RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF V vr f.. i f rv Neglected Colds bring Pneumonia CASCARAK QUININE 1 The old family remedy In tablet form afe, sure, eaiy to take. No opiates no uapleaiant after effect. Cure colds la 34 houra Qrlp la 3 dart. Money back If it fall. Get tlia enuma bos with Red Top and Mr. Hill's picture on it 24TtUufor2c, At Any Drug Stora Shock. "At tlio restaurant the other night George nsked Miss Wrlnk liow eho would like a little wild duck." "What dlM sho answer?" "She changed color, nnd snld, 'Oh! this Is so sudden 1' nnd fainted." w LEMON JUICE IS SKIN WHITENER CHEAP HOME-MADE BEAUTY LO- TION TO REMOVE TAN, FRECK I LE8, 6ALLOWNE88. ' At the cost of a small Jar of ordinary cold cream one can prepare a fall quar ter pint of the most wonderful lemon kin whltener and complexion bcautl fler, by squeezing the juice of two fresh lemons Into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white. Care should be taken to strain the juice through a toe cloth so no lemon pulp gets In, them this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lesson juice Is used to bleach a dark ened skin and remove such blemishes as freckles, sallowness and tan and Is the Ideal skin softener and bcautlfler. Just try ltl Get three ouncea of orchard white at any drag store and two lemons from the grocer and make vp a quarter pint of this sweetly frag rant lemon lotion and massage It dally Into the face, neck, arms and hands. It Is marvelous to whiten rough, red hands. Adv. , At Father Does. Two small boys were arguing over some trivial matter when ono of them said: "I'll bctchn I'm right." The ther boy Bald he would not bet, as It was wrong, nnd this statement led to another discussion, one youngster In sisting thnt there was no harm In bet ting nnd the other that there was. The boy who was advocating betting talked so loud that ho attracted his mother, and she, like all good mothers, tried to tell him that It was wrong to gamble on anything. "Well, daddy does," was the boy's reply, "cause when ho came home with Nthnt Liberty bond he said It was a $50 bet with the kaiser that he would lose the war." Sterilize Drinking Glasses. Drinking cups and glasses used In restaurants, at soda fountains and oth er places must bo washed Ave minutes In boiling water containing n 5 per cent solution of lye, according to regu lations promulgated by the California state board of health for the enforce ment of the law governing the steriliza tion of drinking utensils. The New American Woman. Important. "The turnover Is vital to successful merchandising." "In that case," sold the baker, "may be I'd better put more turnovers In the oven." Louisville Courier-Journal. Quite Record. The Gulf stream is more rapid than the Amazon, more Impetuous than the Mississippi, and Its volume more than 1,000 grenter. 9rSjgMtfSfiKHaaa'aaaM laaMkaMlaak HaWaeaaaaaLaaaiBDaEr 1 mmT A Contenrinf Food The recognized value of Grape-Nuts at a "aaving food for these serious times,rests upon real merit Unlike the ordinary cereal Grape-Nuts re quires no sugar, little milk or cream, and re quires no cooking or other preparation in serving. A trial is well worth while for those who sincerely desire to save. 'There's a Reason"- YaUTHS TO 110 SHARE YOUNG NEDRASKANS EXPECTED TO DOUBLE GARDEN CROPS. EXTENSION SERVICE AIDING Offers Chance to Help Uncle Sam and Remunerates Worker Many Towns Tako Up Work. Lincoln. Last year Nebraska hoys nnd girls working under the direction of tho agricultural extension service contributed 10,000 worth of fresh vegetables us their purl toward win ning Undo Sam's war. Tills year they ure usked to double Unit amount and muko it $00,000. And they are going to do it, too, for the agricul tural extension service of the slute university is whipping pluns Into shapo which will iiiuke It possible for every boy and girl In the Mate to farm from onc-hulf to one acre of ground. One hundred towns In the stato working in co-operation with the Jun ior section of the extension service have already signified their Intention of hiring pnld supervisors to advise and assist the young gardeners In ev ery way. Among the larger towns or tho state which havo already taken up tho work nro Lincoln, Fremont, Hast ings, Grand Island, Columbus, Hot drege, Norfolk, Scottsbluff, Alliance, Ashland, York, Aurora, Auburn nnd Fullerton. Scores of towns In Ne braska already have made n survey, listing every vncant lot that can be farmed. In practically every case tho school authorities will be only too glad to assign one of theso plots to any young person who will agree to farm It. The best thing about this plan h that every" boy and girl besides help Ing tho country, will get all of tho Defense met last Thursday to constd en the question of raisins the em bargo which had clsted up until that time in Ncbinsl.u on shipments of seed corn from the several Nebraska counties to each other and also out side of tho statu. After caieful Investigation It de cided to recommend to the Council of Defense the lifting of the embargo. Several County Defense Councils and Agricultural Agents report conditions which they believe warranted a con tinuance of the embargo on account of local peculiarities. In HUeh cases It was suggested that vigorous action 1)0 taken so that the use of old and new stocks of com suitable for seed In their locality be had. It was reported that selllsh holders were waiting for the embargo to be lifted so that they could ship their corn out of tho state nt prices above thnt mndo by the Stntc Council of De fense. In such cases the local com mittees should see to It thnt this Is not done, to the detriment of their community. The vx(remo seriousness of the seed corn situation and the Imperative ne cessity of every farmer securing nn abundance of good seed, cannot be too enrnestly urged upon our people. The seed corn campnlgn having been waged for several months In the Rtate and the urgency of the question vigorously brought to the nttentlon of our people, the Nebraska Sfnto Council of Defence accepted the rec ommendation of the seed stocks com mltteo nnd raised the embnrgo. Stockmen Seek Relief. Lincoln. Nebraska cnttlo nnd hog men have sent an appeal to Food Ad ministrator Hoover asking that tho government do something to relievo the stock situation In this stnte. Lim itation of packers' profits nnd tho nb olltlon of mentless days, temporarily, nt least, arc asked for In the tele gram. "The trouble Is that the gov ernment Is conserving the meat sup ply of tho country and yet has not ships enough to send It abroad," Is the way officers of tho state live stock breeders' association sizo up the sit- NEBRASKA WAR GARDEN VMKa-oPu'OKfflBflBy - 'Sr8?tSHPaPlEHayJJSBJffSaBPMBaatPWB IsflPalsVjYVsawv&f OMaBsssKaKSosBi SUP9bHHbbHE2SuLJV9 Patch of beets, sweet corn nnd onions developed with n system of scien tific Intercropping by a Washington county youth. This garden was lo cated at Blair, and Is a good Illustration of whnt can bo accomplished by boys nnd girls of this stnte. money he or she can make out of It. Unllka ninny patriotic activities, there is no expense connected with it, un less, perhaps, the cost of seed. Tho extension service will send complete Instructions on making tho garden nnd handling it successfully during the summer months. Practical busi ness experience will be given tho children. Every boy or girl starting a garden under the plan will keep nn nccount book showing just whnt Is re ceived from vegetables which are sold. All working time put in on tho garden will be figured by the children nt ten cents nn hour to be deducted from the gross Income before tho profits arc determined. Just to show what can be done along this line, ono boy living near Scottebluff, Neb., made nearly $400Jftst season In clear profit. His war garden occupied less thnn nn acre. Ills Income was $430.77, and his expenses were $40.95. This garden was under tho government Irrigation ditch nnd per haps affords an exceptional record, but It Illustrates what can bo done. In mnny Nebraska towns this sum mer children's markets will be held where tho boys and girls can sell whnt they rnlsc. Tho agricultural extension service Is desirous of enlisting 15,000 boys nnd girls In the project thlB summer. Those desiring to receive the bulletins nnd Instructions should address Junior Section, Agricultural Extcn slon Service, Lincoln, Neb. Lift Embargo On 8eed Corn. Lincoln. Tho seeds stock commit tee of tho National government nnd nlso of the Nebraska State Council of untlon. "They can't get It abroad and won't let us eat It at home. The re sult Is that prices ure sagging feeders are losing money." Good War Crops. Crab Orchard. Buckwhoi I and beans hnve proved two good war crops for F. A. Woodflll of Crab Orchard. Ho used ono and a half bushels of buckwheat last June In sowing n patch and to dnto has sold $175 worth of flour from It. Mr. Woodflll figures' thnt It Is n good crop for thnt pnrt of tho stnte, since it enn bo put In after the other crops are sown nnd brings n tidy Income. Mr. Woodflll nlso raised navy beans Inst yenr, securing seed from the ngrlcul tural oxtenslon service, nnd found u market for all thnt ho could produce. Urged to Make Known Wants. Washington. Exaggerated reports of shortages of farm labor, the De partment of Labor announced, nre hin dering efforts of the government to place workers on tho farms. Less talk about tho shortage and more of tho methods by which farmers can make known their needs, wus sug gested as a remedy. Any farmer who wants hnnds mny- obtain an applica tion blank from his postmaster, rural carrier or county farm agent, which will put him In touch with the de. pnrtment. Keeps Trousers In Shape. . A Now York tailor Is tho Inventor of a dovlco thnt prevents trousers bagging at tho knees by pulling them up slightly as n, wearer sits down. Favors Closing Some Enterprises. Lincoln. Women and school boys will never solve tho question of addi tional labor on tlio farm, according to Prof. H. 0. FlUey of tho department of farm management of tho Nebraska university. "Wo must get farm labor from Bomo sourco or production will bo iraeded," ho says. "In every city uro thousands of men who were farm raised nnd thousands of others neens tomed to heavy work. These men can ho mndo avnllnblo for tho furni by shutting down unnecessary enter prises," declared the professor. Nature's Great Hoodoo Temple. In tho Hoodo basin of wostorn Wyoming nro curious formations which roBemblo Punch and Judy heads, grim savages, simpering old maids, monkoys, rabbits, birds and animals. There are fifty different shapes of heads, says Popular Sclonco Monthly, and over forty different ani mal and human faces have boon counted. Tho rock out or which tho hoodoou havo boon carved by Danio Nature Is what Is known as volcanic breccia. W,. Swift & Company Publicity 1 " . At a recent hearing of the Federal Trade Commission there was introduced correspondence taken from the private files of Swift & Company, which showed that the Company had been con sidering for some time an educational advertising, campaign. The need for this publicity has been apparent to us for sev eral years. The gross misrepresentation to which we have recently been subjected has convinced us that we should no longer delay in putting before the public the basic facts of our business, relying on the fair-mindedness of the American people. r The feeling against the American packer is based largely on the belief that the income and well-being of the producer and consumer are adversely affected by the packers' operations, resulting in unreasonably large profits. Swift & Company's net profit is reasonable, and represents an insignificant factor in the cost of living. For the fiscal year 1917 the total sales and net profit of Swift & Company were as follows: Sales $875,000,000. Profit. $34,650,000. This is equivalent to a $3,465. profit on a business of $87,500. If Swift it Company had made no profit at all, the cattle raiser would have received only one-eighth of a cent per pound mpre for his cattle, or the consumer would have saved only one-quarter of a cent per pound on dressed beef. Swift & Company, U. S. A. MAKE MOST OF LOCOMOTIVES Part of Wisdom to Increase Service ability of Old Ones New Engines Unobtainable. "Now thnt new locomotives cannot be obtained within nny reasonable time," says Hallway Review, In discuss ing the country's need for additional transportation, "It is tho pnrt of wis dom to make the most of those whose scrvlcablllty can bo Increased 10, 25 or 50 per cent. Money spent In this way begins to earn money and to smooth out tho situation quickly." KIDNEY TROUBLE OFTEN CAUSES SERIOUS BACKACHE When your back achei, and your blad der and kidneys seem to be disordered, go to your nearest drug store and get a bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. It is a physician's prescription for ailments of the kidneys and bladder. It hag stood the test of years and has a reputation for quickly and effectively giving results in thousanda of cases. This preparation bo very effective, has been placed on sale everywhere. Get n bottle, medium or large size, at your near est druggist. However, if you wish first to test this reparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer i Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and men tion this paper. Adv. Better Than Hla Press Agent "George Washington was a most truthful man." "I have always thought so. An ovl denco of bis truthfulness Is tho fact that he never gave any personal In dorscracnt whatever to that cherry tree story." Slim Encouragement He 1'vo n notion to proposo to you. She Pleaso do. I'm trying for a record. Buffalo News. As Age Advances the Liver Requires .sBflHADTnK mm iyyi r .SOBSSOar BJIVFH jflBl pills. Sffitl PM, Ssull Dose, SmaH Price Bat Great hi its Good Work occasional alight atlmuktloa. CARTER'S P i itti r i nrrn nit t c JUI 1 1 Lib UI V E.I. sTIJLsIji? correct CONSTIPATION Geanloe bears atanatitr Colorless or Pale Faces Sul!yi2d,cate th bnc of iron ia VU,UI tho blood, . t f vii condition which will be greatly helped by Carter SlrOIlriliS !', (!? s v 1 v Not So Foolish. The members of a certain local ex emption board shrugged their shoul ders cynically when a young man ap peared before them limping conspic uously nnd asked for exemption on tho grounds of physical disability. "Fell down on the Ice and hurt yourself, I suppose," ono of thorn sug gested. "No," snld the candidate, flushing, "I lost one leg utMho- buttlo of tlio Sommc." Then thcro was a Inrgo silence. New York Tribune. Too Much. A playwright and an actor were In conversation when tho former, who has been none too successful of late, exclaimed gloomily: "People will prulso my work after I am dead." i "Well," said tho actor. In a consol ing tone, perhaps you are right, but don't you think It's a great deal of sacriflco to muko for a little praise?" Everybody's Magazine. Doubtless. Thief Glramo that watch. Victim I would, old fellow, but I really can't spnro tho time. Proof Indeed. They had been discussing friends and exchanging Icwh nbout them. Suddenly .Touch mentioned Brown smith, "Oh, he's n fine chnp!" broke out Clarke enthusiastically. "He's the most wonderful man I know I" Jones looked startled, nt tho great outburst of prulso 'nnd asked In sur prise: "Indeed! How do you make that out" "Well," explained Clnrke, "before he L'ot n mntnrcai' he promised the usual r "... ... - - - . - . --- -.-.::-,-. numuer or peopiu inni no wouiu inae them out for runs. And," ho continued, In tones of awe, "ho actually kept hla promise to every ono of them." New York Kvenlng Tost. ! r ', Neyer Falls. "Tho hostess said the affair was to , be strictly Informnl." "That makes the girls dress up, all right." . Necessary. "Riches havo wings." "They need 'cm to keep-up with tho cost of living." Detroit Frco Press. England now has more than 4,77B 000 women wage earners. How to Make Oatmeal Bread Healthful to Eat Saves the Wheat lcayflW SJfi cwpa com aatal 1 teatpoea salt S teaapeeaa Royal Bakktf Pewdar 2 UfclesjMesM sogar 1 cup cooked cataaoml or rolled oats 2 Ukloasooao sbertoBlac IVcopamllk No eggs 81ft together flour, corn meal, salt, baking powder and sugar. t Add oatmeal, melted shortening and milk. Bake in greased ; shallow pan in moderate oven 40 to 45 minutes. This wholesome bread is easily and quickly made with the aid of ROYAL BAKING POWDER If used three times a week in place of white bread by the 22 million families in the United1 States, it would save more than 900,000 barrels of flour a month. Oar new Red, White and Blue booklet. "Beat War Time Recipes", containing many other recipes for making delicious, and wholesome wheat saving foods, mailed free address ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO, Dtpt.W, 135 William St, New York FOOD "WILL WIN THE WAR . -m ' '51 Jl (l i '' '! rfl t f'M Ait k , !tOL)l J0 t 'rii ij 'V?? v n aaBftfliasBM'ft A3f a- iiu 'i , i,. .