The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 14, 1918, Image 1

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4 PkHKr Tkat Itm The few FHty-tw Weeks Each Tew Ftr Sl.5t
gtowArvuwftMftvuwrt Regiment
Save Vowr Money
The chief reason for saying your money
is that you will have the MONEY, with
I INTEREST later on when you may need it.
It is also a step toward financial independ
ence and success. -
It makes you a better citizen. The person
with a bank account is looked upon as one
i who is thrifty and dependable.
Now is the time to begin saving. Open
a bank account here, today.
Deposits in this bank are protected by the Depositors
Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska
t. I
Webster County Bank
( V
' 'JJTbmumW
I low
Cream Separator I
We do not believe that a farmer who knows anything
about farm machinery could be induced to buy any separa
tor other than a DeLaval after he had seen the latest im
proved DeLeval machine and had given it a trial.
It is.a fact that 99 per cent of all separator buyers who
do SEE AND TRY A DEJI,AVAL machine before buying
purchase the DeLaval and will have no other. The 1 per
j:ent who do not buy the DeLaval are those who allow
themselves to be influenced by some other consideration
besides real genuine separator merit.
If you are tbiuking about buying a cream separator we will
consider it a favor If yon will permit us to setup a DeLaval for
you on your own place and have you give it a fair trial.
You will be under no obligation to buy the machine if it does
not make good all our claims, and should yrfu decide to keep
it and cannot couvenietnly pay cash, you may do so on such
easy terms that it will actually save its costs while you arc
paying for it.
Geo. W. Trine
Wit Loviif Cnp
Last Sunday .evening the company
went on guard for twenty four, hours
and "ye writer" had the; pleasure of
being,.on' the third relief Post, fio. 6
was assigned to rric to walk and it
also was my first time of sleeping in
our regimental guard house.
On Tuesday morning we went out
and drilled at close and extended order
drill. Wo also hnd target designation.
In the afternoon we hnd to put five
rifles on our shoulders and climb up
a ladder and stand there while our
Lieutenants examined our shoes to
see wheather our feet fit t)io same.
The remainder of the week was
spent at the same drill as Tuesday
morning expect the' afternoon. Part
of the afternoons wore spent at bay
onet drill and the balance at prob
lems of Service of Security which
wei'e worked out by our Mayor and
On Thursday night, the Northern
lights were very visible here and
everyone in camp turned out to take
a view of the same.' The lights were
of a pink color and wei'e pretty.
On Saturday mominig the regiment
;wa8 to pass in review before the
Colonel but owing to a fierce' wjnd
and dust storm wo stayed in our bar
ackes. We swept and scrubed e'ur
barracks arid the jiha'd. rifle, inspection
after which we, had cot, inspection by
our Mayor,wand officers. .Owing to
the fact that wc didn't havn our finlH
shoes, seined up. ( the, company, will be
confined 'to quarte,rs;rtfor four days
commencing Monday morning but the
sentence don't bother us as we -laid
in a supply of tobacco lind candy on
Sunday to last thru those days.
The waul and dust storm was the
worst one I have seen here yet as the
wind blow down most all of the smpkc
stacks on the heating plants and. it a week orinorc before many of
the barracks will bo heated again.
On Saturday nftemoon-tho company
had to go over to the infirmary where
the Lieutenants examined us for
marks and scar.s.
Somo time The Denver Post and
Kansas City Post put up a loving cup
as a prize for the best regimental
song and band concert hnd the 355
reginment which is the best drilled
and best in everything else in the
military line again went "over tfio
top" and carried off the honors. About
every organization here know that we
are some reginment.
John Doyle Answers
the Final Suunons
Another nninc was stricken from the
ever diminishing list of pioneer citi-
ret;, wben on Saturday, March Oth,
Jonn',Doyie answered the tlual sum
mons. His passing has deprived the
cdnununity of one of its olde&t and
roost highly respected men.
About u year ago Mr. Doyle was
taken seriously ill and at that time
consulted a specialist in Lincoln, who
held out but little hopes for tils re
covery. Upon returning to this city
he whs taken to the home of his
daughter, Mrs Joe McClcllnu. where
he remained for several 'weohs, con
tinuing, to improve until he was again
able to be about. His request to spend
Ills remaining days with his son, on n
farm in Kansas, was grunted, he ie
maining there until the time of his
The deceased was born in Wlxford,
Ireland, in 1S:U), coining to the states
with his parents, when three years of
age, and locating in Illinois;. He came
to Nebraska in 1887 and was one of
the first bettlers of this community.
On .Tune 18, 1870, he was united in
marriage in Marshall eoimtv, llliV
nols, to Mary Riley, who died in thir
city July a, loll). To this union were
born nine children, two of whom pre-
.ceedecl him to the grate". . ,
vHe leave's to mourn his demise, live-
tons, Lawrence, James, Jolit), Miles
and- Joe and i$6 daughters, Mrs1
Frank Slabey and Mrs. JbeMcClellanl
Funeral serviccs,iwe'r'e cb'n'! W
Father Fitzgerald from the Catholic
church in tliis'city, on Moiiiiuv morn
ing, at 1U:30
There is a Difference in
Just us there is between a piece of pure gold and that
containing alloy. The lenses used by me are the finest
that can be had. These come in the rough and are
ground until they exactly meet the reqnlrments of your
particular eye trouble, One cannot be too careful about
the eyes The matter of a dollar or so should not enter
into the calculation. This store refuse to ask for your
patronage by price alone the euro la (the thing1 'desired
by nic or well as youraolf. Even so, you will find the
charge unusually low, taking Into consideration the
high quality. '
It will be to the interest of your . j
eyes to have them examined Here
:., -i
ET T 1 I i
' JmwmlT mn OmtmitftrM
. y:wffprxift "
rWC, B. .;;Wat lnet.r
, . sir
At Home wtnaay with the
Chrishi Church .
10:00 a. m. Sunday School
11:00 a. m. Preaching
2:30 p, m. Services at the Mission and Indian Creek
6:30 p. m. Yountf Peoples Service
S 7:30 p. m. Sermon--"Will God answer a written prayer?'
Chamber of Commerce
Heldlnterestibf Meeting
The meeting of the Chamber of Comt.
merce held at their rooms on Monday
evening, wos well attended and much
interest was shown In the vnrlou? mat
ters brought up for discussion.
The matter of organizing aC
Clearing Association was taken
a committee composed of i V. ZoW
den, It. P. Weesner, F. (J, Turnure, W.
G. Hamilton and II, O. Gallaly wu
appointed to formulate plans for thej
organization of the Association. The
ItVf'fMTinnh llltlll WtlO vttllf kn li.i . .
tarynnd its adoption approved
The matter of good roads was the,
next mattor discussed and a committee
composed of Dr. Nicholson, PhuI Pope
and S, U. Florance was. selected to
give this aatter the ttenttta' It de
tejrves. ,, ,.-" &&&$ 4
' B. P. Weeaner, J. C. Mitchell and P,
O. Tjurnurf.wei'e named MMtpmiUt
tp'aee that the city MrMta -ivfr Kept
la the best poMible alutif h3,1o use
their, influence among our. cltizena to
the end that we have a general dean,
up or the olty this spring..
A labor Bureau was organized and
F. W. Cowden seleoted as chairman.
Meetings of tho Chamber of Com
merce will be held at frequont Inter
vals at which tlmo tho various com
mittees will report the progress made
in the duties assigned to them,
Red Cross Headquarters
and Work Room
j ,
VTllc- lecture room of tho Auld public
library will tie used for chapter head
quarters and work room, On Thurs
day, March 21, the new room will bo
opin for work on hospital garments,
with Mrs. IF. E. Grlce, director in
charge. Hours 2:00 to 5:00 P. M.
"iAU women of tho city who can spare
even one hour to help mako our sol
dieu1 boys comfortable are cordially in
vited to drop in and work. Thore will
be no fees and no assessments at any
time. All materials will be furnished
by the chapter.
Every bit of work helps. You are
needed, won't you come? You will al
ways be welcome and there ie a place
forryou. Help your .country in Its
hour of greatest need. C. 1 Gather,
w -M (fo ' "W
I! Come Aero
ftp"!1' .'I
The Kaiser Will
Take your choice! Help Uncle Sam now or pay the kahicr later.
Yc haven't won this war yet, and if wc lose it, you can imagine what
will happen. If it takes every single spare cent of our money now to
it's tenfold cheaper than it will he if wc
Uut, investing your money in War Savings Stamps isn't, giving
it's only tenting your money to Uncle Sam lending it now when tho
need is desperate when the money will hit ktiltur the hardest.
Buy War Savings Stamps now
get now is worth ten next year.
-for every dollar Uncle Sam can
r u
. Library Notes
Tho library is open every afternoon
from 1tf"ft:30, and from 7:00'to 9:00
evraFTnu on Sunday ufternoona
to S:U0,
he Nebraska State Journal and the
Omaha World, Herald are received
dally. You are. welcome to come in
and read them
The reading rooms are for free use
to the people Come In any time.
Tho following magazines are to be
foun(fatthe library: American, At
lantic, Century, Literary Digest, Life,
Natioual Geographic, Out Look, Review
of Reviews, Outing, Scientific Ameri
can, Sorlbnerii Saturday Evening Poet,'
Woman's Hone Companion,1 and oth'
era. For the children there are, The
Yeatb'a, ,Cotnyaaioo, Anerlean Boy,
Bird Loref Geaapfire.'St: Niehbhu, Boy
Life and WMnoaV Training Magazine.
The Library is for the use of the
people living in the oountry surround
ing Red Cloud as well as those living
in town. Come in and read the papers
and magazines or get a book.
You don't want our boys to face Germanswith sthelr bare fiats
liko the Russians did. "' "
' ;
Money puts guns into our beys' handsr-bullets i in their riles
money saves lives, and stamp savers are surely life savers.
Remember, you're giving Uncle Sam, only the use of your money
for a while. That's letting you off mighty cheap Others are giving
their lives. " , '"" "
F. G.
This Space Donated by
The forty-mllo-gale, which swept-
over this vicinity ou Saturday played
havoo with the smoke stacks on the
Chairman A. D. TJnnnnv lina loonorl linllorc nml nil nnolnn nt. tlm cv
a call for a citizens' caucus to be, held power house. The new steel stack was
jut tho oourt-houso Monday evening, blown out onto the roadsldb and It was
for tho purpose of nominating candl- necessary to cut the same into three
dates for city and school district of- pieces In order to repair and erect It
You Should Have A Silo
AMimm vummmuF oifCHKAmfmKO mt wintk
'W America Helleir TUe'SU is made frem hard vMriiei heUew
tile, retftfnrced with hall ia'ch steel ban. The dead r chamber ire.
shUImk fnm the hTellew tile make the eaiy IeftcalvwU far a aito.
Ensilage wW net freeze. It needs MpaintiiiK'vt neiiranee, will net
crack, blew down, buckle, bunt er ret. It will fay yea to investigate
this silo for it costs less than any other good silo made.
We are agents for The American Hollow Tile Silo.
Chief Ads Pay Yott
a. hi
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