The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 11, 1918, LIBERTY LOAN SECTION, Image 9

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    1 a .J" V" ' (J!
UlsVotlcM SocWiy
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A Statement by the ,
Webster Co. Chairman
In the Third Liberty Loan campaign
which opened Saturday, the quota for
this county has been set at $234,500
by fhe state committee. This amount
lias been divided among the seven
towns and vicinities as shown below:
The banks of the county have taken
up the work of disposing of this issue
of bonds, and Liberty Bonds in any
amount may be procured through any
bank in the county. It is urged that
Webster county people make their
subscriptions for Liberty Donds as
soon as possible. Many of the coun
ties of Nebraska have already secured
a large per cent of their quotas. We
cannot afford to allow Webster county
to be left behind by other counties no
less able and prosperous than wo are.
Unfortunately, this county ha: not
been successful in reaching the quota
in either of the other Liberty Loan
drives. It is hoped and believed that
this time the quota will be over-subscribed
to an extent sufficient to inuke
up for what we have lacked in the
previous efforts.
The quotas for the different towns
and vicinities are as follows:
RED CLOUD $71,100
BLUE HILL 50,000
BLADEN 36,900
BOWLES 13,700
INAVALE 10,800
J. W. AULD, Chairman
Co. Liberty Loan Com.
Third Liberty Loan Button
The button which will be given to
every subscriber to a Liberty Loan
Bond of the third issue, whether of
& ?50 bond or a $10,000 one, will have
a border of brilliant red, and a blue
field with a liberty bell, and the words
"Third Liberty Loan" in white.
Sixteen million of these buttons are
now ready for delivery and will be
given out when the subscriptions are
made. . -;
Your $50 Liberty Bond
It will protect 1,000 soldiers from
smallpox and 6C6 from typhoid. It
Give Your Little Ones
An Interest in the Future
They are your hold on the future,
and America is fighting to make their
future safe. They are too little to
realize this now but some day must
leam to reverence the traditions of
America, the ideals of America, the
great cause for which the men of
their father s day gave their lives.
Be ready then to put in their
Invest in Liberty
will assure the safety of 139 wounded
soldiers from lockjaw, the germs of
which swarm in Belgian soil.
It will render painless 400 opera
tions, supply 2 miles of bandages
enough to bandage 555 wounds.
It will caro for 1C0 injuries in the
way of "first aid packets."
It will furnish adhesive plaster and
surgical gauze enough to benefit thou
sands of wounded soldiers.
Every purchaser of n Liberty Loan
Bond performs a distinct individual
sorvico to his country and to our boys
fighting in Franco.
Shorten the War
The sooner the irresistible might of
this great Republic is organized and
put into full action tho sooner the
war will end. Every dollar Invested
in Government securities works to
shorten tho war, to save the lives of
American soldiers and sailors.
Buy Liberty Bonds.
The Money Comes Back
The cycle of money invested in Lib
erty Bonds is short and complete. The
people lend the money to tho Govern
ment, the Government lends some to
our Allies, and our Government and
our Allies straightway spend the
money, or tho greater portion of it,
among the people of the United States.
In some instances the money paid in
by wage earners on one installment of
Liberty Bonds is paid by tho Govern
ment to their employers, and by their
employers paid back to them in the
way of wages before the next Bond
installment is due.
Buy Liberty Bonds.
Stand By Our Fighting Men
From hundreds of thousands of
American farms, in answer to the call
of their country and in obedience to
the law of their country, American
boys have gone and today are fighting
side by side with hundreds of thou
sands of American boys fromthecities
and towns of the country, confronting
danger and death.
The duty of us who remain at home
in safety to afford the means to make
these boys powerful and .victorious is
a most imperative one.
Buy Liberty Bonds.
s for Your little
The advertising of the Liberty Loan Bonds Pub
lished in this section is contributed by the fol
lowing business firms and citizens:
Webster County Bank State Bank of Red Cloud
Peoples Bank of R. C. H. E. Griee Drug Co.
Piatt & Frees Roy Sattley
H. C. Letson Mrs. Barbara Phares
Hamilton Cather Co. F. G. Turnure & Son
Geo. W Trine
N. A. Piatt
E. H. Newhouse
Morhart Bros.
Yost Bros.
P. A. Wullbrandt
Powell & Pope
E. S. Garber
Farmers Ind. Tel. Co.
Orpheum Theatre
H. Neuerburg
Ed Amack
Lending Their Best Customers
Tho proceeds of the Liberty Loan,
including the greater part of Uiat
loaned to our Allies, aro being spent
for American products the products
of our factories, our 'farms, our mines,
and other industries. In lending to
tho United States the people of tho
United States are lending to their best
and largest customer and obtaining
the safest investment in the world.
-Buy Liberty Bonds.
Let business men ponder seriously
and prevent the onitmrrussineiit which
will follow If. the coming Liberty
Louu Is not placed with all the people.
United SiulcB 4 per cent bonds In
1001 brousht 130 on tho stock
market. Liberty Loan bonds will
sell above pur us xuou as the war Is
hands bonds of their government
They will be for them inspiring evi
dence that their fathers planned sac
rificed and invested for their sons
Liberty Bonds will mean'
more to them than money. They
will make them proud of the fathers
who in America's day of great need
themselves true American'
J. C. Mitchell
C. L. Cotting
F. A. Hildebrandt
Mr. & Mrs. J. E .Butler
Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Burden
Red Cloud Chief
Webster County Argus
Cowden-Kaley Clo. Co.
E. M. Ege
Malone-Gellatly Co.
E. W. Stevens
R. P. Weesner Co.
The Work of the Treasury
Tho ordinary actual disbursements
of tho United States Treasury, which
include all war expenses from tho 1st
of July, 1917, to March 16, 1918, when
tho Treasury statement was issued,
amount to $4,233,261,000.
The ordinary actual disbursements
for the corresponding period of tho
fiscal year of 1917 were $683,969,000.
These figures show that tho War has
added practically three and a half
bilion to tho expenses of the Govern
ment for tho time between tho two
dates named, eight and a half months.
This means an expenditure for war
purposes, for America's part in the
viai,6t about $400,000,000 a month'
or over $18,000,000 a day.
Tho above figures, however, do not
includo tho $3,621,830,000 loaned to
our Allies in tho period dealt with.
jypBtjiL LSJBftfjgjai Y- H i "SBSSSTjSFTfiPSjfiKMMSMlBBBBSSjBjr"
War Time
-V -w r i ,
To Yon
Are you complaining be
cause "war time" means coal
shortage; less sugar in your coffee; bad
business; less money than you think
you ought to make?
What about the boys who are
fighting for you in France?
For you a little economy
and deprivation. For them the
trenches; the pitiless storms of rain and
sleet; the ceaseless deafening bombard
ment of the guns; hunger, cold and
fever; wounds and death.
That you may dwell in
peace, plenty, and security, they
sacrifice everything, give everything;'
, brave everything, and face si nameless
grave' with1 a smile, and a" song.
What art MtidofojA c?r giviftg,
or tacfflcffilfotn?
'Pllrttjit n irt f.nnil ...11 ..,... t...Ml kUA .. '
"" fc" uim ai'tiiiuiiivuHllIlunlH
which will ultimately bo repaid tho
United States. Tho total loans to
our Allies to date nggrcgato practi
cally $5,000,000,000. Nor is tho $22,
000,000 used to purchaso Farm Loan
Bonds included, another investment
rather than an expense.,
Tho total disbursements of the
Treasury from July 1 last to March
1G were $11,274,575,000. This Bum
includes tho ordinary actual disburse
ments which compriso tho usual civil
expenses of tho Government and tho
cost of tho war as above set out, tho
amount loaned our Allies, and bonds,
notes, and certificates of indebtedness
retired. Most of this last item is made
up of payments of tho short-term in
terim certificates issued last fall.
The total receipts of tho Govern
ment in tho period named woro $lf,-
017,257,000 against total receipts for
tho corresponding period of tho fiscal
year of 1917 of $C40,217,000.
llMi-U of th LTiO lillllon dollar of
our iiiitlinuil rt'xourivs xtnntW the
nicd lunit'My of Ainci'lcm Liberty
l.oun bonds nrc tho safest security In
the world.
It It? for the people to lend their
(iuveinnu'iit the amount of money It
needs anil lake tin security the host
and soundest llnaiieliil pnper that lias
eer been issued by any government.
If the (iovernnient pan take our
boys, our products, our Industries and
our rullroads, It can take our money;
but never let It be mild that It was
necessary to conscript wealth to win
the war.
All honor Is due the splendid serv
ices of the ninny Liberty Loan work
t'Vp In the state of Nebraska who lire
donating their services to the (!ov
eminent. They should receive tho
fnll co-operation or all the people In
the performance of the tnslc set be
fore them.
The women of XebrasUa -will- trtke
nn Important part In the work of
selling the third Liberty Loan lioiuK
Put the .f-powcr behind the mini
wim ' i aMBiM i mm i
97 . WL'JalfMmfez&mwmi?ZZi
What Your Liberty
Bond Will Accomplish
A $1,000 bond will buy six cases of
operating instruments for a base hos
pital, or furnish pistolB for a rifle
company, or ono motor kitchen.
Ono thousand five hundred dollars
of Liberty Bonds will buy a motor
nmbulancc, or a motor car for a machine-gun
Two $1,000 bonds will buy a motor
truck: thrco $1,000 bonds will bnv
rifles for n Field Artillorv balterv. or
supply horses for a Field Signal bat
Four $1,000 bonds will buvatraetor:
five $1,000 bonds will buy ono Liberty
truck, or seven Lewis much no nruns.
or equip a riflo company with rifles.
Six $1,000 bonds will buv a Libortv
motor; seven $1,000 bonds ono train
ing piano; nino $1,000 bonds ono ob
servation balloon.
Ten thousand dollars of bonds will
fully equip thrco hospital wards of CO
beds each, with all linen, clothing, and
other necessaries, or buy bIx largo
wholesalo sterilizing outfits, or six
motor ambulances.
Exact reproductions of the fanioiw
Liberty Bell and Independence Hull,
In Philadelphia, tire shown In the
"King It Again" posters which ure be
ing used In the Third Liberty Loan
campaign. The poster, lithographed In
eight colors, depicts an enthusiastic
throng surrounding Independent')!
Hall while the Liberty Bell ring out
Its. messuse of freedom and democ
"Nebraska Is ready for tlm third
Liberty Loan,'' says Tints. C. Byrne,
state chairman of thee Liberty Imn
committee. "NJ ntutUtr what our
qnoiit, wc are so well organized I
I'Whtve , the eiitlnjv be.nnijd Ju.
rtlmfelT In 'three iTnys'lf neeessurj VV
have fhe loyal support of )7 el.ttlr
men. 1,01!) committeemen., and by
the time the drive- starts we exp er
to hine an army of over l.'.OOO work
i r... '
inirn ', ai
Liberty Loan
is your opportunity to
prove the patriotism that is
in your heart and on your lips.
Your opportunity to
show yourself worthy of
the heroism, the devotion, the
self-renunciation of your sol
diers and sailors.
Your opportunity to
share',insome small decree;
the sufferings of those who
stand ready to make the su
preme sacriRce for you.
All you can do is little
nobjh: YoXmrriXy Imd
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vrv vm osa dtf ;h
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