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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1918)
m. .... VMV- lVlA . t - -V esrJTl - A ? is : : - a&iiXt -Ji w !? Si Ms ,? iss$$N &r H war - Jv&wft-s , m . Jftjr -" IS! JR ----WF- H 53 ' &p. , JMF Ba " -.? J J,r- -i vb. . w jmz.v t ; ioa - -z. - Tcik .. -w w iSj'vvw. - -y kjw - wu i.nb - . tH ..ibu - - m. rw its.i - - rfrii - -- rti - isf 'vm 'it. j j&av - .I'.'n -& W 1ST fcr . it jfflK -IS .. (t HU -. . . Mi - " fc JS S3 4' - ETO..L- ?J ? 'H '. m . !5 I 44- V m w- 1 if 4 Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year Far SI.50. VOLUME 47 RED CLOUD, TEBBSKA, MAY, 'J, J1M. NUMBER 18 J This Bank will Pay, Free of Charge, 5 LIBERTY BOND Interest Coupons, at Maturity or Fifteen Days Prior Thereto ;i -$- : Interest Paid on Time Deposits : -$- J DEPOSITS in this bank are PROTECTED by the I Depositors Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska jj Webber County Bank f Liberty Loan Assembly ) .(Ui'i rtct ly our m-c1iU t'lirrcipiiiiiluiit) I ftrx, ii a Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Co. 1 P. ,r VjST- HE Local Office of the Lincoln Telephone and elegraph Company is now complete with the very latest and most approved type of telephone from the Central Of fice to the subscriber's telephone, Everything up to date. Lincoln and Omaha have nothing better. In fact nothing better can be bought. No expense or trouble has been spared to make the Red Cloud Exchange the equal of any exchange in the state. You are invited to call and inspect the new of fide Tfcc eitire upper floor iew Kaley building ' GEO. J. WARREN. Local Manager Second Contingent Gone Tuesday morning this soldier boys constituting Webster Count) 's second contingent, left on the 0:30 train, for. Ciiinn KuiiRlmi. iinmpq umt'nil! 1 --"" -JT .w ....... ...v.v.. ...... ..... dresses weio given in last week,Chjcf;jomu and children from every seo you know tliemull. Jled Cloud, UBtJJn of Logan township and adjacent usual, displujed prldo nml iippioclaotertltorj were pront In laryo num- tion in tlieso young men who ore' bors making the assembly a muting answering their country V call and goj ing forth to aid in making the vvptlrt safe for democracy, tlod bu wltliJthem 'till no meet again, is tho lU'aycr oft evory loyul heait A&tembly tor toll call whs ii). t,hn, c nut hou.o tit SitiO, u nuinl)cr of putrJ. etic citizens also l)cing tliere with oats for the pin pose of taking the liojs to the train. At the depof a bi icf but iiih pietsive vas lendeied incliid ing'Aiui-iica" by u clioir selected fioui all the ehmoliHs uud led iiy Hov. I)ru linoi', pnstor of tho M. Y. cliuich. Major Daniel ell in appropriate words intioduued piofi-stnr l M Whitehead who lluently expressed the coiutnunity sentiment of piide in her bo)s. and oheei for lliein to lemember as they j Money toward tliu front ami the top. The baud would have pailicipated but bsing without a leader felt tliey could not do justico to either the occasion o"r tliemselves. A great crowd was pi en out over forty autos betides u largo number of foot passengeis. ' I'reliminary to this occasion the boys weie, on Monday eening, tender ed a .sumptuous banquet it Powell & Pope's cafe, which they hugely enjoy, ed and appropriated Farmers Union Meeting. Indian Cieek Local No. UV2 held its regular open meeting on last Ftiday evening and the time was devoted to the taking of applications for member ship, paying of dues and fees, taking ordeis, and entertainment, consisting of singing, rvnriingSgHiiddobutn, . He solved, "Is ttieCouny Agent a Bene fit?" Detiators, ailirmative, L. W. Means, Chas Atkinson and Gilbert Reed; negative, Miss Fannie Ilutcliliib, II. Pi Heed and k" O Lea, Ihe negative winning the debate. Tho judges wero, L C. Uloom, n. S. Fit, find It. E, Eihelnmn. Tho house was well filled and everybody enjoyed themselves very much. Look for a good meeting in May nml come out and have a good time with us. fpn Monday of last weok a Libort UOBti meeting was hold at the Oriole jfchool house near Uuckeivllle. Men, sunce- "?,leT It s lCiraker of Lebanon, ltevt iSrank M. Ilit'o of Smith Center, Mr! utt 1'iur.ler, teachnr at Logan, anl Mr. P. innr Spnnier of IJuokoi vllle Wf(irc tin- puncipal spuaUers the Utter alHOue'iugas cliairinan. rfJtev Knaeki'f opened tho meeting vvlth pi ii) er the iiudioueu sang "Amei loti" uul Star Spangled Itanuer" lifter vi n Ii-H Kev, Karaeker. being formally iutiodueed by tho chaiimiui, ' spoke eloquently upon ho object of t,hv meeting, tin necessity for action,! the oppot imiiiy for p.itiiotltin. the de- turmliiiitton and sucrilice leiiuiied in i doing our pait toward making tho wo.ild safe for denioeracy Closing, ho plot uio I cleat ly that all we do is but little .n ooinpured with the service of those beyond the wateii Key ltico followed witli an addtess alonghe ame line", us did also Mr.' Otto Fiaier. and it is a matter of to grot that lack of space pi events a com plete teport of tliose patiiotlo addles ses. Mr. Spurrier closed the meeting' with a shoit but pointed tpecuu. Tlic There is a Difference in Lenses .lust as there is between a piece of purn gold mid that containing alloy. Tho lenses used by me tue the tines t that can be had. Thcso come in tliu lougli ami arc LTonnd until lliev cxactlv meet the teouitements of our 1111 tienlar eve tioubie. One cannot bo too caiefttl about tho eyet Tho matter of a dollar or so should not enter into tlic calculation. This stote i of uses to ask for our pationago by pi ice alone tho cine is itho thing desired by me or well as joutsolf. liven so, you will Ilud tho ehaigc unusually low, taking into consideration the highiuuli(y. Ti' lc to the interest ofyouv eyes to hove them examined here E. H. NEWHOUSE Jeweler and Optometrist C3TC. D. & Q. Watch Inspector applause and enthusiasm inado it ap-, Ji parent that Logan township will keep i ("J on ' doing its bit." until tbo last nail Jf has-been driven in the colllu of au-' tociacy. Red Cross Benefit A large assembly met at the schoo house, District No. it, Tuesday evening the occasion being a "Plo Social" for benefit of the Junior Rod Cross Kev J. L. KeljbrV p. J. Oveiing, ,Tr,and other from lieVe, attended, both giv ing short, patriotic oddi esses. Pios home-made and hand eaten, went fast at auction prices, ranging fiom MJa to il ."() per. When our peoplo left, lit a into hour, festivities were still on high gear and doubtless a tidy sum was realized. LIBEKTY UOND. i "m PROTBCTYOURSBLF AND HELP UN CLE SAM ' Nigger head Maitland, Canyon City and Pinnacle Lump on the road. Store now at Government prices and be sure of good coal next winter Ifalone-GellatlfGo.i "TALK WITH US ABOUT LUMBER" lftftnAV.SVJ,-VV-V.V.V.rVAV.V-V.V.V.VJVAr'AVVWVI- Teaching Pitriotisi . V (.SittnUty eyn)nr atb Morlub OoYa llotue and SundAy avtniair at yw 'jt "ji". .'-."i 'jz.i: k- jfcttc it MjshmgGfii ymifi :I -? c a 'Jl r" i,V T '1 i i -iJ ?i... V- (V .1 U -.4 PL ATT & FREES Christian Church Program! $ FOR MAY, 1918 tndrpUutu'floti. Uenrf CVBtchMoad oecrirv oi.ioiai vouaeu qi ui V-j . . . . , m ioi;onrvatipa sa ) um hiraolaUor itrc. .Tk ctraTlaoW t&eakbnia LbaVt .(Jau . .r'tltdf ft-'0rtW anraaaMt KT w ft:m-J -wm . .. .! otcmik wr Mmmmnm BKTtsiraia. !- m. tnv th".ab.MrbiHaar In wfnaWiLkit war. 'r.'Ktobraond urdtlre,crd))trif oi pooi uaiia;.ati auviiea in young men to use tbeir raouoy and .time for Uucle Sam. The addrws was well r- celved. The tine compliments paid trie .. i..i i ...... ?. : nun, jiuunruteiuaii was appreqiatOd :: k mi sc'' 1 May 5th Father's Day May 12lh--Mother's Day May 19th Newspaper Day Play 28 Sammies Day A- Matter of Figures 1 his is not a dressmaker item bus1 nothing to do with the figures worked out in that profession. Merelva muti'l ter of time, anent the extra hour Unclqj Sam gavo us recently Aside fron)1 those who by extreme youth, age, In-, llrmtty, or other cause, arc incapaci tated from active labor It's a sUfo bet1 that tlicic are llfty million peoplo who'i cm put the oxtiu dajllght hour into' productive employment. ,riO,()0i),o00 bonis I' .",000 000 days of tun hours i ii Ii, i n 1 iviiiut'ng ! i , ' i , ' i ii , our IHJY A H We've I I1" A. i .' -4 . rt. tvaaK i ir wr v i :rn i i rm r rv -1 ,v H .-IV . ov- :j;bl-Vfrri um K IEXv fjrT "RSF ts I - mr& ii p y i hi ,i r 11 i fllxfji ii iii i fe0VHr Lmfr V m - w i i Chief Ads Pay You Every Kind of a Coat You'll Need For Spring J!- . -'?. s .!.'.:;r'n ' 5fcrt, eiUNVt: Xr ;ma,:'v'.'V 11 rule GtWlMkiif J effect! fw tryel StwJy utility Coats for the t-of-dotrs girl. Dressier Coats for afternoon wear. All made of thoroughly good, dependa ble materials, designed with exquisite taste and finished with care down to the last bottom. AND THEY ARE PRICED FOR JUST AS MUCH OR ' JUST AS LITTLE AS YOU CARE TO PAY Yeungtr Sitl ,.- ,i.,.v,.li!v' 'ir, .. w ? a I pr i is5&i .':'1' j - 111 1 A. . A V 1 Tift ' ' i w KfW ! ii h p "TITPwTOv Mr ftr.t