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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1918)
'V- WVi twwtlWflrtart r,, "yS2SBS2S2Ss?a2PB 3j3KgiiSiV3. lk. 'TiTH'lftnffTT" '"BftTfBl in - - aW)M a I ' Jr "I A Newspaper That (lives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Tear For $1.50. r i-ii i III.' 1 i I i wh ii m VOLUME 47 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. MAY, 10, 1U1H. JJT UMBER 20 V.V.V.V.V.V.VJ This Bank will Pay, Free of Charge, g LIBERTY BOND Interest Coupons, at j: Maturity or Fifteen Days Prior Thereto j: -$- Interest Paid on Time Deposits -$- DEPOSITS in this bank arc PROTECTED by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska -$- Webfter County Bank VVAV.VV.V.V.V-V.-.V.V.V.V.VV.V.V.V.V.V.V-VAV.Vi Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Co. Nebraska Institution Owned, Operated and Under Direct Control of NEBRASKA PEOPLE We have nearly 2,000 stockholder? residing in Nebraska. No other corporation has one dollar oJ voting stock in this Company. It is under the same control it has been under since its organization in 1903 and will follow the some con servative policy that has always been in force. I Lincoln Telephone-Telegraph Co. Old Residents Called Somewhere udown the corridors oC mc Uiu re is always uii etui, borne stumble and full on the way; some reach It at the full frultiuii of u well spent life nud calmly pass the portal opening into the great beyond. In the latter class two esteemed residents of lied Cloud answered tho Muster's call during the week past. From our esteemed contemporary the Chief re-prints-: MRS. DAN LI NOSEY The funeral of Mrs. Dim Llndsey hold at the MHlillst church on Sun day at 1 o'clock, in charge of Uev. P. M. lJruliuer, was attended by a large company of deeply sympathetic neigh bors and friends and was ohniacteri.ed by a pathos and tenderness touching and genuine. Martha J. Yotk was born July r, 1817. On December 'Jl, 1808, she was united iu marriago to Dan Liitdsoyi they moving to Wisconsin, and from there coming to Nebraska tome thirty one years ago. To this union was born two children, Mrs. Adelle l'ierce of San Marcos, California, and Myron of Caldwell. Kansas, who together with their lather are left to mourn her loss. A rather strange co-incidence lies in the fact that when giving Uev. Dru liner dates and data preparatory to funeral services, it was found that Mrs. Llndsey and the reverend's moth er were cousins. Mrs. Liudncy was converted to the I'm- Methodist belief in middle life, afterward uniting witlt the M. 10. church of this city, and bur passing into the spirit land was dominant and courageous of soul, trusting and trium phant of spirit. Slevens-Fearn Wedding On Tni'-dny evening. May lttli, Mls Marga e Stevens and Air. Glen I'Vatn were united iu wedlock. Hev. ,1. L. Beebe pronouncing tho words which made ttiem man and wife. The ceremony took place at tho Steven- residence and was witnessed by Mosilames Clair l'opo and Uoy Itust, a i so llobert Pope and Miss Nora Mltchel.. The bride is the youngest daughter of Clark Stevens, and Is a young lady holding high place iu tho affections aud esteem of a largo circle Of ft lends in this community. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed r'eitrn, Webster county citizens, and n young man of energy and ntiibi tlou. The happy cotiplo are being showered with good wishes iu which the Chiaf joins limit heartily. We solicit a share of your patronage during 1918 PLATT&PREBS MIIS. .IAS. 110H1NSON Funeral services for Mrs. J. II. Rob inson were conducted by Uev. P. M Drulitier at the Methodist church in tills city on Sunday afternoon at 15 o', after which interment was made in the Martin cemetery. Susanna .Jones was born August 111, 1817, and on July , 1S7."i, wns united in marriage to .las. Robinson at lirown ville, this state, moving to this county pi 1S7.-J. To litis union two children were born, a daughter, now Mrs. R. C Scliullz of this city, and a son, Artltiiri living in (iuldo Rock, who together witlt her husband, one sister, Mrs. Frank Kiuturman, of Stella, aud one brother, .Jus. Jones of Oregon City, Oregon, are tho luimudbtu relatives left to mourn her Ics. The lady had been in poor health for some time, and since disposing of the restaurant business In which she and her husband were engaged in, iu this city some six years ago, she has made her home alternately with her children, who though now bereft of a mother's guidance, can find much consolation In the fact that thev were able and permitted during her declin ing years, to in u measure recompense her for her services to them during tltolr younger days. Mrs. Robinson had been a member of the M, K. church at Ash Croek for the past sixteen years and her religious belief aud its teach ings were truly reflected in Iter every day life. Commencement The class of 11)18, Red Cloud Senior High .School, announce Commence nion Kxetcises, May Vllrd, at the Or pheum Theatre 1'ollowlug is the pro gran : INVOCATION Rev. J. L. Bcebc SAL TTATOR Y Stauser Antack QUA TETTE '. . Selected .Riant McUridc Horace Frisbie jmc Kanncy Josephine Slicrer ORATION. .President Lincoln in 1918 1 ....What Would He Have Done I Nellie Fry INSTRUMENTAL DUET. . . " Devotion" Hobcrt Dlacklcdjjc Win. McDride j ORATION The Red Cross History , aud Work Laura Cecil CLASS SONG Seniors ol '18 VALEDICTORY Margaret Miner PRESENTATION OF DIPLOMAS ' L.H.Ulacktcdlc BENEDICTION Father Fitzgerald ! Baccalaureate, Sunday, May 19, Metho dist Church. Class Play, Wednesday May 22, Or phcum Theatre. Floimeuri bo sent to those who are iwi'iss the water, potatoes cannot. The lu-t Hour costs about 7 cts a pound, tin' best potatoes 1'rJ ets per. pound. Hat potatoes. There is a Difference in Lenses Just its there is between a plocc of pure gold and that containing alloy. The lenses used by mc are the tin est that can be had. Thcso come iu the rough and arc ground until they exactly meet the requirements of your particular eye trouble. One cannot bo too careful about the eyes. The matter of a dollar or so should not enter into the calculation. This store refuses to ask for your patronage by prlco alone tho cure is kthe thing desired by me or well as yourself. Even so, you will llnd the charge unusually low, taking into consideration the hlghquality. will be to the interest of your eyes to have them examined here E. H. NEMHQUSE rare. e. & q. Jowotor and Optometrist Watch Inspector UW. PROTECT YOURSELF AND HELP UNCLE SAM Nigger head Maitland, Canyon City and Pinnacle Lump on the road. Store now at Government prices and be sure of good coal next winter iJfoloDe-Gellatly Go. 'TALK WITH US ABOUT LUMBER" wvrf Chie I Ads Pay You vxixsBmasszmmxzzzzz: WD Christian Church Program 1 FOR MAY, 1918 ) W" I May 5th Father's Day May 12th Mother's Day May 19th Newspaper Day May 26---Sammies Day Special Service for Children Each Sunday Invite Your Friends. Come Special Music W.'WfAVf.ur.V.V.VmmfmV.VWt Congregational Church Notes Mother's Day va6 fittingly observed. The church was fragrant with many ilowors and a carnation was presented to Oiicli person who attended. Sunday. May UUIt, in Hod Cross Day. Churches throughout thu ration are requested. to observe tills day and all members of the Ued Cross should wear thu emblem. Thursday evening at oight o'olouk thero will be a social gathering at the church in honor of Miss Clara Ohl, who leaves for her hoino at tho close of school. Friends of Miss Ohl and of tho church are invited to bo present. Knelt person is requested to bring n penny. The public is Invited to all services of the church. We' 4 AND ye Every Kind of a Coat You'll Need For Spring They Are Smart, Youthful Styles for the Younger Set Those with more conservative lines for the older women. Good-looking tailored effects for travel ing. Sturdy utility Coats for the out-of-doors girl. Dressier Coats for afternoon wear. All made of thoroughly good, dependa ble materials, designed with exquisite taste and finished with care down to the last bottom. THEY ARE PRICED FOR JUST AS MUCH OR JUST AS LITTLE AS YOU CARE TO PAY F. G. TURNURE & SON 5i .( ttfi