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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1918)
0 y ME RED CLOUD CHILi- Rod Cloud, Ncbraslm "tU BUSHED BVBKY THURSDAY entered In the I'ostolflco nt Hid Jibuti, Neb an Bccond Claw Matter I Formal Notice Tlio undrrslgnud, by mutual ngrco mont of nil parties concorucd, will publish and manage the Red Cloud Chief under (he. fli lii name of QUIOI.KY & IlBOWNR : Geo. Trine RED CLOUD 'We believe that it pays to give our customers service and satisfaction; ROY SATTLEY QUIGLEY BROWN& E&ioit d rplUtrt THE ONUy UEMUUKATIO PAPKH IN , yrEDBTEH COUNTY r Making the Grade i v It is a pleasure to reoord the marked and continued improvement of W.Kl that U why we want to sell you a 1 4 Undertaking . - . ,' 4'"' ""? 'J l'rPoKtktl Anriosicii(6iU i iasbm r rxTUf fr.TJirf.ft '"ixr - i I' f 4'f U I t 'i V l i F V" .1.. 01 If"Sk5 .- ? iSrttavsft' rW.liW S"- "Vr,VV vn Y ? . . .v.r 'm AS.MM . . i, M . . i W'.W? ; MftiK ! ft&8&MB3e3 W.nPTffr"P'jTyix"r'f'-"rOT"ur ; $. .1 U J vMir muMmim iw tnun Lie LavaU. . r w" wwa aaaa.-w w -v.w- - - - , i r ..-ama--. , ;HVe yi 'ever asked any of tHem how,4heykkr1h6r -ilv'X (iKrrt i.-'i .. i - - .. . . '.'! tfSB'SSr :l isor watmett Maid exDenenccetttrm to intweii vouvura . u. ar.v.i'ij O.. mTKi.kcVffcwiil? . ',-. ' , YallU t mWrir cm. the D, Laval it nm' onT ei- a'itjf ;j:o ; yorMMonifeu what wc.five beei tclKng yHi bout the De Laval. So will any )i. the 2,125.000 De Laval users. W. will Mil you a NEW D. Laval on aaijr termi. Come In. aiatniaa tho machine and talk It orcr. LLLBLLraak akkkkkkkV Ta&koTcfvniKyour neighbor. .. ii .iJ " UVaC fh "$ r. f Ttuli iii I imrtTiMWaiilli ill Inn at Vi, v . .-v 'ry-i n I A Full and Complete Line of MM 4 TAYLOR Ui. -iJ' AND MISSES - New?Goods Fan:oiIes, Fancy Ginghamis; Egyptian Tissues imities, Dunbar Tissues, Suitings Plain and Fancy Organdies at M. A. Albright's Open Day arid Night DINE AT OUR CAFE Powell & Pope coTcrj ib iiitie oriornnraciuoaa MH4 .-IS; JillTt. ''ITJia' ''JI.'iL "ivi U 4 F.r Cttyrs(irr. iL It" '".. i'r..., rt.! flAw PA. renews nttt credit npon " those, wh were li chirr e.' Vf. in4 d Wrfilrlen. the H(W-iaT be priied loWl Bet yod?U6ts'"(3(uli;.W rJoby uii Fafaers Meetiig ;'l airomjai HetiroB;,-MireMEti' .wp. h'efp Moo'day,.? eHlBetand wjtbi ilia iHautna nt- t1A' tnnkt .aMkaaaai ''"... ... 'I1 Upton rraed .for . a nublio meeting mBadOLondtBMt BatnrdaT eraning, Myth,Wnfce " will 'txrUrx, laxlf. tail tM ftf&ttfftjjfc Aurrmtr-'-y ft, ' -V . m Fbikk St a ail Make it Safe for Democrat Our greatest president 6et the goal stake for all in six tvordo that should be indelibly impressed on erery mind words that cannot be too often re peatedwords that will live as long as history exists. These words will bo stamped upon the Rims that go over the waters, moulded into the helmets our soldier boys will wear, and be always in our Siililii'is' minds. Nut, however, for tho soldiers uloiu wro they spoken,. TIip are for yon! iK a- m. ! r-er every twUlotic cUlxen nf iir H" ,l .) t i Au J etn f Vaflone birfnt and adtantsaea fb eoasolldatlo'b of ihi FiunaitB uotoDs. Away bacar In KorAan'tlmea'a man of VaoU alaitiedclMriy thfi gr'ejaV "force oinnnea enorv ana centuries or time and eip'erlenoe tare but strengthened his theory'. The public is cordially in vited to attend this assembly and it is to be hoped that all who are interest cd in the betterment of agricultural business and civic affairs will be pre sent. It should be botli a pleasure and a duty. Explanatory liuing clo'cly associated in printers work ami friend-hip since 193 MeSMs fjii'gley mid Urovvue many years ntfo phiimed to unite in the nowspnpei publishing buinesi. Tho rljrht oppni . uu ity did tut 'tp r. me hm i Mi .i ..i .t rt it' !:? C'T'l .','! l-rtl. lACtqstd pmbahrier in Kansas ' and LNttras&an . ) -': 3K v.-x rv-V' iv ..f'1 !& v v- r iIi'- CompletelLine of Up-to-date Furniture, Rugs, Btc. SC3Z2 aSa55Ti23r.iT3.T.a;aiiaaaK ION i j' w c e V, iV.VVVV.V"V.V.V.VV."-W.WaV.V.V.V.'V Auto Hearse - Horse Hearse ED. AMACK UNDRRTAK1NG ..' V . (. .11 I.S ! . i. h 111 . IMIlM 111 uiir biisiiicsi safe lor di-mui racy in other wurdb live and be democratic broadly, liberally, sinceiely. A.s is the home, so is the town: as is tho town so is the nation and it may tio added cnuildeutly, as our nation is, so the world will be. I'urtheranore, the writer was demo, cratio before. Cleveland became presi dent and candidly confesses to no ex pectation of change in sentiment, r. For these nud other reasons, and "wtin mauce lowaru none," tne u is and wiU"be de'tnporatlc ) Parafaa Personal I ,Cpme atnoup you as "aKtranger witirin your jateBlt is no more than fair yon should ktfow something of my personality, and therefore I take advantage of press privilege by having a little confidential pentalk with you I was born at a very early ago in a thriving town of Western New York "so I've been told," and came by im mediate inheritnient possessed of the name, Browne spelled with nr ' e Soon after this my parents added Frank Livingston thereto to distin guish me from n number of lirnwus. ot which tho 'world was'full. This in heritauca'I have treasuied, alwaj anil if peimlUed will.hhowyou (.'nod pioplr, of Red Cloud that is as good now as upon the dity ifeaTne to mef My father was of n jolly, sm-iabln disposition and well read my nunher very quiul and letlring 1 take after, bo'lli. So if In"" my desirc'to L'Ot aiv quainted and "develop biiiceVe fi u-nd-' snips X tako more timu tluiu is custo mary in tliesu. days'qf ra)VulMLrc.action. you will understand the reason there for and not a&cr.lbo it to any, lo,lydea that I cousider'myself brtterthnn any body's heart and soul and honesty.uot clothes qv talk, that makes the uiuu, Listen! I 'don't "iiud 'elK ing you but whisper "" it I (a.'t;ted iiV life with aotually'not a stitch of cloth ing to my back, 'so I've been, told.' l, For many years I was busily occupied in growing up, pasting through all the usual incidents and accidents of that process; acquiring knowledge, becom-' ing a practical typographical artist, and traveling up and down and across until my volume of experience be-, came a large book. These years saw me treading the Binds of Florida, gazing upon the plains nud mountains of Canada, dwell ing In the big Umpire state city of New York, living just within the Hold en Gate of California, moving forward andbaek across country until one day I settled down in Galena, HI., tho homo of Uncle Sam's great war chief and p-esldent U. S. Urant, and there met" M. K. Qulgley. "tjuig" was a bright youngster and straugly onough theiegiew up between uafi attraution which, as the nur Hid, di i loped Into a vvurm atnl ! v. ing irien'"-' . th jaten i--n ii -rr ifui tv ji i i (,r . .. i . .. ,i i t o . .y hihI ijui'j"' pr ei ' 1'id to lunko atiHiigc tiiuuts for tii long deslied co opera linn. Tliis part was completed and again there whs delay. Then came the unfortunate and almost fatal nccideut. Quick action was necessary. An im perative summons brought me here and tho jicw deal is sprung upon the friends and patrons of the Chief at al most a moments notico. It is my sin cere hope that I may mako myself as good a place in this community as my friend Quiglcy holds; it Is my earnest purpos to give you the best fruits of such knowledge and experience as years have given me, and together I trust that Mr. Quiglcy and myself may win and merit your high esteem and friendship. F. L., Baptist Church Notes Sunday School at 10 a. m. Preach ing at 11 a. in. and 8 p. m. Miss Grace Harper received a tele gram from the pastor Monday evening telling of the death of n daughter-in-law at Mt. Moriali, whero he has been visiting the past two weeks. Miss Grace left at once to attend the funer nl. They expect to return homo the lat of the week. Church Notes i -. Hew (Seo.-M. Mitchell of Franklin, (frfed th'e pulpit Sunday morning.' Woman's Soisiety of the church wiU ,iueet Friday, May :t,at IkOo p. m. with Miss Cott ing, .. ;' . The usual monthly mooting of the Missionary .Society, will be omitted .on aecpunt of.tliclceture "of Miss Mulli tccn, on Tuesday, May the 7th. Hour of 'lecture will be announced later. i Next Sunday morning the pastor will preach on the subject, "The Three Con tracts." In the eveulng there-will be a dedication;. of a" .Service Flag, .with a sermon by the pastor. veierans oi me vivu war, uiciuuers of 'the W. It. C.; Spanish American war veterans and Home Guards are especially- invited to attend this service. The' public is also cordially invited. i Sunday School at 10 o'clock, a High School Debate Monday evening the High School Debating team from Falrbury met the Red Cloud High School team hero and held an animated discussion of the question: ' " Resolved, That compulsory military training should ho established in the public Jiigh schools of the t'nited States. The line-up was as follows: Falrbury Miss Huby Thompson, Miss Frances Hale, Geo. Turner lied Cloud Miss Anne Ituuuoy, Paul Throne, Wni. Mcllilde. Judtti - Supt CJ. S. Hansen of Clio. Ur, Mi-s Lnita Haider, head of Hrgv l),.t U -.tji't's 5IMi Htl -', p. Ihftfi- 1 Ik" fTja Ti (D erinc W?rrag 1' J- A store or garage wired let me furnish you an estimate on the job, complete. Everything : Electrical Our prices are right, ' workmanship.- the best and material guaranteed. !.; We order any special fixtures you want and install them satisfactorily. Let us figure on your next job E. W. STEVENS IF YOU WANT A pflijpflT OH A PMER JWade Right, Lettered Right And Erected Right SEE OVEG BROS. & GO. Makers of ArtlstlclMonuments Red Cloud, Nebraska Til Hamilton - OmthT Oldthlng 0om Everything Mm or Boy Mar Had Cloud Nabratha Dr.W.H.Mc Bride C. H. Miner Dr. 8.8. Dtardi U,M. V.V Mnnacer Veterinary In Charge C. H. Miner Serum Co. -PUODUCKHS- Anti Hog Cholera Serum Red Cloud, Nebraska Wire or Phone at Our Expense I). S. Veterinary License No, 45 r- E. S. Gsrber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish I'lOTURK FRAMING Via ' r 1,0 : A i,rri- "' X '"- yHf&llMJn. '111PTT,I Him JI'tWkUWWTrWllimfta.HWtMgM,mTTpwrtfW i y liicao