RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF M tr LJ W V jf ' i I k4w$m' as told to us :?: .2. ' x:'X":MM:-j-x:-:-:::-: Ed Aninck was in Hastings Monday DicVipon returned Saturday from St Joo. , Art Urndslinw of Holdredgo wns here Sunday. Fred Arnold of Inavule, wns iu Red Cloud Monday. Conductor Kills of Hastings, wns iu the city Sunday. Dr. Asher of Klverton, is In the city on business today. lllauoh Darker of Inavale, visMlod her parents here Sunday. Grant Turner is now driving a new International motor truck. Byes tested, glasses fitted. J. C. Mitchell, the Jeweler. Waller Deuny of Goodlaml, Kansas, was in the olty Sunday. Fred Kuchn, who has been on the sick list, is again ablo to bo out. Good meals good service modcrot prices Powell & Pope's cafe. Mildred Fentress of Catnbiidge, is visiting rclutlvcs and frionds here. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Barkorof Inavale, visited relatives in this city Sunday. "Tanlac" the great stomach tonic Is ? bold by Cotting, the druggist. Farmers' Union meeting at Kellogg Hall every Thursday .night at S:3o. tf ltoy Robinson of Cheyenne, Wyom ing, 'visited rclutlvcs hero the fltst of the week. FOR RENT Four room house one block north Royul Hotel. U. A. Sutton. James Ethcrton of Grand Island, spent Saturday and Sunday with lola-tives-and friends hero. The Independent phone company be gan work on their new lines, thro'out the city Monday morning. The new County Agent is now on the job, having established his ofUce with County Surveyor Overlug. Cotting soils Sal.Vet-Hcss'8 Stock Food and International Stock Food. x Any one will help your stock just now. i' Bert Duckcr lcftl Wednesday for Rochester, Minnesota, having been called there by the illnoss of a rela tive Dave Kuley and wife expect to leave Sunday morning for Washington, D. C, and other eastern points, on a sight seeing tour. C. H. for St Paul, Minne sota, Tuesday. He will visit liirbroth er, serving with the colors and now lo. cated at that place. y( j ui I ' i ' Dr. Warrick will meet eyewear, nose and throat patients antlHhoWneedl'ng glasses at Dr. Damerell's, Wednesday, I April 3rd.' Hours 2 tp MUff Mrs. Robert Mitchell went, to Den ver the first of the week' to visit' her" husband, who Is in a hospital in that olty. The doctor 1b reported slightly improved. FOR SALE Dcsireable residence property In Inavale, Neb, Modern improvements and good outbuildings. t wells. Priced right for quick deal. Inquireat this oflloe. lltf Ted McArthur, one the prosperous young farmers of this vicinity, holds the record for ttye number of arrivals, on one farm, in one week. The list consists of a baby daughter, a thor oughbred baby calf and 50 baby pigs. Where's the farmer that can beat this record? A Brassiere will Complete Your Corset ill ft) I Ml i 1 M ii Ul UMAUAi Gilt Edge insure this sweep of line and "blot out' the break one otherwise would find. They are well-made, prettily designed and trimmed, and as strongly guaranteed as the celebrated Warner's Rustproof Corsets. fe. BaftaM Phages It. A. Sutton was iu Inavalo Sunday. Will Foster of Franklin, Is in the city today. Don Hailwell of Inavale, was In tho city Tuesday. Paul McDowell returned fiom Law. rcuco Friday, Furley Robins returned from Wheel er, Kansas, Moudny. Frnuk Stavr went to Lincoln on binines'? Wednesday. Glen Walker transacted business In Omaha tho first gf tho week. Win. Hoffman of Hustings, was in tho city the lost of the week. Ted McMurroy of Lincoln, was In tho city tho llrst of the week. Mrs. Steve Kennedy of Inavale, was u Red Cloud visitor on Tuesday. Raymond Turnnro returned homo from Washington, D. C.ljLlftst evening. .Cecil Barrett, who is attending school ut York, is in the city visiting his parents. Iluiold Morauvillc returned Wed nesday from Chicago, where he has been attending college. Mrs. Guy Zciglcr returned to Lin coln Monday, after an extended visit hero with relatives and frionds.. Buy Land atStratton, Colorado See Rose Brothers of Blue Hill, Nebraska, or go to Jos. A. Collins, Stratton, Colo rado. 3 12t Rose Bisos The War Saving Stamp Drive on last Friday, provod to be a success, as the amount subscribed exceeded the coun ty's allotment by over $100,000. C. O. Bonnet, special agent of the Lincoln Telephone Company, is in tho city this week looking after the Inter ests of tho compauy. Many stockholders of tho Campbell Oil Company, wcro in the city Sunday inspecting the local well. Also sever ul promotors interviewed local parties trying to perbuado thorn to take stock in tho Campbell well. Tho Big Chief Oil well Is now down about i!370 feet and prospeots for oil are bright ns the drillers state that in all probability when they go through tho rock In which they arc now drill ing oil will be found underneath it. E. M. Ege, proprietor of the five, ton and twouty-flve cent store, will on Saturday of this week, open his new lue cream parlor in tho Fogel building and will cater to the public with ice cream, soda, fancy drinks, etc., also a complete line of candies, fresh fruits and cigars. The remains of Putrick Cassells ar rived in the city last evening from Butte, Montana, where the young man was killediin a mine accident on last Saturday, Funeral services were con ducted by 'Father Fitzgerald from tho Catholic church Wednesday at ton oVdpokjf torment ',was)jbRde in vhfc city cemetery. , Oil"Saturdfty 'evening, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs Allan Carpenter, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Miss Pearl, to Don ald L. Cook of Oxford. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Bcebe in tho presence of relatives and friends. Af ter a brief honeymoon they will be at home to their friends on a ranch near Newport. Farm Loans Private money ut lowest interest No delay, money horc. All papers kept bore and payable at home bank I also make regular company loans on best terms to bo had. Call for me at State Bank. C. F Cathor. tf The contour from shoulder to knee is important. There should be no break, but an easy sweep of line over the .sier& lop of the corset straight down the hips. Win. Crablll went up to Lincoln Monday Mr-. N. A. Piatt was In Cowles Tuesday. Oliver Powell trutisnctcd business In Lincoln Tuesday Engineer Albert Troyer spent Sun day In McCook. Tom Nash of McCook, was in the olty the first of tho week. Walt Sanderson of McCook, wns In tho city tho llrst of tho week. There will bo a meeting of tho Homo Guards Friday night at 8 o'clock. Olllccrs will bo elected. I). Phelps of Camp Funston, Is visit ing liis parents for n few days boforo going to the Held of battle. Geo. Amack is erecting a modern dwelling on his farm. 'Jhiis. Ben, baker Ii I the contractor fa charge of the work;. There will be a meeting' of the as sessors of Webster County at tho rourt boubc in this city on Saturday nftor noon at ono o'clock. They will be given instructions relative to their work and also recclvo tholr supplies, Foil Sai.k 1G0 acres of pasture land. 1 1.2 miles west and 2 miles north of Inavale, Nebraska. Fenced, tank and wind mill. Terms, 830.00 an acre At least ono half down, balance with good security. Mrs Wm. Inoxs. Tho local Liberty Loan Committee are covering tho county tills week, leaving at each home a registration card which must bo flllod out. This ami will give tho Committee and the Council of Defense information ro gardlng the financial circumstances of oach registrant and what each ono has contributed to other war contributions. The teachers and boys of the Sab bath school of which Lynn Bush is a member, surprised him with a visit on his sixteenth birthday, Monday, March 2oth. Tho pastor, Rev J. L. Boobc, and choir of tho United Christian church, surprised Mrs. Bush, whose birthday is the same date. The mem bership of the church desire to express their appreciation of the faithful, elll cicnt help of Mr. and Mrs. Bush and ovcry member of tho choir, who have given the Gospel in song. F. W. Cowden, of tho clothing Arm of Cowden-Kaloy will leave Sunday to purchaso goods on the eastern markets, He will visit St. Louis, Chicago, Cleve land and other eastern cities A mem bership in the United National Cloth iers Association puts this Htm in touch with manufacturers of tho best grade of clotbjng and enables them to pur chase at right prices. This combined with Mr. Cowden's ability and years of experience assures the buying public that they will receive an np-to-dat line of clothing at popular prices. The Indian Creek Farmers' Educa tional and Cooperative Union No. 1133, held an 'dpen meeting' on las't Friday night The Union gave Tail oysfer 'cup per and the school of ''District1! 4, gave an excellent entertainment consisting of singing, reoitations, readings, dia logues and debate, Resolved, "The Rural High Schools are More Benefi cial than Town High Schools." The afllrraatlvo won the debate. There was a largo attendance and everybody expressed themselves as having a fine time and plenty to eat. Tne Union wants to thank the tcaohtrs and school for their hearty support in making that, a meeting long remembered by everybody present. 0 City Boys Being Prepared for Farms The Omaha and Council Bluffs Im plement and Vehicle Club 'are teaching high school pupils all about farm im plcmcnts so that tho boys can help Undo Sam on tho farms. Farmers desiring boys will communicate with P. R. Mumpus, 1021 W. O. W. Bldg., Omaha. Tho boards of education of Omaha and Council Bluffs are cooper ating in tho movement. Farm Loans Lowest rates, best terms and option and in any amount. No inspection ex pense, apd absolutely no dolny. Six plans to choose from. Solo agent for Trevett, Mattls & Baker. J. n. Bailey. i Rat Corn Is not no experiment it is a thoroughly tried and proven DESTROYER of RATS and MICE. When dead they leave no odors as they are mummified. Sold and guaranteed by Chas. L. Cotting The Druggist Flour Limit Set at Six Pounds Per Month Now rules and regulations effective Monday of this week for tho uso and ' distribution of wheat flour havo bccni promulgated by Gut-don W. Wattles,! food administrator, upon advice from Ilorboit Hoover. They are: rlrst Householders must not use to exceed one and one-half pounds per week of wheat products for each per son in the family. Tills means not more than one and thrco-foinths lbs. of Victory bread containing tho re quired amount of substitutcsandabout one-half pound of cooking flour of all kinds combined. Second Public eating places and cluba to observe two whcatlcss davs a (Week, londay 'and Wccmcsday, "and1 vV, !"ivnt.lo lUl'UI UUIiy US UlllJiJlUlU In addition they arc not to servo In tho aggregate a total of moro than two ounces of wheat products to any ono guest at ono meal. No wheat products arc to ho served unless spe cifically ordered. Public eating estab lishments aro not to buy moro than six pounds of wheat flour per month per guest. Third Retailors shall not sell more than twenty-four pounds of flour to any town customer at any ono time and not moro than forty-eight pounds to a country customer at ono time. And then only with an equal weight of substitutes. Fourth Bakers and grocers arc asked to reduce tho amount of victory bread eoUI by selling three-quarter pound loaves where- tho pound loaf was sold before. Bakers aro also asked not to incrcaso tho amount of their wheat flour purchases beyond 70 per cent of the monthly amount pur chased in the four months prior to March 1st. Fifth Manufacturers using wheat products for non-food purposes aro di- ceaso such uso entirely. Sixth No limit is placed upon tho use of other cereals such as corn, bar ley, buckwheat, potato flour, etc. "If wo aro to supply tho necessary wheat; to our associates wc must com ply with these regulations" says Wat tles, "Wo must reduce our consump tion one-half, and only strict compli ance with these rules will enable us to do so. This is a military necessity and must be so construed. INAVALE Leo. .Ruby spent Sunday with hi; father. -iv Mr&tiSam Delsley spent a couple of days in Red Cloud thin wock. ,,sr'W! 'Barker spcriV severaVdaya with. his ton Guv and fatnilv. BlaneheBarker spent Sunday hi. Rd vjiuuu. wiu nor pureuvH. -, "'Bessh and Nelie( jtujjledge snout Munaay aiternoon in iteJq,uiouu 1 lGuy Barker and family spent Sun- day.iD-Red.Cloud with J, Barker and family;- " t - t Mrs. E. Smith and Mrs. Joe Reed and daughter, spent Tuesday with Mrs. Goo,&Utkln. Mr. Juyjce- and wife of Alma, spent Sunday, with their son, C. A Joyce and family. Don Hartwell and wife and Miss Filly autoed to Red Cloud Tuesday afternoon. Mis. Steve Kennedy and mother, al so Mrs. Mike Keiffiedy autoed to Red Cloud Tuesday. Rev Reeves of Guide Rock, preach ed Sunday forenoon and ovenlug at the Christian church. A huge crowd attended the County Sunday School Convention at the Christian church lust week. Will Todhnm and family, Mrs. S.E. Holdredge and Mrs. M. C. Hummel, autoed to Cowles Sunday afternoon. W. Cloud was on our streets Mon day, introducing his new wife to his friends, who wish them joy and hap piness. Alva Myers has boon unable to at tend school this weolr. While riding his horso the latter part of last week, tho animal fell with him injuring his stomach quite badly. - Congregational Church Notes Rev. Mary Hosier Mitchell preached us usual at tho Congregational chinch last Sunday morning. No services wrn hold ill thu evonincr on account ot the revival sorvices at tho Baptist church. Sunday Rchool next Sunday morning at ten o'clock. Preaching morning and evening as usual, A collection for Home Missions will bo taken at tho morning services and tho children will take im ft in the Easter service at 11 o'clock. Tliero will be special music boili morning ami ovening. Tho Women's Missionary Society will meet with Mrs. C, J. Pope on Wed nesday, April 3rd, ThnPnlKQAT HOME EXPECT YOU I" I ULVto TELL EM ALL. ABOUT Exhilarating Burlesque; Vaudeville lliIiAtfirrilldlthPrittfOlrli.FiriiTCIeit,CriHii tqu!t, fcllllMl StMia Eitlcowilit LIMES' MME MaTMEE CVEIY WEEKIAY Everybody attn A Anybody turns nc tmnf m hit imw wist w cmcim Dress Up for Easter KUPPENHEIMER SUITS $22.50-$25-$27.50 to $32.50 , CLOTH-CRAFT SUITS $12.80 to $25 NEW HATS NEW SHIRTS NEW TIES BIG LINE OF SHOES $3.50 to $7 Cowden -Kaley Clothing Co. "Always Reliable" ROY SATTLEY Un dertaking it . , License Kansas and Nebraska JaswiD xmi zmh sis hi jM in o ! ! M Horse "Auto Complete Line of Up-to-date Furniture, Rugs, Etc. nr Lincoln and Telegraph Co. Conserve Your B usmess r orces With the maximum of nerve , force and physical energy. Utilize the local and long distance service of your telephone. v When you feel the necessity of being in two places at ,the same time, go to a telephone ' and let your voice trovel for you. Our telephone service reaches nearly everywhere. i at tr$alvuttM 2K. Hearse Hearse 'If 1 Telephone F. vl r.i a W4 V M '.'! i "t ) t 4 'K -. j V .'fill ,rf V "W 1 fK vW ' iM Kmj0mim9im mttJfhiiSSsmatiusk jf. M