The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 18, 1918, Image 5

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Tie r Sf oel:l-.ol.-lcr in lour
Uivn t'ovevj'jcuf !!
I'M (iarber vns in Inuvalo Sunday.
1!. A. Sutton was in Innviilu Suuilay.
Mrs. I, II. IIuIiiil's spent .Sunday in
Modern loom for rent, with hour J.
liell phone Ih.
Mr and Mrs .Ins llurdon wcie in
Hidden Sunday.
Eyes tested, glasses fitted. .1. C.
Mteliell, the Jeweler.
C '.. Woodwortli went to Omnhn
Tiu-sdny t.ight on business.
"T.uilue" tlie groat stomach tonic U
f A by Cotting, the ilruUt.
.liieob Pete; son wns in Lincoln the
Ii -t of tlio week on tiimlQess.
('jod meal(4 jrood service moderate
I lias -Powell A I'opts Cufo.
Mrs. Ernc-t iStnlmnnugh returned
ln'ino fioiu Uluu Hill Tuesday nigh I.
Good it'cond hand car for sale. Price
leasonablc if taken at, uucc.-L. I;
Lloyd Ilines Is in die city tliib week
visiting his parents, 1'. L. Hinos and
(ico. Iloss of Bladen, tinnsnctu-l
business in tho city the last of tin
wool:. Dr Mitchell is looorlt'd as some.
what improved In hettUh, we die rUuI
Ui state.
I'Oll Ui:XT Pour room house one
block north Koynl Ilblcl. I!. A.
W. Ii. Cer midwife of York, aie in
Hed Cloud tlii.s week visiting old
1 1 tends.
I'd Ihirher roturucd homo from Oma
ha the ilrst of tho week, where ln had
been on bubiue-..
J. II. Ilailey and wife left this morn,
iiif forOinalia to vi-it their Suns, V.
11 and O. L H alley.
Dan Lindbcy Ii here fiom California
looking after business allairs and re
newlng old uequainteiices.
Fanners' Union meeting at Kellogg
Hall every Thursday night at SjIIo. tf
lhiyLandatSlrntton, Colorado ' See
Rose Brothers of Ulue Hill, Xebinska
or go to Jo's. A. Collins, Stratum, Colo
rado. 3 12 1 Kom: Hiios
raxrs v. a
A Few Bargains in Groceries
1 T
Washington Crisps,! mn n.ikes, n- PJ I '1' sale prieo 1 for ':."c
Ci cam of wheat, reg ISuY, sale price 25c
Corn Pull's, )
Puffed lilce. Miegular IS' snlo price l-'e
PnfVed Wheat)
Cream of Hurley, i egnlar 2('c, sale price I"c
Cream of Hice, regular "0j snlu price Km
Large jar of Olive, regular O.le sale prieo 30o
Largo jar of pickles, sweet or dill, regular 30c tale pi ice S5
Largo can lied (leans, regular Ific. ' : kiIc prlco 12 l-?c
Large, can Pork it Ueans. regular 20c ,..salo price l."e
Largo can Pumpkin, regular aOc, Mile price l.'ie
Large can hweet potatoes, regular 2.1c, sale prieo 2oo
Largo can Pink Salmon, regular 2.ric, pi ice 2oe
Largo can Tomatoes, e.tra quality, regular Sou .sulo ptice'.'Oc
String lleans, extra (piulity, regular 20c, hale pi lec Km
Kream Krisp Cooking Compound, regular IPe .sale pi ico :i."c
Largo can Saner Kraut, regular '.'.'c, hale prieo 20c
licgular 3('c lb lust, ol Itens High Grado Cookies, during sale 2.")C lb
Agency for Folgers ColFecs and Teas
Acropolis & Frontier Brand Canned Goods.
' ' ' ' i - i ... i . i . i I..
Our shelves are loaded with good things to -nt. Ctne In and let us
supply your wants. A large asoitment .f Fresh Flint- and Vegotahles
to choose from. We have now on hand Coin Crackers Oat Meal C'rack
ois, (irahaiu Crackors, in bull: at 20c lb
Iiiiu also been furtuunlO vtiough i secure homi- I'.iowit Sugar
Highest prices paid for your Butter and Eggs. Cash or Trade
N. A. PLATT, &
ZMtasacrxmtt mm vinmi wnmmiujjm xseicm4LkA!tiMir warn im9.ULErtn
C ok is In Cq Vs tJlny.
1 e r-jyi'i' was In M""nk i3m
. I i!,t Mouitfnl returned t
Hastings .Monday.
Ctaietn-o was in Kansas CHv
tin- fit vt of tho week.
1tktt ! it.. m i ...1In ml tallf. Iliuliit
with relatives in Inivale.
.lolin Martin who resides in western
Kansas Is visit lug in the city.
Mr. and Mrs Homy Lull of near
LMiRtion, Kansas, were In lite elt.v
Friday evening.
Geo. Harris :jccoinpanled a carload
of thorough bied stock to tho Kansas
Citv Markets Sunday.
Work on the Uig Chief Oil well it,
now suspended awaiting thenrrlvul of
some JOoO feet of new casing.
Cutting soils Sal-Vet-Hess's Slock
Fond mid luteriiHtloiinl S'oeli Food.
Any one will help your stock just now
Mis-, Leggftt came limno from
Ulue II II TueMhiy night, at which
ptnee -lie has been visiting fur several
Ai Knsign and wife of llurr Oak,
Krnsas. vi-ited at the ,1. II Ilailey
hottio Friday and Saturday of last
If your ad fails to appear or if wo
leave out an item of importance in this
issue, have patience with us under the
trying circumstances.
Walter Denny of S.illnn, Kansas
arrived In the city the first of the
week and accepto 1 a position with the
Red Cloud Auto Co.
C nl MeArth'jr returned to Lincoln
Wednesday morning, aftor several days
visit in thU city with his father, J. A.
Mcrthur and family.
Mr. Ludlow Iim a flue new sign in
froi t of his restaurant also has the
intorlor of the restaurant painted nw!
pnpu'ed which add- greatly to Its
Mrs. W. J Hulmes has blood poison
on her right hand caused by her ring
cutting her linger. At this willtiug
she is getting along as nice as could
bo iwpected.
i'OIl SALH Desil cable residence
property in Inavale, Nub, Modern
improvements and good outbuilding-'.
U wolls. Priced right for quick deal.
Imiulie nt this otllce. lltf
Dr. Madison S-.vadoner of Indiana,
the noted Chuutnuutia lecturer, will
speak at tho Congiegatlonal church.
Monday evening, April J'-', at S:io p. in
The patriotic, subject, "War Time l'io
hibition,'' The llnul drive Tor National
Hew M-irv Slbbitt. of 'Kansas who
lectured here a few weeks ago will
speak to us again next Tuesday even
ing, April Si, at the Congiegatlonal
church, 8 o'clock. Her former addiess
was fine many thought the host they
ever heard. Come and hear her and
bring some one with you.
.1. W.Auld, County Chairman of the
Thiul Lib'erty Loan Committee an
nounees that up to close of business
Tuesday night 8181,030 had been sub
scribed in tho county, the county's
quota being SiS.-lOd. lied Cloud and
vicinity have subscribed SCl,2()0, their
quota being 871,100 This is indeed
very encouraging
mwnwMiiiii '"M1JJ'J'''l'""''"t''-i--iJMrwi-i.iiMLLAiuiiiiu,J1,j.,in,,1,J,v.l
Buy Two Canners
The mini's toinn'tt e r Hit
Ci'iU'C.l of Defeus" im't Monday even
ing, Aptil l.'ith, and on report of Com
nilttee decided to puteliaso two Coin
niunity Canners one to be Installed
and u-ed at High School building tho
oilier to be installed tn some suitable
place in smith wind, in order that
those living in that w.i.l and south of
town will not be lnc utvenleiieed by
btingiug piodueo -o far to can It.
The ladles of lied Cloud and the
community are requested to plan to
use these canners, us, -oine experienced
.supervisor will be in charge of the
woik, and a gieat deal of time can be
Hived by their u-e. and niueli food in
the way of vegetables and fruit con
served. Tho purchasing of a eoiumuliit.v
diver is a'so being e nislderrd
Miss Hlla Sumebivilu'r and Miss
Y'Olu Knnrt consented to correspond
with Y. M. v. A secretary, ut canton
nieltts in order that we may send read
ing mailer where most needed.
.Mrs. I-'inuk Smith, Is writ
ing each member of all of the school
boards, mid each teielier of rural
buhools in the interest ol tho Thlid
Liberty Loan meetings to he hold at
some date within the ne.l two weeks.
Precinct Chairman of I he 12 111 -
eational l'ropogauda and Food Con
servation and Food Production,
Woman's Committee of tho Conceit of
Defenso, Wobstor Countv, Nebr
Harmony Mrs. Kunice Hny
Uli'liwo'td Mrs O L. Lingreu
Polsdnm Mrs. I.. It. Wright
Plpiisant Hill Miss (liueo Fri-bie
Stillwater Mis .Inmes (ireoiihalgb
Oak Clock Mm. (lotiert Williams
(atlu-iton Miss Uuth tloii-etuilder
Matin Mrs. lleorge Lo.'khart
H.m Creek Miss Alme Arnold
Iuavalo Mrh K W. Loseke
Hod Cloud Miss Mabel Pope
Cowles Miss liOttlo Peakin
Uenvcr Creek ' Miss Hello Hamilton
Walnut Cieek Mrs. Klovd MeCall
l.iuu Mis. .lohu Fox
liarlield Mrs. Ira Wagoner
Huhlc Hoek Noia llouehlu
.1. W. Auld rt-ceixol word this morn
ing of tho death of our former post
master, T C. Hacker, who revi.lcd at
Ouk Haibor, Washlnglon Mr Hacker
had been in railing health lot sme
time and his death whs not unexpected.
The I!lg'"hief Oil and flas Co. ha
purchased . 'I loo feet of : Inch casing
whlcliwasan unexpected call on their
finances. More money must be hid so
books have beii opened for tho sub
scriptions. English Fw Lutheran services Sun
day tho 2lst at 11 a. m., at tho Grace
Kpi.scopal church. Sunday school at
10:.'I0 n. in. Senior class instiuctions
Friday, 7:30 p. in. .Junior class Satur
day, 2:30 p. m. Come one, come all.
A Sehaal, pastor.
Cal Stewart
Coming to the Orpheuni Thursday,
May tith, liypsy Uossini, the violinist
is considered one of tho cleverest vio
linists in ljcouin woik Dressing her
"act" with care sho represents the
gypsy giil which gives rise to tho title
under which she appears. She, to.
gether with Cal Stewart, the corner
grocciy story teller, whose stories
have boon heaid everywheie, will ap
pear at the Orphoiun. Cal Stewart
Uncle .losh of the Phonograph Hyp-y
Unssini and her violin Margie Stew
ait. comedienne and pianist.
Farm Loans
L rales, best t.-nu- and option
ind in any amount. No inspection ex
pense, and uliMiUiti Iy i ,t ueiiiy. Six
plans to olioo-i-friiin, .Suie egeiit for
li'eett, Mattls ic linker.
J. H. Huiley
Tho Women'B committco of Uic
Council of DefciiKO met Monday even
ing and on report of committee do
rldod lo purchase two community can
ners, one lo ho in&talled and used at
tho high school building, the -other
to bo installed in .some suitable place
in the south waul in order that those
living in that waul and south of town
will not ho inconvenienced-by bringing
piodueo so far to can it.
Tho ladies of lied Cloud and tho
community arc urged to plan to use
these canners, as some experienced
.supervisor will ho in chaigo of tho
work, and a gieat deal of time can ho
mvod by their use, and much food in
tho way of vegetables and fruit con
.erved. Tho purchasinir of a com-
j munity dryer ia also being considered.
I Miss Klia StonohrcaUor nnd Miss
l Vola SwniU consented to correspond
with Y. M. C. A. secretaries at canton
j ments in order that wo may send
sending matter whoio most needed.
Mrs. Frank Smith, chairman, is
! writing cacii member of all school
j boards and each teacher of rural
j .sohool-j in the interest of the Thiul
'Lihoity Loan mrctingn to be hold at
, ome dato within tho next two weeks.
fh? POLKS AT home nxrncr vou
okMiVS i'UH iplir,ff rfxryy visit
texiiiiar&iiiig uurlesqiw; Vauuovillo
JlJCi kirni Fined lth rallrClili, Funnr Clcinj.Cwjum
Equlpifi. Brilliant Scenic Enilrenmnt
S Everybody Gooa: AaH Anybody r
Armenian and Syrian I
Relief Committee
l!' ' t'l.oi n
Kiunk Man. Chiiimuii
t.l r. .....
-i. it. v;iKiuiMi, .-ii e-1 reasurer. i
.1. M. Hewitt. OIuih Shi'ier. i
v'. H M,ii,.p. w. II. Thomas !
F. W. c.,. den c. F. Uiihef. I
Alf McCalt.
Ih.r:: llti.t.
S. K. l. wan. Cimlrmnn.
A. L Ok' hjii. Secy.
Phillip I'.issler, TVcastiror.
W. H lMiueti, Vich Cliftlvmaii.
C .1. li.iiion 0. H. niihltngs
Wm. Ai'ftdt.
Clyde w , u wire, Chiili'iutui.
Hcoig I.'i row, Soa-TionsuroP.
(HinR UorK
Chm:. . iy. Chnlrliiau.
O. v I ii' , Vice-Cluilnnnn
HuilC i , Secrelnry.
II. t'i ,'-, chairman.
M. I. !". Sicrotnry.
I), lit' .ii. Treasurer.
llev II i. Wilcox, Ohalrinau,
Vest on i: .lib, See-Tieasm'ei'.
.1. A. s Hinders, Chairman.
I. F. M i.'iier, Chairiniili.
Thorn is -. tiH, Seerolury.
L). I. n. , niiiiin, Troiisurer,
At'tlui. , it lick. Chairman.
H. v .1. Shallcross has appointed
the hi fiuamlttecs, slid thoy ili
soon 1 1 . a drive for This worthy nml
pull i. . -use. While the calls nuij
stem .' 'hu lug these war times, we
ItUOAtiitMm peifde of this count
wllld.) u iir p'irt lu thsm all. If yon
do not uiv to wall until tho commit
ti.e.s eil', ud your part to your com
tniltie, and thus help aid tuc com
Nclua l.ans have vot ponded lo tho
appeal to sao wlieat, according to re
ports coining lo the slate food admin
istrator. A review of repoils show-
that Nt lua-kans aro consuming less
than half a? much as before thosaving
propaganda btaitcd. Similar repot ts
come from tho U. R. food adminis
tration at Washington.
"It i.s tpiito gratifying lo know that
we arc meeting the requirements of
our country," taid Food Administrator
Wnith , "yet it could not ho other
wise. We have a war to win and wo
inut win at all hazaids. Just now
the tiling to do i.s to maintain the en
viable recoid wc have staitcd. 1 have
ro fear of the lcsult in Nebraska. The
.stale has been one hundred per cent
in all its i espouses and it3 conserva
tion is no di lie rent.""
Increasing Poultry Production
The poultry section of tho extension
service at the university farm i.s send
ing out 2,000 questionnaires to poultry
laiscrs, endeavoring lo ascertain tho
effort being made to increase poultry
production this year. This survey will
gio the dcpaitment an idea of poul
try production in the state. Canning
'hiikcn is being urged as one means
.f conserving meat. Heefless andpork
er, days may begin again early in tho
I'a'l, and canned chicken will serve as
in excellent substitute.
:.a v:.
iH.'" . .' . " -. - -.- .-
ifp .
.j-jeo. ,
? up germ-laden capfts , i - ' '
tst a Clii-.amrl Imlw d I . 'i
t i.i eanitjrj-, w.ii' .1 ", ! I ; - I,
',-v.-oaring atul c.-i"'1 ." , u. "'
nit 2c n fimmie fuot . I t iS lit
JCoIiiev flooiinf. ri'i. i- j ik ' I 3
lih. cmmel or oxhtt l.i li r nc "111 : n e
... jt
Al, tut inm. . r.-
r ;
j. .TfcChi-Namclore
In )nur loiaiiiy will irj h t in
jiii In 5 lilnuim, Off t ' ' ji fl t-Milmti
. iMAiifil tu oiic trptttr tamu ni.' hu t l i
j I ii) .lu.n 11I1.I11I.M n lor i tli gtjjt
ilo anj icliililc nrr.h. Ji-r
Tho Ohio Vrnish Co., Cletclind
gt,inw..illit ivinnxntmmimm
1 row the real value of Oiv.N's id
eti from actual experience.- Cu
I varrmU is iuu' 0 pure.
ic i uer of ChUNml varn! 'i,
i hiiu omcr 'ungues ana warn lo kci)
hin? about the home to..k.g pver-
itn nttie trouuic ano rnojt econom-
teach you the Clii-Kamcl home
.u : procc'53 free in five minute.
'-Jfimtl Color Vtnllie un
ntcJ lor (Jtwrt. woojwoil. n.l luiol
c. hl-Nomtl rurntlurs Polish rcmorci
. uiic ipoti Iroiu fumltuie.
Chas. L Cotting
The Druggist
Aha 6. A . . . .
1 .r".r
1,1 '-
-"T'-" 1 'i"i'. 11 i'i"i"" """ "".-., n , i. ,.....,..,
r- ...j........... iii.ii...w,,
A Brassiere
Complete Your Co
A : - .S3
i UklL 1
"evers co
insure this sweep offline and "blot out"
the break one otherwise would find.
They arc well-made, prdlily designed and
trimmed, and as strongly guaranteed as the
celebrated V;i,.ici''s Rustproof Corsets.
IJJes. Barbara
jfj Lincoln I
ur. J I I I
eaiio ieie.8
"- r-. - u
The Lincoln Telep
a Nebraska Institution, Owned, Oper
ated and under the direct, control of
We have nearly 2000 stockholders re
siding in Nebraska.
No other corporation has One Dollar of
voting stock in this Company.
It is under the same control it has been
under since its organization in 1903 and
will follow the same conservative policy
that has always been in force.
We solicit a share of your
patronage daring 191S
The advortishm of the Liberty Loan Bonds published in this
section is contributed by the following business firms and citizens
Piatt & Frees
ll. C. Letson
Hamilton Catlier Co.
Geo. W Trine
;N. A. Piatt
E. H. Ncwhouse
Morhart Bros.
! Yost Bros.
P. A. Wullbrandfc
. T- 11 o t
E. S. Garbcr
Webster County Bank
Peoples Bank of R. C.
State Bank oi: Red Cloud
Mr. & Mrs. J. E .Butler
Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Burden
Red Cloud Chief
The contour from
shoulder I o knee is
important. There
should be no break,
but an easy sweep
J of line over the
v lop ol the corset
straight down the
one m
Orpheuni Theatre
H. Nencrburg'
Ed Amack
H. E. Grice Drug Co.
Roy Sattley
IIrs. Barbara Phares
F. G. Turnure & Son
J. C. Mitchell
C. L. Cotting-
F. A. Hildcbrandt
E. W. Stevens
Farmers Ind. Tel. Co.
Webster County Argus
Cowdcn-Kaley Clo. Co.
E. M. Ege
Malone-Gcllatly Co.
R. P. Weesner Co. -gj
a s