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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1918)
BSD jg-ZtTffgwmmmh&H4Ttfotyt-tuikmrffa rw - Hiwaiwae!CTffiBrf ls I- ipi Hamilton ipji ( 'Id3 1 PI fli 1 iATJ SBS I Company jmHfea. t St f 8. f- I w li Our Spring Goods are Here HATS Stetson's and Mallory's in the Latest Shapes and Colorings CLOTHES Hart Shaffner & Narx Suits $22.50-$35 Nichals-Sterns Suits $15.00-$27.50 At all times and especially now it will pay you! to buy clothes made by reliable manufacturers and sold - by a reliable firm. There is a tendancy at this time to cheapen materias and slight the work manship in all lines of manufactured goods. We will guarantee all suits sole from our Store. tnrr Hamilton-Cather Clothing Company it I- M' I re J Iv". a A Brassiere will Complete Your Corset The contour from shoulder to knee is important. There should be no break, but an easy sweep of line over' the top of the corset straight down the, hips Brassieres insure this sweep of line and "blot out" the break one otherwise would find. They are well-made, prettily designed and trimmed, and as strongly guaranteed as the celebrated Warner's Rustproof Corsets. Jfrs. faMn Phages jj ill f Sii I I fan1 i tr P i. & Warners ii THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud. Ntraka. PUBLISHED EVERY TIIUR8DAY Catered In the Poatofflco ftt Hc Cloud, Neb M Becond Claw Matter' fUULtSHKlI MAKAOKR h. B. McARTIIUR M. K. QU1GLEY CUV ONLY DKMOOBATIO PAPER IN l WKBBTEH COUNTY Continued from Pago 1 he will get by as he is the limit, so don't worry. We will try nnd stay to gether. They transfer and move them so tr.any times. Oh, yes, mamma, I got a letter from Mario and Mrs. Ross. Thoy spoke of you folUs and b. owmuoh they thought of you. They recognized our letters and so wrote to us. I toll you words can't express how wo appre ciate thonji., Also got a letter from Cousinj Vcrj 0 We l .Wr mamma, you tell the Red proas, nndj the P. E. O's how thankful we were for tholr remembrances that they sent us while we wero at Kolly Field. Wo were going to write a letter and sond it to bo pubhshod thanking them, but never got to it. Do no know whether the other boys did so or not. You put an article In the paper thanking them for Vcrn and myself. Got two boxes of home made candy the other day, and It was mighty good. Tho othea boys said "Gee, but you got lots of good things " It pleases them as I divide with them aud they with us. N I am in the Y. M. 0. A. building where I oan sue them drill. I think Verne will bo out in a few days so don't worry. Hopo when this letter reaches yon It will And you all O. K. and well. Think about you so much. ' Your loving sons, Mehwtii and Vnn.Ni: Burixn 1335 Casual Det. Motor Truck S. C. Camp, Hancock, Augusta, Ooorgia. Auxiliary Report for Month of February Report of Women's Red CroBs Aux iliary for month ending Feb. 2$, 1918 Shipped during February as follows: 65 sweaters 3 pr. wristlets 7 pr. box 12 knit wash 'cloths 1, knit afghnn 21 bath robca 14 suits pajamas 24 outing bed shirts 48 operating towels 3G handkerchiefs 14 blankets 7 sponges S80 triangular bandages 130 abdominal bandages 126 small splint straps ,46 largo splint straps .but TREASURER S fEEORT Ui f '6n hand iFeb. 1 $712.65; Jan. Subscriptions 8.00 Feb. Subscriptions 114.60 Other donations 5.50 .biioiw t) Total $835.75 Expenses Yarn $ 35.43 Surgical dressings 137.75 Hospital supplies 60.93 Freight & Exp , 1.92 INAVALE Total ..... $226.03 Balance on hand $609.72 o List of Articles Made" During1 Past Six Months to Goo. McCrary was a passenger Kansas City Saturday night. Don Cloud and family moved into the Hastings property this week. Rob Hunsickcr and wife wore visit ing in town Tuesday. Roy Palmer nnd Marry Barker wero in Red Cloud Saturday. Will Xophnm spent Saturday iu Red Cloud. Mrs. Nellie Hunter and Miss Ncsbitt wero passengers to Hastings Tuesday. A large crowd attended Mr. Shiglcy's salo onTuesdoy and every thing soli) woll. Mrs. Emma Smith returned homo Friday night af tor several weeks visit with relatives. Art Mjors tlioved onto the Joe Reed farm this week, recently vacated by Mr. Hottlln. Will Topham ha9 moved onto the Garnet1 farm, recently vacated by 'Art Myers. Mike Kennedy moved Into the A. K. Wilcott property tho latter part of last week. Tho Temperance program Sunday A. M. wns pastpoucd indefinitely on nc count of tho weather. District Superintendent, Embrce, proachod at the M. 13. church Sunday morning and evening. Erss Colo resigned his position us janitor of the schools aud Ivau Barker is now janitor. Mrs. Elsie Hoyb iud baby arrived Friday morning to visit her father and other relatives. Articles mado by tho Women's Red Cross Auxiliary in the six months ending Feb. 28, 1918: 139 sweaters 101 pr. box 5 helmets 55 pr. wristlets 64 mufflers . 31 sponges 18 wash cloths 1 knit afghnn ' ' GO nightingales 78 pr. bed sox 195 operating towels 6 turkish towels 144 handkerchiefs 103 bath robes 137 bed shirts 12 napkins 4 hot water bag covers 12 dish towels 14 baby blankets 39 suits pajamas 5378 surgical dressings o y. C. T. U. Institute Here Next Week Bladen Him- i V i ' IF YOU WANT A PflllpflT Oft fl pMEft . Made Right, Lettered Right And Erected Right SEE OVERINGJBROS. S GO. I Makers ef ArtiatlcZMonuments Red Cloud, Nebraska Mrs, Crnost Johnson visited 11111 rolatlves Saturday. R. E. and II. L. Speueo wore Hast ings visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs- V. A. nail wero In Hastings tile Inst of the wcok. Mr. and Mrs. Joluf Hall of Lawrence, visltod relatives hero over Sunday. Virgil Walburn lefc for Camp Funs ton on Tuosday. Hownrd Coopor was a llustingh visitor the first of tho wcok. Oley lvcrson took In tho uulo show at Omaha this wank, Miss Jonet Hendricks was over from Dlue Hill this week visiting home folks. Darrel Uugel returned home from a visit In Omuha the last of the week, Frank Speueo was In Davenport tho first of the week uttending the funeral of a couAlu. Herman Fels returned tho lustofthu week from a visit with relatives at Hooue, Iowa. Mrs, C P. Curts of Luwronce, .pent tho first of tho week with relatives hero. Tho High Sshool Basketball boys left for tho statu baskotball tounm ment the first of the week. Mrs. G. A. Phelps visited at the home of hor grand-mother, Mrs I A. Hanks,' tho last df the week at her Blue Hill residence. O, A. Whelan and family left tho first of the week for Scotts llluffs, where they will make their home in the future. Tuesday was tho date upon which Trncv Knutsun of this nlaco was unit cd in marriage to Mies Hattlo Kuilcy of Red Cloiftl. Tho young couple re ceived a great deal of attention the following days and Thursday evening a oimnvari orowu rouseu mom ai a late hour. 'tf iH ,K, -WOO t The following is tho program for tho Webster county W. C. T.Ul Insti tute to be held at the M. E. church in this city Tuesday, March 12th. FORENOON SESSION 10:00 ' Devotional Music, Scripture reading Prayer Rev. Drulincr "Why We Should Servo God and Our Country" Mrs. Tahcr Business. "Purpose of Institutes" Mrs. S. C. Dickson Department woik "Temperance and Missions".... Mrs. "Pope "Social Features of our Work". . "Americanization as a Patriotic Service" Miss Cotting "The Bible in the Public Schools" Miss Ncsbit "Arjti Narcotics" ..Mrs. H. Farnham Reading Mrs. Ina Wickwire Report of State Convention .... Mrs. S. K. Logan Music, Noontide Prayer " BASKET DINNER AFTERNOON SESSION 2:00 Devotional Music, Scripture reading and pray er Rev. J. L. Bccbo W. C. T. U. war service catechism "Prohibition as a War Measure" Mrs. C. L. Wickwiro "Women's Suffrage" Mrs. Bush "Tho. Present Status of Woman in Nebraska" "Tho Field Kitchen , Talk by Mrs. Slbbitt Prayer in Song "God Savo Our Men." Benediction iRev.F. M. Drulinor. Mrs. Mary Sibbitt Will Tour County The Day Light Store !. ;1 aP Advertisement. Mary Sibbstt has been identified with reform work from childhood. A direct descendant from Martha Wash ington, she hob the sterling qualities of a leader, is an earnest thinker, delving into the .merits of tho causo sho represents and is so thoroughly convinced of its righteousness ( that sho carries conviction to tho hearts and minds pf her audience. Sho spent (eight years as a mission ary teacher among tho blankctlndians for tho Friends church, wns mission ary in Cojorado for six yenwi and in tollch'with tho city missionary work of such cities as Pueblo. Sinco 1898 sho has been in tho lecture field. fhe is a member of tho executive tbwrcl of temperance and legislation 4 a Ve buy as good goods as money can buy. We guarantee every thing that goes out. Live and let live prices. Come in and be convined. Always here to take care of your Up-to-Date "i, i Staple and Fancy Groceries . Cash or Trade for Your Produce J. E. BUTLER Both Phones Bell 45 Electric Wiring F you want your home ftore or garage wired let me furnish you an estimate on the job, complete. ' ' ' !- !! I ., , ! ...... l. I ....I m , , Everything : Electrical Our prices are right, workmanship the best and material guaranteed. We order any special fixtures you want and install them satisfactorily. Let us figure on your next job ( i E. W. STEVENS We Serve Only the Best DINE AT OUR CAFE x I It Powell & Pope for tho five years' meeting of tho Friends church of Amorica, tho high est position tho church can givo in re form work. Sho hns spoken in most of tho west ern states and has spent much time in tho north and cast in tho interest of reform work. Wichita, Kas., Aug. 15, 1914. I regard Mrs. Mary Slbbctt as one of tho big women of our time. To tho earnestness of a crusader Bhe adds tho strength of a remarkable personality and tho undoubted gifts of an orator. Sho is a force -for civic righteousness and, no one in tills day is doing better work for prohibition and tho program of social "purity, which travels hand in hand with tho warfare against tho drink evil. Henry J. Allen. ' Mrs. Sibbett will lecture at Red Cloud, Neb., Monday night, March 11, at M. E. church; Tuesday, night, Mar. 12 ut Christian church. At Cowlcs Wednesday, March 13 at 2:30 at M. E. church. Blue Hill Wednesday night, March 13 and Thursday night, March 14. At Roscmont Thursday afternoon March 14. Bladen Friday night, Mar. 15. Now Virginia Saturday afternoon March 16, Inavalo Sunday, 'March 17 at the regular service hours, li:80 a. m., 7:30 p, m. Do not fail, to hear this eloquent lady speaker. Hayes Auto Bus To and from all Trains :i i i. ,1-v 5 III f 9 t Vrl - , "W",. -2.A. , I V ' - ' M I' y A Mar n 4 a .jM "f. j .25. J.i.,3. JU-Xt'''rti st-.. a.fjrajfciirfi.ifn . --' . ". MfWM -ft"!.