The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 07, 1918, Image 8
T . ' ! iVWc i fetli- v) rwpCv J ,"S.V'.'W J J . r '& ' ,i w 6 RED CLOUD, NEBRAifcA, OHlEf ."V. T'f t t n v I n l&J.. ST in v.? vr I tr . i f i r A4 C Jr. Miner l)r, 8, S. Dcardorf,M. D, C. Manager Veterinary In Charge C. H. Miner Serum Co. -rnouOeEits- Anti Hog Cholera Serum- Red Cloud Nebraska ' " i Wire or Phorfc at Our Expense I). .S. Veterinary License No. 45 Tim Hamilton - Gather Clothing Co. Everything a Man or Boy Waara JTf Cltu Nebrssk KODAKS Better Kodak Finishing And Developing. .:. A' Full Line of Supplies KOHLS DEVELOPED-'lOc MAIL YtUR MtHER ft US' Stevens Bros. , E. S. Gaurber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures i rmv a nomei l wUJ sell ,you n homaF In. R. o il Cloud v so1 cheap ntddn such Easy , Payment Unit you ouu not nlTprd to pay rent. Six p o r cent lnt6t-0st on Wrrol p a y . rnents;. II u v o three locations, fie Flrt;ciiolco L. E. TA1T 1 020 O Street Iiluuolii, Neb. 1 Thrn Hamilton - Cathor Clothing, Co. ?-Ci".-! Everything a Man or Boy Wears tttd Cloud Nebraska When the Firemen Appea.r the ituuted nuui't fait thouglit It one of tlianlfulnwj thkt he u so. How abou your thoughts u tweman thouid p- pear at your home? The DLy Before the Fire it the day to iniuie. At that day may be to-morrow for all you can know or do, it (ellowt that prudence would ira pell you to ttop in our office to-day and Late ut iuue you a policy, jO C T EEL 3P!S3l$aafl .-riiwnt'1'1'!1"" 'i' I i ' i R.elit.ble Insurvnc Treasurers Statement Mayor and City Council, City Itoil Cloud, Nob! Gentlemen: I' submit herewith statement oover Ing receipts and disbursements of my oflke fr tllo period front Feb, &, 1018 to Mat, 5,1018. Occupation Fund - Anfount on Hand Feb. fi, 101B. .3 221 01 Receipts ,.'..,!. ',' 1015 00 " " V -la-in'O'i Disbursements.,.,'..'..'........ Ih'lO oil Uulanoo. 100 01 Water Fund Amount on hand Feb. fi ...... r,23 00 Msbursoments. f. B22 S.') Dalnnce .......' Water Levy Fund Amount on hand Feb. 5 No receipts or Disbursements. $ 1 75 Itiilance . 1 75 ' General Fund' Aniounkon bund Feb. 5 ........ HsG 00 Dlbbursetncuts 0.") GO Ilalance .'121 00 Electric Unlit Fund Amount on hand Feb,:. $ 700 OS Receipts 1470 3:. 2180 .1.3 Disbursements 008 23 Balance 81 188 10 ' Electrio Light Levy Fund Amount on hand Feb, r. 71 .1(5 Np receipts or Disbursements Haluuoc 71 50 Sewer Fund i Amount on baud Feb 5 $ 111 00 Receipts 2.-.0 00 301 00 Disbursements '.,.K 282 go Balance 78 do Firemeu's.Fund Amount on hand Feb. 5. ..'....$ 199 Co Iteceipts f 5 00 f Kahincc , 201 Co. Keouplittlntion Occupation Fund 3 100 04 Water Fund 7:1 Water Levy .' . . I 7.) General.! a2l OtS Electric Light Fund 1188 1C Electrio Light Levy Funds... . 71 50 Sewer Fund 78" 50 Vlremen'b Fund....". 204 CO M ' Total 1972 34 Registered Warrants Outstanding ' Occupation Fund ; . . jsoU 00 Sower -. MO U E, L. Levy ..,, .105 87 1'avlng.,, . . . -t.'l.tUs 51 ' . S. 'R. Flohance, City Treas, Report of the Condition. oi'Tin: Webster County. Bank RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. cimrlcr No, HUH, lin'orporulcil In tlio.Slntoot NuliraskTi, at (ho ehiso of IiiihIiu-x-s roliru ary Tt, IMS. iti:soimi'i:s: LiianHaud IHscmuilF. .-. SI28.17I.15 UVenlrnllH, Mt'iirctlanduuM'ciift'il . 780.b" l'nriitturu itml IUxtur;H....-..-.v VjIW.OO Current ixiensi'H ami taxes nnta.. 3,871.73 liiiolrom malum! niul 8tnio lianUH . 43.1U7.0S Olieoksaml Itoinsot uxrliaiiKf! 5il(lS tiurrviHiy-.- - - 0,'JJiOO (5 old coin ...... .....i... 815(10 Htlvt-r. liU'keU ami ceutR Total ''iuli on Uaml . . (HI . 01.WI.7l Total SlKii,:iti.r,i i.i.viiii.iTir.H: Uapltal Mloelf paid in .. , SiVOOO.OO Surplus fund a.... .iKW.Oi) Undivided prollta , 8,1 I7.(."i I adlvldunl deiMwlts subject . , to check . .. .-. ... lOS.fiMLO'.i Demand certificates of do- limits U33.0D 4 Tlnm eerUIJealw of deposit :l.070.'J I TotnlDupostt , ...1H,?IjU2 DcpoxltorK' tfuaranty fund,.,....-., Total 5 lBilflU.51 ST.VTB OK N KIIUAKKA, UN County of Welrttc-r. f 1,8. It. rwiitANCi:, cnNlder of tliu nbuvu named bank, do hcioby Hwenr that thealMwo Mtatoiuont Ih n correct and true copy of the report mado to the Stale nanUInc llonid. S. It. I'l.oltANOi:, atiksij - Cashier C.lil'oi'K, Director. Suliscillnil .and nworu to bvforu mo tills iUhdny of March, 11)18. hi:ai'.. llemard McNeny Notary Vubllc Wurd M. llurgc&s, War Savings Di rector for .Nebraska, bus called tho attention of the use thut may bu nnulo of school houses throughout the coun try In holding meetings to further tho AVar Savings campaign. The Informa tion has been sent out to 1,100 town chairmen in Nebraska.4 Tho 'little red school houses' are community centers through which the people o tho entire country rocolvo messages of vltul Interest to them," Mr. Burgesn says. "It seems to mo that there should bo no difficulty in enlisting tho co-operutton of the school authorities In holding commun ity meetings. Tho school house should be flow, as it always has been the 'cradle of liberty.' " The State Director suggests that every town chairman should get local school officials and leading men and women to address community gather lugs In the school houses and tell them of the AVar Savings Stamp campaign. 5,020 VOLUMES IN ONE IJfOJK .J .Encyclopedia of the Literature of China, Covering 28 Centuries, Is Remarkable Production. The Chinese department of the ltrll lsh museum library contains ti single work which occupies, no, fewec than 5.020 .volumes. This .wpndoiful pro duction of the Chinese press wns pur chased some years ugo for ?7,G00, and Is one of only n very suiull number of '.copies now In existence. It Is nn encyclopedia of the lltene turo of China, covering h pVlod of 28 centuries. It owe? Its origin to the literary proclivities of the Eulperor Cung-he, who reigned from 1002 till 1722. In the course of his studies of ktlio unclenle Urc of ,hls country Kanfe.lie discyf rod tlint.iarteiislve cdn rtipttons hnddicun ntlowedtfo creep ln to the modern editions, arid conceived the Idea of having the text of the or iginals reproduced and preserved In an authorized form. This wns 11 mighty conception, truly, and In the' execution it remains unique down to the present time. For the purpose of carrying out the work, Knug-hc appointed a commission of learned men to select and collate the writings to ho reproduced, and em ployed the Jesuit missionaries to cast copper types with which to execute the printing. The commission was oc cupied for 40 yenrs In its greut task. Beforo tho work was completed Kang-hc died, but ho had provided that Ids successor should see the book com pleted, nnd he faithfully cnrrled out his trust." The book Is .arranged In six divisions, each dealing with a par ticular branch of knowledge. WATER NECESSARY TO LIFE Astronomer Can Prove That Other Planets Are Uninhabited If He Finds They Have No Moisture. All life Is lived In wntor. Where no water Is, no life can be. The nec essary machinery may have been al ready made, as in u completely dried seed, but that seed cannot actually llvo until water reaches It again. To live Is to be wet; or, in the, phrase of n French student, "Life 'Is an aquatic phenomenon." When tho supply of wntcf Is with held from living things they may sur vive, but their life Is slowed down, us It were. In tho completely dried seed life Is arrested altogether, yet the creature Is not dead. The French call that n case of vie supendui. or, In our language, susptuded animation. After nstonl.shlngly long periods, such seeds will germinate If they nix wa tered. The astronomer tells us thut our planet Is jjnly one- oC ninny belong ing to lnuumernblu suns, nud heAvou dcrell whether, this little "lukewarm bullet" of ours, us Robert LotiUi Sto vensbii calli.l It, Is really unique. In bearing n burden of life. There Is one path that heads ti&the answer of his query. If ho llntl no evidence of wn tev on other worlds ho cannot expect to find life there.-yDr. C. W. Suleeby, in Tho Youth's Companion. "j Injure Future In Youth. ' In youth Is' the time toMnsurc the future. This is true of every kind of Insurance. And micccss folloivs'the biune law. 'Tls true that In youth you have less to go on, but If youdon't make the start now you will never bo more thuu n '"hand-to-mouth"' per former. You niust be convinced of-tlio worth of your Weal and then stake all on junking It imlb-peiunble to tho world. You -will luivu to show the world you beltevo In It. The; world may even demand proof In sacrifice. Hesitate and you arc lost. l'fly tho price of your belief promptly and cou stantly and tl'iu future will bo moro welcome in consequence. Jt Isn't tho noise you nmko that counts It's tho good you do. Een that i.u.. bu ques tioned by homo fu,lks, but you kuow when lfs genuine.- So begiif 0W. Keep your Ideals Jdgli and back' them up with tho service that coiihnands respect and tliu world will retilrn the tl)urchiisu price of your Ideal ylth In terest. Grit. ' ' Worry Oftsn Selfish ' To expect sorrow fs to sulter-f r'om It beforo It arrives, nnd when It may not arrive ut all; it Is like throwing our gold Into the sea because wo funcy- that the ship is going down. Perhaps there may be n great troublo u,waltlng us next year; shall wo destroy the en tire happiness nnd comfort of this year by anticipating" It? The dread will not help us to bear It when it comes, vor vy Is u wrong that we do to. otlrflelves, and ft usually intiKca ot iters ""vi with us. A'ery often It is absolutely selfish. Let us resist it by. all the means In our power, nnd give our selves to tho things that cheer and strengthen us; basing ourselves on tho hope that when trial comes wo ahnll bo nblo to enduro It bravely; There uro reserves of strength whlchve too often Ignore, whoso help conies In tho hour of need. Exchange. , Bohemia Favored by Nature. Nature has favored Dqhcihla per haps more tjinn any other part of Eu rope. Its soil Is so fertile and cllmnto so favorable that more than lutlf of tho country Is, cultivated apd produces richly. In Its mountains idjnost ev ery useful metal nud mineral, except salt, Is to be found. It Is tho geo graphical t,centc,J" of tlw European con tinent, equally '.distant" from the. Bal tic, AdrlatVrind ijTorflWJtnis, and f hough Inclosed' 1jy'ni6'bfjinB$W qf easily ac cessible because 'of tho'.'vallcys of, the Dunube and Elbe fivertftlhlt It servtU as the avenue of many" urmles. THOISAM I0LLA1 WAR i SAVINGS LIMIT CLUB IS TO JE LAUNCHED Will Include Persons WJ10 Have Bought Ail the War Savlnns Stamps Allowed by Law. Stato Director Vill Send Beautiful Engraved Card Each Salt- a abto for Framing. S A. War Savings "Limit Club" Is to -be formed In Nebraska. It will In clude all persons subscribing for $1,000 worth of War Savings Stamps. Each member of the club will bo furnished an engraved card about 5x7 Inches In size, suitable for framing, . ' 'MEMBER V" ' w, s, s. THOUSAND DOLLAR LIMIT CLUB OF NEBRASKA This certifies that JOHN JONES has personally subscribed for one thousand dollars' worth of War Savings Stamps, the limit that any one person may hold, WARD M. BURGESS, State War Savings Director, Each week the chairmen In tho 03 counties will forwurd toStuto Direc tor, Wnrd M. Burges, the names of all persons who havo the previous week subscribed for $1,000 worth of War Suvlngs Slumps. Thosu paeons will then be sent one of the engraved membership curds from the State Director's office. Mr. IHtrgcsK Will for ward each now member n letter of congratulation. Slate Director JJurgess has asked tho (Clialriuen In each town to en deavor to havo printed every week throughout the year In each newspa per a list of "Limit Club' members of Jhe town iir which the paper Is pub lished. A president of the "Limit Club" and other officers will be chosen shortly by a majority vote of the members. There are already aboitt two thousand men eligible for meinberMtJp and after the big srale-wlde drive March 22, t Is expected that one thousand more will bu obtained. j - v'Ca The" knitting bag has boon pressed Into the War Sulngs Stamp cam paign. It Is belie.' used both to ad vertise tho Vale of tbu Mumps uud as u depository for Mumps by young wo men who become selling agents for Uncle Sam's "bub.', bonds." Do not be surprised If .you meet 'a young woman with knitting bug prominently dt'plned who will stop you and say, "Please, sir, won't you lmyti War" Savings Staui today?" Reports from headquarters of tho National Waii Sin tugs Committee for Xel)iijska Indicate that yomifc women with knitting'- bags uro selling War Savings Stumps In a large number of cities and towns of tho state. Tho working people of. Great Brl tain ure doing their utmost o help win the war by denying themselves every luxury and loaning tho money saved Jto their Government. Thu Kng llsh p.lun of War Savings Stamps Is very much like oufs. in the past yea the English peoplo have not only bought .fS.OOO.OOO.OOO worth of stamps. but the new spirit of thrift has caused suvlncs bank's duposlts to Increaso over 100. Everywhere the War SnvlngsjStnmp Is' proving a popular form of Invest ment for both the old and youuc alike, and many u boy and girl whomever 'before havo made any attempt io save are now Imbued with tho spirit of thrift nnd making every effort fo beComo part of tho tlnanclal support of tho government. AVlthln the nnjet few weeks tho state will be thoroughly canvnsbed for tho organization of what will be. known as "War Savings Societies.'' These societies will be made up of groups of Individuals who pledg themselves to Invest In a certain nmonnt of AVar Savings and Thrift Stamps each week during the year, v. ':,, Unaallsnt Statement. ' "Mischief and petticoats came Into tha world the same day, and have re malned together ever elnce.!' -"The Gate Openers' by K. L. Montgomery. t jkLa2?IJPKiwf aaaaaaamaY&lsJmua The New Government-Irrigated Farms In the Big Horn .Basin, Near Deaver, Wyoming", are Going Very Rapidly; i Only a fow good farms of tho Denver are left. If you net quickly, you C lb gut bold 6f one of these for a 1018 crop thut Will bring you tlo highest posslblo prlcos. Excellent Government water tight, with water all teady for you. It Is merely up toyou to tike hold and get under way. Tho big born liasln Is cs. t'ibllshcd; it li on Its Way towards a rich commonwealth, with a solid basis of. oil, Inlgntlou, alfalfa, live stook and sugar beet Industries, Our advertising matter will bIiow you f hat we foretold all this over ten yearn ago. Government irrigated farm around Powell, nearby, are soiling at over 520.1 au aero. Western Nebraska and Eastern Colorado Lands These nr being bold out from largo holdings ntnug-dde Iturllngtor, main Hues Thls-pro cess fs going on steadily through the year. They dm excellent foiv dairying, n'heut raising, live Mouk and general fanning and are the host lands of J.ltelr: l'i nil In, tho west. Secure my services; they are frqo. 4! vvvwrtw."JV.v.v.v-v.vwvAvJ.v.vv.AVvvwvvwvl Auto Hearse - Horse ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING (LADY ASSISTANT) $ Ph Ind. Store 1 58, Res, 93 one, f WV.V.VAV.VAV.VVV-V.VVJ,J'J,WVA".V-VAVJ,JWArVWWl Why don't You buy her the Best Range? I fi? lfaXttmaWUfTamrj!$M H 1 I ,r-"' BliliiiliBiliiiiKiBiiiliiBSNLVHHPMiiiiiiiiiiii f ii j 1 The most important part of home equipment is the cooking range. Look at the range your wife or mother 'ii is using. Ask her if she is perfectly satisfied with it. Then 'come and see us. "We will show you The r TLv SOUTH BEND 1 116 MALLEABLE Walls Are 3-Ply All-Ways ltffllliMIMIIIIIMIMIIII Postponed Mule Sale Owing to the conditian of roads which make it almost possible for buyers to travel over them I have decided to indefinate ly post pone this sale. CONRAD G. Dr.W,H.McBrlde OKMTiar Successor to Dr. Cross ' OVER STATE BANJK , RED CLOUD NEBRASKA I KM S. B. Howard, Immigration Agt C. B. & Q. Ry loot Fa rn tun Si. Omaha. Nebr. N. B. Bush, Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Neb... . i i 1 RED CLOUD, NEB. : k I The Range Oven Is Air Tight Preferaple Your Hard wareDealer th e im- STARKE MM Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED OTOkfice Oveii AT.nniOHT'3 Btobi , tntfr .JL, HtyAij.j, ji nrfi lulu. (ut ti fill .VrSr, m g'lliiff .i.iT.4iWywrtiw IMUmi& iiif-.wwiw i. li i.JUt. tf.V& Bsao&iS&a ilTJ il. V ..f. L.r . . L . . i'rj'i