The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 28, 1918, Image 3

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! wwl'Kffifeii8nl PJs! KjinB itmBnffl(M$i
HflRtr Pp'W N
IPl!f 1
home Certain-teed?
You pay for insurance against a fire loss that ray
happen. Are you equally protected against loss
that 6urely will happen i your home remaini
unpaintcd, or poorly painted ? Is your property
Certain-teed against deterioration and decay?
Wherever there is need for paint or varnish, that need is sup
plied by a Ctrtatn-tetd Paint or Varnish made for the purpose.
For interior walls, ceilings, woodwork, floors and furniture;
for exterior walls, roofs, porches, outbuildings and porch
furniture there is a Ctrtain-tted product made to withstand
the use or exposure to which it will be subjected.
Paints and Varnishes
are more decorative than ordinary paints, their colon and finiih more
clear and lustrous. And they are, in the ultimate, more economical; for
they ipread farther and last longer, and each color is priced according
to its cost of production; whereas most paints are sold at a flat price,
based upon the production cost of the most expensive color.
For Porch and
The man in the illustration is giv
ing hit porch and lawn furniture
a coat of Ctrtain-teid Porch Fur
niture Enamel. The sun will not
fade its color; rain will not dim
its lustre; hot weather will not
soften its surface. This enamel,
like all other Ctriain-teid prod
ucts, is compounded of pure
materials, properly proportioned,
accurately mixed by machinery
under the supervision of paint
Ctrtain-tttd Paints and Varnishes are made for all uses, in all colors and
in all sizes of cam. Any store that sells paints can supply you. If the
dealer you apply to, cannot immediately (supply you what you want,
he can obtain it promptly.
Certain-teed Products Corporation
Off 1cm sad WarahouM In th Principal Cille of America
Manuf acturtrt of
Certain-teed Paints Varnishes Roofing
The Disturbance.
"Don't you love tho silent watches
of the night?"
"I would, If It were not for the
moonlight chatter of theso lovelorn
Its Destlnated Change.
"What Is going to become of the
kaiser's divine right after this war?"
"It Ib going to be left"
Win Urn War by Preparing the Land
Sowing Hie Seed and Producing Bigger Crops
Work Ih Joint Effort the Soil of the United States and Canada
co-ornuTrvE farming in man powek necessakt
The Food Controllers of the United States and Canada are asking; for
greater food production. Scarcely 100,000,000 bushels of wheat are avail
able to be sent to the allies overseas before the crop harvest Upon the
efforts of the United States and Canada rests the burden of supply.
Eviry Avallabli Tillable Aort Must Contribute) Every Available
Fa.mir and Farm Hani Must Assist
Western Canada has an enormous acreage to be seeded, but man powet
is short, and an appeal to the United States allies is for more men for seed
ing operation.
Canada's Wheat Production Last Year was 225,000,000 Bushels; thi
Demand From Canada Alane f er 1918 Is 400,000,000 Bushels
To secure this she must have assistance. She has the land but need!
the men. The Government of the United States wants every man who pan
effectively help, to do farm work this year. It wants the land in the United
States developed first of course; but it also wants to help Canada. When
ever we find a man we can spare to Canada's fields after ours are supplied,
we want to direct him there.
Apply to our Employment Service, and we will tell you where you can best serve
the combined Interests.
Western Canada's help will be required not later than April 5th. Wages to com
petent help, $50.00 a month and up, board and lodging.
Those who respond to this appeal will get a warm welcome, good wages, good
board and find comfortable homes. They will get a rate of one cent a mite from Canadian
boundary points to destination and return.
For particulars as to routes and placet where employment may be had apply tot
Boys and Girls of Nebraska
Our government wants you to help raise more
poultry in our state. You can win some special
poultry prizes in an interesting contest, open only
to boys and girls fifteen years of age and under
living in the state of Nebraska. Write today for
further information a postal card with your name,
address and age will be sufficient
Address, Pre!. 0. C. UFFOHD, ExIeisUn Deaf.,
M. C. PETERS MILL CO., South Side Sfailea, OMAHA, NED.
Is your
Lawn Furniture
Rugs Made From Tissue Paper.
Rugs ore now being mndo entirely
from fine tissue puper and mixtures
of paper and wool. The tissue paper
Is twisted into threads and woven Into
a compact heavy mat or fabric.
Gone Stale.
"What Is this, waiter?"
"War bread, sir."
"Hang it! .It's too old entirely for,
active service." tare.
Agricultural Department Estimates
Show Range of War Emergency
Work Vast Amount of Food Sent
by America to Allies.
(From the Commltteo on Publlo Informa
tion.) Washington. Tltcro hns nlrcmly
been n drop In the prices chnr'gcd by
retailers for footwear In Knglnnd In
view of tho government's action in
placing on tho market standardized
shoes made at controlled rates of
Irollt, according to n report to tho
United States department of com
merce. At a recent exhibition of "wartlmo"
boots 80 samples were shown, ranging
from heavy boots for carters nnd la
borers to shoes for ordinary street use,
and children's shoes. Prices range
from S2.00 to ?0.:i8 n pair. The
shoes are made entirely of leather and
the relullor's price Is stamped on the
Italian shot! factories arc manufac
turing standardized shoes, using leath
er furnished by the government, uliloh
cantrols the system of sales to the
In England the manufacture' of
standard cloth for men's suits has
made rapid progress, 21 patterns being
Included In the first goods shown. As
now planned, provision Is made for
7n0.000 to 1,000,000 suits ready for de
livery from .Tune to' August. Tho pro:
Ject may later Include production of
certain classes of cloth for woman's
Of the total of nearly $20,000,000
nsked for war emergency activities by
the department of agriculture It Is
proposed to use $8,000,000 for tho pur
chase and sale of seed to farmers for
cash nt post ; $0,100,000 for the devel
opment of tho co-operative agricultural
extension work In co-operation with
tho state agricultural colleges; $1,209,
OflS for combntlng unlmnl diseases,
stimulating the production of live
stock, nnd encouraging the conserva
tion nnd utilization of meat, poultry,
dairy nnd other animal products;
$011,800 for tho prevention, control,
nnd eradication of Insects and plant
diseases, and the conservation and
utilization of plant products; $2,308,
058 for extending and cnlnrglng tho
market news service of the bureau of
mnrkets, preventing waste of food In
storage, in transit or held for sale, giv
ing advice concerning the market
movement or distribution of perish
able products, making Inspections and
certifications regarding tho condition
of perishable agricultural products,
and gathering Information In connec
tion with the demand for and the pro
duction, supply, distribution nnd utili
zation of food; and $1,0S0,080 for
dealing with the farm-labor problem,
enlarging the Informational work of
the department, printing and distribut
ing emergency leaflets, posters nnd
other publications, and extending the
work of tho bureau of chemistry, the
bureau of entomology, and tho bureau
of biological survey.
Statistics complied by tho food ad
ministration show that the grand total
of all food experted to the four allies
the United Kingdom, France, Italy
and Russia from July 1, 1014, to
January 1, 1018, would furnish com
plete yenrly rations for G7,100,033
adult persons, with n surplus of pro
tein capable of supplying this portion
of the diet for 22,10-1,570 additional
Since tho beginning of tho wnr tho
United States has averaged to supply
the allies vl,h food enough each year
to support 10.314,552 persons, nnd
with an excess of both protein nnd
fats sufficient for several millions
Tho totnl exports of whent and
wheat flour to the three principal al
lies, Itussln getting but a very small
per cent of the whole, were equiva
lent to about 88-1,000,000 bushels, or on
nverago of about 110.000,000 buBhels a
year. Of this total amount the United
Kingdom got 145,318,000 bushels of
wheat and 8,512,000 barrels of wheat
flour; Franco got 70,708.000 bushels
of wheat nnd C.402,000 barrels of
wheat flour; Italy 87,130,000 bushels of
wheat nnd 1,805,000 barrels of wheat
flour. Russia received only 130,000
bushels of wheat nnd 25,000 barrels of
wheat flour.
The tonl exports of pork products
were nearly 2,000,000.000 pounds, n
yearly average of "nbout B7P.000.000
pounds. Tlii total sugar exports were
over 2,200,000,000 pounds, n yearly
averngo of about 048,000.000. Of corn
there was exported 23,332.000 bushels ;
oats, 207,081,000; rye, 8,407,000.
Reports based on figures from the
department of agricultural show that
January 1, 1018, the number of meat
animals In tho United States was
greater by moro thnn 0,000,000 hend
than It was January 1, 1017. Tho num
ber of Inspections for slaughter indi
cate n decrease In consumption.
The summary shows tho totnl num
ber of cattlo In the United States Jan
uary 1, 1018, was 00,830,000, uu In-crease-
of 1,247,000 hend over the samo
day tho year before. Hogs Increased
8,781,000 head, or 5.7 per cent. Tho
lncrense lu sheep was 1,284,000 head.
or the 3,032,010 persons colled un
dor Ihp selective servlco net, 252,204,
or 8.18 per cant, mailed to appear for
examination, according to a Htntcinent
Issued by the provost mnrshal general.
This number, however, Included men
who had previously enlisted or been
commissioned nnd had failed to notify
tliolr boards, somo who had died, and
many who were transferred to other
hoards hut by mistake had been car
ried on tho books of their local boards
estimated nt 100,000.
.Many of tho remaining 150.000 were
aliens, a niumbcr of whom left the
country to enlist In their own nrmles.
The statement estimates tho number
of real "slackers" at not moro than
50,000, or an nverago of less than ten
for each local board.
Translations of editorial comment In
the (lerinun press, mndo public by tho
commltteo on public Information, In
clude thu following from tho Berliner
"The terms of tho ultimatum to Rus
sia will plcaso oven tho most unre
lenting advocates of violence. It would
he interesting to hear Herding, who
accepted Wilson's second principle that
people are not to bo bartered about
fiom sovereign to sovereign, explain
Just what differences exist between
the political methods of tho past and'
those of today, it may bo conceded
that today the German relchstag Is In
formed of coming chnnges, hut not un
til thu matter hns been settled with
out It. Wo nil hope this policy will
bring pence and prosperity, but we
cannot conceal our anxiety at tho birth
of these new states."
Soldiers, sailors, or their benefi
ciaries under the soldiers' nnd sailors'
Insurance law need not employ attor
neys or clnlm ngents to collect tho In
surance, according to tho treasury de
partment. Circulars have lately been
sent out by claim agents nnd attorneys
offering to nssist persons entitled to
the benefits of this Insurance in col
lecting their claims.
Tho procedure for tho presentation
and collection of insurance claims is
simple. Blanks may bo seetired from
the bureau of war-risk In.iinuiee nt
Washington. Thu nnmo of tho pcron
In service who wns killed or Injured,
and the relationship which he bore to
the person making the clnlm, should
be given.
Germany's wnr lenders are using the
suhmnrlno to prevent fulfillment of
Amerlcn'a agreements to feed nnd re
lieve Kurnpeun neutrals, according to
a statement by the wnr trndo board.
It says:
"A mass of cumulative evidence and
Indications In the possession of the
war trade board shows that Germany
Is employing tho submarine mennco to
prevent neighbor neutrals receiving
nny food or favors at tho hands of the
United States and Its associates In
tho war, and to cocrco these neutrals
through starvation and political and
economic dependence upon Germany,
quite as much as to strike at tho com
munications of Its opponents Ger
many's ostensible nlm In proclaiming
the ruthless submarine campaign.
"Further Indications tend to show
that tho submarines are being used
along, similar dog-in-the-manger lines,
to destroy neutral shipping without re
gard to Its employment"
Persons who send mall to members
of tho expeditionary forces are par
ticularly requested, In a statement Is
sued by the post offlco department, to
use Ink only in writing tho addresses.
Every piece of mall matter should also
bear tho numo and address of the
Heavy paper, canvas, or cloth should
bn used for -wrapping packages. When
canvns or cloth Is used tho address
should be written on n shipping tag,
with the name and address of the
sender on the reverse side. t
Given names should be written In
full, Instead of Initials. The title of
the addressee and the full name of tho
unit or organization to which he Is as
signed should be added, It being sufficient-
In tho way of further address to
use tho words "American Expedition
ary Forces."
Over $41,000 in 5-cent Srallcage
coupons has como In from tho big
camps to headquarters nt tho commis
sion on training camp activities to
Washington. These coupons represent
admissions to theatrical events at tho
camps, Soldiers from the smaller towns
received their books early, because of
the prompt response of theso places
when Smlleago books were placed on
sale, and In many cases novo used
them up.
An investigation for tho purpose of
Improving methods for prevention and
control of communicable diseases, es
pecially near urniy camps, is being
made by tho United States public
health service. The work will rclato
Inrgely to tho standardization and
preparation of serums.
Tho first scrum to bo 6tudied will
be. that used, In cerebro-splnul menin
gitis, which has lately been prevalent
In camps.
Although bnkcrs who use less thnn
three burrels of flour and meal a
month arc not required to secure food
administration licenses, n recent rulo
gives them tho ylght to como under
Tho now submnrlno lighters which
are being built nt tho L'ord plant will
bo known us "Eaglea" nnd will con
stitute tho Eagle class of bouts.
Tho snlo of British and Irish wool to
persons other than thoso authoiized by
tho government hns been forbidden.
London Newspaper Suggeeta Trying
the Effect of Rlnrj of III Omen
on the Kaiser.
Could the king of Spain end the wnr
nt onco?
According to n French writer this
should bo possible.
In Madrid, In n certain public
square, stands a stntuo of Our Lady
of Almuduna; on a gold chain nbout
thu neck of tho stntuo hangs u ring
richly sot with dlnmonds. Nobody
meddles with It. Even thieves let It
severely nlone.
Tho reason Is plain. For tho ring
Is endowed with u terrible power, ns
Its history proves.
Alfonso XII mndo a present of It to
his wife, Queen Mercedes. Queen Mer
cedes died a month later. Then tho
king gave tho bauhlo to his sister, the
Infanta Maria. A fow days afterward
tho Infanta died. The ring reverting to
tho roynl giver, was next presented to
his Into queen's grandmother, Queen
Christina, who was dead within three
After that tho monarch kept the
ring lu his own Jewel casket. Within
tho year ho was dead. Ever since then
the ring hns hung about the neck of
Our Lady of Almudeun.
Tho French suggestion Is this: Why
shouldn't tho present king of Spain
send tho ring to the knlser? Tit-Bits.
"Horizon Blue"
Our khnkl suites nro good. But
"horizon blue," tho color which tho
French use for their uniforms, Is said
to bo better still, uccordlng to tho Pop
ular Sclcnco Monthly.
Against certain backgrounds It Is
altogether invisible from n distance.
Tho reason for this Is that It Is tho
color of distance. An artist painting
a lnndscapo puts his objects "back"
by washing them over with a mixture
of white nnd blue, tho horizon blue.
This makes it nppcnr as If thcro wero
nlr between tho objects nnd our eyes,
so that tho objects themselves appear
The uniforms of horizon bluo make
tho wearers appear, If not nctunlly n
part of tho landscape, at least con
siderably farther nwny than they nro.
And sinco a man Is recognized by his
film Io rather than by his color, tho
blending of his clothes with tho color
of tho horizon helps his camouflage
Cash Via Rolling Pin.
A New York magistrate, nftcr lis
tening to tho complaint of a wlfo
against a tightwad husbnnd, who re
fused to gtvo her enough money on
which to run tho house,, advised wom
en to tako the law in their own hands
and use tho one-two punch. He fur
ther remarked that rolling pins, knit
ting needles and flatlr6ns were obsolete
nnd had no effect on nlckel-nurslng hus
bands. Tears wero entirely out of the
question. This fourth wise man as
serted that , nothing annoys men -so
ranch as baro knuckles" massaging their
chins or tho force of tho right arm sunk
into their tummies. As far as be Is
concerned, women may use tho old ono
two without Incurring his disfavor,
which is a double punch, a left to the
Jaw followed by a smashing right to
the tummy. So therefore, husbands, be
ware. Chopping Him Off.
"Ah, Mr. Gloom 1" began the Buavo
representative of a large Eastern pub
lishing house, who called on only the
few persons In each community who
were of sufficient culture to appreciate
tho valuable works which he was pur
veying, "I recognized you Instantly. A
gentleman told me of your remark
able resemblanco to Daniel Webster,
MAh, ycsl" interrupted J Fuller
Gloom. "Tho likeness is truly astound
ing neither Dan nor I ever had more
than one nose. But, still moro amaz
ing, I also greatly resemble the Into
Captain Kldd, In that I never glvo nor
ask quarter, especially to or from a
book agent" Kansas City Star.
As She Understood It
Mary's mother was buying some
changeable silk. After tho purchase
was made Mary said, "Mamma, do
they call that changeable because you
can tako it back tomorrow if you want
Patrons of matrimonial agencies pay
their money and tako their choice.
Being bad nil the time Is doubtless
iti I
Where in
farmers (scores of them from the U. S.) have paid for their land from a
single crop. Such an opportunity for 1M preat on labor and tBTestaeot
is worth investigation.
Canada extends to yoa a hearty Invitation to settle on her ' '
Free Homistead Lands of 160 Acres Each
or secure some of the low priced lands in Maalteaa, Saakakkewaa er
Alberta. Think what yea can Btake with wheat at 92 a Bskel and land so
easy to get Wonderful yields also of Oats, Barley torn
Flax. Mixed f amiag and cattle raising.
The climate is healthful and sgreesble; railway fa
cilities excellent; good schools and churches convenient
Write for literature and particulars as to reduced railway
rates to Supt Immigration, Ottawa,
Ream 4 Bse nidg., Osaaha. Nek.
Canadian Government Agent
Strength Gave Out
Mrs. Sclimllt Was Miserable From
Kidney Trouble Until DoaVs Cane
to Her Assistance. Now Well.
"My kidney gave out during the
ch.iugo of life," nny Mi. Margarclha
Schmitt, 03 Alabama Ave, Brook
lyn, N. Y. "My bnck ncliod nnd pained
ns if It were broken. When 1 moved in
bed, aharp, darting pains caught mo
across my imcic nnu l
couldn't turn. Morning
I wns stifF and soro nnd
it felt a if heavy
w cIrIiU wero tied to mc.
I wns so worn-out. I
often camo, near fall
ing from diVrjncsa nnd
fl,ilics of firo would
coma before my eyes,
blinding inc.
"I linil thn innnt .
Mrs. Sdualtt
vcrc liendnchcs nnd my kidney didn't
net regularly. The cccretlons passed
too often nnd caused much distress.
I was hardly nblc to do my housowork
and just to walk upstairs took nil my
"A soon n I began taking Loan's
Ktdneu PHls, I Improved nnd nix
boxes nut mo in better hcajth than I
had enjoyed for years."
Mr. Schmitt Rave the foregoing
At'ntcmcnt in 1010 nnd on Aprd 0,
1017, she said: "My euro has been
Kcrmnnent. I keep Doan'a on hand,
owrver. nnd take a few doses occa
sionally." Cat Dona's at Any Store, ftOc Box
Omaha, Nsbraika
Rooms from $1.00 up single, 75 cents up donbls.
191 6 Seed Corn
Field, grass, garden Beds nnd pure bi4
poultry. Free book. AYE BROS Bra 30.
BLAIR, NEBR. Heed Com Center ox tfao World.
Cause and Effect
"This wnr has changed nearly every
thing," remarked Mr. Dubwaite.
"No doubt," said Mrs Dubwoltc, look
ing wise.
"I ordered a Spanish omelet In a res
tnurnnt tho other day. Thoy are not
whnt they used to be."
"I'm not surprised to hear that," said
Mrs. Dubwaite. "I wus reading In a
nowspnper only this morning that
Spain had been hnrd hit by tho war."
Birmingham Age-Herald.
Tired of It.
"What Is nil that discussion about;
"I should say, about tho limit I"
Tactful Retort
She Do yoli bcliovo In spells?
He (tenderly) No, but I do la
Bom Student
Buggs ".He uses an awful lot of a
tomoblle terms," Baggs "Sure, bnt at
rides in the street cars all the time."
Oar idea of a society man la one
who neglects to say anything wheal
he speaks.
The mountain we climb oftea wor
ries us less than the grains of sand
in our Hhoes.
It may be all right to give credit
where credit is due, but spot cart la
always preferable.
Pessimism Is the fog of life, op
tlmlsra the sunshine. Make your Ufa
ono of continued sunshine.
The "Lay of the Ancient Mariner"
had an end, but the hen lays on for
ever. '
Where now are the men who need
to say: "Tho women do not know
enough to vote!"
If yon have no beauty la your mnA
tho mind then how can yon rad
ate beauty?
Occasionally there are men who
would rather pay their debts than be
bored to death by bill collectors.
If yon would become a bondholder
keep a hen.
He who loves and runs away will
have fewer hills to pay.
Talk Is cheap, women are fond of
bargains and that's all thcro is to it
A man Is nover too old to learn. If
ho Is, then ho is too old to live.
f C?fElf '
I 9RwibT th b1 ft iii tZM r
Western Caaada you can biv at from
IS to SM per acre feed fam laM that will raise
2 to 45 jwrtela to Uto acre 1 92 wheat ita
easy to mrure the orofits. Many Western Canadian
Canada, or to
) ,v 1
AnfaJl '
MM. i '