The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 02, 1918, Image 3

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B t
Don't hurt' a bit I Drop a llttlo
frcezonc on an aching corn, Instantly
that corn stops hurting, then you lift
It right out Yea, magic I
A tiny bottlo of frcczoiic costs but a
few cents ut any drtiR store, but Is
Kiifllclcnt to remove every hard corn,
floft corn, or corn between the toes,
and the callouses, without soreness or
Frcezone Is the sensational dlscov
cry of u Cincinnati genius. It Is won
derful. Advf-
"llow'd you like lo bo on Easy
"Been there all my life. Any pod
Her can stick rue."
Easier Then.
"Marjory, you nitmt forplve your lit
tle friends when they are rude to you."
"I do, mother ; but I slap their faces
first." Birmingham Age-IIernld.
To keep clean and healthy tuko Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They regu
late liver, bowels und stomach. Adv.
Be Pure you are right, but not too
itirp thnt every one else Is wrong.
Told by Mrs. Lynch From
Own Experience.
Providence, R. I. -"I was all run
down in health, was nervous, had head-
achos, my bacK
ached all tho time.
I was tired and had
no ambition forany
thing. 1 had taken
a number of medi
cines which did mo
no cod Ono day
x read about L,yma
E. Finkham's Vego
tablo Comnound and
what it had dono for
women, so I tried
it. My nervousness
and baclcncho and
headaches disappeared. I gained in
weight and feel tine, so I can honestly
recommend Lydia E. Pinkliam'a Vege
table Compound to any womnn who is
cufFeringas I was." Mrs. Adeline B.
Lynch, 100 Ploin St, Providence, K. I.
Backacho and nervousness are symp
toms or nature's warnings, which in
dicate n functional disturbance or an
unhealthy condition which often devel
ops into a moro sorious ailment.
.Women in this condition ohould not
continue to drag along without help, but
profit by Mrs. Lynch s experience, and
try this famous root and herb remedy,
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
Eound and for special advice write to
Small Pill
Small Dose
Small Price
have stood the test of time.
Purely vegetable. Wonderfully
quick to banish biliousness,
headache, Indigestion and to
I clear up a bad complexion.
Genuine bean tlgniture
Generally Indicate o lack
of Iron In tho Blood
Carter's Iron Pills
Will lielp this condition
What Do Yon Know About
Do Yon Want to Know the
Dran lis a twint rnnl tcntui anil
get VUU1I 1NKOUMAT10H about
about all breoda ol catliu on earth.
W. N. U.. LINCOLN, NO. 17-1018.
aijt ft" :.
JssfflW MlVER
(By IXEV. P. U. PlTKWATiait, D. D.
Teacher of RnRllah bible In thi
Moody Dlbte Institute of Chicago.)
(Copyright, 1911. Wretern Newipuprr Union,)
li- m
LESSON TEXT-Mnrk :S0-60.
GOLDEN TEXT-If any man desire to
be first, the same shall bo laat of all, and
lervnnt of nil. Mark 8:35.
thians 13.
TEACHERS-Matthew 6:4142; 20:20-53;
Luke 22:24-30.
MATERIAI,-Mark 8:30-37.
one to another. Ephcslans 4:32
I. The Stupidity of Selfishness, (vv.
80-32). Jesus with his disciples Is on
his way to Capernaum for the last
time. Ho Is soon to leave for Jerusa
lem, whero he is to die on the cruel
cross for tho world's sins. He still
seeks tho wny of retirement In order
to be alone with his disciples, his ob
ject being to lead them Into the appre
hension of the meaning of the cross.
The teaching which was Interrupted at
Caeserea by Peter's rebuke Is now re
sumed, and with dclliiltencss ho de
clares the future event as already
1. "The Son of Man Is delivered Into
tho hands of men."
2. "They shnll kill him."
8. "He shall rise tho third day."
While pressing upon them continu
ously the fact und necessity of tho
cross, ho never failed to show them
tho bright side his triumphant vic
tory over death In tho resurrection.
The hearts of the disciples were so
steeped In selfishness that they fulled
to understand his teachings. If the
disciples hud more definitely attended
to his teaching concerning the cross,
they would have been better prepared
for the hour of temptation which was
so soon to overtake them.
II. The Wrangling of Selfishness.
(vv. !l.'$-:57).
1. The searching question (v. !!.'!).
The omniscient Christ knew the se
crets of their hearts. The fuct that
the disciples were wrungllng nbout of
llclul position while the Lord was fac
ing humiliation and death for them
and the whole world, shows how com
pletely the Lord was alono In his sor
row. 1. The silent disciples (v. 34).
They were nsl mined In his presence,
because tho selllblmess of their hearts
was revealed. To realize the presence
of the Lord would shame us of much of
our M'lllshncsM.
3. The stinging rebuke (vv. 71).
"If any man deslro to bo first, the
same shall ho Inst of all, and servant
of nil." The greatest among men nre
those who are willing to take the low
est place and serve others. This truth
ho enforced In a concrete way by plac
ing a child In their midst. 'This child
was an Illustration of dependence and
Ignorance. liy example and word he
shows that true greatness Is expressed
by willingness to aid the weak, to In
struct Hie Ignorant and to serve those
In need. All such render service not
merely to those In need, but unto.
Christ und Und. True greatness, there
fore, consists not In sclfseeklng, but
rendering cheerful service to the
needy In the name of Christ.
III. The Intolerance of Selfishness
(vv. 38-41).
1. John's guilty conscience (v. ,5S).
In the light of the teaching of Jesus,
John was u little disturbed over having
"forbid" a worker for Christ who did
not follow after him. Doubtless this
Intolerance was In part due to Jealousy
for Christ, but also it Hellish ambition.
Many times Christians mistake bigotry
for zeal for Christ.
2. Whom to tolerate (vv. 3!M1).
(1) Those who nro casting out devils
(v. 30). We should really satisfy our
selves that supernatural works are be
ing done. Are demons being cast out?
However, this Is not final, ns there Is a
"supernatural work not of Cod.
(2) Those who are not doing this
work In Christ's name (v. 41). Any
worker going forth In the name of
Christ, and for the glory of Christ,
hhnuld bo given Uodspeed. If he Is
doing a good work, even though not In
your way, or If not u member of your
church or school, "Forbid hlrn not."
IV. The Awful Issue of Selfishness.
(vv. 42-fiO).
Selfishness results In ruin to others
(v. 42), ntul also to the Individual (vv.
I 43, 45 and 47). In cither ense tho Is
sue Is eternal torment In hell. Selfish
, ness Is opposed to God, and thnt which
Is opposed to fiod must bo eternally
separated from him. Self-renunciation
should be so complete that we
should He willing to abandon the most
necessary and lawful things In life
hands, feet and eyes when they he
come occasions for stumbling either to
ourselves or to othecs.
Need of Influence.
"Every one of us needs Influence
and some Impulse outside of ourselves
to compel us to strive for our Ideals.
Tho best Impulse that enn uplift tho
life Is the friendship of Jesus. He
says: 'Ye are as friends If ye do what
soever I command ygti.' "
God's Presence.
Did It ever occur to you that the
Blgns of dud's presence are granted
to the fanner more than any other
man? Look around your homo and
fields und see.
I I I I I I I I I II I l -v
War Savings and Thrift Stamps.
During the month of February the
receipts coming Into the treasury de
partment through the sale of War Sav
ings and Thrift stamps totaled $11,
000,000. It Is reported that they aver
age now about $2,000,000 a day. He
turns from the same source In lCnglatid
were $37,000,000. The War Havings
and Thrift stomps give everyone a
chance to be "In" on the great busi
ness of winning the war. They ore
a fine Investment ntul within the reach
of everyone. Congress bet 2,000,000,
000 as the amount to bu raised by this
mentis for the year. If this amount Is
reached It will cover the entire cost of
the government's shipbuilding program
for thu year. It bus now from this
source enough revenue dally to build
10,000 tons of shipping and altogether
has received to date funds for building
420,000 tons, or SI ships of (5,000 tons
Our strength In this war has not
made Itself felt yet as it will be felt.
Ureat reserves of It will be forthcom
ing. We have hardly felt the pinch
of the war yet. In the War Savings
and Thrift stamps we have mi opportu
nity to all take a hand In building
ships, and they must be built. He
sides this the Thrift stamps are edu
cating people, especially young peo
ple and children, to save and to
use money for Investment Instead
For the occasions that require her
to dress-up a bit there are pretty
, frocks of crepe georgette and voile
that will make the little girl look her
best this summer. From her eighth
to her fourteenth or fifteenth year she
Is apt to be a very slim, long limbed
little person with a good many angles
that are prominent and need to be
well considered when it conies to
choosing her clothes. Since there are
designers ' who specialize In clothes
for children the needs of the thin llt-
I tic girl and the needs of the fat little
girl have been given expert attention
nnd the problem of distraught
mothers solved for hem.
Here Is a dress of fine vollu shown
on n slim llttlo girl of eleven that
will bear study. It Is In two pieces
n skirt and a long blouse, thereby dis
posing once for nil of that bugbear In
children's clothes the waistline by
b.-avlng It out of the reckoning. The
skirt Is suspended from n short under-
' bodice, gathered on to It and fasten
ed In tho back. It Is. moderately full
and has a two-inch tuck above the
Jackets and Skirts.
That Jackets will bo short rather
than long seems to bo a foregone con
clusion, Judging by the South-wear
fashions, nnd etons nnd boleros nre de
cidedly In evidence. Not only suits
but dresses, loo, are seen In these eton
and bolero styles, nnd very sinnrt and
youthful aro these effects worn over
blouses of crepe organdie.
.Tucket nnd coat sleeves aro nnrrow
and close-fitting and In wrist length;
skirts, too, are modeled with conser
vation of mnterlal very much In mind,
for they nro cut decidedly narrow and
fnlrly short, though not ns short as
some fashionable skirts of last season.
Tho average width of modish skirts Is
nbout ono and one-half yards nround
and the length from four to six Inches
off tho ground.
of sp i ding It for things they do not
really need. Lack of thrift, In this di
rectum m'hiumI io be almost a univer
sal failing before the war. Accuniu
liitlm. 1 lu-lft stumps Is likely to es
tablish the habit of saving In young
people and children.
Work Which Only Women Can Do.
Wlinfeu'f our other activities, wo
must n on with our knitting," In
it mm literal sense' Sox, sweaters,
wrNi'f., and bunds and then moro
mix ni ho nealcil In far greater iiuin
berx im a ever before. Surgical dress
ing in .1 blindages, also, sup
plied i the shipload, and food must
be i iM'ncd. In ulValrs the
world I. mis on women for support. Hut
If en. li woman gives u little time sys
teiiiui illy to Hod Cross work and
looks liter the conservation of food In
her un boiue, the great total of
nchli meiil will do the work and fill
need- i 'pending on us. Our part Is
easy emapiireil to that of Hit soldiers
and Millm-sT It Is amazing them
tire wmiu'ii, with time and menus at
their disposal, who, because thej have
no t'tiiihes In the army or navy, aro
taklitu no Interest, much less any ac
tive part In the work. to be done. They
are iwt worth fighting for, and should
be hclil up to the scorn they deserve.
Now Is the time when eold selfishness
will betray Itself.
three-Inch hem. These give It a little
weight and flare at the bottom where
It Is precisely even In length and
net dies to the knees.
It Is tho blouse that revenls the
cleverness of Its deslguer. Its body
bangs from n very short yoke, gat h
ied (pilto full over the shoulders.
The body of the blolro Is smocked In
three rows of smocking whero It Joint
ibe shirred yoke. It Is usual this sfa
s"ii to use one or more colored silks)
In doing the smocking on white frocks
mil these little bits of color nre very
(lilldUli nnd pretty on dresses for all
little girls. There are two pockets at
He- bottom of the blouse with smock
ing across the top ami buttons that re
pent the color used lu the smocking.
They nro set on purely as a finish for
i h blouse fastens, with snap fasteners.
The collar which' Is of wash satin H
like them In color and the sleeves aro
plain throo-qiiurler length.
4iCv &ifrtrt&)
Georgette Blouses Trimmed In Val.
"If you haven't seen tho new blouses.
nf crepo gooili-tte, trimmed In vnl
l. co, you nre missing something," said
a blouse buyer who has Just returned
1 1 mil the Knstoin markets. "They are
ry enticing, and nro shown in regit
.-. ns well ns slip-over style."
According to this samo nuthorlty,
ill.' rage for filet, both real and Imi
tation, continues, and somo pretty
models aro slip overs will) sailor col
lars trimmed In filet. Some of tho
in w georgettes have lltlo collars of
white moussellno do sole, which laun
ders very satisfactorily.
The freshest, prettiest of tho new
blouses aro of net, In whlto nnd light
shades. Hutlste nnd vollo nro very
popular for the high-necked ones, of
which there uro a great many shown.
Small Reptiles Most Important Help
In tho Destruction of Parasites
In West Indlce.
Lizard farming ami fungi! cultiva
tion aro menus adopted In the West
Indies to protect tho sugar Industry.
It bus been discovered that the frog
hopper, so-called on account of Its
great leaping powers, Is the greatest
pest of tho sugar cane, and that It mul
tiplies by thousands on slnglu plants,
sucking tho sap from roots and leaves,
In the lusl three or four years two
remedies have been developed. F. W.
I'rlch, a West Indian entomologist, 1ms
demonstrated thnt lizards devour great
Miiiintllles of tln Immature hoppers;
and J. It. Hotirer, a United Stntos my
cologist, has shown that spores of the
fungus known as "green iiiusourdlno"
nro peculiarly fatal to the adults. As
part of the work to save the eane, wnr
lias been begun In Trlnhlad, where the
Investigation has been made, against
the rapacious mongoos, which has
made lizards scarce. In addition, hun
dreds of lizards are collected lu a pro
tective enclosure, and are encouraged
to multiply under favoring eoiidlllons
of Mind batiks for burrows, with an
abundance of fond and water. The
fungus Is grown In test-tube cabinets,
which produce spores that nre dusted
over the cane Ileitis by special dis
tributing machines.
Juice of Lemons!
How to Make Skin
White'and Beautiful
.... ,.....wi "".-, "-.-...t-...)...-i.
At the cost of n small Jar of ordi
nary cold cream one cau prepare a full
qunrtcr pint of tho most wonderful
lemon skin softener nnd complexion
beautlller, by squeezing the Juice of
two fresh lemons into u bottlo contain
ing three ounces of orchard white. Cnro
should bo taken to strain tho Juice
through n flno cloth so no lemon pulp
gets lu, then this lotion will keep fresh
for months. Every woman knows thnt
lemon Julco Is used to blench and rc
movo such blemishes ns Bnllowness,
freckles nnd tan nnd Is the Ideal skin
softener, smoothener nnd benutlfior.
Just try It I Get three ounces of or
chnrd white nt any phnrmncy nnd .two
lemons from tho grocer nnd make up n
quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant
lemon lotion nnd mnssugo it dolly Into
tho face, neck, arms and hnnds. It
nnturally should help to soften, fresh
en, bleach and bring out tho roses and
beauty of any skin. It Is wonderful to
smoothen rough, red hnnds. Adv.
To Release Grain In Case of Fire.
An excellent suggestion for saving
wheat and other grain lu country ele
vators in the event of tiro hns been
maile by n South Dakota builder. The
Idea Is simple. Kuch bin for grain Is
provided with n trapdoor In the outer
wall of the building, so arranged that
In case nf fire the door could he pulled
open nnd the grain allowed to run out
on the ground. Scientific American.
Important to Mothers
Examine cnrefully every bottlo of
CASTOHIA, that fumous old remedy
for Infants uud children, and see that It
Bears the fj& sITji . "H
Signature rtCuzSyffl&cjfifa
In Uso for Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Cnstoria
Possibly all men may bo born free
anil equal, but It Is Impossible to keep
some of them In that condition.
For genuine comfort nnd lasting pleas
uro uso Red Cross Ball Hluo on wash day.
All good grocers. Adv.
Lots of people nre Interested In tho
man whose principle Is for sale.
Win the War by Preparing the Land
Sowing the Seed and Producing Bigger Crops
Work in Joint Effort the Soil of the United States and Canada
The Food Controllers of the United States and Canada are asking fpi
creator food production. Scarcely 100,000,000 bushels of wheat are avail
able to be sent to the allies overseas before the crop harvest. Upon the
efforts of the United States and Canada rests the burden of supply.
Evsry Avallablo Tlllablt Acre Must Contribute; Every Available
Farmor anJ Farm Hand Must Assist
Western Canada has an enormous acreage to be seeded, but man powei
is short, and an appeal to the United States allies is for more men for sced
ing operation.
Canada's Wheat Production Last Year was 225,000,000 Bushels) ths
Demand From Canada Alone for 1918 Is 400,000,000 Dushels
To secure this she must have assistance. She has the land but needs
the men. The Government of the United States wants every man who can
effectively help, to do farm work this year. It wants the land in the United
States developed first of course j but it also wants to help Canada. When
ever we find a man we can spare to Canada's fields after ours are supplied,
we want to direct him there.
Apply to our Employment Service, siid we will tell you where you can best senr
the combined interests.
WeMern Canada's help will he required not later than May Sth. Wages to com
petent help, (S0.00 a month and up, board and lodging.
Thoie who respond to tliii appeal will get a warm welcome, good wages, good
board and find comfortable homes. They will get a rate of one cent a mile from Canadian
boundary points to destination and return.
For particulars as to routes and places whero employment may be had tpply tot
In tho spring wo mny bo attacked at
any moment. Toxic poisons pile up
within us after a hard winter, nnd wo
feel "run-down," tired out, blue and
discouraged. This Is the time to put
our house lu order demise the system
and put fresh blood Into our arteries.
You can obtain an alterative extract
from Hlood root, Oolden Senl, Stono
nnd Queen's root, Cherry bark, rolled
into n sugur-eoated tablet nnd sold by
most druggists, In sixty cent vlnls, o
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.
This blood tonic, In tablet or liquid
form, Is Just what you need for "Spring
Fever," for that lack of ambition. It
will fill you full of vim, vigor and vi
tality Chilliness, when other people fed warm
enough, is a sign of hilioiirmCgii, or of
mninrini polnonn o is a
furred or cooled tongue,
loss of npnetite, head
nchrs or giUdiucafl, nnd a
dull, drowsy, dcbllltntcd
feeling. It's your liver
Hint's nt fault. You
want to stimulate It nnd
Invigorate it with Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets.
With every trouble of the
kind, Uickp tiny little
things net like a miracle.
You can hrenk up sudden
attnekn ol Coliln, Fevers,
hh.I f flft ft-,M (inn -nrl t It
ItlUI JilimilllliUllWlin. Illii
them. They'll Rive you permanent bene
fit for Indigestion, Constipition, Sour
Stomach, Sick Ilrndsclic, and Dizziness,
They aro small ntul pleasant to take, and
tho mot thoroughly natural remedy.
Twenty-five cents at moat drug stores.
Reverse Result.
"Don't lend that man money." "Why
not 7" "Hecause you'll bo borrowing
ITas been used for all ailments thnt
ore caused by a disordered stomach
and Inactive liver, such ns sick head
ache, constipation, sour stomach,
nervous Indigestion, fermentation of
food, palpitation of the heart caused by
gases In tho stomach. August Flower
Is n gentle lnxatlve, regulates digestion
both In stomach and Intestines, cleans
and sweetens tho stomnch and alimen
tary cannl, stimulates the llvor to so
crcto the bile and Impurities from the
hlood. Sold lu all civilized countries,
GIvo It n trial. Adv. r
Sometimes a man's enemies with
hud designs do him less harm than
his friends with good Intentions.
Back Lame and Achy?
There's llttlo pcaco when vour kid
ney h aio wenk nnd wliilo nt tint there
may bo nothing more Kcrious than dull
backacho, sharp, stabbing pains, head
aches, dizzy spells and kidney Irrcgu
unities, you must act quickly to avoid
tho more serious troublo, dropsy, gravel,
heart dlscane, llriuht's dioeaae. Use
Upan'a Kidney Pills, tho remedy that
is bo warmly recommended everywhere
by grateful users.
A Nebraska Case
O. W. Aul t.
prop. City Feed
Store., St. 1'nul.
Neb., says: "Slnco
I liavo been In
tho produoo busi
ness, I Iiavo often
been brokon down
with backaclia.
At times I could
n't lift the lightest
wolght and went
nround In misery.
I often got dizzy
and felt generally
run down. Donn'a
Kldnoy Pills have,
fixed mo un in
good shapo and I am grateful."
Gtt Dotn's at Any Stor. 60c a Box
Vrv re
Win 'U
Bvtrt rietvrt
TtlliaSttnT J
You can prevent this loathsome disease from running
throiiKli your ntntiln nnd our nil tho colts suffering with
It wliun you fouuln tho treatment. No matter how younR.
Si'OilN'S lu sufo to use on any colt. It ta wonderful how
tt provonta all distempers, no matter how colts or homes
at uny tBo are "exposed.'1 All good drurtKlsts and turf
goods housoH and manufacturers soil Sl'OH.VS at SO cents
nd SI n bottlo; 15 and $10 n dozen.
til-OllN MUDIOAIi CO Mfra., Uoakea, UO., V, B. A. 4