VA . $ r 3 SAVE Liberty irAM ERICA r LIBERTY BONDS Be a Stockholder in Your Own Govcrmtianf 1!, ::m::::"X"Hmm::: AS TOLD TO US Rd l' t wont up to Hastings, Tues day morning. Modern loom for rent, with bonrd. Dell phono .'IS. Grant Turner was in Lebanon, Kan sas, Wednesday. Glen Vall;er autoed home from Ouialm, Sunday. J. 12. daiboo roturnpd to Mucoid, Tut-hday morning. Mrs. Myrtle Cloud cboio down from Inavale, Saturday. F,yes tented, glares rifted. J. C. M.tchell, the Tewelcr. ' Lloyd Turuer letumul to his duties at Hustings, Monday. .lack uii.l Dud Slilliu went Up to Hastings, Wednesday. Mia. Stunkarl went down to Guide Kook, Monday morning. Ed I'Varn made a. business trip to Guide Hack, Wednesday. Mrs. Paul Storey was a passenger to 1 iastlngfs, Tuesday morning Dr. Mitchell returned liome from Denver the lust of the week. Attorney A. M. Walters of Blue Hill, was attending court this nwli. Cal Stewart at the Orplieum to -night. Mr Hint Mr Jaek Masters of Hold uge arc vUktiut: relatives in thi i-ity Mr-. Mnltic Feurti returned home Sattudny morning from a visit in lua vule. ' Good second hand ear for sale. Price reasonable if taken at once. b. L. Vo-t. Wesley Hull' of Worth, Mo., and b W. Hutf of Elmo, Mo., were in the city Sunday. Fred Schcuk nud Arthur Globe of Campbell, spent Sunday here with friends. Mrs. W. A. Sherwood returned home Tuesday evening from a visit with rela tives at Omaha. G. b. Bailey of Omaha, an) Mr. Quimby of Denver, were in this city on business Tuesday. Guy Zeigler of Lincoln, former su perintended of the light plant, was in the city over Sunday. Pete Shey, a former merchant of this city, but now of Orleans, was in the city between trains Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schellak return ed to Hastings, Wednesday morning after a short visit with relatives here. Jack Stefliu of Camp Funston, Kan nas, spent the first of the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stettin R. C. Mitchell left Monday morning for Rochester, Minnesota, where he will receive treatment at Mayo Iiros. Sanitarium. II 1 o TW- now 1 he present that gives pleasure, not merely for a few days, but for long months and years, is the ideal gift. Oesigns full of the beauty of art are found in glisten ing profusion here. 1hoosing is no linger a task, but a pleasure. Win Hobert'Oti was in St Joe, Sun dHy. das. Ssunders was down from Covvlc Sunday. Cecil Jlntner went up to Hastings Monday. Cal Stewart at the Ornheum to-night. Ms. Mary Christian spent Monday in Hastings. 1M Uurr of Guide Hock was a clly visitor Sunday. Mr. A. Soliultz pent the weekend in Guide Rock. .lolm Scheldt ret in ned to Hasting, Monday morning C. II. lieiinetiof Nebraska City. Is here on business. Leslie Graves of Grand Island spent Sunday in this city. Miss Lena Kalhjen spent the week end in Guide RojIs. Donald Funk went down to Super ior, Saturday morning. Win. Thomas was a passenger to Cowlis. Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Ivnutsou nutoed down from Bladen, Sunday. Good meals good service moderate prices Powell V Pope's cafe. Mr. and Mrs. J. 12. Morris autoed down from Kiverton. Sunday. Farmers' 1'nion meeting at Kcllogc Hall every Thursday night at S:oO. tf 1 J. 1!. Leggett is enjoying the tiials and tribulation- ot a new Ford ear. Cal Stewart at the Orplieum to-night. Mlns Irene Reeve tvturtivd to " home in (luil lioek. Frld ty nioiii'ni; Miss Katlnyn Traut and biot'nr, Phillip, spent Satin-lay lu Has'his Miss Jinu'ic Miner cloned v'ry mur cosful term of cbool near Cunipbtdl. Friday." airs. Alice llosmernnd grand-dauph-tar, Alice Whltaher, spent Saturday in Hastings. 0. C. Tccl received word tho Inst of th'j week, tint his son In-law Fred Wells, had safely lauded In France. Harold Fey nnd Karl Saladeit, who have been attending Coiner Univer sity, returned to this city Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. II. It. LengeH and daughter, Miss tSrnee, nud Chas. Hil ton autoed to Smith Center, Knnsn, Sunday Schuyler Haves will leave tho lusi of tho week for Omaha to take the physi cal examination for entrance into the LI. S. Navy The meeting of the W. C. T. U. for study will be held at the home of Mrs 12. Albright, on Wednesday May 1.1th at2:.l0 p. m. A nice lonjr, interesting letter was received from Art McArthur this week, but it came too late for publication this week's paper. Mrs. Ervlng Cummings returned to this city Tuesday evening, with her daughter, Miss Jennie, who was oper ated upon in a hospital at that place. Will Ohle of Kearney, who was en route to the Great Lakes Training Station, stopped off in this city a few dtys the last of the week to visit his sister. The new Fairbanks-Morse, 100 h. p. engine which the city purchased some time ego, has arrived and is being transported to the power house this week. Curt Evano has charge of the moving of same. Mrs. J. W. Corbett returned home Tuesday evening from Hastings, where she has been at the bedside of her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Starr. She re ports Mrs. Starr 6ome better but not out of danger yet. WlimB 'UI m RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF First Impressions Preliminary to my arrival in Red Cloud last week I had to leave home, in incident commonplace nnd trivial, to road, hut by no means amusing or of little moment when it is considered that for sixteen jcars I hud dwelt in the one losting place and within it there had grown up, nnd nccunuihilcd, everything that the wonl home im plies. I'.y team ami by tail, through mud and inin and cold, I tiavclod for twenty-three long, diemy horns, sad dened with thought of leaving home, wife, childten and filled with anxiety as to what might he at my journey's end. "Prospects bright, come quick," was all the information l had as to "Quig's" condition, and you know, dear loader, that "bright pros pects have a trick of fading .suddenly. Of sleep I caught a more trifle, and clo?c connections at transfer points gave me just time to sample coffee and sandwiches along the lino. Did you over happen to obtain offee at tho railioad lunch counter in Hastings? If so you can imagine mc up against it, the lunch counter, so filled with hitter anxiety that 1 couldn't got away with a cup of cof fee after I had bought and paid for it. I would almost bet that cup of coffee is there yet standing alone by means of inherent strength. Tho?e items I have put into this re nd that you may realize something of tho mood in which I landed at the '.epot hio and received my fiist im- rrriion.! of Red Cloud. hi ". -piito a sn.all boy at home ri iv!m on.v ttattod on a trip to v Pacific coat. Some das later .eviived a telegram dated at ManJii'd, Ohio sntng, "Am coming fcueic, too far oit west nowl" Many a imo we laughed about it, bul I can now sympathise with diar tlad away from hij family and lonoroinc. Since hia time "out west" has out grown ohort pants and assumed a jarb groat in both breadth and length. Long ago I learned that a large oortlon of tho United Slates lies west of the Il6don river hut not until last week was I cognizant of the fact Ilia. N'ebiaska occupies so much of it. Vnstiusfi is tho first impression, riding across "a di.-k of eailh b'luath a cup of sky" the soiieo of expanse is c:: niliiating, opportunity lies at hand on every side bidding tho newcomer wel come. If Now Yoik city had bton built out .n this country there would have been no Flatiron building towering to the sky or streets shut in so deep that sunshine scarcely reaches the pave ments. This thought seemed exom plified in your eapitol city, the home i a ence lowly man who rose to grcr.'. rioights politically. I wonder if he has forgotten when in his early caicer lie had to remain in an eastern hotel room while he sent out his only pair of pants to be mended of a rip. The more honor for that! He is but another example of what Nebraska does for her earnest honest citizens So, as I came onward, I pictured to myself Red Cloud, not so large, but, as it were, a sparkling little jewel in a princely diadem. And at the "all out," of our genial Short Line con ductor, stepped briskly down to take my first look. Alas, was I so tired? Or dazed? Something lackingl A cheery voice came to my ears "Ride up town? Only ten cents!" Again I breathed, and riding brcifiy found reality of my imaginary picture for Red Cloud is a pretty town. Perhaps to you who dwell here, who have grown up with the town, who see it everyday, these items are commonplace. The eyes of a stranger newly arrived from abroad, filled with comparative examples, see utilities, beauties, opportunities, at tractions, unnoticed by those who daily come in contact with them. The broad central streets lined with prosperous looking business blocks, swinging out in long vistas of resi dences, the numerous cozy bungalows interspersed with pretentious homes, the strikingly modern public build ings, cotut house, Lincoln school, high school, Auld Public Library, all new, make an attractive ensemble, indicat ing civic pride, commercial activity and progress. My chat, dear reader, grows lengthy. Of what lies back or visible effects tho hidden details tho powers that make and move 1 shall 'have to write more later. Meanwhile I- believe that I har made clear tho fact that, at first im pression, Nebraska in general and Red Cloud in particular, arc pleasing to the newcomer. Browne. Ufjmond Koontz returned to hi 'utlos at Kersluier Field. La . Moml.i morning, beliiff eulli-il here bs tl i J death of hU father, IX. W. loont. 1 1 hrrl Koontz Mcnompauied )iim n lOkliluinaCity, Okla. 1 Friday evening, May 17th, tin. V.n. ' r ss will give a two reel moving pie tmv at the Uipln-um, showing the nc tual work on the battle Ileitis; a short patriotic piogram will ho included. Tne Oipheum management donates house and light-, and thore will be no I admission charge. ONE WAY THE 15000 Ragged, At ' e tlrst onslaught of the linns, lull' i the French wore aide to with stai t tliclr Invasion, the Kaiser so ciii"! a goodly .section of France. Willi iiio captured cities and Ullages he .i mired many thousands of French turn 'I i'i' to all tho rules of Teutonic elll. ii i y, tiu noble German worked and M.n-ved those French close to the poo - ..f (loath, then saw to It that an tinT'. sivi number of them "caught" tuli. i iilosls and dually sent those poor wt.' ' hack to burden Franco. Ii I is taken the KaNor from two to t' ' vats to suck the healthy blood fiv' the veins of those sturdy rural Fii' Ii, but now ho Is sending them bin : it the rate of about 1,000 a day. Tin- Kaiser never announces those EC ' ncy Kills Sentiment as nchinc Hakes Seeks in 25 Minutes. Dy RUTH DUNDAR. . Mimvy white your fingers look n . t tho scarlet wool I" wan the f;. ,'e speech of grandfather when h" v.s pa.vlnif suit to grandmother. wl If history Is correct, never al ly 'l little things like love and court-wlill- to distract her mind one minute fri ! . l.or knitting. 'I ' e modern young man In robbed of n: i i'portunlty to make these pretty j. "i.(. for tho wool In no humor si... t hut khaki. Worse yet, tho in , ' :i sits before a cold, steel mil ! . ' and grinds off socks In ns nany n..i 'cs as it takes hours to knit them. I'i's Is what etllcleiiey dues to ru in. i ii . la ih' various Red Cros workrooms of ilie New York County Chapter there are marly seventy-live sock machines. Hi. ht of these are In the model work in. in nt :!l)Kti.lThlrt.v -eighth Ktnw and oil lis that have been ordered are held i.p hj t rathe conditions. Here lust rue tors leach the use of the machine to Ited Cross workers. A complete pair of socks can lie made ou the machine In -." minutes. The machine looks like a cross between fishing tackle and a pile driver. The worker threads It through the arm and carrier on to the threader. The body f the machine Is a circle of needles bent at the ends like crochet hooks. Sweaters also are made on the sock machine, the strips sewed together and the ribbing at top and bottom knitted un by hand. Resides the machines In the Red Cross workrooms there are many owned by prlvnte Individuals or groups who work at home and donate the re sults to the Ited Cross. In a family hotel, for Instance, four or five women run club together and buy a machine. Two More Bargains Near Bird City 100 acres 8 miles from Bird City, all smooth but r acres, 100 acres just broke, if rented one third ot next wheat crop goes topurcbaser, and if put in by the purchaser one good crop will pay for the land, a bargain to either rent or farm by purchaser. Price 83200.00, will carry 31000.00. 320 acres miles from Bird City, all smooth, 23,r acres of fine wheat, 120 acres One sod wheat, one third goes to purchaser, 1 l.ri acres old ground wheat, one fourth to purchaser, and 25 acres corn. As things look tho rent share will be at least $2000 00. Price 812800. For sale for a few days only and then off the market until after harvest. Ileautifully located. See lOtf J. H. ItAILBV. Christian Church Notes Forty seven men attended church Sunday morning and forty nine in the ovenlng in honor of lather. Mrs. Rartunek came into the fellow ship of the church atthe Sunday morn ing service. Mrs. Carrie Diedcricli nnd her help is gave every I ody a beautiful bouquet f llowcrs at church Sunday. Sunday May 12 Is Mothers Day- A .nttloual holiday. Two speolulsuivu v ill bo held at thu Christian Churih in her honor. Bring your mother to huroh ami stay to service for her uK.-. ee to it that evnry motln r lu the can itunlty who is able to attend ohuivli ! b tlie prlvilego of t lijoying the sti -ius hold In her behalf. Sunday May I'Jth will bt nowkpaper Day. Plan for this event. You need to iutcrpiet cm rent, lliot, lu the ovenlng a thiilliug story will bo given. May 2Cth is Sammios Day. Intel et-t Ing biographies will bo given and up jroprlate bervlces. ROMANCE RED CROS SHAS TO DEFEAT THE Ml Sick and Homele Daily Dumped at Kviara. sliii tiieuls, llo simply dumps them In IM.m, on the French Swiss border. If It were not for the American Hod Cross the task of caring for those starved, rngKed, slek, homeless, tor roilzed men, women nnd children would ho mure than the French govern, ineiit could handle. Hut our American Kod Cioss Is making hemic efforts to defeat the Kaiser's aim to till Franco with consumptives. Trained Ited Cross workers are at the receiving station nt Hvhui. They first separate those showing signs of tuberculosis from those who are only starving or have some other disease. It Is Just like the tender care of our Ited Cross to give particular at tention to the babies and children to whom the kindly Kaiser has fed con- "WHAT HOME SERVICE HAS DONE FOR ME" My husband enlisted o.i a ji.u ago. Shortly after he went away our twelve-year old hoy had the measles. After Ids recovery his school teacher complained about his conduct. At home he was nervous and Irrltnble. When I called at the Red Cross to find out how 1 (oitld secure an tnerenso In nlliiwimco because of our newly born hade 1 told thorn of my trouble with Harry. On their advice 1 took htm to an oculist, who said glasses were need- cil tntt'ieilintely because of the weak ened condition of the eyes following measles, lie no longer causes trouble at home or at school. F. R. TO GET SHELL THAT HIT HIS SON Captain Roo3cvelt, Who Was In Hos pital, Lauds Fled Cross. I'npt. Archibald Roosevelt, who re cently was injured and nursed back to health In a Ited Cro.s.s hospital, In speaking of thu Red Cimas work, is re ported a.s having said : "The Red Cross is doing everything possible for us. I cannot say too much In appreciation of their efforts, which make us feel as If we were back home. It Is a great comfort to us fellows In hospitals, and It our folks could see the way wo are being taken care of they would stop worrying," The Red Cross chaplain In this par ticular hospital happens to he Doctor Hillings of Croton, Mass., who taught Captain Roosevelt at the - Groton school: The Red Cross shopping serv ice In the hospital bus been commis sioned by Captain Roosevelt to obtain a new uniform for him to replace the one which was torn to pieces when he was wounded by fragments of a Ger man shell. The piece of shrapnel which wound ed Captain Roosevelt will he present ed to Captain Roosevelt's father, Col. Theodore Roosevelt. GROCERIES A Complete Line of Staple Groceries always on hand. Fresh Vegetables and Fruits in Season. Use the Phone millTnery For up-to-date Millinery call and see us. Pattern hats, frames of every description. Cash for Your Produce J. E. Butler Bell Phone 45 Farm Loans Lowest rate liest tiinisand option and lu any amount. No inspection ex. neiiM, atd Hbholutely no delay. Six plans to ohooe from. Solo agent for Trevett. Matt i-A Baker. .1. II. Bailey. Notice Notice to all Ufcora of water and current in the city of Red Cloud. On and after May ICth you will be cut oil' if water and light bills are not paid by the 10th of each month. This ap plies to the ones now delinquent. By order of ROBT. DAMERKLL, Mayor. nw in. TAKEN SER'S G People Are J25y siiuiptho germs. We have a lm-p i. of .'to beds for children In F.vlan. 'I l-e are le.serwd for the children who an too III to take farther. Then our ltJ Cross has a convalescent hospital ou side the town and yet another In a nearby village. It nNo keeps sir am bulances busy transporting sick wom en null children, Yet even then tho strain upon our workers Is so grca' that for eight long months one Amcrl can nurse has had to look after 120 beds. We, through our American Hd Cross, are doing great things toward defeating the Kaiser In Ids efforts t turn France Into a graveyard, hut w have Just started, and our duty de mands that we wotk fast and wlthotr ceasing. NURSESRETTY Rc:l Cross Hospital UnfrnL Mcst Becoming in Hi;. lory of World. In a recent new lit ton f front i he war correspondent Philadelphia North American l. explain the song, "I'm In Love . s. Reuutlftit Nurse," "There are 02 Red Cross nur-i s i this place," says the dispatch, "'llier are cheerful, obedient, brave and (or.; potent. And those who weren't prrti to begin with became so the moment they donned the uniform that is tl most becoming In all the long lii.'a of costumes devlssl for the m.v i ti a lion and hegtilliu of men. "In the olllcors' ward, wan a . '-' ' with bronchitis. 'I've seen them it " Philippines, ami I've seen them Ii. !i na,' he told me. 'I suppose l'r - . about all the existing typos, but I tr or yet saw one that wasn't pretty in side of "1 hours.' "Ho reminded me of an IrMi Tom my, who, so his major told me, woke up in a hospital in 1010 nnd, seeing the nurses In the ward, exclaimed, '.May V the howly Virgin bless us, but the an gels have come down to the Soinmo!' " Hundreds of Red Cross nurses, how ever, are doing work abroad In which, their looks are loss eagerly considered. Finding and caring for war orphaned babies, lighting tuberculosis, re-establishing homes In shell wrecked vlltac these are some of the big tasks f mercy which, thanks to American con tributions, the Red Cross sets for Its nurses. !' There are 13 divisions of the nd Cross In the United States. Therals1 a complete organization at esch dlvl-l slon, with a rreat warehoune for th collection and shipment of all kinds at Red Cross supplies. Ind. Phone 200 Burton Here This Week A. Ij Burton, the Finuklin t u-3 doctor, 's keeping Ids d ltd with lUd Cloud this week. Ilo sV.U't that there will be no change In . f on alt regular animal or semi a ; i . tuning. Tho thing to do is to list your ; .u wllh him now, sujs. ho doncn't ci waste hi-, time or jour money oni'iin that must go two or thivo year- b tweou tunings; that he tnkos care of his pianos right, and that no iiuin alive can take care of them right if ho can't got into thorn at least oncon year. Loave oiders at the Amuck or Sattlej piano stoies. BwiuMfmni AME I m