I A I 'J& ; ru i x , k L'jf ' l,,vu"-s,3,"UV' i E? i3"!SEw,H'KH53EKKtg3"''s'iici,. -Wj--,-iii ii.i-j'l!H'Hia' .XT , !fr:h-3ry sj-gggi&g. fs -rS' 3j3MKp A Hcsaicr That (lives The New Fifty-two Weeks Each Year Far $1.50. VOLUME 47 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. APRIL, U5, ISMS. NUMBER 17 VA This Bank will Pay, Free of Charge, LIBERTY BOND Interest Coupons, at Maturity or Fifteen Days Prior Thereto -$ ' Interest Paid on Time Deposits. -$- DEPOSITS in this bank are PROTECTED by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska -$- Webfter County Bank : 2 VAV.V.V.V.V.V-V.VV.V-VJV'AVAVWiVAV."A,WiV,WiW Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Co: HE Local Office of the Lincoln Telephone arid now complete with the very latest and most approved type of telephone from the Central Of fice to the subscriber's telephone, Everything up to date. Lincoln and Omaha have nothing better. In fact nothing better can be bought. No expense or trouble has been spared to make the Red Cloud Exchange the equal of any exchange in the state. You are invited to call andinsfteci the new office The entire upper floor new Kaley building GEO. J. WARREN, Local Manager M. K. Quigley Recovering Tin' many friends (if M K fjuigley, whom U, was thought at llrit was timrlltlll HPriiltlfl.i.l C..... .1... .I.l....lnl " ; 'mihh-w iiuiii mi' iii-iiiiriiiiii i discluirgo of a revnher, will tcjuicc to' lii ill that ho is rapidly u-enveiing.uuih-r tho I'llk'li'iit mid eon-taut iMre of lr. Oelghton. Kor several daj.s his life hung in the balance mill liltle or no hopoi3 In-Ill for his iceiiNory, but n sudden change for the lu-Mor took place and it is thought nil danger is past at thi. tiniu. Mr. (Jtilgluy, being u man of lohusl health, unlimited will power hikI determination, together with tho fact tlmt ho losj very little blood ul the time of the accident, were in a measure responsible for his quick recovery. We hope he wilt boon be able to resume his duties at this olllco. Second Contingent To Go Tuesday, April .'loth has been bet us the day for tho departure of the men which have been selected by tho Reg istration Hoard to compose the second contingent. The following men wore selected. Harvey Rickeisou Red Cloud Ilert Anderson Red Cloud Geo. Engstrom Red Cloud Riley Hayes i:d Cloud H. Hamilton (ittldc Rock Vern McLean Oititle Rock Glen Denton Bladen Carl Tjailc Lawrence Fred A. Cook Campbell Mike Aruoldy blue Hill Hoy Applebee Ueatrlco R E. Sullivan Omaha Bruce Laird Hastings. May Term of District Court The May Term of the District Court convenes May the Gth, Judge Dorsey presiding. The second day of the term, May 7th, is the date on which petitions for nat uralliiution will be before the court, at 1:30 p. m. The following named Jurors, have been called to appear on May lJltu, the second Moiulayof the term. 0. H. Miner Max Mlzer Win. Fry Ellas Lockhart Paul Pope John Stabenow Glenn Walker J. A. Dentou Wm. White Fred Pel. John Norrls Clarence Stout Wm. Cruse Hiram Dunn M. L. I'iukenbinder Valentine Gurne J. C. Mitchell Reese Thommon E J Mooro A. E. Strong 11. C. Hansen (Jims. Arnold Edward Hass G p. Cuther. We solicit a share of your patronage during ipi8 PL ATT & FREES w.vv.v.v.v.vv.vvv.v.v.vv.v.v.v,v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.vv. I Christian Church Sunday I; 10:00 a. m. Sunday School "; 11:00 a. m. Preaching 7:00 p. ra. Young Peoples Service J; 8:00 p. m. Sermon Special Service ALL ARE INVITED TO THESE SERVICES. Using Gas Masks Camp Funston, April til, 1013 Mouday morning the regiment went to Carpenter Hill, where wo bpent the morning digging dugouts and drainage ditches in the tienchcs. In tho aftei noon wo spent the time practicing with a '.'2 title and setting sights. Tuesday tho regiment went to the ritle range north of Ft Rtley, whole wo spent the day shooting on the 10O and 200 yuid range. Verinesdiiy morning we wont out to the drill grounds whero wo spent the morning drilling and while matching in nt noon had to wear our gas maths for a few minutes. Vhorecr we go now while drilling we havo to cany our gas masks in otder to get used to cnnylng and wearing them. Thutsday the regiment went out to Smokey Hill Flats, whero they spent tho day attending Division school. Friday motning It United to rain and rained all day and wo had to stay In tho bnn ticks and had iiistvuoltoii lessons. In tho evening the and bat talion assembled in the dining loom of Couipuny IPs barracks, whore o hoard a lecturo on the Third Liberty Loan Bond by 'a Lieutenant. Fiidiiy night It quit raining and start oil to snow and kept it up all day Saturday und we had indoor instruc tion all day. Tho camp is taking on a good up. peat mice and everything gioon. Trees are being sot out overjwhoio and in a few years the Camp will bo well shaded. Tho toads which were not completed last fall aio being llnlshed now. A. U McAhtiiuii. Red Cross Shipment 11 n.tal supplies shipped by Web stci uiinty Chapter Aptil IS, litis con i i (1 of goods from the following hum i .n ics: MATIN IT h-il shiits OARFIKLD 10 Miit- pnjiunas LESTER 2 Miit-- pajanuirt 2-1 luis.. D tia.s cloths STATE LKN'E 24 wa.-h cloths 24 oin-iating towels C hid shuts 3 quilts WAR RELIEF CLUIJ 7 suits pajamas 5 bed jackets 10 hand towels CHAPTER 10 bed jackets 10 operating towels 25 -wash cloths JUNIOR RED CROSS-RED CLOUD 20 operating leggings 25 bath towels 35, band towels 8 operating towels 6 knit wash cloths INAVALE 17 suits pajamas , bed shuts 24 towels 3 quilts Women's Auxiliary Red Cloud 34 .bed smhts iBsuits pajamas 1C bath robes 5 bed jackets 4 knit wash cloths Ther is a Difference in Lenses - Seventh Shipment of Red Cross knitting for the county is as followst HATIX 4 pr. socks J helmet GARFIELD 2 sweaters 5 pr. .socks STATE LINE 2 .sweaters 1 pr. socks CHAPTER 15 pr. socks 3 sweaters 1 muffler (Continued on page a) Just as thete is lielucen a piece of pure gold mid that containing alloy. The lenses used by mo are tho llnest that can be hud. These I'omo in the rough and ate ground until thoy c.MU'tly meet the uquWemcnts of your 1hi tlcular eye trouble. Otic cannot bo too careful about the- ejos Tho matter of a dollar or so should not enter into the calculation. This store refuses to ask for your patronage by price Hlotie the cure is ktho thing desired by me or well as yourself. Eveu so, you will llud tho charge unusually low, taking into consideration tho liighquality. will be to the interest of your eves to Inxve them examined here E. H. NEJflJHQ.VSE Jeweler and Optanimtrlat WTC B. Ii Q. Watch Inip.ctor j vAr.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.VJ-.v.v.v.vAV.v..v.v.vv PROTBCTYOURSBLF 3 .AND HELP UNCL.B SAM i 5 Nigger head Maitland, Canyon City and Pinnacle 5 J; Lump on the road. Store now at Government J ." prices and be sure of good coal next winter I;; . IWalone-Gellatly Go. 1 "TALK WITH US ABOUT LUMBER" Chief Ads Pay You M llM We've Every Kind of a Coat You'Ut Need For Soring I They Are Smart, Youthful Styles or the Younger Set Those with more conservative lines for the older women. JkjJ.. Good-looking tailored effects for travel ing. Sturdy utility Coats for the out-of-doors girl. Dressier Coats for afternoon wear. All made of thoroughly good, dependa ble materials, designed with exquisite taste and finished with care down to the last bottom. AND THEY ARE PRICED FOR JUST AS MUCH OR JUST AS LITTLE AS YOU CARE TO PAY F. G. TURNURE & SON m A WVJVVV.V-VVAVAV.VA".V.V.V.VAVVJVVAVAW