P mm "l5m ts - " . WW This War Must Be Fought On European Soil i: 4 T I .. 1 .. . n, -1 I t.3 5 ft' .-.- ;.v If the peoples of the earth are not to become toiling J millions for the Prussian Junkers and the Prussian Krupps, if they are not to be terror-ridden slaves at the mercy of a German Kaiser's will, Prussianism must be driven back within its own borders and kept there. .,:, : v v- '-- ; i fo". .,: Vi 1 A. ywr ,; f Not only English freedom, French free dom is, at stake. Our own cherished institutions, our free government, all that our fathers fought for,' all that free peoples prize, is threatened by an enemy that would impose his own hateful Kultur on every free institution in every liberty-loving land. That is why the war must be fought on European soil. We are fighting in Europe now that we may not have to fight in America, on the very thresholds of our own homes, later. We are fighting for the safety and liberty of our children, our homes, our country. No price is too great to pay for Victory. ...' , Americans, you are called upon to back our armies in France, to furnish them the guns and shells and. ships and airplanes, the enor mous quantities of every sort of supplies that they must have to defeat the Prussian armies and drive them back across the Rhine. V V I : yt1u-i1,Fy,,',i'-" . ',? --,A , v Vr a The War Is Being Fought in Europe But It Must Be Won Right Here at Home v4 Will You Strike a Blow for American Freedom? Your Support of the Third Liberty, Loan Is Your Answer. Invest today in Liberty Bonds ALL the Bonds You Can ki w t '.) i j. j rt 3 n vl ji H V m r " II ft s a k Jf a . i i. i. .'! nil hMH T"TtlJ su w! .MttftiMaikaUfe W5' ttfi4igfegii ffiMWttaMHBHHgMMHH