I. I :Y i ii H k : i: IU i j- . . Geo. Trine RED CLpUD We believe that it pays to give our customers service and satisfaction; that is why we want to sell you a m USUAL CREAM SEPARATOR Here's why the Dc Laval is the cheapest machine to buy : It will pay you in r term saved from $3 to $5 a cow every year over an inferior or lislf-woin-out cream separator. It will pay you in cran saved from $10 to 015 a cow every year over gravity slimming. It will give you a heavier and better cream, the kind the creamery man wants, the kind that gives you moie tkim-nnlk for your stock. It will list two to ten limes as long as other cream separators. Figure it out for yourself and you will sec why the De Laval is the, most economical. And added to it all is the immeasurable satisfaction of owning a machine that " works like n charm " 365 davs in the mggg ' know ,'1' "hen we trll you w rL IV n. I ...Itir.ull wnti. m.rliin. vnu'll "' "- - - - be proud to own. We rlllhrni on lib eral tcrmi. Comclnand UtkitoYer. U K2JBril I II mgaaawaaaaaawtm i fl EZEsgEEl A Full and Complete Line of MINA TAYLOR DRESSES FOR LADIES AND MISSES it ii' WfflrS J i fttfTUSW' ti. (fa", r e ! n h oods '4?cV ' ISkl ' ncfe's, Fancy Ginghams, Egyptian tfissu jSimities, Dunbar, Jisjsues, Suitings Plain and Fancy Organdies Mt M. A. Albright's Open Day and Night DINE AT OUR CAFE Powell & Pope wwvw.v.v. 5 (HE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Cloud, Nebraska. ; . , , 1 " i .PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY entered In tho rostoflire.nt ItcA Cloud', Kfcb m Bocond OIM Matter" ' B. McAKTUUK it. K. QUIGLBY l'UJIMHHKH MALUKU CUB ONLY DKMOCKA.T10 PAPEU IN WfcNBTKlt COUNTY '. Political Announcemeits A fee of t-iOOwlll iehiugul for all imlliti nnnoiintlni? their innlMniy torutllcoln IIiIn eolitiiin, whether repuhllean or democrat, nml will In run until the Vrlinnry Klcdion In AiiKiist. For County Treasurer. I hereby announce injsuii ns n eundiduto fur the oIHch of County TreuMtrer of Webster County subject io tho wUhes of Deiiiotintic totoih at tliu August piinmrli". A i nun i V. Dtoun For County Treasurer. 1 hereby announce uiy-elf as :i candidate for tho olltee of County Treasurer of Webster County, subject to the npprouil of the Republican voters at the primniy election in August. Fiuxk Si Ann (Continueii fioin pane 1) Women's Auxiliary Red Cloud 9 sweaters 31 pr. socks li pr. wiistlcts 1 helmet COWLES 5 sweaters 15 pr.socks 1 helmet 1 muffler , 1 pr. wristlets BLUE HILL G sweaters 3 pr. socks INAVALE 1 sweater 1 helmet D pr. socks GUIDE ROCK 3 sweaters 13 pr. socks 12 pr. wristlets 1 helmet The Department of Military RclieJ' of American Red Cross has issued aji ardor for 30,000 sweaters to be fur nished uy the Chapters in the State of Nebraska by June 20th, 41)18 Of this number the Webster County Chapter is asked to furnish 200." This number has beijfc'sa&siBne'd "felojlpws Red Blue Guide Roik Co Bl KSK....... lOlUiAuxUiary .;'... atc Line Auxiliajr CloudPfR;...-... s initial's.. -,,i.r. V. w M itf&KVtf 9OTn-v'T', tfvVRui?' y;a&i K-, ITT- It ;i:: .Jw..s 50 30 22; 201 V....20 .;$.16 12 10 10 Overheard by Central Thoj kaiser called the devil up On the telephone one day; The girl at central listened To what he. had to say. "HeJlo," she heaYd the kaiser's voice, "Is old man Satan home? Just tell him it is Kaiser Bill That wants him on the phone" The Devil said "hello" to Bill And Hill Faid "How are you?. I'm running hero a Hell on Earth, So tell me what to do. "What can I do?" the Devil said, "My dear old Kaiser Bill ? If there is aught that I can do To help you, sure 1 will." The Kaiser said, "Now listen, Anil I will try to toll The way that I am running On earth a modem Hell. "I've saved for this for many yeais And I've staitod out to kill, That it will be a modern job, Depends on Kaiser Bill. "My at my went thiu Belgium Shooting women and children down Wo toie up all the country, And blew up all her towns. "My zeps dropped bombs on cities, Killing both the old and young, And those the zcpplins didn't get Were taken out and hung. "I staitcd out for Paris, With the aid of poison gas, The Belgians, darn'em, stopped us, And would not let us pass. ".My submarines are devils, Why you should see them fight, They go sneaking thru the sea, And sinking ships at sight. "I was running things to suit me, Till a year or so ago, When a man called Woodrow Wilson, Wrote me to go more slow. "He said to me, 'Dear William, We don't want to make you sore, So be sure to tell your U-boats To sink our ships no more. " 'We've told you for the last time bo, Mill, it's up to you, And if you do not stop it, You may have to fight us too.' "I didn't listen to him, And he is coming after me, With a million Yankee soldiers, Fiom their home across the sea. "That's why I called you, Satan, For I want advice from you, I knew that you would tell me Just what I ought to do." "My deqr old Kaiser William, There's not much for me to tell, For the Yanks will make it hotter Than I can for you in Hell. "I've been a mean old devil, But not near as mean as you, And the minute that you get here :I will give my job to you. ' ' "I'll be- ready for your cflmfhg, KW J.Aftd I'll keep the fires all'Kright, And1 I'll have your frb'om all iiady, ' 'When the Yanks begin to fight, ffoj-j tho boys in kh,aki,wiUget you, 3 1 pave nouiing.jnore to toU,-7 Hane up the phone and cct.your hat tXnd flieet t)ior,hei'elJ&yHjili'$l9!- uqojc vazcuu,-uK , OTj ., ,,Jno ri . 1 - ROY SATTLEY t Undertaking Licensed Embalmcr in Kansas and Nebraska Horse Hearse Auto Hearse Complete .Line of Up-to-date Furniture, Rugs, Etc. $ Auto Hearse - Horse Hearse I ED. AMACK I UNDERTAKING PI tone, (LADY ASSISTANT) Ind. Store 1 58, Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB. uuu rYWWVWWVt Batin Auxiliary ..) 10 ., Red Cross knitters should lemcm ijer the following in making sweaters: 1 Regulate the number of stitches In. your garment according to.tlwsizei of needles and yarn used so your sweater will measure 17 or 18 inches across chest. 2 Make sweaters not less than 23 or more than 25 inches long. 3 Do not crochet the side seams, sew up with a darning needle and a double thread of yarn same of sweat er. I Do not use stripes of any fancy color in sweater. 5 Do not put scollop around neck and arm size, finish with a plain single ciochet stitch. Lend Not Spend Your .Mono) If you lend your money to the (Jov ernment you may be quite sure that it is going to be used for some national purpose to prosecute the war suc cessfully, to care for, equip arm and supply our soldiers in France, to be used by our Navy in ridding the seas of the murderous U boats. ' But if you spend your money even with the belief that by putting it in the channels of trade others into whose hands it comes will lend it to the Government, you will have done something the patriotism of which may be very questionable. First, you have withdrawn from the supply of material of the nation some thing to replace which in the market will require labor and material which should be devoted to war purposes. 101-iu.iti, mi- person to wjiom you pay your money may also use it to purchase things requiring material and labor which should be dnvnioii Tn war purposes, and tho person to whom ho pays it may repeat tho operation. But when you lend your money to tho Government instead of spending it you will at once lessen tho drain to a certain extent on our country's re sources, its material, its labor, ami its transportation facilities and in ad dition jou supply your Go eminent with money to bo used in winning tho war. Evory pm chase of a Liberty Loan Bond is an individual act toward bringing victory to America and her AllTes. QkttftAMINO PROCCSS J i ..Hm rPH9 Electric Wiring IF you want your home Store or garage wired let me furnish you an estimate on the job, complete. .1 Everything : Electrical ! ti. . ,"nor ,iifi flrfj ? Our prices are right, vorkrhahfshir5.:lT.:. '- the best and -material guaranteed;'"'1 " ' ;., We-orderany special .tem'JMfX irinf on4) iril-ili 1-WkLu .!- n'l'L -'Wi u am aiivi moiau iiicill ddllbldClOniy. Rip up germ-laden carpets Rive the floors a Chi-Namel hardwood finish that is sanitary, washable, heel-proof, long wearing and easily applied. Costs about 2c a square foot and saves the expcaie ol iitw Sooilne. Theie it Chl-Kamrl Timlib, ccincl cr ether finnh lor cteiythtnt In m the home. &,-, A J. w pvni-Na.mei$toi in VM! IpciMlv will Inch imi In Ciiln In 5 nlnulri, lire. ( tit Simcl ptuJucli ire coifinril io nnt itprritr.!atlr mrtchint In loc4liy ilii a driltr liion Icr Men grade serviie an! iclUble meichaniiltr The Ohio Varnish Co., Cleveland ktl' M aJs; We know the real value of Chi-Namel products from actual experience. Chi Namel varnish is 100 pure. Become a user of Chi-Namel varnish, enamels and other finishes and learn to keep everything about the house looking ever new with little trouble and most econom ically. Let is teach you the Chi-Namel home graining process free in five minutes. Cbi-Ifamtl CtWf Vuaitbu als n (f.l.lc lei Boon, woodv.ik tni Uia. lute. Chl-Kimtl Furalturt Polish himtm white fol lion larnllai. Chas. L. Cotting The Druggist, The more Liberty Hon (Is sold the lower our government tuxei. Mono f-nent on Inxes seldou returns to us but money fijient for bonds is re turned with Interest. Tho exeess nrolltH of NebrnbUn fnrnis should bo Invested In Liberty rtonds ns ! reserve fund to gunrmi teo tho 'Mate nglnst hard times. AVhljo farm prices are high tho fnrnipf should Invost In Liberty Honils so that when pvlces drop he will hnvo a roservu fund to fall back' on. Si Let us figure on your next job E. W. STEVENS c' IF YOU WANT A . . .. Jlade Ilght, Itettered Right find Erected flight SEE OVEHIJIG BHOS, & GO. Makers of ArttstlclMonuments Red Cloud, Nebraska Tfl9 Hamilton - Cthr Clothing Qo. Everything Man or Boy Womro Had Cloud Ntbraaka J Dr.W.H.McBride DENTIST Suceeshor to l)r. Cro'.s OVKU STAT13 BANK RED CLOUD NEBRASKA C. II. Miner Mnnni;er I)r. S. S. luiirrtoif M. I C Veterinary In Claris C. H. Miner Serum Co. -puouuui:hs-Anti Hog Cholera Serum Red Cloud. Nebraska Wire or Phone at Our Expense D. S, Veterinary License No.45 E. S. Gaurber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures A rnO '3 t '1 jaJ l i.'i I ""rrfemmr-- "lf"imuiMMiy-iilT.1y..-...frW imw'l'WW