The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 28, 1918, Image 6
r5n"Vrt i w (Sp? K - J-aWpf W- SjfV"' 'T vt fciilHiiir i iwifcafjji'i,i' Mun.nii.a.ii-t., RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF I -.ti T i s , W 't Jfl fzxm II WITLESS WEEK TO AI9 A8 EXPEDIENT IN 8AVINQ WHEAT FOR ALLIE8. NO RULE FOR SUBSTITUTES Their Uio May Be Adapted td the Wishes of Housewives Food Shortage In East la Critical 1 Washington. With Director Oonoral of Railroads McAdoo and Food Ad ministrator Hoover holding each other responsible tor tho crisis in tho food supply, It liaB become known that tho administration Is considering a procla mation for a whcatlcss week through out the country. Tho proposal of a wheatlcss week Is an expedient for saving and transporting wheat ,to tho allies analogous to tho workloss and beatlcss period enfdrced by tho admin istration for tho purposo of saving and transporting coal. It tho administration decides upon this course to this expedient, all patri otic Americans will bo called upon to abstain from eating wheat products for sovon days, grocers will bo prohibited from Boiling wheat flour to consumers and Jobbers required to coaso supply ing tho trado. Wheat and flour thus savod will bo diverted directly from elevators and mills to seaboard for ahlpmont to Europe. Tho further ro v ductlon of tho amount of barley al lowed for brewing purposes Is also undor consideration. Food Shortage Grows Critical Washington. Tho eastern part of the United States facos a food short age likely to contlnuo for tho next sixty days. In making this dlscloBuro Food Ad ministrator Hoover declared that tho. situation is tho most critical In tho country's history and that in many of tho largo consuming areas resorvo food storos aro nt tho point of exhaustion. Tho wholo blame is put by tho food administration on railroad congestion, which ho says also has thrown tho food administration far behind in its pro gram for feeding tho allies. The only Bolutlon ho sees is a greatly Increased rail movemont of foodstuffs' ovon to the exclusion of much other commerce. NO RULE FOR SUBSTITUTES Housewives May Uae Them In Any Way They Wlah Washington. Housewives may uso -wheat flour substitutes in any manner they wish, tho food administration points out In a statomont doclaring ithat Bomo grocors havo misunderstood tho wheab flour substitute rule and aro requiring purchasers of wheat, flour to agroo actually to uso 50 per cont of othor cereals in the bread thoy bako at homo. Tho grocer Is required to sell ono pound of substitute coreals with every pound of wheat flour, but tho house wife is freo to uso tho substitutes in any way sho cheeses. Tho food admin istration, however, has requested wom en to bako a victory bread in their homos containing 20 per cont or raoro of wheat flour substitutes. New Press Association Officers. Lincoln. Tho Nebraska Press asso ciation in session hero eloctod tho fol lowing officers: President, C. D. Cass, Ravenna News; vice-president, Will C. Israel, Havolock Post; corresponding secretary, A. D. Scott, Edgar Sun; treasurer, Fran,k O. Edgecomb, Geneva Signal. Mr. Cass was promoted, fol lowing precedont, and Mr. Israel will follow in his footstops lator. Mr. Scott and Mr. Edgecombe woro ro-olocted Four new mombors of tho oxecutlvo committeo were elocted, as follows: 'For two years, Adam Breodo, Hastings .Tribune; H. M. Davis, Ord Journal; J. P. O'Fury, Cedar County Nowb; for one yoar, E. It. Purcoll, Broken Bow Chief. Tuscanla Victims peach 204. London. Two hundred and four AmorlcniiB lost tholr lives on tho Tus canla, according to the latest figures roceived at American army headquar ters. Of this total there havo boon Identified and burled, threo ofilcers and 137 mon; unidentified burled, ono of flcor and thlrty-ono mon; missing (pre sumably went down with tho ship), thirty-two mon. Crown Prince Sends Congratulations Geneva, Switzerland. A telegram from Cologno says tho Gorman crown prince has telegraphed IiIb congratu lations to tho different alrdomes in Gormany on tho occasion of tho 100th air raid on London. Favors $2.50 Wheat Price Washington A favorable report on tho Goro bill to Incrcaso the mini mum prico for wheat of tho 1918 crop from 2 to $2.50 per bushel has been mado today by tho sonata agri cultural committee. New Japanese Ambassador Washington. Viscount Ktluijlso Ishll has boon nppointed ambassador for Japan to tho United States and will soon reach Washington. Ho suc ceeds Ambassador, Sato, who, takes a place on tho unnsslgnctj roll of diplo matic representatives in Toklo. Stockholm. Travelers returning from Russia report food conditions desperate, Thoy say tho principal gravo situation with regard to food is in respect to bread, which contains straw, and is almost uneatable. T" fj rrTTiriiiTffiOTsBttsyst WHEATLE88 WEEK8 MAY COME Oklahoma Man Fears It If Farmers are Not Encouraged Washington -Wheatlcso days will bo expanded Into wheatless weeks. In the year 1910 unless something Is dono to Btlmtitato production of wheat and to rostoro confidence of tho wheat raising farmor. This was tho prophecy made boforo tho scnato committee on agriculture by Charles D. Hydo, of tho Oklahoma council of defense. "Tho farmers are producing so little wheat under tho present minimum of $2 a bushel fixed by tho government," said Hyde, "that tho ubo of wheat will havo to bo suspended for long periods In 1019 in order to save wheat for tho American and allied armies. Hydo further declared that price-fixing legislation so far has restricted rather than stimulated, production. Will Soon Call on Training Camps Washington. Tho draft of tho sec ond Incroment of 000,000 men to tho national army will bo initiated about May, according to an order awaiting tho signature of Sccretnry of War Dakar. Undor tho tentative plan tho government will begin on May 1 call ing to tho training camps each week 10,000 men of class 1 of tho body of the registrants ns recently reclassified. Tho men thus called to tho colors will supplant on equal number of mon of tho natlonul army and national guard nvho will have complotcd prelim inary training in this country and will bo ready for transportation to Franco. As transport capacity increases and an Increasingly largo number of men ia dispatched abroad from the training camps tho weekly draft of men from class 1 will be increased. Ravaged by Civil War London. Belated dispatches from Russia furnlBh furthor revelations of tho disordered conditions prevailing throughout tho former omplre, ravaged by civil war and apparently about to bo subjected to another military at tack by Qormany. Tho thick ,of tho fighting has been In tho Ukralno, from which fertile region tho central powers havo been confidently expecting shortly to so euro supply of foodstuffs to replenish tholr sadly depleted stocks. Kiev, tho seat of tho government of tho now Ukrainian republic, which mado'peaco with Germany and Aus tria, is rcportod to havo been captured by tho bolshovlki after fighting in which tho killed woro estimated at 4,000 and tho wounded at 7,000. About tho Bamo tlmo there was a battle in tho streets of Odessa, tho great grain shipping port on the Black Boa, in which hundreds of persons wore killed and the city was bom barded by warships. Fatalities In Burlington Wreck. Holdrogo, Neb. MrB. Nettlo Howo of Eustls, and Gordon, hor 8-year-old Bon, woro killed nnd twonty-flvo in jured, two of them seriously, whon a Burlington train was derailed four mllcB cast of Curtis. Tho train, west bound from Holdrego to Sterling, Colo., was running about twonty-flvo miles an hour, had just emerged from a cut and was rounding a slight curvo when tho crash camo. Tho engine was not overturned, but tho five cars toppled down tho fltteon foot fill and wero badly splintered. Flro broke out immediately and all but tho mall car consumed, the latter being badly damaged. Asked to Spare the Pigeons Washington. Tho army signal corps has requested the public to re frain from the shooting of pigeons. Numerous; complaints havo been made that carrier pigeons of tho racing homer type havo been shot by hunt ing expeditions, and tho Important work of training tho birds for military sorvlco has boon sorlously Interfered with. Army pigeons aro labeled "U. S. A. 18." Finnish Capital Terrified Stockholm. Tho rolgn of torror In tho Finnish capital Is telling on tho nerves of all tho Inhabitants. Evory evening somo ot the men who havo loft tholr homes and families in tho morning fall to reappear In tho ovo nlng. Tho approhonslon caused by thoso disappearances ovon mon than tho subsequent finding of tholr man gled bodies In tho morgues nnd hos pitals is shattering tho nerves of tho women In Holslngfors. French Pierce Teuton Lines Paris. French troops havo pono trated tho German lines northeast of Courcy on tho Aisno front and ro turned wltlh a number ot prisoners. A lively artillery duel was maintained in tho Chnmpagne notably In tho sector of Butte du Mesnll, whero American battorlos aro stationed. Tho light was marked by vlolont bombardments on tho right bank of tho Mouse and in tho Woovro region. In upper Alsaco tho French ropulsed a Gorman raid In the district south ot Scppols. Says Nebraska Boys are Living Woll Lincoln, Nob. Prof. Lauronco Foss lor, head of tho Gorman department of tho univorslty, has returned from Camp Funston, whoro ho vlsltod for sovoral days with tho Nobraska boys. Ho wob on tho wholo favorably im pressed with conditions at tho camp, and on his return was ot tho opinion that Nobraska boys aro living lu a more healthful environment nt Funs ton than would bo possible If they worn civilians. Ho described tho food ot tho soldlors as being entirely wbolesomo, and their clothing as entirely adequate NEXT LIBERTY L COMlNQ I88UE WILL BEAR 4a PER CENT INTEREST. U, S, MAY DRAFT BRITONS Treaty Has Been Signed by Canada, Britain and United States Coerced Into Signing Treaty. Washington. Futuro issues of tho troasury certificates of indebtedness, planned in preparation for tho third liborty loan, will bear an interest rate of 4V4 per cont, or ono-half per cont moro than Issues of tho immediate past. This announcement Is made by Secretary McAdoo, togethor with tho statement that tho $500,000,000 block of certificates, closed last week, was subscribed In full only because banks In Now York and other big financial centers took moro than their share and offset tho scanty subscriptions from tho rest of tho country. About $2, 500,000,000 In certificates remain to be Issued at tho higher rato before tho third loan rato for all will bo 4 per cent. This incrcaso in tho rato offers an Indication of tho treasury's porspcctlvo on money market conditions which may affect tho next liberty loan. Coerced Into Signing Treaty London. Russia has been forced to sign peaco upon tho conditions proposed by Germany, says nn of ficial Russian statement received here. The official statement was signed by Premier Lcnino nnd Leon Trotzky, tho foreign minister. It protests against tho German resumption of tho wnr and says tho council of peo ple's commissioners Is now forced to dcclaro its readiness to sign a peace, as dictated by delegation of the quadruplo alliance at Brest-Lltovsk. It promises to give" n dotalled reply without delay to tho German peace conditions. Tho statement was trans mitted through tho wireless toleg raphy stutlons of tho Russian gov ernment to tho government of tho German empire at Berlin. U. 3. MAY DRAFT BRITISH Treaty Has Been Signed by Canada, Britain and United States Washington. Signing of tho army draft between Great Britain nnd tho United States has been announced. Tho now British ambassador, Earl Reading, affixed his signature' to tho document as his first official act in Washington. Undor tho treaty tho United States ma draft into tho military sorvlco British subjects in this country bo tweon tho ages of 20 and 45 years; while Great Britain may draft Amer ican citizens living within its Juris diction between tho ages of 21 and 31. It was announced that a sim ilar treaty with Canada has been signed. Flour Mills Ordered to Close Down Kansas City Mo. An order has boon issued by A. J. Hunt-, chairman of tho southwestern milling division of the federal administration, directing all flour mills that havo ground 75 per cent ot tho normal amount handled in the last threo years to suspend opera tions immediately. About seventy 'of the GOO mills in the division will bo af fected. Tho territory Includes Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, Colo rado, Utah and western Missouri. Ex-Prcsldent Issues Warning. Chicago. William H. Taft, former presldont, warned tho JackleB at tho Great Lakes naval training station against tho machinations of "whisper ing pro-Gormans and pacifists," in nn addross horo. Ho alBo declared that Germany had murdered 14,000 mon, womon and children 200 of them Americana in ruthless submarine warfare Raised More Than Draft Asked Lincoln, Neb. Several counties of Nobraska will not bo required to send any mon to Camp FuitBton In the coming mobilization of tho last 15 per cont of tho first draft quota, because of tho fact that thoy havo inducted moro men Into aervlco than thoy Owed. Receives Son's Medal of Honor. Gllddon, la. II. D. Hay. father of Merle Hay, GUddcn, la., boy who was ono of tho first threo American sol diers to give their lives In Franco, has Just rocolvcd tho French "Croix do Guerro" modal which was awarded to tho son by tho French government in momory of his bravory. It Is of heavy bronze, shaped like a maltcso cross. London. Eight British craft which wero hunting submarines havo boon sunk by a raiding flotilla of enomy do stroycrs, It Is announced officially. Last Quota to Training Camps Lincoln Govornor Novlllo haB ro colved word that tho last 15 por cont of Nebraska's quota undor tho draft act will bo movod to training camps betweon March 4 and March 0. It Is believed tho men will bo sent direct to a special camp noar Fort Riley for a preliminary training ot thirty days and then to trained organizations at Camp Funston. A schodulo of train servico is being prepared by Governor Novillo and Cnpt. Walter L. Audorson, provost marshal, with tho aid ot rail way passenger officials. wMnmmmnU,vH,mhi, jsjjsnn i mil -a mmmm y"' NO CLAIM TO ESTATE tats Supreme Court Hands Down Decision In Famous O'Connor Case. Back to Lower- Court. , The state supremo court hns ruled that tho stute of Nebraska cannot maintain its suit for possession of tho property of John O'Connor, who died in Hastings, owning valuable farms In Adams county, nnd which the state has laid claim to becnuso of alleged lack of proper heirs of the docensed, until nil private claimants .to the estate, totaling about ICO, have had a chnnce to present their claims In tho probnto court of Adams county. Tho enso Is ordered back to the Adams county district court, with in structions to abate nny further pro ceedings until the probnto court has entered final Judgment Governor Novlllo announced that ho Is considering the calling of a spe cial session of tho legislature to enact laws to provide menns whereby Ne braska soldiers, not members of tho regulnr nnny, may voto during their terms of service Tho announcement was made following a decision by Judge Day In tho district court nt Omnha that soldiers In any arm of tho service, enlisted after the outbreak of tho wnr, arc entitled to the right of franehtso while serving In the nrmy. The purpose of the legislation sought is to provldo the machinery for tho soldier vote A suggestion that tho sugar fac tories In western Nebraska might be utilized ns starch factories for hand ling the potato crop made by Chancel lor Avery of the state university hns not met with favor from tho factory owners. It is claimed that If the po tato crop Is handled by the sugar fac tories, It will result In the reduction of the sugar beet acreage The Itulo Reporter ha8 been pur chased by Mrs. Lnrcum, editor of the Globe ut White Cloud, Kob. The com bined papers will bo called the Globe Reporter and circulated In both Itulo and White Cloud. Mrs. Idn Hermann of Lincoln, mother of Fred W. Hermann, victim of the Tuscanla, whose body was bur ied in Scotlnnd, with 103 other bodies, has asked the Wnr department to send tho body to Lincoln. Lutherans of Nebraska aro expect ed to raise $10,000 of the $700,000 for soldiers' and snllors' welfare work, which was decided upon at n meeting of tho national Lutheran commission In Pittsburgh. The Nebraska branch of the divi sion of four-mlnuto men of the United States committee on nubile Informa tion now includes 20-1 cities nnd towns. The stato board of control will not permit the uso of convicts at the state penitentiary In making of roadways in the state, as suggested by the last legislature Nebraska millers havo been notified by tho federal food administration that when they lmvo ground 75 per cent of the senson's ullotment of wheat they must shut down. For the purposo of conserving tho egg supply tho federal food adminis tration has ordered that no hens be slaughtered between February 23 and May 1. Six school districts surrounding the town of Phillips, In Hamilton couuty, have voted to consolidate the districts Into ono school. At n thrift stamp rally nt Geneva pledges wero signed which puts tho district $7,000 ahead of its apportion ment. Elizabeth Montague chapter, D. A. It., of Beatrlco Is arranging for the annual state convention to be held In that city March 10, 20 and 21. The total actual cash wnr saving stamp sale for Nebraska up to Feb ruary 8, 1018, wob $4,020,001, accord ing to official figures. Every county In Northwest Nebras ka was represented nt the dedication of the east wing of the S,tatc Normal School at Chndron. An nrillnnnco Is before the city commissioners of Omnlin to permit Jitneys to operate In the city under a small license Omnhn Is making n concerted ef fort to bring tho nntlonnl swine show to tho city -again for 1018. St. Louis nnd Peoria, 111., arc after tho show. Twenty-sir thousand dollar"' worth of thrift stamps woro sold nt n big pntrlotlc rnlly at Madison. An attack on the referendum peti tion against tho suffrage law ennefced by the last legislature, was mndo In Lincoln when attorneys representing the Equal Suffrage association, filed a suit In the Lancaster district court asking u restraining order preventing Secretary of Stnto Pool from submit ting the referendum petition to a vote of tho people Tho suit attacks tho legality of 14,000 out of tho 32.0S0 signers of tho referendum petition nnd chnrges of forgery and fraud nre mnde Tho Norfolk Landwchr Vercln, uu organization composed of former Germnn soldlors, has n now title It Is now known as tho Columbia Club of Norfolk. Charges preferred ngninst tho club by tho county coun cil of defonso resulted In tho chnngo of the name Tho German flag own ed by tho club was torn to pieces by its officers. Gngo county millers have signed nn agreement not to exchange flour for whent unless tho owner of tho wheat. Is willing to take nn equal amount of wheat substitute WWmtttnwmmm Douglas county has tho highest tax lovy of any county in tho state, ac cordlnc to a compilation prepared by Secretary Bcneckcr of the state bonrd of equalization. Tho tnx levy in Douglas is 1C0 mills. McPherson is tho lowest, with a levy of but 28 mills. Flro of a unnknown origin de stroyed ho cntiro wnrcroom stock of N. H. Hnncy & Co., manufacturers of horso collars, harness nnd leather goods at Hastings. The loss Is plnced nt $50,000. Tho company has been filling large war contracts for somo time Puul S. McAulay of Omaha was named superintendent of the stnto in dustrial school for girls ut Geneva by stute board of control. Ho succeeds Miss Lydlu .7. McMnhon, who recent ly resigned nt tho request of tho bonrd, following developments regard Irig relations of the bandmaster, Prof. Fugitu, nnd ono of the young women employes. West Point Homo Guard company now comprises nearly 500 men, with a prospect of many more yet to Join. E. J. Pattou of Stella, who has a contract to furnish walnut logs for tho manufacture of gun, stocks ex pects to muko a shipment of about 25 cur londs before long. Omuha Ministerial union unani mously passed resolutions Indorsing prohibition. Tho numo of Cardinal Gibbons of the Catholic church, who recently reaffirmed his opposition to prohibition, was mentioned in the dls cusslou. Thu Tecumsch homo guards are drllllug regularly. It was onb of tho llrst compnnles organized In the stato and Is now considered ono of the most active. The totnl active membership Is 148 men, and of this number twenty-seven are veterans of tho civil war. Tho Omaha chamber of commerco has voted fuvorubly on the resolution circulated by tho chamber of com merco of tho United States, which proposes to avoid an economic wnr with Germnny after present hostili ties. Tho Masonic temple craft of Omaha will present a service Hug to tho stock holding bodies of tho Masonic temple on March 1, who will In turn dedlcute It. This flag has 400 stars uud Is said to bo ono of tho largest In tho United States. Tho Lincoln Traction Co. lost its fight before the state railway commis sion for nn emergency fare of 5 cents straight replacing tho slx-for-n-quar-ter ruto which has been In force In tho city for years. The test case Involving tho soldier voting lnw has reached tho Nebraska supremo court on un appeal from Douglas county. It has been nd vunced for urgument by tho court fori Its next sitting, beginning March 4. Tho Nebruska recreation hall, rec ently dedicated nt Cump Funston, hns a seating capacity for 2,000 persons. It Is described ns an Ideal structure and as ono of the finest at any can tonment In tho country. Tho Big Chief Oil & Gns compnny's well near Red Cloud has renched a dopth of 1,825 feet. The drill Is going through n stratum of bluo shale and experienced oil men state that the prospect for finding oil Is Excellent. The proposed plnn to havo a county farm agent appointed In Buffalo coun ty Is meeting with considerable op position. It Is stated nn organized effort Is under foot to defeat the agent plnn. Creto Red Cross workers have sent the following pieces to Chicago: Ono hundred thirty-three sweaters, 104 pairs of socks, 04 pnlrs of wristlets, 28 mufflers nnd .08 helmets. Two hundred' thousand bushels of Nobraska potatoes hnvo gone to ruin In Box Butto county, nlone, becnuso of lack of market facilities, according to reports. The Lincoln school bonrd hns abol ished spring vacations, to reloaso 12,000 pupils two weeks earlier for farm work. Twenty Nebrnska chapters of the National League for Women's Serv ico will attend tho stute convention at Omaha February 28. Webster county furmers will held a big mass meeting at Red Cloud next Saturday to consider employing a county ngent. Schools of Valley will hold Satur day sessions for tho remainder of the year In order that the larger boys may bo released early for furin work. Bentrlcc Elks recently celebrated tho fiftieth nnnlversary of tho found ing of tho order. Tho unnunl Nebraska stato bowline tournament will bo held In Omuha March 10 to 24. According to State Auditor Smith, tnxes duo "for stato administration from 1017 nsscssments amount to $4,471,517.13, based on nn assessed valuation of $527,200,000. On this basis, tho nctunl tax valuation ot Ne braska Is $2,(130,018,330 five 'times the assessed valuation. Following reports thnt a grent spring whent seed shortago existed In Madison county nn Investigation brought to light that farmers In tho county uro holding largo quantities of seed whent for higher prices. Stato Engineer Johnson has pre pared a tablo showing division of Ne braska Into nineteen good road dis tricts, and giving the federal fund al lotment for each district. Tho total federal appropriation for tho stnto Is $3,107,bll.24 for tho next flvo years, $1,200,308.75 or which is to be spent this yenr. Tho State Banking Board hns beer, notified that tho Third State Bank ot Wood Lake has gono Into voluntary liquidation. Wod Lake has a popu lation of about 300, and has three banks. MOTHERS TO BE Should Read Mr. Monyhan's Letter Published by Her Permission. Mitchell, Ino. "Lyd.aRPinkham vegetable Compound helped mo so much during tne time 1 was lookingforward to the coming of my little ono that I am recommending it to othcroxpectant mothers. Be for taking it, somo day I suffered with neu ralgia so badly that I thought I could not livo. but after taking three bottle) of LydiaE. Pink ham's Voge table Compound I was en tirely relieved of neuralgia, 1 had gained in strength and was able to go around and do all my housework. My baby when seven months old weighed 19 pounds and I feel better than I have for a long time. I never hod any medicine do me so much good. "Mrs. Pearl Monyhan, Mitchell. Ind. Good health durinor matornltv is most important factor to both mother and child, and many letters have been received by tho Lydla E. nnknam. Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., telling of health restored duringthiB trying period by the uso of Lydia E. Pinkhanvs Vege table Compound. Small Plit Small Dose Small Price FOR CONSTIPATION have stood the test of time. Purely vegetable. Wonderfully quick to banish biliousness, headache, indigestion and to clear up a bad complexion. , Genuine bears signature . PALE FACES Generally Indicate a lack of Iron In the Blood Carter's Iron Pills Will help this condition rM I N N I X lngton.O.O. UookirM.IH(h- M S"ll I W references. Beet resells. Two Classes of Women. In this country tho women are di vided into two main classes thoso who don't believe all their husbands tell them and those who haven't any husbands. Indianapolis News. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottlo of OASTORIA, that famous old remddy for Infants nnd children, and see that It Bears the &u. Signature of ( In use for Over SO Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Between Girls. "Jack declnrcs he'll go crazy If I don't marry him." "Ah I Then Micro's no hope for him either way." No Raise In Price Of This Great Remedy' CASCARiVKQUININE The standard cold cure for 2 0 yean la tablet form safe, (ore, no opiates cures cold In 34 hours pip in 3 days. Moneybackifitfails. Oct the genuine box with Red top and Mr. Hill's cloture on it. Costs less, gives more, saves money. 24 Tablets for 2tc. At Any Drue Store will reduce inflamed, swollen Joints, Sprains, Bruises, Soft uunencs; Heals uous, roll Evil, Qulttor, Fistula and Infected sores quickly as it it a positive antiseptic and germicide. Pleasant to oki does not blister or rtmore the balr, and yon can work lbs bone, S2.i0ccr bottle, dcllrercd. Boole 7 R free. ABSORDINE, JR..tbe sntUeptie liniment for mankind, redacts Palatal. Swollen Vela. Wen. Strains. Bnuieii topi pals sad Inflammation. Price Sl.tS per boats at dealers or dcUmed. Will ten yon nor If yoa writs. Ubcral Trial Bottle for 10c la stamps. W.F.YOUNO,P.D.F.,l0TaslitU0prlflltl,Msu. &a3i Soothe Your gr Itching Skin l( w.ih Guticura ySoas 2Se. Oiaraeat 25c 50c PERSISTENT COUGHS redanrerouf. Relief Is prompt from FUo's ' Remedy for Coughs and Colds. BoectlTe and safe for yonns and old. No opiates la PISO'S M fLJSt 'WW .HpRTErlr V ITTLE T IlVER m m m A 1 Jh.11 '"" I 'fl fl&