The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 02, 1918, Image 2

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f J
Allied Troops Have Fallen Back to
New Positions North of
That City.
Washington. For the niomont tho
gormnn drlvo nt tho British lino has
locnllzcd on tho Boctor running from
Balllcul around to tho eastward of
YproB, nnd niltltury mon horo nro
watching with engor interest tho Brit
ish counter nttneks on this narrow
front, whoro further enemy Hucceaflos
prohnhlly would nionn the evacuation
of n InrRO stretch of torrltory.
Whllo tho llritlsh official stntotnont
that tho lino oust of Yprcs had been
withdrawn and readjusted on a now
front did not glvo tho position of tho
new lino, It Is known that tho general
trond of tho British linos on this north
ern Hank of tho great battlo Is repre
sented by almost a right nnglo. Troops
which f n coil duo cast only a wcok ago
are now lighting on a. front that ex
tends In a general cast and west di
rection and thoy aro facing south.
From tho lines to tho cast of Yprcs
tho British havo been swung back on
n twolvo mllo front with tho Yprcs po
sitions as tho hlngo of tho movement.
That hlngo now formtis a broad sallont
into tho German linos which thoy are
trying to flatten out.
British Positions Withdrawn
London. Tho British positions be
foro Yprcs have been withdrawn to a
'now lino and thoy havo recaptured
Motoron, on tho northern battle front
by a countor attack, it is announced
South of Arras the gcrmans have
been driven out of British trenches
into which thoy had forced their way.
Tho gorman artillery havo become
more active south of tho Somtno.
Tho Brlt-iBh made a successful
counter attack in tho neighborhood
of Wytschaoto. Repeated gorman
losses north of Ballloul were ropulscd,
the germans suffering heavy losses.
Commanders Speak Highly in Praise
of American Forces
With tho American Army in France
Commanders of units who partici
pated in tho sovoral days of fighting
In company with tho French in tho
Apremont wood sector aro finding it
difficult to pick out men who especial
ly distinguished themHOlvcs in tho op.
One commander salu that every man
nctcd like n hero and it was hard to
choose tho most deserving catcs. One
of tho most popular mon with tho sol
diers on this sector is tho llov. Dos
Valles, a Catholic prieBt, of Now Bod
ford, Mass., who is living with tho
men in an unolllclal capacity, ho hav
ing como to Franco as a representa
tive of tho Knights of Columbus.
When tho attacks began Father
Des Valles, braving tho dangers o'f
shell and machlno gun fire, wont to
tho casualty clearing station near tho
front lino to administer to tho wound
ed. Ho assisted in dressing tho In
juries of tho soldlors and gavo each
man a word of clieor. Ho handed out
clgarotB to tho men who smoked.
"IIo's nB gamo as thoy mako them
nnd every inch a soldfor," said a
doughboy, whllo other soldlors spoko
of tho inspiration furnished by tho
Go Into Battle Sinning
Tho American troops, although tired
from nearly six dayB of Infantry ac
tivity, wont into their positions In an
all day fight singing and expressing
tholr pleasure at an opportunity to
light In tho open In preference to
what thoy term "sower lighting."
Tho residents of vlllagos behind tho
linos saw tho American moving for
ward nnd shouted words of oncour
agemeut to tho truck loads of smiling
mon, who wnved their caps and
:hccrcd heartily.
London. Tllotlng attended tho
breaking up of an anil-conscription
meeting in Bolfast, according to n dls
patch to tho Daily News. Revolvers
woro used by the police, who wcro
pelted with paving Btones.
Praise for Portuguese
Lisbon. Kvonta on tho wostorn
front and tho words of pralso sont
by tho Urltlwh government to Portugal
on tho bravery of tho Portuguese
troops In tho first days of tho fighting
south of ArmontloreH havo greatly
stirred tho patriotic fooling In Portu
gal. All olllcors of tho Lisbon gar
rison havo offered to go to Franco im
mediately to replace and rovongo tholr
comrades. All tho olllccrs who took
part In the December revolution havo
tondorcd their services, as has tho
minister of tho Interior.
French Youths Go Into Training
Paris, Tho liHK contingent of tho
Fronch army (youths of nlnotcon
yonrs) Is Just going to tho barracks to
begin training. Although called out n
n year heforo tho usual time, theso
young mon nro In bettor condition
physically than any of their predeces
sors. Thoy nre starting out In as high
spirits as tho army did in August, 1914,
Bhoutlng from the car windows that
they will beat the Germans.
Halo Withdraws to Position North of
That Place
London. A dispatch to tho war of
flco Bays. Monday ovonlng, preceded
by an lntcnso bombardment, tho ene
my launched very heavy attacks
against our positions between Ballloul
and Nouvo Hgllso. Tho nssault was
delivered by throo picked gorman divi
sions, which had not boon previously
ongagod in tho battlo and it succeeded
after a florco nnd bitter Btrugglo in
carrying tho high ground southeast
and east of Ballloul, knows as Mount?
do Llllo nnd Hevotsborg. Our troops
on this front havo fallen back to now
positions to tho north of Balllcul and
Wulverghem. Balllcul has fallen into
tho oncmy's hands.
"Tho enemy nlso nttacked south
west of VIoux Borquln undor henvy
artillery and trench mortar fire, but
was ropulscd.
"A number of prisoners were taken
by us during tho night in a success
ful minor enterprise southeast of
Hobocq. , 4t5jti
Canada Abolishes Exemptions
Ottawa, Out. Tho Canadian gov
ernment, In an odlclal statement, an
nounces that It has decided upon
mcnstircs necessary to obtain Immcd
Into substantial reinforcements for
tho Canadian expeditionary force,
need for which, It was assorted, has
hecomo linpcatlvo because of the sit
uation on tho western front.
Tho government has decided that
unmarried mon nnd wlndowors be
tween tho ages of 20 nnd 23 nro not
indispensable to agricultural nnd other
essential industries. Thoy will bo
called out first and all exemptions in
their caso abolished.
An order in council has bcon for
mulated which provides thnt not only
are youths of 19 subject to tho pro
visions of tho military service act,
but also nil other youths when thoy
reach that ago.
Tho govornmont Is authorized under
tho military service act to raise 100,
000 mon. Developments at tho front,
it was said, would alone decide
whothcr parliament would bo asked
to incroaso that number before tho
house is prorogued.
Fought Their Way Out
Paris American troops on the right
bank of tho Mcuso (botween St.
Mihlol nnd Verdun) were nttacked by
picked detachments from four com
panies of germans, following a violent
bombardment with high oxploslvo and
gas Bholls which lasted from midnight
until early morning.
Tho onomy swarmed into the
trenches closo behind their" barrngo,
Just as the Americans burst from tholr
shelters, wielding bayonets and hur
ling grenades.
Tho gormnns wcro comnlotolv re
pulsed, leaving thirty-four dead and
ion wounded on tho American wires.
Thirty moro dead gcrmanB woro
counted tn No Man's "Land.
A parry of twonty-flvo Amcrlcnns,
surrounded by a suporior enemy force
outsido tho trenches, fought their way
through tho gcrmans nnd returned to
tho Amorlcnn lines with prisoners.
An unknown number of enemy dead
and woundod wero dragged back to the
gcrman trenches.
Peace Movement Developing
London Tho Cologno Gazette, ac
cording to n dispatch from Copen
hagen to tho Exchango Telegraph
compnny, prints a roport that a strong
peace movement is developing in
Austro-Hungarlan circles In conse
quent of tho resignation of Count
Czernln tho Austro-Hungarlan foreign
minister. Many Influential Austrian
politicians, tho dispatch adds, hold
that tho removal of Count Czernln nf
fords an opportunity to hcIzc peace
negotiations which had been impos
sible whllo tho count was minister
for foreign affairs.
Occupy Seven Towns
London. Tho Greek and British
troops, which havo crossed tho Struma
river on tho enstorn JInnk of tho
Macedonian front, now occupy sovon
towns, tho wnr office announces. Tho
statement follows:
"Greek troops crossod tho river
Struma nbovo Lnko Tahlnos, and oc
cupied tho vlllnges of Begllk-Mah, Ka
ItaraBka. Salmah, Klspokl and Adn.
Tho operation was most successfully
curried out with Blight casualties.
Kobe, Japan Tho forces which I
havo landed nt Vladivostok to protoct
tho consulates and residents consist !
of a Japancso brigade and a dotach- j
mont from tho llritlsh armored cruiser !
With tho Amorlcnn Army In France
Reports from British commnndora
which havo Just been received nt Amer
ican headqunrtors givo tho first defl
nlto information that American ongl
noorlng troops In largo numbers wore
nmong tho forces hastily assembled
from nil branches of tho servlco by
Mnjor Gonornl Caroy for his Impro
vised army which filled tho gap in tho
lino made by tho germans nt the open
ing of tholr offenslvo Inst month.
Tho American onglneers woro nt
work constructing and operating
hold railways and building bridges.
With tho Amorlcnn Armies in Franco.
-Six minutes after tho front lino
signaled gorman alrplanort crossing
tho American tranches Sunday morn
ing, Lloutonnnt A. S. Wlnslow, of Chi
cago, and Lieutenant Douglas Camp
boll of California had brought down
two onomy aviators.
One of tho gormnn machines was
sot fire, whllo tho othor was practlcnl
ly undamngod. Both pilots wero mado
Campboll is bollovcd to bo the first1
British aviator trained entirely by
Amoricans to bag an oncmv piano,
State University May Become Troop
Training Station Urges Early
Placing of Coal
Washington. Events on the western
battlo front aro shaping thomsclvos, of
ficers horo believe, not only for tho lie
feat of tho gcrman drive, but for a
counter offensive by General Foch's
armies that may open the road to nn
allied military victory. A wnvo of op
timlsm has swept over not only Amerl
can officials, but nlso tho military men
of tho allied missions in Washington
Somo of them think if will ho somo
days yet before General Foch can com
plete his troop dispositions for a great
thrust nt tho enemy, but others look
for word that he has sttuck nt any
The nowH from the battlo front was
distinctly cheering. Tho British lines
on the hnrd-strlcken Flanders front
woro holding firmly French reinforce
monts had arrived thero, making prac
tically certain that the gcrmnn drlvo
toward the channel ports from that dt
rcctlon has been defeated.
At tho samo timo official announce
mont camo from Romo that Italian
troops wcro already pouring into
Franco to share in tho crucial struggle
there. This added to the optimism, for
it means that the lighting mon of
France, Italy, Great Britain, America,
Belgium, Portugal nnd the reservation
units aro being concentrated undor one
lcador for a mighty blow when the time
Urges Early Placing of Coal Orders
Washington War demands for coal
as tho year ndvances may require still
further restrictions of tho consumer's
freedom to choose coal. This an
nouncement hnB been mndc by tho fuel
administration because of reports that
consumers In somo sections nro with
holding their orders in tho expectation
that the zone system of distribution
may bo altered in such a manner as
to broaden their sources of supply.
"Any modification of tho zoning plan
that may bo made," said tho adminis
tration's announcement, "would bo In
tho direction of further restrictions
rathor than toward enlarging sources
of supply. There should .therefore,
bo no further delay on tho part of coal
dealorB and consumers in placing their
orders for their supply."
State University May Become Troop
Training Station
Lincoln. Thnt negotiations between
tho state university and the war do
pnrtmont in regard to tho uso of the
university as n training school for
drafted men would soon ho concluded,
Is Indicated In n telegram received
by Chancellor Hastings. The telegram
rend as follows:
"Captain Andrew Knight will visit
you in the near future to officially closo
up our negotiations. (Signed) Com
mltteo on education nnd special train
ing." University officials expect that Mr.
Knight will come to Lincoln In a very
short timo. A telogram from the com
mittee, addressed to Andrew Knight
Is now In tho ofllco of Dean O. J.
Ferguson, indicating that Nebraska
will bo his first stop. When ho comes,
ho will undoubtedly bo clothed with
full power to net.
Want to Skip an Election
Omaha County officers and tholr
friends over tho state nre writing
members of congress In Washington
that it would ho a great thing this
year if no elections woro held In their
cases. Congross, however, Is power
less to provont this. The states aro
the guardians of their own elections
nnd tho federal government cannot
step in to say anything to thi-m.
New Credit for France
Washington Franco got another
credit from tho treasury of $12',,000,
000, making France's totnl l.r.iM.OOO,
000, and tho total credits to all tho
allies R2S5,GOO,000.
"Scalping" Liberty Bonds
Now York. All Liberty bond "scalp
ing agencies," unearthed to far In As
sistant District Attorney Brogan's
investigation of those places, arc oper
ated either by gormnns or hungnrlnns,
ho declared in a roport to District At
torney Swann. Tho Invcstlijntlon is
Intended to determine whether tho
operation of tho agencies where bonds
of $50 nnd $100 aro bought at reduc
tions of from ?5 to ?10 bolow their
fnco vnluo, la part of an organized
propaganda to discourage Investments
In government war securities
Stimulated Wheat Marketing
Omaha. Tho appeal of tho food ad
ministration to fnrmors to mnrkot
tholr wheat, coupled with the notlco
that whoat being held by pro-gormans
would be requisitioned, has resulted
in n very decided movemont of wheat
to olovutors throughout the state.
Records In tho ofllco of tho Nebraska
federal food administration show thnt
moro than 00,000 bushels, over and
nbovo tho normal amount that might
hnvo been oxpocted, has been mar
keted since tho requisition order was
Nearly One Thousand Nebraskans Af
fected By Latent Draft Call
Movement Starts May First.
The Intesl cull for drnft men, to
leave for training camps between
May 1 nnd May 10, will tuko npproxl
mutely 0S7 men from Nebraska. Tho
men on this cull will not go to Camp
Funston, where all of tho drtift troops
from Ncbrnsku now nro. but will bo
ent to Fort Logan, Colo., Instead.
The wnr department's nctlon In send
ing tho Ncbrnskn men thero Is inter
preted to menu thnt Fimston Is filled,
nnd trnnsfers will probably be mndo
to the latter point as fast as poslblo.
Tho State Council of Defense hns
mnde known that It disapproved of
the use of yellow paint on building
of alleged disloyalists. Tho ue of
paint or tho tarring of any person ac
cuscd of disloyalty Is unlnwful nnd
should not be countennncod In any
community In the Mate, members of
tho council say.
Tho Mute supremo court has ruled
that the Nebraska state prohibition
law Is constitutional. The opinion
grew nut of t Douglas county ca'-o
uiid was the first decision of the su
preme court on the constitutionality
of the net.
Those familiar with the stock sit
uation nt South Omnhn predict that
moat products to the consumer nre
bound to advance In price as the re
sult of recent sharp advances In cat
tle, sheep nnd hogs at thnt market.
State Food Administrator Wattles
made the assertion nt Omnhn upon his
return from Washington thnt the gov.
erntuent will tnke steps immediately
to requisition nil wheat being held in
Mnny national guardsmen nre com
plaining because they nre not being
sent nbrond to take pnrt In the great
PIcnrdy buttle nnd Nebrasknns nt
Camp Cody nre nmong the complain
nnt.s. Mrs. Margaret Serby, a Llthunlnn
woman employe nt the South Omaha
packing plant was severely beaten by
another woman employe for alleged
Insult to tho American flag and dis
loyal utterances.
For the third time Wlsncr has gone
over the top for the sale of Liberty
bonds. April 0, the" dny set for the
big drive, cnrrled Wlsncr over the top
by $30,000.
Rev. George Allenbnch, one of the
five pastors under tire nt Lincoln be
cuuse of their refusal to attend n pa
triotic rnlly, tendered his resignation
at n meeting of his congregation.
A member of the Saunders County
Council of Defense made the assertion
nt Fremont that a good many far
mers In his county are deserting the
Non-pnrtlsan league.
Edgar will have n Hag raising April
2o, with tho 335th regimental band
from Camp Funston, which is touring
the state.
County Clerk Scott has the data tu
Miow that Pawneo county has 27,82(5
ncres of wheat In fine growing condi
tion. Bonds to the nmount of $1,000,000
were voted by Omnhn citizens for tho
construction of n new Commercial
High school building.
Frank Eng of St. Edwnrd sold n
carload of cnttlo nt the South Omaha
market at 10 cents n pound, tho
highest price pnld this year.
Tho Deutscher landwehr vcreln of
West Point, n Gormnn organization
long prominent in the community, has
Tho North Tlntto Sammy Olrls' club
held nn miction supper nnd charily
ball from which they netted $3,000
for the wnr fund.
Keith county has oversubscribed its
quota of the third Liberty loan bonds,
and every town In the county hns
qualified for n service flag.
As the result of a systematic farm
campaign there is n third Liberty loan
bond on every farm In eleven school
districts surrounding Norfolk.
Home guards' day was observed at
Bed Cloud when drills wero put on
by compnnlcs from Guide Rock, Inn
vnle nnd Rlvcrton.
Wheat Is looking weir In Richard
son county nnd seems to have passed
tho winter In fine condition.
S. It. McKelvle of Lincoln, promi
nent newspaper man,-has filed for the
republican nomination for governor.
According to uvnllnble figures the
Ncbrnsku farmers' war council now
has n membership of over 50,000.
Service enrds which were sent farm
ers nro being received by the stato
headquarters nt Omnhn at tho aver
ngo of 5,000 a dny.
An Indictment charging George II.
Smldt, u wealthy Adams county farm
er, with having said ho was Instru
mental in forming nn organization
among fanners to prevent crops from
being rnisod, was returned by a fed
eral grand jury nt Lincoln.
Major John M. Blrkner of Lincoln,
a Gorman born olllcer of tho Nebras
ka National Guard and a momhc of
tho 127th Held nrtlllery was arrested
nt Camp Cody, N, M charged with
I vlolntlng tho espionage act. He was
discharged from tho service1 April 4
nnd recommended for Internment by
tho War department.
Lincoln has oversubscribed Its Lib
erty loan quotn nnd tho committee hns
raised voluntarily, Lancaster county's
allotment from $1,515,000 to $2,000,000.
tho Cnpltal City agreeing to rnlso
SI. 400.000.
LSjg-Jgjqf T ftmt irit'i-iifir
A woman nnd thre children were
killed nnd five others wcro moro" or.
less seriously Injured when an auto
mobile in which they wcro riding was
struck by n Northwestern freight
train n few miles north of Omuha.
Ono person escaped Injury. Tho car
was a Ford sedan nnd was completely
Lyons Homo Guards went to the
Casper Rlef hull, west of the city the
other night nnd broke tip n Non-i
partisan league meeting. They worn1
assisted by more than 1,000 Home
Gunrd.s and other patriotic citizens
from Oakland, West Point, Bancroft
nnd Pender. '
The following counties reported
over-subscription of their quoins' Inl
the third Liberty loan on April 15.J
eight days nfter the drlvo stnrted:
IJufTnlo, Burt, Butler, Dakota, Stan-1
ton, Thurston, Deuel, Cedar, Adams,
Keith, Box Butte, Plntto, Wheeler and'
Farmers whoso sons nro In military
camps under tho draft, can get
blanks from Governor Neville to have .
them furloughed for farm work. In
muklng this uimouucement, the gov
ernor says that military authorities
nt the enmp pnsx upon the uppllca
Receipt from n white elephant
sale by women of the Red (Vims at
Scott shl tiff umounted to npproxl
mutely ?lfi,000. One heifer brought
!f2,(i?0.5(), which Is said to be the rec
ord pi Ice for any one nnliiml In the
Upon u request of Director Gen
ei al McAdoo, tho Nebraska l-allwny
commission hns asked city authorities
of Omuha not to compel the Missouri
Paclllc to build u viaduct over Leav
enworth street, In that city, until j
nfter the wnr.
Two Nebraska men, Guy C. Nowliu I
of Aurora nnd Lloyd M. Rnthburn of
Belgrade, nro members of the crew of
tho Amorlcnn collier Cyclops, which Is
more thnn a month past due at an At
lantic port, and Is believed to hnvo
been lost nt sea.
Manderson Lehr of Albion, son of
Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Lehr, who has
been doing greut service with the
French nvlntlon squiidrouJn France,
bus been honored by promotion from
corporal to sergeant.
Tho first permit granted by the
stnte council of defense under tho
new sedition lnw of Nebraska for an
alien to preach nnd teach was Issued
to John B. Reetns. head of the
parochial school at PIckrell.
Captain Martin C. Sbnllenberger
son of Congressman Shallenbergcr, of
Alma, who Is on the staff of General
Pershing In France, has been pro
moted to major.
Omnhn birth records show nn In
crease of flfty-vevcn babies In the first
three months of this year, as com
pared to those during the same throo
months in 1017.
Kearney county has n 100 per cent
Junior Bed Cros. They ure doing
splendid Red Cross work In tho
schools over the country nnd are n
great help to the senior society.
C. H. Peter, Lincoln motoiinan, who
was forced to salute tho flag fifty
times by co-workers, wns hound over
to the federal grand Jury under the
esplonngo net.
A "Good Bonds" fair held at Al
liance netted nbout $2,000, all of
which will be used to better the con
dition of main roads In Box Butte
A number of county food udmlnls
trators in Nebraska have pledged cit
izens of their counties to use no moro
wheat flour until the new wheat crop
Is harvested.
Records In the ofllco of the state
food administrator at Omaha show
that only half as much whent flour
Is being used In Nebrnskn as wns
used a year ago.
The State bonk of Seneca, cnpltal
$20,000, and tho Fnrmers State bank
of Halsey, capital $10,000, were
granted charters by the state banking
According to the 1018 city directory
Omnhn hns n population of 231,250.
Omaha's first draft quota gavo the
city a population of 201.000.
Platto county reported Its Liberty
loan quota oversubscribed bynt least
$100,000 on April 13, one week after
tho drive stnrted.
Preparations nre being mndc for
drilling for oil In both Cheyenne nnd
Rock county.
The Beatrice city council pnssed nn
ordinance appropriating $32,500 for
three now pining districts.
A voluntary agreement to pay,
through the federal food administra
tion of Nebraska, tho sum of $0O0 to
bo given tho Red Cross nnd tho Red
Star by the Fremont Milling company
was tho penalty assessed for viola
tions of tho rules nnd regulations gov
erning sales of whent mill feeds.
A proposition 1b to bo put beforo
members of tho Fremont Methodist
church to say whether a now $10,000
church shall bo erected this yenr. Tho
sum of $31,000 hns nlrcndy been
pledged for tho new edifice.
Moro thnn 200 boys' nnd girls'
garden clubs will be organized In No
braska this- year for tho purposo of
helping win the wnr, according to C.
W. Watson, lender of tho junior sec
tion of tho agricultural extension
servlco of the Stntc University.
Tho sum of $15,000 has been In
vested in third Liberty loan bODtli
by officials and employes of tho state
liouso ut Lincoln. .
Buffalo county people nro elated
over tho honor of being tho first coun
ty in Nebraska to win un honor flag
In tho third Libert? loan drlvo.
(.?. ItrV-'r
Back aches? Stomach sen
sitive? A little cough? No
strength? Tire easily? All
after effects of this dread mal
ady. Yes, they are catarrhal
Grip is a catarrhal disease.
You can never be well as long
as catarrh remains in your sys
tem, weakening your whole
body with stagnant blood and
unhealthy secretions.
You Need
It's the one tonic for the after
effects of grip, because it is a
catarrhal treatment of proved
excellence. Take it to clear
away oil the effects of grip, to
tone the digestion, clear up the
lnflammed membranes, regulate the
bowels, and set you on the highway
to complete recovery.
(Perhaps ono or more of your
frtnnrla hflun fmlmt If ,,1,,il1
Thousands of pcoplo In every stato
have, and have told us of it. Muny
tj thousands moro have been helped
nt critical times by this reliable
family medicine.
Prcjm i ili U Ulht ftrn for rear cciraltio.
Tba fcruna Company, Colombo, Ohio
Omatii, Nabriik
Booms from 11.00 up slugle, 75 cents up double.
Inston.L) C. Hook f rim. 1111..
IfNIX Itigton.D U. Hook free. High
en raferaneM. ItMirnoTu.
A good man does not cherish resent
ment. Itching Burning Skin.
For eczemas, rashes, Itching, irrita
tions, pimples, dandruff, 8oro hands,
and baby humors, Cutlcura Soap nnrt
Ointment nre supremely effective. For
free samples nddrcss "Cutlcura, Dept.
X, Boston." At druggists and by moll.
Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50. Adv.
And He Did.
Clergymnn This infnnt mny some
day make himself henrd In tho world.
Infant Haw I
Up to Date.
Teacher Name the five zone.
Pupil Temperate, Intemperate, war.
postal and o.
Cause for It.
"Are you going to usk dnmages from
your tailor for not having your trouser
sent nt the time he said they would be
"Ves; 1 nm going to suo him for
breeches of promise."
It Didn't Pay.
The poets nnd others, mainly others,
hnvo sung, of the virtues and blessings,
of sleep. No clnss of men gunrds sleep
as carefully as the doctors.
Some ono, with nil the wise theories
of advertising, decided to mnll his lit
tle call for business to the medlcnl
men of Indianapolis. Ho spent n largo
sum getting up somo renl snappy stuff.
Ho figured out all the psychology nnd
personnl appeal, with all of tho big "I"
stuff he could, and then some. Ho laid
plans to reap a harvest. He did not.
His good money went to tho printer.
Moro went to Uncle Sam for stamps.
This wise ad writer put a special de
livery stamp on encb of his letters.
Result: The doctors of Indlnnupolls
wero nwnkened nbout la m. to sign
for a bunch of printed tnnttcr. Kvcry
doctor seen says he toro up tho booklet
nnd with curves deposited tho unread
pieces In the waste-paper basket or
With groans and harsh words the
medical men went back to bed. It wn
a great Iden. Indianapolis News.
teaches food