The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 23, 1918, Image 5

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IN 1
W. V. Deal is visiting In Alllnnce.
Dnn Buress litis returned to Grand
H. E. Orice Is spending a few days In
Mrs. Chris Zeiss went to McCook
B. B. Burr whs in from Guide Kocl;
Lloyd Wheeler wns i Sunday visitor
at McCook.
Modem room for rent, with bonrJ.
Bill phone .')S.
Bd McCrary of Guide Bock, wns in
the city Monday.
Mr. John Umber visited friends in
Supeilor Thuisdfiy.
Byes tested, glasses fitted. J. C.
Mitchell, the Jeweler.
J. A. Bradford and Bd liibbons -pent
Snndny nt Hastings.
Mtiyor Damcrell mado a business
tiip to Denver tills week.
Mrs, C. Z. Wood worth find childien
went to Kenesuw Saturday.
Lloyd Sweeten has been appointed
road overseer in District number 7.
Fai mors' Union meeting ut Kellogg
Hall every Thursday night at S:30. tf
I Adolph ilnrtmun has been anpoitiled
road overseer for disttiet number "Jj.
A. J. Tophum and family entertained
ii number of guests from Inavnle lust
llnruess repaliing and half soloing,
in basement under Ege's store. P. B.
Hansi.n. 'JOtf
The county commissioners meet Juno
11th, 12th and l.'ltlt as a Board of Bpn
The Olst grand lodge of the Masons
of Nebraska will meet in Omaha June
4 to Gth.
The Railway Commission hearing on
the telephone controversy, has been
postponed to June Gth.
Some corn was wa-hod out, but who
minds a little extra cost for so great n
benefit as was the rain.
Miss Inez Boner returned homo from
Chicago Saturday night, where she at
tended a musical scliool.
After July 1st O. J. K alley will
receive ST.". 00 per month for janitor
service at the court house.
M. and Mrs. B Cowden, who have
been vUiting relatives In Cedar
Bflpids, Iowa, aio home again.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Kinder and Ivan
Wright, their giandsou, visited Bladen
Sunday and were gue-ts at 'the Otto
King homo.
Boy Teel, son of Mr. and Mr-,. O. C.
Tee!, has been selected for the Olllcer
Training Camp. lie is at Camp Fre
mont. California
The W. H. Tabor pool hall license
question brought up at a special meet
ing of tho County Commissioner
yesterday, was deferred to June 17th.
Tin this in your hat and don't for
get to tell your neighbor that every
dollar given the lied Cross goes for
war relief. The necessary expenses
of oflfclal management are met from
another source.
Arthur Hill, youngest son ol Mr.
nud Mrs. Peter Hill, who fortmrlv
lived ut Cowles, but now icsidltu at
Kendricks Colo , passed away ut Camp
FntiMon, Kan., last wo.d; at id the body
was brought to th'n city and then
taken to Cowles, when the funeral
wns hold ou Friday "last, and
was made in fi Ca1s cometerv.
The body m- .ii'euipanie 1 hy dp'
David "ii ut Ho .amp an 1 tli worn
mail pur mi-.
jlli i-wrrMttrmatmTTwftnnjmiitmmi t r nwnii Mjr-mw i utt.iii rn ! mm mm nm iMifcmiwwiV
If .HiMniimiBiii "
BSllMHsUlSlM'ir v Wmff
LHH Jil I I 4A 1 1 1 IT If 1 1 II 111 I II
'ass-psr: u
1 he present that gives pleasure, not merely for a
few days, but for long months and years, is the
ideal gift.
LJesigns full of the beauty of art are found in glisten
ing profusion here.
Choosing is no longer a task, but a pleasure.
Samuel H utter is joining the navy.
J. II. Ilalley returned home from
Omaha Saturday night.
Good mealsgood service moderate
prices Powell k Pope's cafe.
Dr. Hoy Gather Is in the city visiting
his patents, John litirber and wife.
Hood second hand car for sale. Price
reasonable if taken at once. L, L. tf
Elder T. Godfrey, of Concordia.
Kati , arrived here Friday for a visit
with his son, K. F. Godfrey and family.
Geo. Quiinhy of Denver, and Charley
Marshall of Omaha, were in the city
this wick attending to business mat
On Saturday last the Farmers' Co
operative Union paid out about S700
fur cicam. eggs and poultry their sec
ond Saturday since opening business.
Dr. Warrick, the specialist, will
j meet eye, ear, nosennd throat patients
and hisu needing glasses fitted, at Dr,
Damei ell's, Wednesday, May 50th.
Houts '2 to 0 only. It
MUs Pattio Galusha of McCook and
Mr. James Henderson of Ft Morgan.
Colorado, were married at the home ot
tho bride's parents Mr and Mrs. A.
Galusha, at McCook, last Thursday
Fasv SrnAwnr.ii!in:s St per case of
24 full size quarts, express pi epald and
guaranteed to arrive in good condition.
Will commence about May 20th.
Wicuiiam ItKisnY F.v u. Salem, Ne
braska. 20 Ut
The Farmers' Union hold an Inter
esting meeting last Thursday evening,
Geo. K. Wilson, field man from Oma
ha, being present and addressing a
good s"zed an Hence, along tho lines
pertaining to betterment of farm con
The Riverton Creamery, destroyed
by tire n weel: ago Friday, is to bo re
built, although exact location has not
yet been decided upon. Meanwhile
the Farmers' Union have resumed the
business in temporary quarters, buy
ing cream and oggs, and selling cream
ery butter.
At the Ked Cross picture entertain
ment last Friday evening, B. II. New
house contributed music 'by an
"Blison" phonograph. "Tho phono
graph with a soul." Superlatives fail
in attempt to adequately describe the
rendition of "Peace, be Still," ono of
the numbers given. This machine is
one of the triumphs of tho century.
Our soldier friend, A. B. MoArthtir,
writes in a personal letter that he is in
good health and getting on nicely in
his new duties. Also that under mil i
tary rules he is now barred from
writing for publication. The Chief
management admits the rule u just
one and, while regretting the loss of
"Mac's'" interesting correspondence,
submits cheerfully.
If ever the fanner.'. and for that
matter everybody el-oweio happy it
was Monday night when a much need
ed rain fell on ground that wns sure
getting dusty ufter two or thtee weeks
of drying sunburn! wind. Over two
inches fall was recorded before the
rain censed. Starting about ten o'clock
rain fell steadily far into the night
and added thousands of dollars to local
agricultural prospects.
Win. Jeil'ries vs M. 15. Holland and
1). McNeny. Court liuds: Contracts
for sum of S.'wlO advanced by defen
dant Holland weio usurious Amount
duo Holland, without trillions interest
U J'1,110 So and judgment rendered in
defendants favor for that amount, and
riig-iinst McNcny who holds $ :," .'".'Jt
for that amount, and in favor of plain
ti.tV tigaitii-t MoNenv. lor Mm balance
.-1 -.; jr. (Ti.-ls luxed to Holland. Bulh
I, iini '1 .tiil dt fon I .lit except. --Mc-C
.. k Ki uldiiMii.
ill :
Dan Hnnners Stuidaycd at McCook.
J W Cromc is thivlng n new Buiclt
Jas. Bynn visited Grand Island the
first of the week.
Mrs. Bva Teiiuaut was called to
Inavale Wednesday.
Don I teuton is home from Camp
Funston for it few days visit. -
The Seventh Day Advent chinch is
holding extra services Mils week.
W. B. Woesner went to Lincoln Sun
day to visit his daughter, Mrs. Guy
Bester Yost exempt from military
duty is making application for enroll
ment in the navy.
Corn planting is ptncMcully complet
ed and sotno of the earlier seeding is
already nicely up.
A Bed Ctoss batn dance at John
Doyle's south of town, was an enter
taining Saturday night assembly.
A sou of Henry Hansen, socretary of
the Farmers Union, was taken to
Hastings for an operation Monday.
James Mcintosh combines business
and pleasure In his latest investments
a new steam tractor and u Stude
baker auto.
Hurry Yost is now somewhere in
France notice of his safo arrival Iiav
lug just been received by Ids parents
Mr. and Mrs John Yost.
Ed Gibbons of Lincoln, lias arrived
here with his family and entered upon
Ids duties as who chief for the Farm
ers Telophono Company at Bed Cloud,
pJd Platt went to Hastings Friday.
Mrs. Platt ami daughter Marian, re
turned homo with him, the latter hav
ing been under treatment at the hospi
tal. SALBSMAN WANTED: -Lubiicat-lug
oil, grouse, specialties, paint, part
or whole time. Commission basis.
Man with car or rig preferred. -Ki vt.u
sun: Cojipanv, Cleveland,
Ohio. It
Tho Republican Valley Medical
Association Is in session at the Com
mercial Club rooms as tho Chief goes
to press, Active interest is evident,
manj representatives of tho piofession
being present
Dr. C. B.'Cross, the well-known den
tist practicing Ids profession in Bed
Cloud for many years past, has removed
to Douglass, Wyoming, whero ho will
make his future home. The doctor
and his family left Bed Cloud Wcdnes
James Miller, living southwest of
Franklin, lost sixteen head of tine
sheep about two weeks ago which
were, without doubt, poisoned. Mr.
Miller had engaged u btranger in town
to work for him and came in after him
in his car in the afternoon. The next
morning the man did not bhow up and
when Miller went out to his feed lot he
found sixteen of his sheep dead
Wo understand that a number of
young pooplo from this county utu
soon going to Grand Island, Nebraska,
to attend tho well known Grand
Island Business College The school
has been a leader in business oduca
tlou for more- than thirty years and
cannot supply the demand for its
graduates. It was the first western
school to prove that positions could
bo guarranteed und secured for
Congregational Church
Mrs. Mitchell dellveied a sermon no
lh.'d Cross activities Sunday morning
There wore no services (u tho. evening
on account of the union baccaluureale
service for the high school class of
t.ils, ut the Methodist church.
Sunday May -.'(itli, memorial service
in the morning will bo a Union seivice
at tho Orpheiitn. There will be no
evening service at tho church, hs oui
pastor, Mrs. Mitchell, is to deliver the
baccalaureate sermon to the graduates
of the Franklin Aca lemy.
Services as usual June Jtni.
Baptist Church Notes
, .Lin: vwuiiK "oilers him iiiooi Willi
Mrs O. D. Hedge nt Ji-'Io p. in. Friday.
Sunday School at in n. m., after
which tho people will attend tho .Me
morial services at tho Orpheuui.
lu tho absence of the pastor, Uro.
V. M. Harper, Elder V. A. Nickorscn
of Guido Bock, preached in the morn
ing on Suudny and two wore received
fur baptism.
After a short session of the clnuch
In the afternoon tho people departed
for u shady nook ubovo Mm Amboy
mill, where Brother Ntckorson bap
tized live believers. The church likes
to see pooplo brought to Christ as Mils
is thu end of all .ontrovcrsy. The
query as to tho act of baptism today
is us to tho right of tho church to
change Mm spnclilc act of baptism to a
veriiible ordlnanco changeable at tin
vwll of tho iidmlnistiatoi. the subject
or their friends.
Tuesday evening tho .Sunday School
gave (ioldu Parker a faiowoll iecep-
U -ii, iisshe returns to her home near
'Central City to remain with her fath-
or and two younger bisters during va
cation, A very enjoyable evening was
spent in sociability and entertainment,
besides bolnf treated to ice cream;
Red Cross
oecona Kea
Subscriptions can be left at any of the banks
Must Register
A'.l . n who lmvu attained tho ago
of a l 'i v'o June rith, loi", must appear
and i g liter this year. President
WiN i has named Juno fith, 1018, as
the i for this duty. The place of
rogis'i.itiiin for tho entile county of
Wel-'vr will be at the county clerk's
ollK- i i Bed Cloud. Hours from 7 a.
m. t i p. m Do not fall to register.
Notice to Parents or Guardians
'J 1 10 parent or guardian of any pupil
desii tig fiee high scliool tuition for
tho e. tiuiig year should make applica
tion i j tho county superintendent on
or In ' ire the fit st day of Juno. Blanks
for . ddng the application maybe so
curt from the town superintendent
or ft u the ojllee of tho county super
into! i. 'nt .
Gmmmu L Chun. Co. Supt.
Christian Church Notes
Ewiy Sunday in .luno will bo tniulo
a special day with u special service
The church will soon Install fan's, so
you can keep cool while attending this summer.
A number of the people of this
chinch attended tho Baccalaureate
service and report u good service.
Sammies Day will bo Juno Und
instead of May 2Ctli to comply with the
desiie of those who wish a Union
Meiiituial seivice Sunday May 2(5Mi at
It a in This is u community nlVair
und all parties should help in the
Menioiial set vice. Juno 'Jud will be
devoted to tho interests of tho Bed
Cloud soldiers. Plan to attend Mils
service. Sunday evening subject.
"Armenia, the Marty ted Nation."
Tho address last Sunday morning
was appuiently appreciated. The
theme was, '"The Vidua and Powei ol
the Press.' Tho loport of tho sptcitii
committee appointed to see about
what our tolks read obtained some
very iuteiesting information. Approx
imately COO newspapers are coining in
to the homes of our people. More
than S10O0 is spent each year to see
vluit happens. About every, font th
family read some religious paper.
There is a line moral tone indicated
by what tho church reads.
Messrs Mouday, Fitzgerald, Delauey
and Beebc attended the patriotic ser
vice at Guide Bock Sunday evening.
Tho pooplo of Guide Bock arc entitled
to great credit for the program, the
immense crowd and tho line patriotic
-pirlt The opera house was jammed
with people, mid Mie overflow ciowd
iiiorc Minn tilled tho Methodist chinch.
Bi'V. Fit'.geialil and Mr. Monday nui'o
the chief ndihcsus. Frod Platibaok,
a listlnguNhed funnel near Bostwlck
scai'guiiut ( L Steven, ltcontly from
the trenches in Prance, a young tniiti
1 1 m the navy, talked Hist in tho opera
'Use then al the M. B. church. By
u'Ptost tho wiiter was asked to ipeult
' tho overflow crowd.
4 e)D)1 o? the omlition
Di' Tin:
Bank of Inavale
of Iiinvnlc Charter No. 7!)5 In I lie Shite
of Nebraska at tin: close cf business
May (0, l!)i;t,
lil.sul III I -
I -ins mill iHicouiits ux.sJ.YU t
"wnlraftH 1,107.05
oilii-r AhsutH, Mlivrty Itoiitls 'J.lTO.OO
liuikliiKlioiiHo, fiirnltiin ,v.iKturuH j.ouooo
urrent expensed, taxes unit later-
eit pnlii .". M I, "MUM
lua- from national iiinl htato
liankH .s lJ.ii7M.7H
i urreney. 'J.S.W.00
imitl coin i'l.uo
simr, iilckclKaiulcuitH 7wi.'20 ih,:)IH.!)H
Iota! KVJ.1UJ.07
i.i miii. i cms
i .ipital stuck paid In tf 10,000.00
siuiiiisiuiiii r,ooo.oo
I ii.llvlilcil irollts ,
lii.lhlilunl (leposltHHiiliJiet
to check .. liS.lOO.Hi
I', iiiaiul ccrtllk-ates of de
posit IIW.0O
I In. ucurllllcatcHof deposit 11,00(1.70 1 I0.l07.-t;)
ii i"ltor'8 guaranty fund urJ.til
i ut al 1110,110.0-
si n:orNi:mtASKA, i
ounty of Webster l"
I . It. McL'rnry Cashier of the itlxivu imiii
i,i luiik do hereby swear that tho above
i:iu incut Is a correct and tino ropy ol the
1 1 1. .i i made to tho Statu IMuMtuc Hoard.
Ii. It. Mil'ltAKV.
i Imrllo llutitur. Iiliictui.
Aided McUnll, Dlrtctor.
Suliscrlbod anil sworn to before, mo litis Joth
day of May, iuih. '
JO "" ' " rturuchH
iHinl.) .s'otary l'ubllc
Call for Voluntary Action!
It will be impossible for the committees soliciting for the
tross War fund Drive to
Drive is for $100,000,000.00
'After the Minnows Comes the Whale"
it) Years
Big Uncle Tom's Cabin
Tent Show
Amei lean's Bespectivc Dramatic Orgnnirntion
The one show of which the public never tires.
Always Welcome Everywhere
Tho one Show that has stood upon its merits nlouo. Its achievements tho
wonder of tho amusement world. .Vot only an attraction, but tin institution
KING and MONARCH of them all - FOREVER
FOREMOST : : Newest Edition of the Oldest Hit
Red Cloud, Tuesday, May 28
Show Grounds, Ball Park
Bxhibiting in a niotihter waterproof tcnl, seating L'.'iOt) people, - hands, drum
Corps, fin Actois, Dancers, Specialty and Colored neoplo
Fotgcoiis Sctjiiiu ami Blcct ileal BIIVcls
C '-i'"i' I co Choked Olfib Bivor
The lioino of l'hinea Fletcher
P Tho Dancing Coon in I'nrado
Thee Bocky Pass
Slave Market of New Orleans
- Grand Transformation Scenu
Licgreo Bed River lMantation
Parade at l'j o'clock Xoon
l'BBI'tiBM M B
Dui.ik ..pen it li p M
I'll P I Ij A
S?l.,k , &J& 'Xxi&Wiv WiAife' i
PMsmim- it wr to j twm 5wt5a. sw . jl p
W ivti n-J i Ikijh tubii lit show 1'iirs ut II A M -hm. day. Aivi v int
three uiluii..' men steady woi Ic all -iiinuicr.
A Complete Line of Staple Groceries
always on hand. Fresh Vegetables
. and Fruits in Season. Use the Phone
For up-to-date Millinery call and see
us. Pattern hats, frames of every
Cash for Your Produce
J. E, Butler
Bell Phone 45
Advs in the Chief Bring Results
see everyone.
any time this week.
20 a h
' 't. k J.. J.- s-i-
Indian Uhonis
Tlio l.onlsiana Quartette
'ho Southern Songs
The Jubilee Slngeia
Phe Augmented Chorus
A The Plantation Melodies
LaitenborgS Orchestra
j UennottR Cornet Bands
Band Concert at 7:Bo P M,
r'vi fj
T Xlfiill' )M,
P -i t mo- .it i , i 1 M
U P It J Hi s.
E5 C
. JJ? K
Ind. Phone 200
nwwnnr i cm