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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1918)
RKD CLOUD, NEBRASKA, 0HI1F A ! i .' & i AS TOLD TO US .Too Havol returned from St Joe Tuesday. Ancil Crahlll was in St Joe the flnt of the week. Al Green wentto Grand Island Wed nesday morning. Qlen Walker made a business trip to maba Friday. ( Ben Reed returned from Wheeler, Kansas, on Wednesday. Eyes tested, glasses fitted. J. C. Mitchell, the Jeweler. Farmors' Union meeting at Kellogg Hall every Thursday night at 8:30. Good meals good service moderat prices Powell & Pope's oafo. John Sheets of Knoxvlllc, Iowit, wns in the city tbc first of the week. Joe Crow accompanied a shipment of stock to the St Joe Markets Sunday. Louis Hrclcy of Lebanon, Kansas, transacted business in this olty Mon day. Joe Gurney of Inaralo was in the city Tuesday, enroute .from St Joe to his home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sattley are the, proud parents of a baby boy born Mon day night. Wanted to rent typewriter. Pur chase if satisfactory. Inquire at this ofllco. Thirty-four cavs of stock left this city Sunday for St Joe and Kausas City markets. Chns. Kolcr resigned his position it ttio Potcrson garage and has returned to his homo at Cowles. 3 cars of Maltland lump eoul on the road here in n few days. L'ot us lmvo your order now. A. K. Wilson', D-'J Deputy ShcrrlJT S. B. Kensoy of llenkleman, Colorado , visited at the home of his sister, .Mrs. W. T. Dourer, last week. . f , Fon Sam: 100 acres of pasture land." 1 1.2 miles west and 2 miles north of Inavalo, Nebraska. Fenced, tank and wind mill. Terms, 30.00 an acre At least one half down, balance with good security. Mns Wm. Ikons. f Farm Loans' Private money at lowest interest No delay, money here. -'All papers kept hero and payable at home bank I also make regular company loans on best terms to be had. Call for mo at State Bank. C. F. Cather. tf m tmmw9Wbm IwnR vNIIMWa vtTiwipy We are Showing a Fine Line of New Spring Hats and Caps Everything that's new in colors and shapes in Hats and Caps you will find here and another thing the price is as it always has been. Come in now. Try them on. It will pay you. Spring Suits Too Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co. "ALWAYS RELIABLE" Newt Sibert went to Emporia, Kan sas, Friday. Sberriff Iluffer transacted business in Cowles Saturday,, Ollle, Shaff net of Bloomington, was in jthje'd! W.Sunday. Jack Wisecarvcr accompanied a car of stock to sl Joe Sunday. J. R. Gurney was in St Joe Monday where Jie disposed of a car of stock. Miss Valley Sorlvncr has accepted a position as trimmer in Mrs. J. B. Hut lor's mtlliucry parlor.' I A. D, Denno, who suffered n slight sttoke of paralysis, la again able to be down town. , Mrs. W. T. llohrer left Thursday of last' week for Vanouver, Barracks) Washington, whore she will visit her son. Henry Wiggins shipped his house hold gobds to Wilsouvllle Saturday and will make his future home at that place. W. A. Maynard returned to Red Cloud Monday night. Mr. Maynard has been in Texas looking nfttr -his land interests there, Buy Land at StrattOn, Colorado See Rose Brothers of Blue Hill, Nebraska or go to Jos. A. Collins, Stratton, Colo rado. 3 12t Rose Bitos A midnight Are on the IDan Llndsey place, destroyed the barn, two head of horses, harness and a Buick car. The origin of the fire still remains a mystery. MissriMaudo Williamson, who has been visiting at the home of her broth or, W. B. Smith and wife for tho past six weeks, returned to her homo in Denver Saturday morning. E. M. Ego has leased the building now oooupled by Joe Fogel and after remodeling tho interior of the same, will conduct an ico cream parlor there, lie expects to bo ready for business about April 1st. In this manner Merdith and Verne Butler, who are in government train ing in Georgia, wish to express their thanks to tho P. E. O's. and to the Red Cross forj their remembrances which were sent to them while at Kelly Field." ' R. W Kooutz has leased tho Crabllj barn and will couduct his livery busi ness at that placo in tho future. Tho bnilding formerly occupied by Mr. Koontz, on Webster street, will bo used as a garage by the Red Cloud Auto Company, as soon as necessary improvements hnvc been made. Rev. S. M. Brown of. Kansas City, will begin a series of revival meetings in this, pity Sunday monnipc at 11 o'clook at the Baptist churon. Ho will preach Sunday evening at the Union meeting at the United churob. All are cordially Jnvited to attend these ser vices. 'Rev. V. N. 'Hooper, TaVtVr Piano at a Bargain Wc havo a used piano in good con dition that ono of our customers wa unable to finish paying for, that wc will place free of charge in the home of any satisfactory customer in the vicinity of Red Cloud, who will pay the lialauce in cash, or easy payments. GastOX MusjoCo., Hastings, Neb. 8-9 ' STAMP OIT TIE WM wm u smums mam Glen Fcarn of Hastings, was in city Suuday. Roy, Palmer of Inavalc, was in the tho oity Saturday. Chas. Mountford of McCook, Is in tho city today. Bort Leonard of Inavale, is hcrc-on business today. Harry Barker of Inavale, spent Sat urday incited uioud. - .nil;- ifc Georgti Harris tra'ntaoted rjtfries3 Ih Guide Reck Saturday. ' Carl MoArtuur of Lincoln, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A, McArthur. 3 cars of Maltland lump coal on tho road hero in a few days Let us have your order now. A. K. Wilson. 0-2 Dr. R. S. Mitchell, who has been ill for tho past fow weeks, left tho first of tho week for Denver, Colorado, whero ho will consult a specialist. , Conrad Starke's mulo sale which was advertised for Saturday, March Oth, will be postposed indefinitely owing to the condition of tho roads. Watch for announcement later. A gentleman from Upland landed in Blue Hill tho first of the week in such a condition that the marshall of that town felt it his duty to take hlin into custody uud bring his caso before the County Judge Lie plead guilty to tho charge of an over dose of Intoxicants and was assessed 1110 00 and costs, amounting to SI 22.00. The formal opening of tho now Li brary will be held Friday afternoon ond evening from 7 to 0 o'clock, and Saturday afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock, during this time the public is cordially Invited to call and inspect tho 6auiu. Red Cloud is fortuuato in having such a flue library, and a vote of thanks of tho entlro community is duo Its donor, Hon. W. T. Auld. The Union mcoting of tho Young People's Soclties, will be held a4, the United Christian church nexe Sunday evening at 0:H0. Subject, "Christian Duty and Prlviledge Prayer." Topic found iu John 14:12 to 17. Questions on subject to bo answered: "What Is tho advantage for a regular place for prayer?" "What example ddes Christ set for us in prayer?" "IIo'w can we come to love to pray?" "How can we get mqre 'prayer into our young peo pies societies?" "In what sense is a truo prayer always answered?" Mabel Lundy, Leader. School Board Holds Session A regular session of the school board washeldon Monday, , March 4th, alj members being present. A number of bills were allowed and warrants ordered drawn for same. On motion Miss Mabel Pope was elected principal of tho high school at a salary of SIO0 per month. ' In order to givo tho teachor'n com mittee time to make a delinito report tho board adjourned to moot Match 12th, at which time they expect to elect a superintendent and thu bal ance of tho teachers. Prot. Whitehead submitted a rcpoit of tho work of the tlrst semester of tho year of 1917-101 8. Paving Notice Tho special meeting of City Council to assess benotlts derived or damages sustained on accouut of paving In District No. 1, has been adjourded to Thursday, March 14th, 1018 at 10:00 o'clock, a. in. All parties interested will havo hit opportunity to appear nt the Council Chamber at that time. Attest Rout. D.vr.iti:r.r., O. C Troti., Mayor. (Seal) Clerk. Rat Corn Is not no experiment it is a thoroughly tried and proven DESTROYER of RATS and NICE. When dead they leave no odors as they are mummified. Sold and guaranteed by Chas. L Cotting ' The Druggist Proceedings of the County Commissioners tTho county commissioners met on Tuesday, with all members present. Tho first matter taken up by tho board was tho question of employing a county agent for Webster county. A committee consisting of Messrs. Joo Gumcy, C. A. Guthrie, Goo. Hoffcl bower and Carl Fnusch, officers nnd directors of tho county farm burcnu, wcro present. After n thorougli dis cussion of this matter by tho board and committco it was decided by tho board that tho county would allow said county ngent $1200 a year and necessary office expense, also provide him with office room at tho court house. J. ho COUntl' IrrmEiirnv wno inoftiitwl strike o IT tho fe1fo4ks' Wof tflo assessments' against 'Goo? - Clawson samo being double assessment. Tho county treasurer wuh instructed to refund $4.11 to Lillio Cinnamon. Bamo being an erroneous tax paid by her. Tho official bond of S. P. Grcono as deputy assessor for Glonwood pre cinct was approved by tho board. The following claims were allowed: W. H. Thomas S 20.00 C. D. Robinson, office cxp 210.00 Chas. Hanson 5.00 Ed Fry k coo Art. McCoy ',, g.oo Tom Hcaton '. 5.00 Tho committco appointed to check up with tho county treasurer reported everything O. K., as did the committco which had checked up tho reports of tho other officors. Tho reports wcro approved and or dered recorded arid published. Report of District Clerk Amount collected Jan. - to July 1 $ 885.C0 July $287.25 August 105.25 September 149.00 October 127.00 November 59.85 December 287.25 Naturalization foes. 15.50 973.30 Total collected for year ....$1858.90 Jury fees to Co. Treas 15.00 Fines to Co. Treas 48.00 Excess fees to Co. Treas 258.90 Report of County Clerk RECEIPTS Fees collected July $183.20 Fees collected August 107.15 Fees collected September .... 84.G5 Fees collected October 125.05 Fees collected November .... 103.20 Fees collected December .... 752.50 Total '.$1355.75 DISBURSEMENTS Paid deputy's salary $500.00 i'aw ollico expenses ........ 45.86. Tho excess fees $809.89 turned over to the county treasurer as per his re ceipt attached. Report of the office of county cleric from Jan 4, 1917 to Dec. 31, 1917: Fees collected January, $123.20; Feb. $183.75; March, $359.80; Apr. $13C10; May, $114.05; June, $110.30; July, $183.20; August, $107.15; September, $84.05; October, $125.05; November, $103.20; December, $752.50, Total, $2388.95. Paid A. V. Ducker, salary, $1000.00; paid out for office cxpunse, $102.CG. Total $1102.GG. Tho excess fees, $128G.29 turned over to county treasurer as per his receipts attached. Report of Sheriff , From July 1 to Dec. 31, 1917. Fees for Co. work $ 38.50 Mileage on county work 41.00 All other fees due Co J48.50 Mileage for 'all other woik . . 117.00 Total $345.00 Co Treasurer's receipt for $148.")0 ntlnchcri to this report. Rcpoit from Jan 4 to Dec. 31, 1917. Total fees for county work ..$103.75 Total mileage for county work 5G.G0 All other fees duo county .... 441.50 Mileage feu- all other work . . 285.10 Total $880.95 Keport of jCmtnly Judge Fees heretofore repotted ...$1115.30 July ., 277.55 August .. .., 1H.G5 September, ,': 174.50 October :'."-. 3 18.70 November ' 123.50 December .-...,'. G0.00 V3 Total fees fbl7 $1981.20 Salary of county judge 1917 .1050.00 Excess fees paid Co. Treas... $ 331:20 Report on Institute Fund Jan. 2. 1918 Bal. on hand ,.."". $471.08 Uixam and Rcc. fees 93.00 Institute fees 1G1.00 Total ,, . , .$725.08 .kxarns Norm. Tig. points ... 18.24 mstituto ....; ;.' 324.49 Total , ,....$342,73 Bal. on hand . f ...,..,.,,,. . ,$382.35 Board adjourned to Apr. 2, 1918) Thi FOLKi s&TJ0ME expect you A'L'.J.T.rTO-TEU. -EM AU. ABOUT VISIT m UlUlfiMa tin Aitiri rm. iitrritf rf,f ,( LUIESMIMC MATINEE EEIV WEEKMY Wayem n TJ CONSERVE t By .Buying the Best Goods Which are Always the Cheapest Chase & Sanborn Coffees and Teas Iten Crackers and Cookies G. W. Chase & Son Chocolates) v Sun Kist Dried Fruits Iron Clad Hosiery Henderson Corsets Corticelli Silks J. P, Coats Thread a The Best Goods are You will Find Them at M. A. Albright's Character Quality ur "displayjor rurnitures the- nioft complete we : have - You will find the very latest designs, the best material possible to obtain. We extend you an invitation to call and inspedt this exhibition enjoy the excellent workmanship and the advanced ideas in artistic furniture and home furnishings.' ROY SATTLEY r Lincoln and Telegraph Co. ? A Great Convenience At A Small Cost A telephone in the home promotes companionship and a feeling of secur ity, permitting you at all times to communicate with neighbors and friends, and with members of the ' family who are away. It should banishes loneliness and bring a sense of comfort. You Need m Telephone I sf- for shopping and for social purposes as well as for emergency calls in case of fire, sickness or burglary. It may cost as much as you think. Always the Cheapest 1 m M Telephone flfc f a J "i vl ,! m i I a 71 A, t7J ; I ? 'i I .A "vhl' i (i 9 i i ' : ., -M ffe CuArvhaJw Aami MmU ji....ft...ju , ...7.T. - -. w -mvmi wmw rnywwr ! Ill WI1M1 M NKitt WFi. m ftufcf)! u iY h? m. : j&