The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 28, 1918, Image 7
NlBftAIKA, CHIEF ' B ' , j, i. First and Last Word in Phonographs Contract the Original Edison with the Diamond Phonograph shown here 4 In its day the firsY Edison was a wonder, though it reproduced the human voice with but a fair degree of accuracy. Today the "New Edison" Diamond Phonograph is as Great A Wonder because it ABSOLUTELY MATCHES EVERY HUMAN QUALITY OF THE ACTUAL LIVING VOICE THK LATl&T AN'D BEST AS EDISON' THE FIRST E1MSOX 1877 II tig Af L tQ1i smn tcCi9 tJUT? fif tnlLin,v nnnUinna RflTH IlTSr. nnri CYLINDER were invented byThos. A. Edi son, the greatest inventor the worldihasjever . known. When Edison placed his first phonograph before the people he knew and said something was lacking, thefundamental tones were reproduced butlnot the over tones and tone colors, and to this baffling prob lem of acoustics, he turned his attention. For more than thirty-six years Mr. Edison, with his character istic patience and tenacity of purpose, struggled with difficulties in the way of perfect recording and repro- 11 p sf ml Ml B ili-j-t" maw- -MM 1 1 19 1 19 MEIWm 1 1 H lllllllllllllllllllilll i Htiilllli llllll I II lllllilllll 111 llllllf llllllllillHH I THOS. A. EDISON MISS ANNA CASE MAKING A TONE TEST. duction of music until in the year 1913, his labors were rewarded with success and he turned to the world and said, "here is the NEW EDISON a sound re producing instrument that is perfect, one that absolutely RE-CREATES the actual living tones of singer or instru ment" and to prove his statement in augurated the "Tone Test." This test is simple in the extreme. The NEW EDISON is placed upon the stage; the artist stands beside it. The instrument begins to render one of the singer's own songs. v After a few moments the artist begins to sing the same song with the instrument. Suddenly the singer ceases and the NEW EDISON continues alone. Over 1,500 of these tone tests have been staged. Thirty great stars have made this comparison. Of the more than 2,000,000 people who have been present NOT ONE has been able to detect any difference between artist and instrument. With the lights lowered to hide the singer's lips not one of the 2,000,000 has been able to say when the singer ceased and the instrument con tinued alone. Talking Machine makers claim to perfectly repro duce the singer's voice, but the NEW EDISON is the only instrument that PROVES ITS CLAIMS. With the aid of a simple attachment any steel needle record can be played on the NEW EDISON with better results than on its own instrument. 1918 WB i ing. mmmS LL Edison phonographs now use a GENUINE DIAMOND reproducing point that never wears out and thus does away with all needle chang- Nothing to change on the Edison but the record. Edison records are practi cally indestructible, never wear out and play nearly twice as long as any other record made. Many of the greatest artists in the world now make records exclusively for the NEW EDI SON and new ones are being added almost daily. In actual tests Eflison ronnrAa li-ivn honn nln,! more than two thousand times without showing any signs of wear. Models and Prices There are three models of the cylinder type at $35.00, $58.00 and $82.50 and disc models $106.00, $160.00, $200.00, $265.00 and up to $6000.00. Several different fin- eVY ishes in each model so VJSTZW'l, - S , --- ' -7X1' IUSSSaa mm ! ?TS3 3flM0$J that every taste may be satisfied. You will find here an instru ment that will please jyy at the price to suit your purse. Mil fmmmr HPRVB'JH The real excellence of the NEW EDISON can only, be appreciated by actual Hearin g. Come in any. time for a demonstration or, ' if you prefer, let us bring one to your home for a FREE home trail. You .will not be importuned to buy nor will this place you under any obligation. We sell any model ' on easy terms if you want them. ' We have several very interesting booklets pricing and describing the various models which' we will be glad to send you if you cannot conveniently call. .? .j j. ,Akftsn.j,iHK <tfcM'S'juu..... EDISON LICENSED DEALER Jeweler And Optometrist E. H. NEWHOUSE ZJ-'JA -Jj -?Jim?t mr&E2Z2Z2Eim -" i d&t '& ''&'.'- H a i i iii .m ft .u. tal w w u hi (Ml u liu IT" M M j m i Av m t4 w fWt? ffcSI ' TSI i" w u, ;i l- I ty n ?