The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 23, 1918, Image 1

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Uorled11 "
1 .
A Notspaflcr That Gives The News Fifty-two hc,.Ks Lull Year for $1.50
. oj.hjuwmw im iw ww imrirnm iaiiiiiwHirHiiriHrrpiMiTirmnnririiiiMMiirii niiTrwyBHirryfiT-n -f--n-TninirBTifrniiiiiMt n m ir m i -' "-" -
Ti.itwi:iTT'rwicjfcWiiiiw MwtifvnMraiiniBntvrantr
Baccalaureate Sermon
This Bank will Pay, Free of Charge,
LIBERTY BOND Interest Coupons, at
Maturity or Fifteen Days Prior Thereto
Intereft Paid on Time Deposits
DEPOSITS in this bank are PROTECTED by the
Depositors Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska
j: :
i Webfter County Bank ji
TI1C 0'
sirAtc i t
ly seeli ,-
him ue
lu the t
ing tei
, Tin- Medio lit chinch tt,i erndei
t to cap u-ity Sunday eveuliir and many J ltiult I
i lMnu wm ii'ippntniei noi I'otng, ' l"
aide to olifiin entiniiee to the chinch.
.A ouiidition which points tlic fact
that a more coinmcdlous place should
be 'circled for this et vice.
llov. Diul liter's, subject, "The For
ward .March of Life, formed tlic corner-stone
of an eloquent and fotcuful
sei'tnoti replete with lemons and ad
vice appropriate to the occasion.
Tho speaker, combining two tests -Hxodttx
11-1.1, and Hebrews S-." -followed
closely the the basic thought of
"(Joing forward," as the solution of
lifo'i problems. To attain perfection
in all tiling no matter at what saetl
lice should be tlic goal of life perfec
tion in tilings material ns well as reli
gion -ami earth life must include
eternal life else progtess counts for
Tiie church was tastefully decoiatod
with (lowers and class colors, and
mu-ic furnished by a unlou choir with
solos by MiS'j Donahoo and Tracy
An Impressive Picture
The '
ii mi was crow lei to t lie
iv cviiiug to s.v tite til n-
exhibit of lld Cro" woiU.
tonal port or of the moving
'- never mure i learly demon-
u. on tliis oeea-ln". Actual-
.o soldier parliiig from par-
ami sweetheart: following
s-- the water, seeing his work
holies and on the Held, watch-
cannon lire and shell ex
.nl the lted Cross al.vius
there w! "ii me.led--feedlng the hun
A Brassiere will
Complete Youf Corset
ctv i 1 k jy&t
ill m
The contour from
shoulder to knee is
important. There
should be no break,
but an easy sweep
of line over the
top of the corset
straight down the
WaFE-aers wih'c
insure this sweep offline and "blot out
the break one otherwise would find.
They are well-made, prettily designed and
trimmed, and as strongly guaranteed as the
celebrated Warner's Rustproof Corsets.
Jill ;D& U 1 Ljl 1 L
l'lelimlnary to Commencement i5xor
clses at the Otpheum toniglit, the
graduating pi plls presented their 1'JlS
class play bef re a large iiut appreclat
lve audience li that theatre Wedue
day evening.
Graduates, tliirty-six in pumber, are
as follows:
Millard C. A lies Mabel It Koonta
btanscr,!. Amuck Tlielma Lamboin
Walter Andeisou William A.Mcltride
Lloyd U Itirker Chauncey McDowell
Velum 1'. I!ce7ley Maigatet Miner
Kdwiitri fe. Heal Maude Moianvllle
Paul Xowlioiise Hubert Ulackledgo
Merlyn S Uoner l'lora h. OsbormP
Laura L. Cecil Tloyd .1. Prevost
Aline .M D.iiis Anno M. Hatiney
Horace Fusbie Alvena M. Uenfro
Nellie Vivian Fry Luetic .1. Robinson
Xulie Cuuldiu Celesto M. Scrivner
Josephine Slierer Ilnlpli Harrington
r.leanor Harvey Mlldied 0. Stuuser
Elsie M. Hawkins IMher II. Story
May L.' HulTor John C Tophtun
Vertia Ilutcliins Anne Marie Traut
llobort L. Ulackledgo, President ,
Lucile J. llobinson, Treasurer
htanser J. Amnck, Secretary
Motto: "Over the Top"'
Class KloAcr: Yellow Tea Hose
gry, cl ng the naked, comforting
the chu '. succoriiiR the wounded.
nursliu' i u' cunvale'eent, made an im
pression in ire vivid and lasting than
mere di -erlptlnn ever could produce.
This i ciiitieution with an eloquent
and itn; tensive address by Attorney L(
II. ir.ue'rt edge and the patriotic ut
terance of Chairman Hd Overlng,
reacheit the heart of every auditor
and wi.eti. at the llnish, the Ked Cross
symbol appeared on the curtain and
the self-saciificlng nurse stepped out
of it with hands extended in appeal for
help it seemed for a moment that the
assembly uiiijI rush to the shadow
picture and give, give, give, without
stint, and unceasingly.
i wrx'jjcri&Ensa-s
I There is a Difference in
Lenses .
.lust as lliete is between a piece of pure gold and that
containing alloy. The lenses used by me are the llnest
that can bo had. These conio in the rough and ate
giottnd until they exactly meet the requirement of your
particular eye trouble. One cannot bo too careful about
the eyes The matter of u dollar or so should not enter
Into the calculation. This storo ictuses to ask for your
pttronage by price alone the cure is tho thing desired
by me or well as yourself. Even po, you will (lad the
charge unusually low, talcing iuto consideration the
7i'Y lc to tlic interest of your
eyes to hove them examined here
Memorial Day
Jc wo tor and Optometrist
CfTC D. & Q. Watch Inspector
Alio' her milestone has beeni cached.
Our i oonle ate niosiicrous and most
at t? itrfull strength and vigor.
Our minds and energies are centered
on the gteat eonllict which thteatens
to undermine our ioundatioii, to do
st ov our siicre 1 fnv government and
del live homo and nation of its young
manhood. 15m "o must not be uu
m'udful or the fnv feeble sitrvivuis
whoso bravely defi .ided and saveil mir
country dining tlu' , veins of the rebel
lion Thetefore. I. llobeit Dameivll,
mayor of the city r lted Cloud, Nebr ,
ivspeutfullv "Sic tiie people of the city
to relax and assist the veterans of lSUl
In decorating the grave of dep tried
c .miadoion He. nation Day, May JlOth,
T'ls ,
Iloi.i i.r, Mayor.
Nigger head Maitland, Canyon City and Pinnacle
Lump'on the road. Store now at May Government
prices and he sure of good coal next winter
JIalofte-Gellatly Go
Decoration Day
(--.-----.-,, '
I fc-,,1J,m,
Christian Church Program;;
FOR MAY, 1918
Way 5th Father's Day ij
May 12th--Mother's Day j
May 19th Newspaper Day ;
May 26 Sammies Day ;
Special Service for
Children Each Sunday
Invite Your Friends. Come
Special Music
They Found It
Two 10 year-old South Omaha girls
started out for adventure last Friday
nnd before finishing had worn overalls
been ashed for n match by ignorant
males, ridden miles and miles in an
ntniy commission wagon, slept one
night in n box car and another in n
cornfield, stolon a ride on a freight
train, and tumbled off, been froighten
ed nearly to death by bulls and coyotes
ami been driven off a ferry tiont by an
indignant father bringing them home
In hta tiutomobile.
On Sunday, May SOtli all soldiers
and .sailots of the Civil and Spanish
American wnts and members of Hie
W. It C. are requested to meet at tiie
Ci. A. H. Hall ptnmplly at It) .10 and
march to the Orpheuin where union
seriec will bo held.
Music Mou's (I'litvlntlo
Invocation Kev. Driilluor.
Music Holo
Music Chorus
AddrcMi, Ilev. V M ifarper.
On Thursday, May !0th,all cotntados
uf the G. A. It. and W. It. C with all
soldiers and sailors of .Spanish- meri
cm wmi's, will meet at the (. A. II.
Hall at miii o'clock p. in., where line nt
l.atcli commanded by S 15. IClxor will
form, headed by the Red Clou I baud,
march to the cemetery mid di-curnto about,
soldiers graven Line will assemble
at monument of unknown dead and
tetnrii to Oipheum where program will
bo given as follows: j
M usio -Indies (Jimiictlo.
Music Solo
Heading, LiiiooliiSHddrcss at Gettys
burg Hy Chaplain Joyce.
Music Chorus
Reading List of Dead Comrades S.
U ICier
Music Hy Choir.
Address Howard Foe,
Addroih ltev. Mrs. Mitchell.
Music National Anthem.
Two Million by July
A'i army of . pw.noO men and luO.oCO
ntileers is what the War Department
ispeets to have in the service by July
1, this year. There ate now about
1 MO.Ouu men and I'.mi.ooO olllcers in tlio
in my. The men called during May
and June will make up tho test. The
OitmuUi of iii'iney for supplies and
m.nntalnlug the at my for a. year, the
.... .. .1 .Ill ...!
U IllllillU IUI' IIIU III IIIIUI j J'l mm
aMation program was"pre9euttd to
C uigios till- week. It totaled neaily
l, billions iustoad ol ' ? billion, ns
(.i.'iunlly drawn
Red Cloud Can, Yoti Bet!
N Miy can you slug fiom tho start to
the end what so pmudly you stand foi
w ieii oreliontras pliy it; when tho
whole eoiigrogati'iu in voicos that
b . ud Blilko up the gnuil hymn and
lin'u turliii'uiiud hlay llv
II iw they bulhiw and shout when
ti..'r flrht starting out but the
j ',! imi'h early light" lluds thorn Hound-
i'is the "Star hjiauglod
Iti'inor" they're trjlng to sing, but
t... illli'l Irn.iv I 111! VVlll'ils Of tllU
pu- lous old thing. I
II irk I Tho "twilight' last gleam-
mg has some ofthem stopped, but
the gallant survivors press forward
seuiiely, to "the ramparts wo watch
ed whoro some othets tiro dropped i
and the loss of tho leaders lb manifest
keenly. I
Tiien the "rooket'.s red glato" gives
tho bravest it hcare and there's few
loft to faco "tho bombs bursting in
air." 'TIs n thin lino of heroes who
manage to savo tho last of the yotsc
and the "homo of the bravo." Tho
We solicit a share of your
patronage daring' ipi8
o vvn
! w
Starting Mond:
iv 27
Kxoot figures give the Third Liberty
Loan subscription u total of 84, 170,010,.
050. Webster county's record is $14,
700, almost double its quota, (7,531,
IV. Ms
s f
Change of Program Nightly
The Famous Arington
A Real Show by Real People
Opening Play in one of the best Comedy Drama's
ever written in 4 acts
The l'rusbiau crltno against woman
hood unci motherhood that alone is
enough to ro-lcindle the spirit of u Joan
of Arc In the heart of every true wom
an the world over. Mrs. Homer Hoch,
If accompanied by one paid adult ticket
Prices: Children 25 Adults 35c This Included War Tax