The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 18, 1918, Image 7

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15 H00RS.A DAY
Marvelous Story of Woman'
Change from Weakness
to Strength by Taking
Druggist's Advice.
Peru, Ind.--" I Buffered from a dts
placement with backncho und dragging
down pains so
l badly that at times
'I could not bo on
my feet nnd it did
notBccm as though
Si could Btand it I
tricd difloront
,imcdiclne9 without
any ucneuc anu
.several doctors
. told mo nothing
but an operation
would do mo any
good. My drug
gist; toia mo or
Lvdift E. Pink-
111 lmm'n Verrotnblo
Am Ml" Compound. I took
(r ' fc Wltn tn0 rcau,t
(V V x V that I nm now well
i N "l nnd strong. I get
op in tho mornlngotfouro'clock, do my
housoworlt.thcngotoafactory and work
all day, como homo nnd get supper nnd
fcol good. I don't know how many of
my friends I have told what Lydlo E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has
dono for mo. "Mrs. ANNA METERIANO,
86 West 10th St, Peru, Ind.
Women who suffer from any such ail
ments should not fail to tiy this famous
root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound.
The Sort.
"What kind of men do they lmvo for
tho crows of torpedo bouts?"
"I suppose they are sub-marines."
One of the most attractive booklets
Issued recently is the year book put
out by Swift & Company, covering tho
activities of tho big packing concern
during the year 1017. Serving us nn
Introduction Is the address of the vice
president, 10. F. Swift, to tho stock
holders, In which he tells of the abnor
mally high prices paid for live stock
in Chicago nnd of tho prices obtained
for meat; of the Investigation by the
federal trade commission, and the li
censing by the government of food dis
tributing agencies and the limiting of
proIUs on slaughtering nnd meat pnek
ing to 0 per cent on money employed.
Mr. Swift also told with pride of thu
2,800 employees who had entered the
various branches of tho United States
service, and concluded with the state
ment that Swift & Company would do
their utmost to help win the war.
An Interesting and Illumlnntlve sec
tion of the booklet Is that devoted to
statistics of live stock prices and pro
duction, und another Is given up to
telling "the pucker's service to pro
ducer and consumer." Figures are
given showing that the net profit of
tho conipnny per head, 3012 to 1910,
averaged $1.22 for cattle, less than 15
cents for sheep nnd less than 58 cents
for hogs. It Is explained that tho largo
aggregate profits are duo to the Im
mense volume of business done.
Tho booklet Is handsomely Illus
trated with photographs nnd color
prints and the cover Illustration, made
from n photograph of a corn farm In
Ohio, Is especially attractive.
Friend Whnt would you like, best
to plant this yenr?
Farmer My summer visitors.
$100 Reward, $100
Catarrh la a local disease greatly Influ
enced by constitutional conditions. It
therefore requires constitutional treat
is taken Internally and acts through the
Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys
destroys the foundation of tho disease,
gives the patient strength by Improving
tho general health and assists nature in
doing Us work. flOO.OO for any case o
Catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH
MEDICINE falls to cure.
Druggists 76c. Testimonials free.
F. J. Chonoy & Co., Toledo, Ohio, $&
That Depends.
"Denrcsr, do you bellcvo In love In
a cottnge?" "Oh, yes, If It Is ono of
tho high-class "suburbs."
One good wny to derive an lncomo
from literature sell boks.
Serious Kidney Trouble Had Made
Life Miserable, But Doan's
Removed All the Trouble.
Hasn't Suffered Since.
"I had such severe pnlns In my
back," says Mrs. Albert Akroyd,
304 W. Jndlnnn Avenue, Philadel
phia, Pa., "that they almost doubled
mo up. Many n day I could not do
my housework and at every movo
ic seenieu as it my
back would break In
two. My feet nnd
ankles swelled until
I had to wear large
sized slippers and
sometimes I couldn't
stnnd up.
"I hnd dizzy 6pells
and dreadful head-
nnlinn nnil flnrv
flnshen nnssed be- Mrs. Akroyd
foro my eyes. Ilad a heavy weight
been resting on my head, tho pain
could not hnvo been more distress
ing. Tho lenst nolso startled me, I
was so nervous, i couiuni control
tho kidney secretions and tho pain
In passage was awful.
"It began to look as though my
case was beyond tho reach of medi
cine until l used Doan's Kidney
Pills, Tho first box benefited mo
nnd four boxes cured nil tho trou
bles. I hnvo had no further causo
for complaint."
Bworn to before me.
Thos. H. Wulters, Notary PubUo.
Cat Doan's at Any Star, 60o Box
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 16-1918.
v r
Help Properly Equip Your Own
Son and Other Soldier Boys
Over There.
Liberty Loans to Uncle Sam Is Best
Guarantee of Our Flnhters Safe
Return Home Do Not
(By ROLAND G. USHER of the Vlg.
Put It to yourself straight now. You
know perfectly well that you would
feel ashamed to keep your Imy out of
the ranks If he wanted to go. You
know perfectly well that you would
probably feel ashamed before your
neighbors If they knew that the boy
was sticking ut home. Itut have you
ever asked yourself whether you felt
ashamed that you were keeping your
dollars tight in your Jeans Instead of
lending your dollars to the war as
well as your boy? If you have nut
got a boy you probably would feel
that he ought to go If you hud one.
You have got some dollars, why don't
you send them?
Think again; If you have sent n boy
over ihere, don't you know for cer
tain whether that boy will come back,
(hid grant that he may. Hut he went,
Just the same, knowing fully Jut. as
you did that he might not come buck.
You gave the dearest thing you had In
the world to the government freely, for
tho cause of democracy. You were
glad to do It; you felt fine about It.
You still feel that If you had It to do
over again you would not do nn thing
else. Hut I will wager anything you
like that you have a lot of money that
you can lend to the sovernnieut with
out hurting yourself at all, and which
you are hanging on to until It scream.
Think of It. Those dollars will be per
fectly sure to come back If you lend
them to the government. The govern
ment guarantees that. Why should
you therefore be so afraid to loose '
your clutch on them. The great risk
you have already taken and did It be- ;
cause It was a worthy and a noblo ,
thing to do. The thing which Is no j
risk at all and yet which Is Just as nee-
ossury to the war as the other, you
hesltute about.
Dollars Will Come Back.
Let me suppose for a moment that
you have not yet sent your boy. I will
wager you hnvo a sneaking feeling
that he ought to go. lie has too. In
this ease, I won't hnvo to make a wa
ger about It you have not sent your
dollars. If .vou hesitate to send the
boy because you are afraid he may I
not come back, you have a perfectly ex
plainable reason, but you have not got
a good reason why you should not send
your dollars. They will come back,
you may be sure of It. Not only will
they come back, the government will
pny you Interest on them in the mean
time. You will lend the government
your cnpltal and will get a return on
it. Tar from losing nnythlng, you
will mnke something. Why hesitate?
Look at It from another point of
view. If your boy has not gone, or If
you have no son, your neighbors who
hnvo sons have sent them. Those boys
are going Into danger.' They are go
ing to need guns, food, artillery, ships,
and nlrplnnes, not only to enable them
to do what they went over there to do
beat the Germnns out of sight but
to keep them snfe. If they don't hnvo
those things they certainly won't como
bnj-k nt all. You know perfectly well,
however tight-fisted you may be, or
however mean you mny think yourself
nnd you are not half as mean as
that you would not hurt your neigh
bor's son Just because a few dollars
stood In tho way. You would feel so
ashamed of yourself for the rest of
your life you would not bo able to
shave In tho morning. Your neighbors'
sons and your friends' sons thnt you
have known nil your life need tho
things your money can buy for them,
and It Is going to go mighty hard with
them If they don't get them.
Make Your Money Help.
Now put It to yourself straight. If
the thing was a little nearer to you
so thnt you really saw your neigh
bor's son actually without food be
cause yoji had declined to give It to
him, you would not hesltnto for u mo
mont what to do. The difficulty Is
here, thnt the thing Is on so large a
scale that you do not realize that your
failure to lend your money to tho gov
ernment Is going" to result very prob
ably In depriving that particular boy
of things ho needs. You can say, If
you like, there are so many mlllloni
of them that It will be snmo other fel
low's son that will go without. I hope
you won't get much comfort out of
that, because It is the same old thing.
You would not hurt him either If you
snw him nnd knew he was In wt.t;
but becnuso you don't seo him, because
ho Is somewhere In France, you for
get about him and don't stop to think
thnt ho wants a thing you would not
hesitate to glvo him If you know him.
Why hesitate, then, to lend your dol
lars to tho government? They are tho
only tiling that can really do this busi
ness. They nro tho only thing that
can put tools Into tho boys' hands over
there to kill tho Germans with. Don't
hesitate any longer now; get it
straight, and go down and buy n
bond und feel better about It for thu
rest of your life..
Allowing Men to Volunteer for Tempo,
rury Farm Work
Washington A general order issued
by tho war department granting fur
loughs to young farmers in tho army
during tho present inrni season has
been forwarded to local draft: boards
by Provost Mnrshnl (lenernl Crowdor
Tho order authorizes commanding
ofiiccrs to grant furloughs to onllslod
men below tho grndo of first sergeant,
In enses whoro it can bo dono without
Interference with training. Furloughs
will not bo granted In nn organization
thnt has been ordered to a port of
ombnrkntlon nnd furloughs will bo
recalled when organizations rocelvo
preliminary orders for duty overseas.
Farmers may mako application for
furloughlng of individual soldiers.
Thoscrappllcatlons will ho submitted
to tho soldiers' local hoard. Tho local
board will send tho applications to tho
soldier's camp for his signature, which
will bo considered nn nppllcatlon for
furlough. The commanding olllcor will
approve tho furlough or will rojoct it,
in either case advising tho local board.
Whoro farm hands nro badly needed
farmers mny mako request-a for a
largo number of men desired to volun
teer when thu time consumed In travel
from enmp to tho farm will not ex
ceed twenty-four hours.
Income Tax Returns are Slow
Washington. Thousnnds or enses of
falluro to file lncomo tax roturns hivo
bcort uncovered by internal rovonuo
agents and stops nro being takon to
compel filing of delinquent reports nnd
payment of tho proper penalties. 0111
clals also have discovered that somo
companies nnd Individuals reported In
comes or excess profits too low nnd
they will bo forced to mako supple
mental reports.
Millions of dollars in taxes will bo
ndded to tho nation's budget by detec
tion of effortn to falsify returns, ac
cording to olllclals.
Many individual who neglected to
mako returns by April 1 aro still per
mitted to file reports, without dcfinlto
promise of exemption from tho usual
penalties, although olllclals lmvo Indi
cated, that those who voluntarily turn
In their reports now will bo dealt with
less severely than thoso who await u
call from revenue agents.
American Subseas Over There
Washington. In tho face of bitter
winter gales, American submarines,
primarily designed for operations off
tho homo coasts, have crossod tho
Atlantic to engngc in tho common
fight against Gorman U-boats. They
nro now nldlng allied naval forces as
aro American destroyers and Ameri
can naval airmen, nnd they hnvo boon
In tho war zone for somo months.
Secretary Daniels rovcnled tho fact
that tho submarines hnd gono "over
thoro" In his address nt Clovcland at
a liberty loan celebration, but gave no
details. It Is now possible, however,
to toll for tho first timo of tho mld
wintor passago of tho boats across tho
seas in tho fnco of tho most sovcro
weather known In years. In tho peril
ous passages tho best traditions of tho
service hnvo been maintained.
Tho first submarines loft In oarly
winter. No hint appeared in tho pa
pers, nnd, in fact, until Secretary
Daniels spoke, no word of tho partici
pation of tho underwater boats In tho
war against Germany had been pub
lished. Japanese Forces In Vladivostok
Washington. Official announcement
is mado by tho state department that
tho Japanese government has landed
nrmrwl fnrres In Vladivostok. This Is
tho first armed forco landed by tho
Japancso on Russian soil slnco tho
agitation was started.
Chicago. As an aid to futuro mili
tary proparedness it is nnnounccd that
Chicago park commissioners will pro
vldo instructors to drill small boys in
city parks this summer.
Washington. Tho American Red
Cross has- authorized a gift of half a
million dollars to tho Canadian Hod
Cross for war rollof work.
Amsterdam. Tho german newspa
pers bo far received hero publish only
a summary of President Wilson's Bal
timore speech, and, for tho most part,
rosorvo comment until tho full text
of his speech Is nvailablo. Tho Vos
slscho Zoltung speaks of tho wide gulf
between President Wilson's words and
deeds, and says that whoro tho presl
dont confesses his conversion to the
policy of forco his words lmvo a the
atrlcal sound and lack tho forco of
Washington It is realized hero that
unless tho situation nt Vladivostok H
handled with tho greatest tact, grav
and fnr-reachlng trouhlo may bo e
pocted. Thoro has beon no official i"
port on tho statement of Lonine, th
bolBhevIk! promler, tha't Russia mlgli'
dcclnro war on Japan because of th
landing of Japanoso troops at th
SIborInn port, but tho news In pre
dispatches occasioned no surprlao. I'
has boon assumed that Gorman In
fluencos woro working unceasingly o
bring about an open rupture between
tho bolshevlkl and Russia's late allies
Great Excitement In Moscow
Moscow Tho Japanoso lauding at
Vladlcostok has created groat excite
mont In Moscow. Tho peoplo's com
missions hold a session which lasted
throughout tho night, considering tho
situation. M. Tchltchorln, acting com
missioner of foreign nffalrs, sum
moned tho French, British and Ameri
can diplomatic roprosontativos to tho
forolgn ofllco for a conferonco, Col.
F.nymond Robins, nad of the perma
nent American Hed Cross mission to
Russia, attended unofficially.
11KV. I' 11, KITH A PL U. D. I)
TimcIut of linsilsli lllblo In tho
Mooiy liiblo Institute of CIiIciiko )
(Copyright, ijtjjt, Writrrh Nrwupitpcr t'nltin
or GOD.
I.rssoN TKXT-Mnrk 9:2-r
i"i Hi:.N TKXT-Thls Is my beloved
Bon 1,1-ur yo Illm.-Mnrlc 9:7.
Ti:v MKItti-Mntlliew 17;1-M; Luke 9:23
43 H ivter 1:1-21.
IMiiMMiV TOPIC-WUh Jorum on the
m- it-i'.iin
IMi KMHDIATP. TOlUC-Mcethiff dlf
fl' with prnyor.
Al-lMTIONAL MATKttlAls-Janies 5. IS
on. I mrvlce.
Th. hopes of the disciples woro
crn-hed when Christ announced his
den'ii on the cross. They were unable
to mm how victory could Issue from
death. Jesus took with him Peter,
James nnd John, and went Into the
uiKiintaiu apart by themselves. Ac-cot-
hug to Luke, they went (here to
pr:v (Luke S):'JS). While, doubtless,
lie lotijjeil for fellowship and sympathy
a the shadows of the oros were full
ing upon him, his chief desire was to
get the disciples npnrt and Into u stnte
of receptivity, so thnt he might show
them the methods of the kingdom. -Me-fore
suing Into the mountain, he de
clare.! that there were some standing
In hU presence who would not taste of
death till they bud seen the kingdom
of Mud come with power (v. 1). That
tlnlr drooping spirits might be revived
and their confidence restored, he was
trauvflgured before them. The disci
ples Mircly needed such n vision. If
the faith of tho disciples was to be
kept through the dark hour of the
cross which was looming large before
them the light of the eternal must
beam forth. The disciple now, us
then, needs n glimpse of the glory be
yond the cross In order to fnco the Is
sues of the hour.
I. Jesus Chrlct Glorified on the
Mountain (vv. 2, tt). He took his dis
ciples "by themselves" nnd wns "trans
figured before them." This shows tho
purpose terminated upon the disciples
nnd not upon himself. Christ's rebuke
of Peter for his unwillingness to hear
concerning his death nppnrently for u
time estranged the disciples from him.
To henl this breech, an tiuusunl trans
action was required. Ills "shining rai
ment" wns typical of that gory which
shall ho manifest when bo comes back
to the enrth.
II. Peter, James and John Repre
sent Israel In the Flesh In Connection
With the Kingdom (v. 2). Christ Is
peculiarly the King of Israel. Accord
ing to Hzeklcl 37:21-27, they nrc to ho
tho central people In the kingdom.
This people shall bo gathered from
among the nations, united ns one In
that kingdom In their own country.
III. Moses and Ellas Appeared In
Glory With Jesus (vv. 4-13). These men
In the glorllflcd state are typical of the
stato of the sidnts In glory. Moses,
who wns once denied nn entrnnco to
Pnlestlne, appears now in glory, repre
senting the redeemed of tho Lord who
shnll pnss through death Into the king
dom. The thousnnds of tho Lord who
hnvo fallen asleep, nt Christ's coming
! shn11 ,)0 awakened nnd pnss Into tho
kingdom through translation. Many
shall be living upon the enrth when
tho Lord shall come, nnd they, with
out dying, shnll ho changed nnd pass
Into the kingdom (1 Cor. 15:50-53;
IThess. 4:11-18).
1. Peter's foolish proposal (vv. 5, 0).
Moses and Ellas, who had been a
long time in glory, would bo 111 at
home in n tabernacle on the mountain
side. It would hnvo been to Peter's
credit to hnvo been silent, slnco ho
knew not what to say.
2. Tho Dlvlno voice out of the cloud
(vv. 7, 8).
lie Is declared to bo the beloved Son
In whom God Is well pleased. When
ono desires to know what pleases God,
look nt his perfect Son, Jesus Christ.
3; Jesus' chnrge (vv. 0-13).
Ho Instructed them that they should
toll no mnn concerning tho things
which they had seen until ho hnd risen
from tho dead.
IV. The Mlnhty Power of the Dlvlno
Servant (vv. 14-20). When they de
scended from tho mountain, they snw
a great multitude in a stato of per
plexity. Tho Immedlnfo cause of their
perplexity was the grievous stato of a
young mnn who wns possessed with'n
demon (v. 18). Tho father of tho
the young man had nppealed to tho
disciples to cast tho demon out, but
they were unnblc. When they brought
him to Jesus, tho foul spirit wns re
buked (v. 25), and enmo forth. This
young mnn's stnto Is representative of
the nations who nro oppressed by tho
rjjovll. Tho people wero grievously op
pressed. There aro times when tho devil
Is especially actlvo in the op
pression of men. During Christ's so
journ on earth ho seems to havo been
very active, nnd we have reason to be
Hove from the Scriptures thnt Just pre
ceding his second coming ho will ho
even moro nctivo; for ho knows that
Ids tlmo is short. One of tho ominous
signs of the Imminent coming of tho
Lord is tho almost universal activity
of tho devil among tho nations In this
hour. When ho comes ho will cast out
tho demons, nnd tho nations shnll be
brought Into tho kingdom which h
will establish (Isn. 11:10-12).
Your grocer has tho lemons nnd nny
drug store or toilet .counter will supply
you with three ounces of orchard white
for a few cents. Sipieezo the Juice of
two fresh lemons Into a bottle, then put
In the orchnrd white und shake well.
This makes u quarter pint of the very
best lemon skin whltener nnd complex
ion heuutlller known. Massage this fra
grant, creamy lotion dally Into tho face,
neck, arms and bunds und Just seo how
freckles, tun, pullowness, redness nnd
roughness disappear and bow smooth,
soft and white tho skin becomes. Yes I
It Is hnrmless, und the beautiful results
will surprise you. Adv.
Really Bright Idea.
Margaret had been enjoying n visit
from her cousin, u young woman libra
rian from u distant city. When, her
vacation being over, she begun getting
roatly to go, Margaret wns filled with
dismay and begged to have her stny
Her mother snld. "No, they need her
at the library and she must go."
Murguret sut thinking soberly u long
time. Then her fnco cleared und she
cried out, "Oh, niuininii, couldn't we
get her renewed for two weeks?"
For many yearn dniRgiats have wntched
with much interest thu tenmkiiblo tecutd
maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swniup-lloot, kidney, liver and bladder medi
cine. It is a physician's prescription.
Swntnp-ltoot is a t.trengtlicning medi
cine. It helps the kidneys, liver nnd blad
der do tho woik nn tin o intended they
bliuuld do.
Swamp-Root has btood the tent of years.
It in sold liy nil diuinist nn its merit nnd
it should help you. No other kidney medi
cine, has i-o many fiicniU.
lie sure to get Swamp-Hoot and start
ttcatmcut nt once.
However," if you wish first to test this
great preparation Bend ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer &. Co., llitiglianitnn, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing bo suro and
mention this paper. Adv.
An Estimate of Rastus.
Mundy Hustus, you nil knows dnt
you remind me of dem dero llyin' ma
chines? Itnstus No, Mandy; how's dnt?
Mundy Why, becnys youso no good
ou earth. Sun Dial.
The Logic of It.
"It Is odd that gossips aro ho often
given as authorities."
"Not at ull, for what they ay goes."
"What deos that sign mean, 'Let
All Observe Cornless Days'?"
"It belongs to n chiropodist."
isc? Wf A -
1 ' I
0,COIlOL-3rEROBMi. (
-r i -,.4.1AY1.inMlirninf AS.
AYCECiauwi.j""""-"T"j- t
similiUinSUicioou djiuv-. .
, aJe Mane r- l
wlccui..vr-;::--- .
ncsstum .--"-
ficiihw Onhim.Morphinen0V
Went Sl
j 33 r-iil
. . t fn.H.i.ifMr
ConstipaUon and Diarrhoea
. 'i?...,.fchnc:s anil
aw en .
i -:! '
iK"fiC W,
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
As Age Advances
SmaU Pill, Small
Dose, Small
Price But
Great in
Sb2jlVr' " ..-Ji1Miirf
Good HyHni1'
M nt M ma LM.
mmmr ivcrv
rlJImm AvPala 17arAa
Lolorlesi or rale races
condition which will be greatly
Red blooded men of courage uro od
tho firing line nnd there are many
anemic, weak, discouraged men nnd
women left nt home.
At this time of tho year most people?
suffer from n condition often culled
Spring rover. They feel tired, worn
out, before the day Is imlf thru. They
may have frequent headachet and
sometimes "pimply" or pale skin.
Woodless people, thin, nnemlc peo
ple, tlmso with palo cheeks nnd lips,
who hnvo a poor appetite and feel that
tired, worn or feverish condition In tho
springtime of the yenr, should try tho
refreshing tonic powers of n good al
terative and blood purifier. Such n ono
Is extracted from Wood root, Golden
Seal and Stone root, Queen's root and
Oregon Grape root, made up with
chemically pure glycerine and without
tho use of alcohol. This can bo ob
tained In reudy-to-use tablet form In
sixty-cent vials, as druggists have sold
It for fifty years as Doctor Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery. It Is n
standard remedy that can be obtained
in tablet or liquid form.
A good purge should bo taken onco
n week even by persons who have n
movement dully, In order to ellminuto
matter which may remain nnd causo n
condition of nuto-lntoxlcatlon, poison
ing the whole system. To clean tho
system ut lenst onco n week Is to prac
tice health measures. There Is nothing
so good for this purpose as tiny pills
made tip of tho May-apple, leaves of
aloe und Jalap, and sold by almost
all druggists In this country us Doctor
Ploreo's iiensntit Pellets, sugar-coated,
easy to take.
$& Save the Calves!
Stamp ADORTION Out ol You
Herd and Keep II Out I
Apply treatment yourself. Smnll
exiiciiRC. Wrttniorfrco booklet
ou Abortion, "Quoutlonn and
AnHwerH". Stato number o(
cuttlo In herd.
Or. Quid Roberts Yil. Co., 100 Grand Atitui, ffautttni. Kit.
American Dollar Flag
Sun tut, rln prootTaffrta.a (et larif,
dnubl-ttll(tird lJ nrlpfil free da
llTtr bj parcel pint on rrcrlpt of fac
tory prlctt, II (JU. Deluding vol, ball
and (alTanlird holder, II ui. Wend for rataloatifi of flee and decnratlnni.
We Dak mure and knier lin iban anr ulliei
concern In the world, l'ricci lame ae De fore trie war.
All Knlttlnrj.
Juno Do you knit?
Susie No.
June Get busy, kid; even bonca
Cutlcura Beauty Doctor
For cleansing nnd beautifying thfl
skin, hands nnd hair, Cutlcura Soap
and Ointment afford tho most effective
preparations. For frco samples ad
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