing profusely, and ho felt his collar
growing limp. To shnttcr this old man's
eager hopes would bo llko kicking n
child In the faco. Carter had nover
been so enthusiastic, so demonstra
tive; them wns something almost the
atrical In his greeting.
"Well, my boy, you mnde a fizzle of
It, didn't you?" The tone wns nlmost
"Yes, sir, I'm n bright nnd shining
"Now, don't 'yes, sir mo. We're
friends, aren't we? Good! Under
stand, I don't blame you In the least
It's that Idiotic revolution that spoiled
our business. You did splendidly, un
der the circumstances."
"They have reason enough to re
volt oppression, tyranny, corruption."
O'Reilly mumbled the familiar words
In n numb paralysis at Mr. Carter's Jo
vial familiarity.
"All Latin countries are corrupt,"
announced tho Importer "ulwnys hnve
been nnd always will be. They thrive
under oppression. However, I dare say
this uprising won't last long."
Johnnlo wondered why tho old man
didn't get down to cases. "It's more
than nn uprising, sir," he snld. "Tho
rebels have overrun the enst end of
the Inland, nnd when I left Mncco nnd
Gomez were sweeping west."
"Bah I It takes money to run n wnr."
"They havo money," desperately ar
gued O'ltellly. "Marti raised moro
thnn n million dollars, nnd every Cu
bnn clgnr maker In tho United Stntes
gives n pnrt of his wnges every week
to the cause. Tho best Jilood of Cubn
Is In the light. Spnln Is about busted;
sho can't stand the strain."
"I predict they'll quit fighting as
soon as they get hungry. The govern
ment is starving them out. However,
they've wound up our nffnlrs for the
time being, nnd " Mr. Curter enro
fully shifted the position of nn inkwell,
a calendar nnd n paper knife "that
brings us to a consideration of your
nnd my affairs, doesn't It? Ahem I
You remember our bargain? I wns to
glvo you a chanco and you wero to
make good before you er planned
any or matrimonial foolishness with
my dnughter."
"Yes, sir." O'Reilly felt thnt tho
moment hnd come for his carefully re
hearsed speech, but, unhappily, ho
could not remember how the swan-
song sturted. Mr. Cnrtcr, too, was un
accountably silent. Another moment
dragged past, then they chorused.
"I huve an unpleasant "
Each broke off at the echo of his
own words.
"What's thnt?" Inquired tho Im
porter. "No-nothing. You were saying "
"I wns thinking how lucky It Is that
you and Elsa waited.' Ilm-m! Very
fortunate." Again Mr. Carter rear
ranged his desk fittings. "We some
times differ, Elsa nnd I, but when sho
sets her henrt on n thing I seo thnt
she gets it, even if I think she oughtn't
to hnvo It. What's the uso of having
children If you can't spoil 'cm, eh?"
Ho looked up with a sort of resentful
challenge, nnd when his listener np
penred to ugrce with him ho sighed
with satisfaction. "Early marriages
are silly but she seems to think other
wise. Mnybo she's right. Anyhow
she's licked me. I'm done. She wants
to bo married right away, before we
go west. That's why I wnlted to seo
you nt once. You won't object, will
you? We men hnvo to tnke our medicine."
"It's quite out of the question,"
stammered the unhappy O'Reilly.
"Come, come! It's tough on you, I
know, but" Johnnlo hud a horrified
vision of himself being dragged unwil
lingly to tho altar. "Elsa Is going to
hnvo whnt she wants, If I havo to break
something. If you'll ho sensible I'll
stand behind you llko a father and
tench you the business. - I'm getting
old, nnd Ethelbert could never learn
It. Otherwise" The old mnn's Jnw
set; his eyes begnn to glenm angrily.
"Who Is Ethelbert?" faintly In
quired O'Reilly.
"Why, dnmmlt I He's the fellow I'vo
been telling you nbout. He's not so
bad ns ho sounds; he's renlly a nice
"Elsa Is In love with another man?
Is that whnt you meun?"
"Good Lord, yes! Don't you under
stand English? I didn't think you'd
take it so hard I was going to miiko
a plnco for you hero In the ofllce, hut
of course If Say I Whut tho deuce
alls you?"
Samuel Carter stared with amaze
ment, for tho Injured victim of his
daughter's fickleness hnd leaped to his
feet and was slinking his hand vigor
ously, ineanwhllo uttering unintelli
gible sounds that seemed to signify
relief, pleasure, delight anything ex
cept what the old man expected.
Magic! Just drop n little Froezono
on that touchy corn, Instantly It stops
aching, then you lift tho corn off with
tho fingers. Truly! No humbug!
Try Freezone! Your druggist sells
a tiny bottle for a few cents, sufficient
to rid your feet of ovcry hard corn,
soft corn, or corn between the toes,
and callouses, without one particle of
pain, soreness or Irritation. Freezotto
Is the discovery of n noted Cincinnati
genius. Adv.
11 " I
Test Soldier's Brains.
The psychological and brain tests to
wlilch our enlisted men nro being sub
jected are something new In military
tactics. In other wars men were not
put Into the ranks If they showed
noticeable signs of mental Infirmity.
Now they do not stop with asking If,
he Is crazy, but they go further nnd
determine by established tests whether
ho Is apt to go crazy If exposed to tho
strain nnd shock of bnttlc. Doctor Gor
gns Instituted this new examination,
nnd under It many men have been
turned bnck from the path to "over
there" und detailed to some phase of
government service "over here." They
nro not generally told why the chnngci
Is made, but are expected to glvo sol-
dlorly obedience to the order. To tell
them would bo to set up a stnte of1-self-suspicion
thnt would be very
harmful. Memphis Commercial Appeal.
You May Try Cutlcura Free
Send today for free samples of Cutt
cura Soap and Ointment and lenrn
how quickly they relieve Itching, skin
and scalp troubles. For free samples,
address, "Cutlcura, Dept. X, Boston.'
At druggists nnd by mall. Soap 25
Ointment 25 nnd !50. Adv.
Sound of Drum Carries Far.
At Efulen, West Africa, is a native
drum, tho sound of which can be heard
20 mlle.1 away. Each African bus his
own drum roll, and when he Is wanted
he can bo recalled from u great distance.
Nobody Knows.
Betty Mamma, when the fire
out, where does It go?
Mamma I don't know, dear. You
might Just ns well ask me where your
father goes when he goes out.
To keep clenn nnd healthy tnke Dr.
Plerco's Pleasant Pellets. They regit
Into liver, bowels und stomuch. Adv.
The pace that kills causes few de
mises among the messenger hoys.
Ho Is the richest man who enrlchci
mankind most.
O'Reilly, In New York, learns
of Rosa's plight. The next In
stallment tells what happened
First American Multimillionaire.
Tho first American multimillionaire
to attain International fumo on ac
count of his vast wealth was Stephen
Girnrd. Of the flnnnclnl dynnstles of
todny only tho Astors nnd Vnnderbllts
were represented In GIrnrd's time, nnd
tho'fortuno of tho distinguished Phlln
delphlnn exceeded that of Commodoro
Cornelius Vandcrbllt or tho first John
Jacob Astor. Glrard was worth $9,000,
000 at tho time of his denth. Much of
this money ho left to tho city of Phila
delphia for public' purposes, and
$2,000,000 wero applied to tho building
of n college for orphans. This Institu
tion bus supported and educated tens
of thousnnds of orphnns and fitted
them for their battles with tho world.
Glrard was a frco thinker.
May be Overcome by Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound ThU
Letter Prove It
Woaf PMWnlnhlA. Pa. "Durincrthe
thirty years I havo been married, I havo
H i. , been In bad health
and had oovcral at
tacks of nervous
prostration until it
seemed oa if the
organs in my whole
body wero worn
out I was finally
persuaded to try
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Com
pound and it made
a well woman of
mo. I can now do
nil mv houaowork
and advise all ailing women to try
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetab e Com
pound and I will guarantee they will
derive great benefit from it" Mrs.
Frank Rtzgekald, 25 N. 41ot Street,
West Philadelphia, Pa,
There aro thousnnds of women every
where in Mrs. Fitzgerald's condition,
Buffering from nervousness, backacho,
headaches, and other symptoms of a
functional derangement. It was a
grateful spirit for health restored which
led her to write this letter so that other
women maybenefitfromher experience
and find health as she has dono.
For suggestions in regard to your con
dition wrjto LydiaE. PinkhamIod cine
Co., Lynn, Mass. The reiiult of their
40 years experience is at your service.
What Do You Know About
Do You Want to Know (he
Drop "" iv pnt card tonajr nnd
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about all broods of cuulo tin earth
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Lift fill! ifulxtlRl If Pfl7
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In Now South Wales there is n
mountain from which rock ylcldlnR 80
per cent alum has been mined for moro
tlnm half a century.
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(or nlt nnd ronton crop payinonu.
J,fllULllALI.,hoo Oily, loivil
ev reUtmcei.
liMton.llU. Uuukafrao. Illuh.
uesi retaiuv