RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIET i i ii ' ii r & W. m it www-wjuiuimim am 'iwi.i,rrwro'"lM''-J'J-" Z. . ....-- - - - . ,. -"- fc. . -- - aa im fcfc M aM--fcaa i n a aal ali afc 1 Ti A A 1j & Am i n miiii -ii i - -i" 'in 1 T twiwnM ' fi Hi iif a HL:''''; Hv . 'lBi; ftjr4. ...U-G &S& Wfc ;' k ( r ' t V ' ft & 7. Jh All i t---"""-- at F-J -mM rvjk - .KwraK - - m. j - a .!-eTcJPH ' s t;iA.i TP.Jwt nx.i.i'w..i.iir:fi . , t2-Myi.-" i. Jtii)TiiSfaMk y r 'l,' irr fttfe? f J - w.J i .Aif.ffw -" ..?-'l Mn. .1. V. VnMrc lift raturda ANY MAN TO ANY MAN By GERALD STANLEY LEE I DO not know how olhcr men feci about il, but I Unci I it hard, with nil that is happening to the world today, to look a small boy in the fnce. When a small boy looks trusfinfcly up to mc and I see his world the world he thinks he is oin to have, in his eyes, I am afraid. The look in his eyes of the world he thinks he is oin& to have cuts mc to the quick. I have always felt 1 had an understanding with a small boy before. But the last four years when he looks at me in that old way and 1 think of his world the one I sec in his eyes the one I had myself the one every small boy has a riftht to, I see suddenly instead the one that is bein$ left over for him by me, by all of us, the one he will have to try to put up with, have to live in, have to be a man in, when you and I have stopped Iryinft. Then when I face the small boy I want to o off in a wide high place alone and think and ask God. I want to ;o clown into the city and fihl fight with my money and with my hope, go over the lop with my religion and then come back and faco the small boy. Thcie are days during I his struggle when my soul is spent and all the world seems made of iron and glass and all these crowds of people flocking through the streets who do not seem to caro. It seems as if I would not turn over my head to save a world to IK e in myself. ... It does not matter about me and . some days the people I see go by almost make me think it does not matter about them. . . . Then suddenly I go by troops of school children at four o'clock pouring out into the sheets, . . . pouring like fire, pouring like sunshine out into the sheets 1 It is as the roll of drums for the Liberty Loan! I want to ring great church bells to call people to the Red Cross ! My rule for a .man's finding out just how much he should subscribe to the Red Cross is this: Put down your name and address on the blank .ml leave the amount open to think. Then try going P.mI e J. i ll.ouLC about four o'clock when Ihechildren liv. evening when the house is quiet, put r i I the best figure you dare on the i.:c pc : Or i'nv.n v v. .i'te V 1. 'i'l id '.; a! ... v: minute uidjook in the crib. wwi u!nnk when you come down L S?AE ny fi :n 1 l t KAilD II HURLEY, .: St itc-i Chipping ,Ooard. P. M. for Omnli illnwfl of a si.ti Mi". Ruby iU wftTi Or;- Rarl-f K, i-v H'-rh r M- iin, . 'ul tlu' o b'- the 'jr Tje-ilay right ' funu'y '.M'm ral!- r !wif "ton pprnt .1 : v'dh Mrs. D, L. Jf vmmn PATRifiTin 'r ir, : Mi . tiiil! Ivan few day this w Dallv. Tim Topliam nivl family spent Sun day with Will Topliam and'fRmily. j Tho patriotic mrcMnR ot Huntur'n hall Fiitlay night of wck wo! w.ll attended, 'flip flag drill n,v the girls of MIm Picfcerpons room mt cb prcinlly fine alflo the duel'Ovor 'there" irivsn by Darel and Margaret Joyce and the polo, "Keep the Homo! Files Burning" lvcu by Norma Bur-1 well. I Albert lluhy and wife and baby1 spent Sunday with Guy Baikor and' family. Mr. Tupper and family of Hivorton attended the services at the Christian clnfrch Sunday. Mr. Hverctt Bean and wife accom panied their son, Kustace, and wife to Lincoln Thursday of last week. Ku stace has blood poison in his nose und went to Lincoln for treatments , .-7. ' by IV'j ify lv- 1 .:..; i'lT'c at. s DoVed by ;;: Cjllijes and Uiiiversities. Ml II A Natimull ruirln.le Klnention P.n'j r:i, coiitpiiM il tii 1'iiiliuiit piofr V' i ftMsMHl on full in.v by their cMlu-jt"" nil"! universities, who will tour nil parts of the country doing pri'iiiotlmi work In coiiitoriliui with the Nn! limit Si'Mirlty l.i'atii!'a grent iiimpiiimi oi 1'atrlollsin Thmugh Kduratlon. Is be iti? orgniil.".ed by Dr. Hubert M. Jb!!. toy, eduentlnitul direi-tnr of the le.icue. nil this fnetilty already me: I'r. W . T. Hull or i'rlneeton. Profs. V. M Munro ntul V. II. Selmlleld of anl, Dr. Krinklln II. (llddltiKs of i'o liiinbla. Prof. (.'. II. Van T.vne of the Pnlvcrslty of .Mlehlcati, Ml"s Kttn V. I.ei;:lil(in, voeatbiual liHtruetor in the I'a.ssnh', .N. ,., publle seli.mli, ntul Prof, t'hnrles I.lbboj of the L'nr.ersitj of Colorado. Lehit.d Slnnford Pnlvers'ty, the t'nl erslty of Oregon, and Hamilton ami Joe Tonhain .Ir. and wife of Bed, Wlllhims Colleges have also prmuls.'d Clouil spent Sunday with Will Topha-m "Ign a man to partlelpate in this i f.,m:i,. worn, iiiiu ouier iiiiuiuoiis 10 me 1.11- Mrs. W. II. Cloud spent Sunday in I ",lJ Wl" '"' '"""" '" "lu ,u"r u,l,1,t Bed Cloud. i C. A. Waldo accompanied the Bean's VHAT GERMAN VICTORY WOULD to Lincoln and returned with their car' MEAN. Saturday of last week. A Brassiere will Complete Your Corset ff ilk . u ,ili, f l A I V K 1 i I. .' 1.1 i-AJ . )' Si'W&k I 4 A I i . II iv m i i i ur- .. b . -" ..irl0 rrltltMr .m'.s r "cftfirn'-- Ii W . ..i. a" 's,r b Miss Mona Ilersh is assisting Mrs. N'ellc Hunter with her household duties. Don't forget Sunday May 12 is "Mother's Day." Services at the M. K. cnurcii morning anu evening. Ml (Contributed by AllTllflt TltAIN to the National Seeurlty League's cum- paigu of Patriotism Throui;h Kduea- uonj i ii A (lernian victory or an Inentielu- w slvo peace would tneaii the ultil.iate i reullKation of the tiennan Idea that i The contour from shoulder lo knee is important. There should be no break, but an easy sweep of line over the top of the corset straight clown the hips. Brassieres Warner i insure this sweep of dine and "blot out' the break one otherwise would find. They are well-made, prettily designed and trimmed, and as strongly guaranteed as the celebrated Warner's Rustproof Corsets. Hk. Barbara Phages 11 j Guv Fernant of Bed Cloud is! (Jernmny for the goml of the vw.rM j raMHgafSSg7azn5SEgng5gEISaK5 J.Vgesr3533SagaKtggg?MMir,s-wgTO helping caie for Mr. Ethridge Jr. and must rule the woti.i. inw mis i mother. Kveryono enjoyed the patriotic ad dress given by Bev. Druliner of Bed Cloud Friday night tit the hull. Mrs. Strong and Mrs. Art Myers sspenl Tuesday in Hastings. Mrp. T. F. Jones lias boon very (Jernmny for the gmni of the mirl-i Ftt53ttVEWti&mjZ? ?.TiwT.:.Af t?Jura:jZ3kaffi:HaE5 must rule the world. ThN 1ms mi H . , , - - taticht in her unlver.hles as phlb.v.. $ O fi Lfg 1 CIlCB fi& phy and In her pulpits as ,vllal... ,g fagfy KS Bffl B B8 15 ?1 $$ w8 The Herman tmtloti un.iiehM..Miuly jffl vJ? Q P -?' Jr O U iV LP GJ Hjp' $ V iiicopls It and intetitis to force the rest iS ' of tho world to uei 'pt It. This they rail "Kultur," which they ehiiiii is "uhuvo morality, reason and heieine."1 Kultur teaches that there Is only poorlv for sometime und is no better '"' "" of Hirht that of thestr..n-:er.' ii m.4ui;t mi BjicriiMn i ... ,, , i m. at this writing Art Myers and friends wore aome wlmt htaitled Friday night after the patriotic meeting- when he wont to get his Ford and could not find it. Some one had moved it over a block from where it flood and left it stand ing aide of the rood. The lines on Mr. 1't.tfp'u lintmnttc ,' nlun vn-nmvnfl 11rl put in the back of the Inyjgy. Some one; probably intruded it sis a joke, but it wus not considrted ;ia such. Mrs. Miles Putman and children ' turned from ltingwood, Okln.,Sa'iiir- tlay night where they had been vi it- ing Mrs. Putman s parents tnd cr relatives for. sewral weeks. Kansas Pickups Smith Countj Rolla Plalr nnl f untly Hpent Sun ty Rt Y M P.rown'n. Max B'.ll.;tn nud wife n(e Sn y ilintier Ht tl home at t.hir p'i-i '.. Mr.ttll.l Mis II. P. I'Hvne. Ilbu'.m H '.-, the Duelcervil1'- m f linnir-r, i- in) h inlit,j ppi' i' .:lys i n h ii- d w ib", I -t u'.lf i'i I bftbr v" i a i .'i rl"i ' 'j n Sutnbiv iSv.i i H- ! ,rfm Ij.t.1 in Inr i i h M1s ' , ua tli.n lu the relations' of nations wiiii i ie utiother there can be no sueh tlltr: us inith or lemur. T'r .l.rb-k the ;re ;i ; t t uurht lhat the Uen.i.i'it m..-; it:'.- it tlielr "study to deceive oth-".n In r ' r to (jet the'lietter of them."'1 Fml- riek William IV. .) years iuo s:ild liat all written ennstltutbmx were illy 'Scraps of paper,"' end P.eth imnnHolleji In IPII referred to 'the tluRUo " convention In the idetitl.-.d wqnls, .The "nerp of paper" bleu U an old one In lemma diplomacy. The UerniilM beiieve theinel to he a nation of supermen umbile; Kais- "or the war partner not of the tioil of humanity, but the "Kilter niter Cotf of the Piijrnn North -the War (J oil who reels In the KhrbM .4 of woni'ii uul the tor. are of child; en. In bh ! nhed and cruelty. "I am his sv...rl, hl aent !" declare Mllhim Hoh.u xillera. "Ut all tbe cnctnii -. of the Oerti mi p ! i crish ! tied i!t mnndit their de-'rif. .'i ii"d, who by my niou.ii I'! . '.i. '' hi will!"' EV1 . . -. ..'. thut has bomaprrwririatcd by the Ameyi ci; t v.-or--. in tlii.- war has welded closer that relationship ' 'tween tht United Scutes and the nations of '.ho Entente, a relationship that will have a marked effect ipou the peace council that h coming. If this work of spreading the goapel of mercy is to continue, every man, woman and child in this republic must five the American Red Crosa ltis fullest support in its second campaign for 100,000,000. Our boys in Eun-i Nokinjf to us to back them up and I know of no better means of supporting them than through the instrumentality of tho American Hed Cross. The good it has already accomplished and the com forts and welfare it will provide lain wlun the stress of war becomes greater for the United States forces, make it imperative that the second fund of $100,0u0,000 be a spontaneous gift on the part of the American people. .i im,1 t 'ii'.ly wi i I'fKl H '-l.'Vtl ". U it- lay. .'.r "iter, THE WAR'S RECOMPM The original of this verse was fcund on an American coldier who bravely founht and as ncbly died. The man is yet unknown. Ye who have faith to look with fearless eyes Beyond the tragedy of a world at strife, And know that out of death and night shall rise The dawn of ampler life. Rejoice, whatever anguish rend the heart, That God has given you a priceless dower, To live in these great times and have your part In freedom's crowning hour. That ye may tell your sons who see tho light High in the heavens their heritage to take "I saw the powers of darkness put to flight, I saw the morning break." Pi.aih I'.tmvn an '.he, P. II Mi-s,. ' sfii nt V'. Hpurilcr John V. 1hv bn 'is i Uo. .Inllll n 1 I ' ll'V I Iht hoB'e f b-o t s itinbi(j Mr. .T IMcr-fi .if Ktibh mifnt lnr. wiid with her l Mrs. Hnlda Hcown. Ulmr Spnrrler and d iinrlit-1 . M Um, niiide a btidinou trip lo Hinith ( inter. Moiulny Clco Peterson and family wen islt ink' in this vldtilty Sunday lliiru to Mr. and Mrs. Ilurna'd l.nm a ten pnund nirl, Situdiiy Titb. llariuird is in tiulultig at Cam 1'iins ton, while the younu mother is t.t i.vliiK with her puronts, Mr and Mr.s. (Jluis. Krav.ler. Kltner Spurrier, Harvio Itlair and Will Fair took lines to Lebanon. Sat urday. Plmer went to Kansas City with the hoes, and will make his la oth er, Harry a short visit while there. Miss r.dlth Uriswell ulosud a vory siu'eosful term of suhool, at District No 'JL, Friday. Thur&day evening she (javo it proKi'iun and pie Hoelal. The nhildreii und their leiiuluir hud put in con.sbleruble time und enerey on the program und were well, repaid is the sneial netted tliL'iu ?100 10. Tb pro coeds will be usrd for lJudCto- work, wl!! tho In lieve ' If -ttlC !a l;il''i' tl.e cu ii i, the ..r the r. i' - t ! oiO.'ied the In Liberty Bonds T,vill bo offered in ihe S ihird Libert)' Loan Campaign 8 ?TV5e!-o,o rtiiftfo S'l OiAO QTaA Arc you doing your share while our boys are of fering their lives? If a free America is worth fighting for, it is your patriotic duly to lend your money and your credit .0 our Government. The whole Nation must lake part. Our boys in France are appealing to us to fur nish them in great abundance with the armst the am- munition and the supplies which will make an early k victory possible. If we are not -to prolong the slaughter or suf fering, if we are not to risk defeat, if ve do not want an inconclusive peace, we must act quickly. We must put forth our every effort NOV,' i- To 11 1 1.- .ji'.isl. tl.' "-Ihliu Ocrmaii 1 i'i. " ,it: l that hi.' 1 v 1. an- I llftiwili 1! n ot ' .' ' 1 ClvUl.i".- ll!l IC H !. . e -" !. tbv ' i'i' the hi, -.- i v l.aftcn .,' in of '! 1 '.V.XII. '1 'I ilti "i '. 'i-itl' rlhle is Ait; .. , P. a.s Kaiser" ."It is I,, f.-r to 1. 1 n hun rtred v imi.'ii helen -In? to the ctn-my "dU" Of llC!,T lh: Ii to lit it Ulli.l" "T- tpan Boldlcr t.. r.-" "All , i .Miner ape to I e put to ihoth," onh i d Oen-(-ril Su-'iner in IteP'l'iiii.' Writes a J.artirluu irh.ite: "lurli.g the liattlo pf llttdoiiwilh r I did awuy vlth four ptiim'ti ai.d s,.t.i youtiR .'lrls In five minute. The captain hud td mo to nhot tlies,- Kreneh sows, but 1 pre ferred to run my buyouet through theui."' TJils W tho conerote remilt of what tho tleriuans enll "The Uelleion of Valor" and "The Oospel of Hate." Says one of their spnltesmen: "Must Kultur build Its cathedrals on hills of corpses, seas of tears and the death rattle of the vanquished? Ye.s, It must."11' If ficruiuuy wins the war the Unit ed States will either be payliie tribute to the Kulser or (ierman soldiers will he hnynnettlne American eh' Is "nil wo men In Jersey Pity rather than tahe the trouble to shoot them, If fiermnuy wins all our Idenls of trjtth. Justice and humanity -which we call Christian will he trodden down Into bloody mire under Ihe Iron heel of the Kaiser's armies, nnd Ihe comlne eeneratlon will be taught that there Is ,10 find but the juerclb ss (Jod of Untile, who speaks throueh Ger many's treacherous toneue and by her brutal sword. Nebraska Liberty Loan Committee TZ3BBT. JEU, OTS'MJSi Notice of Hearing in iht in 1.. n,l tli tln'- 't t .'"I mt, ,i '!" t'uimlV 1 1.11U ijl 'V t'lntfl n.nty. Ni i.V 1. 1'ln Ski' i .Sti-rn'-:i lo nil .i-r"is 111 ttrwtnl In iml'l i!TtK. fi.-rttlors ntul !.. .. t:,Hu iioUlp. Ul t Mftet oii-'-w lll'd Inr j tu.oil (iltei-liiK llevi '-rl ( mi. .lu .1 1 .t, ,1 kic :i Wi lutttir t .nity,Nolir.'hl n nil ! t'mui Um JUth day o- ' to'ttr Vi" is m : :'- r iiU-"' "' ' lllllftliltnilt ut Welntir 'onilt, N lu ti . Iv :i ntttl the ovi in r ul tlu In ,: Ui-rlt-.t r,. .1 mtatC, to-ttlt- iln; ullillM.'.eitdlu-linlt In'i . ctlath;iuli imlt of tho auutluu-t ., ...i. Ii-r ot wriloti tt(tiii (16). t(iwimhli tun. ramo- nino. !: in l'4 "" '"i'i nnlv helru at law Um fultoHiim ntuiuill l.trunn. to wit: Mae Com-. IiIm nurn. IllB spouse llnrton Cmn niul ICiinu-tli iiuiu hi it"" and Uuth i'uiib liU iliuuli- tur. Tlint piitlttiiner lias 1111 uiells ulcil tun thirds Ititi-rust In stil'l rt-al ehtiUt In litr nun 1 rllit 11ml an lielr nt unlil (ttcfilnit mid pniy Inn tor a decrt'c l:irrlni; cliilms; Unit said iiu. ueilcnt dlul liilistuiei ilmt no i'llle:vtion lur udniliilbtmlloii lms lioen innde und t lie is tutu of hiild die tli nt linn not lit-i'ii minimis- I tercit In Hie State of Nflir:isl:u.!ind tlml the Hi Irs nt law of said lUccdeni us herein sit forth Khali lie (It creed to lie the owners lu fee simple ot tho above disrilbed ri-nl entulc, whli'h has lii-en set tor hi-uiUm on tho 1st day of .tuiio A. 1. P.MK. at Uo'L'lui'k p. 111. j Hilled lit lied I'loud. Nelirusktl, UiIk 1st day ot May A. l. I '.UK, (SKAI.) A. IV It sm:v. II. W.Htewart. County .IiiiIbc Attorm fui otute. (May 2 -Hi r TO:. JB 'l2Z?r . .TSWA l--illlls?, ' " ' - uiSaSy I I 1 7 I ISi'ivJ I isn. V-2-i Swindlers Ever Active llelatives and friends of soldi, rs are belne vietlinized by hwindleis who write or wire for money to bo sent to some point enroute home, iiuvlue been dUehareed and cniniue homo is the usual explanation of tho requebt. Persons rpcelvine suuli a rtfptesl would be wUo to verify it by wiring the eommniidltig nfiluer of the camp in which the mini whose iiatiio is u&ud is stationed. i2-2a- 1 M.11111 in the "Noue UuiuUehnu" No voiiihor. 1D14. "Pus Kultprlileiil under dor Krlos" nn. 11-13. 31-3'.', CI, 105. 130. Works of Fiodurlcl; 11 Ilerlln Kd. ISIS. Speech from tlio throno, April 11. 1817. Proclamation of tho Army of the Kant, 1014. Tho KalHor'fl Breech to tho Chlnc30 Kxpcdltlonury force, July 27, 1000. Uoneral von lor Holts:, "Ton Iron Conmiandmontfl of tho Oernmn pold -a." Outer of tho Day, Autf. 26. lit I. Juliana Wengor, I'eionne, Miuth 16, 1915. Wnltor Hloom In the "Kolnlsch Zclt aini," Fob. 10, 11)15. KODAKS Better Kodak Finishing "And Developing. .:. A Full Line of Supplies KOU.S DliVKIiOl'HIi uv SUII. Y01IS OUDEl TO l)S "Vtherv the Firemen, Appcsxr the injured rain'i fint tliuught is one oi llianldulnTM that lie is so. I low nbou your thoughts it a fiireman should ap pear nt your liomc. TIe DWy Before the Fire is ihe day to iniutc. As that day may be to-morrow lor all you can know or do, it fellows that prudence would im. pell you to slop in our olfice today and have us issue you a policy, c TEEL R.elisxble Insurance Stevens Bros. Dr. R. V. Nicholscm Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED tSTOrncE Oveu At.uaiairr'3 SronE Tho Hamilton - Gather Clothing Co. Everything a Man or Boy Wears Rod Cloud Nebraska Chief Ads Bring Result A 4 I v 1 HUT fjl