The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 23, 1918, Image 4

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    - , MffAfflfFV i r I
Geo. Trine
We believe that it pays to give our
customers service and satisfaction;
that is why we want to sell you a
. ,1
Uscrs"ol Dc Laval Cream Separators -have carried
away every first prize awarded at conventions of the
National Creamery Buttcrmakcrs' Association during the
last twenty-five years. The record is unbroken.
That ought to be proof enough that cream separated by
inc uc iavai is supcuui iu uiu
The reason is that Dc Laval bowl
design, together with low speed,
enable the delivery of butter-fat
globules unbroken in their natural
' 3m?
The NEW Dc Laval
"blue-ribbon" separator.
You en buy a NEW De Lvl from u on
llketal termi. Ccme In and lock It over nnj
so how tho Cell SpeeiMndicMor workt.
A Full and'Complete Line of
New Ooods
Fancy Voiles, Fancy Ginghams, Egyptian
Tissues, Dimities, Dunbar Tissues, Suitings
Plain and Fancy Organdies
ML A. Albright's
Rod Cloud, Nebraska.
entered In the ruitoJIlcent Hid Cloud, Neb,
us Second Class Mrttcr
As I See It
QUICLEY it BROWNE. Editcti ind Pubtiil
Political Announcements
ffA fce-ol iO CO will licchnrncd lor nil jinrtUt
nnnoiinclni? ttitlr miulldney (oroflU-clii tint.
..i.i.uii. u hither ntmhllciin or dtniocrfU.
and will bo run until tho I'rlmnry Klcctlon
In Aumint.
ForLCounty Treasurer.
I hereby announce myself as n
candidate for U'c olllco of County
Tiensiirer of.Wcbster County subject
to the wishes of Detnotratic voters ut
the August primaries.
For County Treasurer.
1 hereby announce myself ns n
canilldBte for the olllee of Count
Treasurer of Webster County, subject
to tlio' approval of the Republican
voters int. the primary election in
I'rtANK Starr
Candidate for County Judge
I hereby nnnonncc myself as a candl
date for (ho olllco of County Judge, at
tin- nrlmarv election to be held Aup
00th, liUi. .subject to the will of tin-
electors of Webster County.
A. 1). Kaxsi
For County Treasurer
I hereby nnnouuee myself ns a can
didate for the olllce of County Treas
urer of Webster County subject to tli
wishes of the Democratic voters at the
August primal les.
O. A. Arnold.
President Wilson has proclaimed
Juno ntti, 111S, as registration day for
all men who have attained the age of
21 since Juno iitli u year ago. It w
estimated that this will add about
SOO.OOO names to the registry list.
Now comes the ubiquitous LaFollette
ashing for a coat of whitewash. Hail
any one- of tho voters who put hi m in
his ouieliil chair, or tiled to keep him
out of It, practiced a mere- fraction of
the Wisconsin senator's tactics Itu
mediate dIgnico and perhaps intern
inent would have been hi fnte.
News items uud correspondent's, le
I vlewb from the westeern battle fron
are Indicative that the Kaiser Is Mak
ing all on a last great drive. If a
fails he is done. It would seem the
most serious crisis that the allies have
faced. It would seem that the hour is
at hand when tho fate of the world
will hang in the balance. The Kaiser
may concentrate more man-power,
more brute force, bik! with recklcsr
sacrifice malic Impression, polbly
breaks, in the allied defense but the
invisible and intangible forces, the
moral forces of the world, the soul and
conscience of mankind are fighting on
our side. "Wheu he sank the Lusi
tania the Kaiser lost tho war!"
pen Day an
d Night i
l'oint of order, Mr. Chairman' The
lomaiUs of the gentleman from Colo
radii are in-evident, -immaterial and
inconsequential. He bases an .n-gu
meat upon the ellects of wind iitnl
electric ttoi ins and Inbiniiiiti-s Hut min
telephone line is voro Hum Slu-i m in'-,
idea of war and tho other all that
mikjlit 1 e doiivd. As a mat lot ! ftO'l
it is uiw to prove that both 1 lies
iiiiVoud under the. MrcM of oleni- ills
All telephone lines, are, in Muslim
condition1., Biibjeet to distres-, an I the
gentleiiiuii ii out of order luutunipl
Ingto obscure the leal While by basing
upon extraordiiiiii-y exigency .in lui.
plication of normal iuelllcifiicj. This
olllce togother with several seuu-sof
Iiiilepeiident patrons c.iniuit, lv the
tinkle of a bell, bo convinced that
there are no holes in a liuUlei.
Powell & Pope
Looking backward to tho tlmo when
"lied Cloud" held council on tho plat
now occupied by the thriving little city
which ueais his name, 1 find myelf
wonilcriui! what the Miou.v Chief would
think or say were he to appear among
us to-day.
Instead of the level sand perhaps
dotted bv a few Indian Tunees lie
would see broad smooth paved stroets,
solid brick blocks and stately build
ings. Instead of a pipeof pence, there
would appear a pieco of pipo you
know the clay pipe docs not smoke
good until It is broken, and there arc
still some old sottleis who would not
give up tho original Irish smoke cup
for the best cigar that Powell fc Pope
ever handed over their counter.
A hasty review of progress made in
the comparatively few years past elicits
tosy hope for the future of lied Cloud.
It is not a mining town spuing up
In a day to die In a night, but of the
slow and stable growth which comes to
stay. Agricultural Interests build and
buck it and in these days the ngricultu.
nil fellow is a pretty big man. Time
was when the farmer stood close to the
foot of the industrial class but now he
is at tho head, and of sufficient Impor
tance to even merit excuse from going
to war, as children are excused from
school on account of duties which re
quire their attention at home.
Did It ever occur to you how the
country and tho town aro inter depen
dent? How the one supports tho oth
er? That either alone Is like a man
who has lost an arm Is crippled and
out half ellleient? Without the mer
chant the farmer Isembarassed; with
out tho farmer the merchant would
soon bo worse than onibara.ssod. Keep
that noiut'lu mind and know that to
gether you prosper, divided you fail.
I find that lied Cloud is possessed of
an efficient Commercial Club and an
active Palmers' Union representative
of organixed forces well-nigh irrestlblo
when concentrated upon any particular
With tho vast productive area sur
rounding; with shipping facilities
euual to any and superior to mnny,
with a live, up-to-date merchandising
element, and with active organizations
co-ordinating and guiding these in
terests thero can be no doubt as to the
future of Red Cloud.
This is not "boom" talk. I have no
lands to sell or houses to rent. Am
but taking a "slant" at tho town and
telling you what I see. Years ago I
favored (Jalcua, 111., with this sort of
thing lecarding the great lead-tniniiu
possibilities thereabouts and today
everyone of my prophetic lines have
become reality. There 1 had to look
uiuleiKiouud, so to speak, had In pint
to elianco a guess. Here tho indica
tions are visible, tiiigible, unmistaka
ble. Less than fifty years ago Miss Fan
nie Uarber taught a school here tho
second in Webster county for the
muniliceut salary of 812 per mouth.
Today you have three great school
buildings, a largo corps of talented
teachers, and while I write a class of
thirty-six Senior Higli3 are passing
from their finished studies fitted and
ready for a placo In the world's work.
Nebraska has always been noted for
an especially good educational system,
uud lied Cloud is doing its full share
hrlualntaining this reputation.
Of churches one may take their
choice of eight denominations listed
alphabetically as follows: Advent, Map
tist, Hrethren, Congregational, 'hiis
thin. Catholic, Episcopal, Methodist
an army vailed enough to n eet almost
oviu-y ideal of religious life.
deferring again to material advan
tages, Ued Cloud lias a municipal elec
tric plant lurnishing light i-nd power
day and nikjlit over the city and mil
Into adjoining towns. A now UK) horse
power engine uud generator aie now
Installing to meet i.-qulieinents in
tills field. Within the city limits, v. u
tor is at jour command by the turning
of a faucet; and a mo lorn sower sys
torn but iccently installed at a cost of
JlO.OOii, makes for health and sanitary
safety of tho ontiro conimunty.
Last but not least, the American
Auto Hearse - Horse Hearse
Phone, Ind. Slore 158, Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB.
Compiling and producing a ,tpor
week after week is no easy task. The
Chief aims to go forth week m and
week out with the upbuilding uf tills
city and community constantly in
view an active agent of the booster
association. With this end ahvay In
view It Is but fair to nslt the active
cooperation and support ot all who
are interested whether that interest
be iu a business lino or ineiely for
personal information whether our
patron be an advertiser or a subscriber.
Do not look upon your contribution as
solely for a direct and imiiiedlato
personal return of dollars and cents
See It also as an Investment for future
bone fits for tho bonellts derived
from a livo growing town. We will
work hard to make lied Cloud a
noticeable spot on the map to attract
wldospiead attention toward suburban
agricultural activities -for elvie pro
gross f r anything spelling bettor
ment. The aim Is high, the task
arduous, and tho Chief cannot attain
thoso objectives without the hearty
cooperation of Its putrons. Aro you
with usV If not, why nor.' .
idea prevails typified by the stars
and stripes which, in company with a
three-burred service Hag, wave proudly
above tho city every day.
Speaking of Amoiieanlsni It is time
ly to record a fow practical examples
lied Cloud gardens are planted full to
tho edge In many Instances spill over
Into the spaco between street and side
walk, where usually is a plot of grass.
Nebraska was the first state to ex
ceod Its quota in pledges to the Third
Liberty Loan and first in casli salos
The state leads In lied Cioss member
ship and was the first to organize an
IntoiiSlvo Farmers' W nr Council.
These facts not alone demonstrate
intense and practical patriotism. They
aro indicative of tremendous linan
olul rosource, and again verify what I
have said logarding future prospects
and growth.
With these and other advantages, at
tractions, facilities, and resources it
wero folly to see "over yonder" some
thing better. "Over yonder" is the end
of a rainbow the attraction and al
lurement of u multi-colored shadow
The pot of gold that lies beneath has
never yet been found.,
Licensed Embalmcr in
Kansas 'and Nebraska
Horse Hearse
Auto Hearse
Complete'.Line of Up-to-date
Furniture, Rugs, Etc.
Electric Wiring
TF you want your home
Sore or garage wired let
me furnish you an estimate
on the job, complete.
Everything : Electrical
Our prices are right, workmanship
the best and material guaranteed.
We order any special fixtures you
want and install them satisfactorily.
Let us figure on your next job
fflacle Right, bettered
Right And Erected Right
Makers of Artlsllc"IVIoiiumcnts
Red Cloud, Nebraska
Hamilton -Cathr
Clothing Co.
Everything Man
or Uoy Woara
Hd Oloud Nibraika
U. II. Miner
Dr. 8. K. IKiui'ul.M. !.!
Successor to Dr. Cross
Manager Veterinary InCimruo
C. H. Miner Serum Co.
Anti Hog Cholera- Serum
Red Cloud Nebraska
Wire or Phone at Our Expense
I), S. Veterinary License No.45
E. S. Geu-ber
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and
(Work Guaranteed)
Electrical Goods of all Kinds
Will Wiro Your House And
Furnish You the Fixtures
, . ' -1
H .''I
t .