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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1918)
YTCTT "3W5UV -?mrsK.i-. . Ik r If " : n tf a ti fl Sh E : : iifft r i ?! J! . r 41 f ' '; x ..mYwmcRnxinamncinw; UNIVERSAL MILITARY TRAImSHG VOTES 176 Congressmen and 42 Sena tors Are Recorded for Meas , urc by Security League. The National Kocinlty League an nounces tiiitii. that It has recorded In favor of uulcrsiil inllltiiry training 370 nieiulxiH itf tln Mntmi! of Repie M'litulhcs and I- members (if tlio Sen ate. Tin- liguus In tho cutmiMH which the Lonmio Iuk been conducting Htood 3711 In tin' Mouse of Kcpic.onlu(lvos nml .in In tin1 Hi nine- In Its Inst nn nouiicemciit. These llgures wcie 10 iliiccd b tin retirement fioni Coiigrens of three New I'otk representatives who were eoiuiultteil lo universal military training viz, Congressmen (SrlUln, who wns elected sheriff of KIiikb county; Murray llulbort, jip iKilntvil dock commissioner hy Muyor llylnn, and Congressman ltruelaicr, elected borough president of the Itronx. The -ud orates In the Senate'ilueed 1y three hy-thiMlcuth of Herjijorji ltrady of Idaho,' Newlunds of resnu"u and Hughes of New Jurscy. ' r . .. ; :V,?. . t1' BLADEN .CJltemletl uindoiilrlpjtoC.h.ttPpcll Itst'ty'ck. ,, .; ' ,;.! ,..., , . ,11. L. CoodU was In Wostetn during tllf.WCck.OM b'tlsfllCMH. ,!',, ', .. John' Sullivan wjifc down funu" Omi )iad.uting'tho woclf vIkIUuk friends. . Glen Dentin left Tuesday for Ft. Itiloy. Ho was one of thp members of tlio last draft. ' Amos Cutler was in IHiie 'Hill Mon day. L. A.Siper was In Campbell Mon day' on business. V V. Cniwfoul tiuusacted business in Campbell the 11 Ml of the week. LeHtur Cutis of Lawrence, visited at the J. L. Davis homo this wcolc. Howani Walbiirn was a pissongcr to Hastings Monday. .7 A. Denton and family were In lied Tuestl ly. Oscar Cither lettirhed the Hist of the week to his home ai Klatts niter a pro. onged visit with his piretits, Mr. and MrOi I. Cuther, Sr. : Mrs. .John Cooper of Uemliii.i, Kalis., vltedMrs C. 1). Jennings the past veelc f 1XAVALE Dr. Cook of lied Cloud, was in Iua .ile Tuesday afternoon. Will Tophum and family spent Tuos day in Uod C.oud attending a htirpiisH party given In honor of Joe Tophum, .Sr. t. H Joyce and family, Will Tophum and family, Mis. S. i0. Holdiodgo and mother, Mis, M. C. Hummel, were on tertaiued Sunday at dinner by Guy Darker and wife, in honor of their dtiighteis, Alda and Mayettas birth days. Floyd McCull returne 1 Tuesday night front Khiishs City, wheio ho shipped cattle Sunday. Will Notris and Ralph Hunter (.hip po 1 stocl; lo ICinsas City Sunday. Dr. Nail of Uiverton, was hi Inavalc Tuesday. A large crowd attended oho play gHeii at llunter'h Hall Filduy night hi honor of the Ked Ciosj, Mis. Floyil McCill was in Uod Cloud Tuesday afternoon attending a sur- pilne party on hr frtther. , The 1'nlou C K enjoyed a Urt5 at John luiiledgVs Friday night. ' violin Uutltdiejn,ratltr returucd Sun-" day . m. fiiup ('Hllforrila, where he hfcf. u'fefen spemilnj; a coupltof qjonthj. Clus. Hunte'r ha a force of ipn'rc ptiiliitf his eUvatov. ,''' Will Mitchell inov(l ,romi 4r-' iiold hoirse the firht of the fftlf, li)t tke Ohwp. Hnuter proptj. jnrtV 9 AVP. HartwH'a. E.yrjon njoyU I Ik t(naprtyiipp lrtoj;riiiii)J at 0 ML. K .jhtrclt rfumlity morniiiir. Nttice f Hnrif Ib thHittrl l)i pltfl.oS Carl.Cwua. pieatO,flii"'ii conntr Court -aJ WthataT ("oinity, St)ric. TfiT'Mtat rirMebranka, T all J'rrtuu U trrrttil In hhM nttntr, crailltor aud lielr talce uotli-c. tliat Mt Cone tout nied her jf tlllon kIIi-kIiik lliul Cnrl Cuur died lutentate In Websler Comity, Nelirntka on ir about the ml Any ol October, IVUXIkIiik r rooliluul aud luhahllnnt ol Webster Count), Nebraska nml the ownir t tho lollnwlnedt scribed rrl ehtato, tO'ivIt: The imdlvltled oac lialt later r lu the Kiiitli hult o( the nouthenl tpur ter ol MctUm llltctii i&), tnithl) two. rant'f nine, Ktv lute a hi hoIu anil only hctrN at Inn the lollunliiK uniiii'il pircons. to-wll: .Mne Cone, lil4 mirvlv. Iim HpoiiM' liartou ( one ami ICenneJIi Coau htK muik ami Until Couu his ilumh ter. That pitlthmer has an uiulUMitt tTo thlnlHlateriil hi Mid real estate in litr own rluhtaud as litlr ol hahl deeiiliut ami pray Inn lor a dierii harrlnu chilmii; that Kitd ihr ecileat died latistute; that no applliulloo (ur administration lm Ikcii mailu ami the ? t He ol bald diced) nt has not Ikcii minimis tcrcd lu the State ol SriinuKa. and Unit tin luliKiithiM ul said diicdeiit hk licuin Bit torlh hull ip dviTc l to Ihj the owner In ( i i-lttipli ul the alu'S Iid'iIIhsI it il ektftlt 1 - ' i II t i ii I'M nt t7i I Passing of John f.icGuirc John MoUnlre of lit v i ton, imm! In hlsoteinal icwahI Apiil 21t" ' Hio bt ICil.iibuth linpl nl in Omiha Mr Mud til re was in tin- plmmorolnss of olllons, having bouu " former roi dent of Smith County, Kuisiih, for neiu ly thirty yeais, and at death, Mill the owner of tlio farm near Kivciton, wlieic he settled In tlio spilng of $W, and was an nutlvo fanner until some eight or ten yeais ago. He was bom lit .lava Contie, Wyo. tiling Co , New York, August, 1( IHIO, living alinotit iiinu years over the ul lulled I lireo score and leu, Uaily In the Civil War ho enlisted in Co A., First New York Dragoons and nerved until th'i close of (ho war, lecelving an hotiorable discharge ul Hluilra, Now York. He was tlio second of nine chtldiou and but two In others survive, one being Mr .1. U. Mcdulro of this city. L'unoral fertices wore held at the Cathoho church, IUvcrton, Tue'd.iy moriilug and interment was iniulo in the Oomotcry there. " CouncilProceedings -. Mayor Damcivll called a spccinl mecU'rip of the city council at 10.30 Tucmiay.inpr'ninK'for tljfe' purposd tif oigahiing' the new coiindll and irt tcndlnB to other business matters. The vacanqy caused by the death of Coun cilman Koontz was flll'erfby-".th6 ap- pointri'icnt 'of C. R.'Hcrsc,- which 'was? 'confiuncd. Thp oath of office was auministcicd to fttr. ncssc ami to Messrs Time and Hamilton who wx'ie chofon at the election last month. The following appointments were made by the mayor and confirmed by the council:' ' A. 15. Saladcn, pi evident of council Dr. Homy Cook, health physician l IJ. Doner, city marshal J. A. Diadfoid, supt. liglit, and water dcpl. 0. C. 'IVcl, bookkeeper water and 'iKl't dep't. Mefasrs. Hamilton and Tiine, com mittee on supplies Mcsbi't. Hcsso and Saladcn, com mittee on rmance Messrs. Trine and Hamilton, com milteo on buildings Messrs. Saladen and ltossc, commit tee on walks Messis. Tiine and Hamilton com mittee on .sticets and alleys Mayor and council, advisory com mittee. ' The marshal's salary was fixed at :jU5 per month, and the superintend ents at $125 per month for first six months, the .superintendent to be ic- liuncu alter six monlliH tit u price to be airrced upon if satisfactorv. The M.ln.v f llw. I,i,l.-l-,.ni,m. -,. fivn.l ( $25. per month. Tlic .$500 bond of the city cleik and' the $10,000 bond of the city ticasuiei wcie appioved. The clerk lepoitcd the oath of the city engineer piopeilv filed. The matter of lcdcoming paving wan ants as funds come in was laid ovpr until the nest icgular meeting. The following licenses wcie gi ant ed, the fees having been paid: Powell & lliikner, pool hall and bowling alley, 3 tables, 2 alleys. Fred W. Kuehn. pool hall, 6 tables. K. H. Cilbert, pool hall, G tables. A new schedule of light lates was adopted, as follows: Commercial 1 to 25 k.w. 1 t cents 20 to GO k. w. 12 cents 51 to 75 k. v, 10 cents 7G to 125 k. -w. 9 cents 126 to 500 k. w. 8 cents 500 to 3000- 7 cents " Residence 1 to 20 k. w. 14 cents 21 to 50 k. w. 12 cents 51 to, 100 k. w. . H, cents Apttfe 100 V. n. . 10 cent's Tlia vfAt,er wtea weje raised t ntlV.'tWeei-vice cfcit:e ?J.50 per ((Uki-tev p)un 25 centft per thousand TUe. oivliaiuica laiaiiJr tlttt ratf.s was joiaprfd'puWlstn'ed ih ta Red QUnti Uier; . . i mi-. l.,Ua-r-"iM. fauliaa'a kaaaaa4 a karror or aaat!" Julia "No; akt la Moat kya1tyMarrla4l." Judja. Canvanlent to Have Around. One of the moil convenient people In tuli world la Homebody you can blame. Mauuheiter Union, KODAKS Better Kodak Finishing And Developing. .:. A Full Line of Supplies HOLLS I)BVBLOP13l)-'10c MAIL YOUR ORDER TO US tevens S5r, Dr. R. V. Nicholson n. .1 wmbsrit vitnnwiroiw II E D OLOUD, HEBltASKA, CHIEF anmx-iu:iwJ mmrrniet ii:7 iw w miwMiwii nil noni D numu WW FWAR Says Dr. McElroy, Educational Director of National Se curity League. Dy DR. ROBERT M. McELROY. Educational Director of the National Security League. Why does Anieiicn II 'lit Oennnny? Our Ideals aiu tlinatened with do; structlon, and wo must ll(,ht to ina'lii . . tain llten'i. We 'J3 uro lighting for i . i. . ' i... ..:... ..a II U IIIIUIUIIIL'IIUII t h o u g h t (("the1 d r e a in a, t ft c' Ideals, tju aspira tion.?, which ''o-' liy,nr,i, seething In lie vast poly i' lot commiinltv .wiilch wVcafi'lnoi iiihcJr SfutWof :iwicR. .vm iff r.,:.,?:,iiffl,rt tXllll U lU ll&tlk- . Intr for. wo Amur- ur, It. Il. mciro in inianm ii ui '-.- vHVi3' blood. Whii havo vru l(i common1 to ciuibo us to rlsiMin'lioVTi'll it ft : Vbrnniilti lni phKe ilnd prepare 'iii'dlo fot'ii ltvTrmo cnuseV It would be easy to formulate tlio cliur.ictirisUu dreams. oC tlie.uyus- n a a.r-i ". 'm TT' .t ' t, t ..7' ;r slnn, the ItaWun, ...tho ,i;olun, ),y Scotch, the IrisJi or lln rorluwcs. ,It, w.ould be possible to oiteli tluvglcimo ItlealNin w.hlih has gln tojtlm Kricbc the glorious title of thu '.HfrtvA'athuu',' Hut none of these would sulllvo. .)V must take a cross section of tUL of them, and a doen more, to formulate) the Ideals which couim1 In common, through them all after they, have been united into what we call America. For It Is common Ideals whldi have Hans formed the men and women of all these races and kindreds and tongues Into our nation, which .s'ands today facing the grim fact of war. a war to.w1)b;Ji, no man dare call them In the name, of race, or language, or p:clous allegi ance. World Cltlzmship. The President has placed our Inter vention In this war upon a plane of ldealiMii to which every eitl.en, of whateer nice, uiuj rally whhout his- Ing hold upon the best tr.idltloiis of Hie land fioni which his forefathers have come. It is not the call of a nnr low nationalbm, but the call of world clti'enshlp. Our entiutico Into this war lr,no coji eexsum u uie aceurseu konikm ol lorjjo "" "'""" "' W1MI """' " '""; SelleS, I. Ill hlle IlKolVCll (to qllole tltO oft iiuoteil words of our President) that "thi world must be made safe for democracy and lt.s peace planned iiion the trusted h.isls of political lib erty." We scorn tlio idea that "might Is right," but we are willing to take our pari In polking the world against the niadmeu who act upon thut doc tilne "How High Your Ideals?" Histoid will not ask us or any oilier nation, "How big was your army?" but "How high were jour" Not "How Mist jour navy?" but "What was your devotion to duty?" Not "How pilckly could you inoblll.e?" but "What thought have you contributed toward the betterment of mankind?" To those questions (icrmituy can an Rwer, "I contributed to tine world tha lilt of representation," for, on Montta lultu tll us, tlio rtprriciitatlv 14ia waa "horn in thf foreatx of Ornaany." Ska will tiaTt to coiifaaa, howafar, that ska caat it uut, a uaad lufaat.Ju or dar lo uiak nuiiu fr lh thraaa f taa giaal, black Idol, lullilarjr aawar, aaa today Aiuarlca aad.tiar. alllaa ara wanilaf In raalallaaa caluiitua, carry lag (hat ftfanilthig baiic ta ha ham, WHAT THE VICTORY OH FCAT f AMANY A T " KVftflY AUtmiOAk ;t-j,iu. it0ftit iam . rmi ipftifiWp. to taa ?4aMaart SicaVtla l.ttinVa. i- aft) t raH:lHaai ''kraailk. 4km- -Ham. aat taa Uarataa jaar aaiaa.t iaaa a a "alaoa la raaaaa" la Uia aarl;' aallaA af'tae aaaalM waaaa aall It eeteta so that larmaua may raolaea tklaa that-bava haau.astanalaata4. The syiteuiatlc daatruction af civil ians In Belgium, northarii rrauca, Pa laud, Serbia, and the actual aaslara uietit of the survivors proves It the frequently boasted Oeriiiau "pulley of blood and Iron" and tha "Hyrun of Hate," which bus become a national hymn, proclaims It. Fiom the rudlmental condition of niieleiit barbarism, a .spiritual develop ment was possible ; from the accom plished Inhumanity of Priissiaulsiu, a more rlld Inhumanity only Is possible. A (lermnn victory would mean tho blight of what wo call civilization and the elimination of what wu believe di vine Mil man, What wo believe In, whnt wo cherish, what wo are, would bo annihilated by the essenco of Prus phuilsm; our world would be destroyed by Prusslc acid. MO ON GERB fl ANY- .s. '1 ISB wwmwiroiwmwiceTnaxM jwiii nima Treasurer' btatement Mayor ami (Ity Council, City Cloud, Neb: Gentlemen: J submit herewith statement cove lug rcetlpt and dlslnirnenicnth of my i olllee for tlio period from April ,PIH to Apiil 27. 1!)1S Occupation Fund Amount on hand Apiil 2 1!M3. Ituceipts l)ibiiisPinelll-i Overdiaft Witer Fund Amount on hand April 2 ,s.. No iceefpts or disbiir-ioments R.tlauce Water Levy Fund , iiiuuitt on hand Apiil 2 .... 9 1 To No receipts or Disbursements. Ilalanco 75 dcneral Fund Amount on baud April ii 2.1i). 00 Disbursements J14 23 Overdraft HU'Ctrle Mghf Fund 17.-..10 AiiKiuM on hand April 2. Ueceipls ,S 81(1 01 . 001 .12 ri 18.143 . 701 55 (Jisbursemeiits 7- , UHtutice ,.... .-.-. .-.$104,1 .88, Klectrio Light1 Lovy- Fund Avwniiton hand April 2 71 r0 No receipts or Disbursements t 1 J IlaTance ; 71 5(J Soner Fund ' Auuuuit on liand Apiil 2 $ 73 oO. 'Sfi Receipts pr.Wsbursoinent ,. , Ralance , 7S 50 4 Paving Fund , , Amount on hand Apt il -j f 7(i() 111 Recfcipts:.' t7 1 U IT'tl r,o Disbtuseinoiils '. ir r.o llalance i719 01 Llbiaiy Fund Ri coipts S :i0 00 Disbursements 1, 00 Il.tlaiuv ir, oO Fit emeu's Fund Aiuuiitit on htuid April u' ? 2o0 do Receipts 25 00 H.ilmce -y.) CO Recapitulation , 'tvupat.on Mitul (overdraft) .. ' Water Fund l.x .... . - . -. 3 11 73 1 7.1 17.1 10 10C1 SS 7L 50 78 SO 1710 01 Water Levy., tieneial Fund ( iverdraft).. Rlectilc Light Fund Rlectriu hlght Levy Fund.. Sewer Fund I'uvhiK Fund Libra i. Fund 23.10. Fii enien's Fund 2.H GO Total :i22ti 73 RegisteicdiWarrantsl Outstanding Occupation Fund .100 0o Water Levy I'lind 20120 Ceneial Fuud 4L'l 00 K. L. Levy 1M8 10 Sewer Fund 310 11 Paving 1353s '.Hi Total SI004-J 8 S. il. Fi.onvNti:, Uily Tieas I submit herewith statement cover ing receipts and disbursements of tuy olllee for tho period from April 'lii, 101" to Apiil 28, 1018. Occupation Fund Amt on hand April US '17 S 771 31 lieceipta , $ .1035 2.1 IlS'-'O .VJ :i82 70 a il 2tJ-'M Disbur.emeiits Overdraft M Water Fuud Amt ou baud April 2$ 17. . . . Ke'caipts ...,.,.. . Uiaburtawtula Bala act We)ar Lefy Fund Aut ou haqd Anril 17.... Rt1at!i j 2597 5t '53G J 0U Oi 2.'D to is03 Ho U!ttbitiaHMt. Kalaaca Gsnsral t'ttud Auitou hand April 2S '17., Keueipts.... H :i a4 4700 oo 4843 34 .11118 fi3 Disburseiuants, i a Overdraft 175 10 Hlectrio Llkhi Vund Amt on hand April 28 '17 &01 71 UecwiptH 11704 77 18G20 48 U.'.S-J (50 DihburSeiuents., Ualaiice ii 10111 3 Ele'ctrio Light Levy Fund Amt on hand April 2s '17 all ()8 Receipts MG0 OU 1.170 08 Dlsbtiihements 1007 U'2 Italuucti 71 .10 Fireman' 1'uijd Amt on lumd April SS 'IT. , 170 -wu,wjTwrinsjr-iwtR3p i.,i rn ".raw rt m -i -3 k uun Prv vt 14 M, MSPtSiSmeB'Gi j fL.ommere raiv t. i M) 11,; . 7 oo t j h r.n it 1 4 i W I i I I ffri K -77. M I Wi 73 - A , A AMI 9k ' Jfi V$ I Jlfltsier top of the corset ?M&W aff Warners figi Brassieres :insure this sweep offline and- "blot- out" the break one othervyisewould.,find. They arc well-made, prettily ..'designed and '' v' tiimmed, and as strongly guaraneeaaf, tlje ,. ,-.1',; .t t il . celebrated Warner s i ' I . J BuaiaHaitaaBMaHBiBBBBHKiaKaiHHBBJ3BariKb4U22HHMB39 $3,000,0000019 In Liberty Bonds will be offered in the Third Liberty Loan Campaign Nebraska's Quota $31,942,800 Are you doing your share while our boys are of fering their lives? If a free America is worth fighting for, it is your patriotic duty to lend your money and your credit .0 our Government. The whole Nation must take part. - Our boys in France are appealing to us to fur nish them in great abundance with the arms, the am munition and the supplies which will make an early victory possible. If we are not to prolong the slaughter or suf fering, if we are not to risk defeat, if we do not want an inconclusive peace, we must act quickly. We must put forth our every effort NOW Nebraska Liberty Loan Committee Sewer Hondh Amt on hand April '.'3 17. .. 2213 Receipts 15402 17(i7.r 87 Disbursements l"r7.1 87 Sewer Fund lieceipta .y.... 361 0U 78 50 Diibursaments. aaataaas llalance. ) Paving Fund Kecaipta..., 1734 SO 19 rr 1717 MMMM UlAburfcanieuts.. Salaace.. Lilrai7 Iftiud I Wv..-tb ClOCi IM lirLariu ... irmti OMiltarataatuts iinlaova ........'....... ' rtecaplUtlatjoa Occnpatlou Kund-Ofarlraft. WatarlHiud Water Lavy Fnud General ITnn.d-Overdr.ift R, L Fund Ii). L. Lavy Fund r)&0U .') 1 17.1 1043 71 78 1711 2.1.1 23 Sewer fc'und. Paving Fuud i aaa I ! Library Fund Firemen's Fuud Total Registered warrants April 28 '17, none. Registered warrants April 28. '17, Jl0,O12b2. 3'.'20 73 outstanding outstanding Man Wanted For co operation in putting on cam paign for Sale of eastern Colmado lands. A large tract of choice laud owned under deed by reliable and thoroughly equipped Nebraska men. Yott need pot bo oxporlenei !, but must Im) u''i " , . I . a s ' 'n GO :rj;ji3aK:aLMK!Bjx icauia .tJnxjsxoma WI orsei The contour from shoulder to knee is important. There should be no break, but an easy sweep k of line over the straight down the hips. KbstprQol Gorsct - ,t "i i V I IK! Wi. When til " Firemen seis)f the xmattd ajui'i list aVaadat aae at iVmuMklik Ina a. tfliw. slikd' v. W "'yoarM a titis"nW ai. - pan a 7ux wcr The Dewy Before the Fire 11 7S W 8S no 50 Ul 00 CO u the (hy te isiute. A that day auy be to-morrow (or all you cia kaow r do, it (eDoWk tht prudence would itn pell you lo top in our oSce to-dy and Lave ut inue you a policy, O. C. TEEL BBBBBbR5tSBL al llllf i 1 BslBBBBBBBBt 9bBBBBBBBBBbM aCSBBaBWF (VBBBBBDaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsl R.elitvble Insurance! ' Thm Hamilton - Cmthor Clothing Co. Evorythlns o Man or Boy Wears Rod Cloud Nebraska .A A r A .' 1 i I rl Y ii r esasaastMssagaaBMSEiBje