Rronfcjmsl RID OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF H m if. IW 4 Ijs A Brassiere will Complete Your Corset The contour from shoulder to knee is important. There should be no break, but an easy sweep of line pver the rasb'&r6' top of the corset fOrAi'ahf rlnwn the t-j4'IP" w...-... -,... -.- 'p'(' hJpS, Warners ic Brassieres insure this sweep of line and "blot out - the break one otherwise would find. They arc well-made, prettily designed and trimmed, and as strongly guaranteed as the celebrated Warner's Rustproof Corsets. Mre. Barbara Phages J M I Ilk wmM ii I ": vr.it-w THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud. Nebraska PUBLISHED KVEKY TIIUHBDAY flutercd In tho I'ontolllce nt ltrd Cloud, Nol) oh Brcond UIiub Mattor" V li.,MoAHTUUn M K. QUIOLUY I'UllMHIIKi: Ma.vaoiiii Why don't You buy her the Best Range? fc e jBdE2lCICb jyUK4jt The most important part of home equipment is the cooking range. Look at the range your wife or mother is using. Ask her if she is perfectly satisfied with it. Then come and see us. We will show you The Walls Are 3-PIy TL SOUTH BEND D 1 he malleable Mange All-Ways Preferable BjwijEjrr: , mamm crgpatv toto be? -' mr m m nv3 "wn uati r; n &n a B a i in i i inn hii.. -'nu'Mp. The Oven Is Air-Tight Your Hard-warcDealer IF YOU WANT A .pawuuytr oa a prw SJlU'' ONLY IJK.MOCUAT1C l'Al'Ell IN WKIiHTKIt COUNTY Fifth Shipment of Red Cross Supplies The regular monthly shipment of Red Cro38 supplies was made tho first of the week and filled four largo boxes one box containing 145 sweaters. This shipment wa,s made up of. iho knitting for the cntfrei countyfor the month' and the liospital supplies made by ho Auxiliaries in and near Red Cloud since Jan. Kith. DATIN AUXILIARY 11 Sweaters ,. 15 Bed shiits 1 pair socks GARFIELD AUXILIARY 8 Sweaters 8 pair socks 1 pair wristlets 1 helmet 13 suits pajamas 1NAVALE AUXILIARY 18 Sweaters 13 pair socks , 1 pair wristlets G pair helmets 144 Sub Hilkfs 4 quits G suits pajamas LESTER AUXILIARY 10 Sweaters 3 pair wristlets 11 wash cloths 12 tray cloths 24 napkins 3G Hakfs 12 infant dresses 12 infant bootees 2 infants blankets D bed shiits RED CLOUD AUXILIARY 55 Sweaters 7 pairs socks s 3 pairs wristlets 14 suits pajamas 21 bath robes 25 bed shirts ' G bath towels 48 hand towels 12 wash cloths 3G Hdkfs 14 quilts 1 knit ufghan 7 surgeons sponges STATE LINE AUXILIARY 8 Sweaters 5 pair wristlets i 1G pair socks $ 1 helmet 12 napkins 24 wash (cloths 12 bed shirts G quilts WAR RELIEF CLUB 1 Sweater 1 muffler G suits pajamas 12 bed jackets , 12 hand towels 48 hdkfs. 12 napkins G quilts 1 blanket G wash cloths BLUE HILL 7 Sweaters , 5 pairs socks , w 3 pairs-wristlets. 2 helmets $ GUIDE ROCK' ; ; 3 Sweaters v 1 muffler 5 pair socks 18 pair wristlets 2 helmets CQWLES sweaters pairs socks ,.. , pairs wristlets ,,, ,.. helmets :. iftc. CHAPTER NJr '. 7 Sweaters ' O r 1 r & rm G wash cloths ' 3 35 IHade ight bettered flight find Erected Right lu J V 7 5 3 2 STL- r 1 Day Light Store INAVALE Ait Myers shelled com Wednesday afternoon. Eli Strong autoed to Red Cloud on Monday afternoon. Will Topham and family spent Sun day at Tim Topham's. Bessie and Jessie Rutledgo wcio in Red Cloud Sunday. Mr. Bert Leonard and family au toed to Red Cloud Sunday. Adim Reed spent several days this week at Mr. Rob. llunsickcr's. Mr. Frank Kincaid moved this week onto his farm south of tho river. Luclle Olmstcad of Red Cloud spent tho week end with Eva Grossman. A baby girl arrived at the, home of Rosdbo Biich and wife Monday, night. Clarence Reed and family spent Sunday in the country at Mr. Chas. Rinkcr's. Thad Saunders and daughter, Ber nice, were in Red Cloud Tuesday af ternoon. Mrs. Stcvo Kennedy and Mrs. Roy Palmer autoed to Riverton Monday afternoon. . Eleanor Harvoy and Mayctta uaiK cr are entertaining the Liberty meas les this week. Inez and Sylvia Strickland of Red Cloud attended tho lecture course on Monday night. Mr. Crawford and Chas. Dickcrson sawed wood for Will Carpenter Tues day afternoon. Rev. Hill and -family of Phillips, Neb., came Saturday night for a Week's visit. t largo crowd attended Lorcn Hun- sickers sale here Saturday. . Every thing sold good. The W. C. T. U. ladies held a sale and served supper at Hunter's hall Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Will Topham and wife and Mrs. Guy Barker autoed to Red Cloud on Friday of last week. Mrs. Roy Palmer and nephew, Ivan Barker, wero in Red Cloud Friday, having dental work done. A large crowd attended the last number oftho lecture course Monday night at the Christian church. Dr.v Stockman of Red' Cloud was called heie Tuesday night to attend tho illness of Mrs. Ina Wickwirc. Rev. Hill and Ruv. Murlless "are holding revival meetings at New Vir ginia church this week and probably next. Mrs. M. C. Hummel spent Monday night and Tuesday with Mrs. Dan Norriu, who is at her daughter's, Mrs. C. A. Waldo. Don't forget the quarterly confer ence Sunday night at 7:30 at tho M. E. church. Rev. Embree will speak and also administer the Lord's Supper. ' wrt SEE OVEftlfiG BftOS. & GO. After February 24, all bakers must Ibako Victory bread, having at least twenty per cent substitutes. Admiiv istrator Wattles permits tho uso of potatoes as substitutes b,y bakers up to half tho substitute requirements, but when so u&cd four pounds of po tatocs must bo used to equal one pound of substitutes. Mahors of Artlstlc"JMonutnonts Red Cloud, Nebraska We buy as good goods as money can buy. We guarantee every thing that goes out. Live and let live prices. Come in and be convined.' Always here to take care of your wants Up-to-Date Staple and Fancy Groceries Cash or Trade for Your Produce 3. Jli . O U I JLa JG IC Both Phones Bell 45 1 I r""" -rmTiTH l wremm " nrmiTrrrTi-nirTnfTriimrrnr-imnin imi fnoMuiuiiwBffiaafi 9 C. II, Minor JJr. 8. H. Dcardorf, M. D. 0. ' Mutineer Veterinary la Charge j C. H. Miner Serum Co. -rUQDUCEUS- Anti Hog Cholera Serum Had Cloud, Ntbrnakn ' Wire or Phone at Our Eixpcnsc U. S. Veterinary License No. 45 The Hamilton - Gather Clothing. Co. VV'1I, ! II I I T aT l"" Iff. f t"l' l"' Everything a RfiQn or Boy Wears Hod Cloud Nebraska By now baking rules, , bakers aye now permitted to make and cell three fouiths pound loaves of bread. jThe new loaf must comply strictly with all icgulations of tho Food Adminis tration and must be sold at propor tionate cost. Under tho rulings now, loaves weighing three-fourths' pound, ono pound, ono and one-half pounds, two pounds, and three pounds may bo bnked, BLADEN Win. Lanphear was in St Joseph this week. Mary Zoph visited fi tends in Blue Hill Fridivy. Mrs John Brown wus a Blue Hill visitor Friday. Mrs. A. B. Miigner of Mitchell, visit oil at the homo of her son, Oliver, this week. , Mr. and Mrs. John Halt yisitod nt tho home of S V. Hull ami family tho llrst or the week' Mrs II. 0. WlleoxntUiidert tho State UxeeutUo mewtlng of this W. C. T V nt Lincoln, thin week. Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis Znjic woro visit qh nt tho homo of Mr. mid Mib. John Zulic of Dowecsu (his weak. Mr Bny Hoguto wus over from Blue Ulirthe llrst ottlio week visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. II. II. Hendricks The Uluden hoys' basket bnll team defeated tho Cowles boys Friday even ing at that plaje by u bcoro of L'ii to 21. Tho ()wle girls won over tho Bluden girls by h booro of 10 to 10. Both games wero hard fought and clean. Mrs. Ira Walburn has beeu very low tho past week with Ijeurt trouble. Her bou, Virgil Walburn, camo up from Camp Funston on an urgent call for tho niembers of the family as did her ton V. E. Walburn of Morrill, and daughters, Mis. Froc Ilargolroad of (Heuvlllc, mid Mildred Walburn of Duluth, Minn. m 1 . . - Now that tho oil well lias reached- tho 2000 foot mark, down where the oil is expected to bo found, many of tho stockholders are showing consider able interest in tho well. It Is report ed that a telephone call to one of out leading stock men caused him to nrlsa at about :i a. ui., on last Sunday morn. lug and hurry to the bcone or nctlvi ties. Also a local business man was on tho sceno a few hours beforo his regular breakfast hour. Kind of looks llko thoro will bo arealstampeed when tlio oil really begins to bubble out over .tho top of the casing. 1 dric Winn? TF you want your home Store or garage wired let me furnish you an estimate on the job, complete. Everything : Electrical Our prices are right, workmanship the best and material guaranteed. We order any special fixtures you want and install them satisfactorily. Let us figure, on your next job E. W. STEVENS w e Serve Oily fee Best rjdasjumarr wwimjmiiiit'tii i -i l,m'rf,nrjTnTWTriTnrTiriiiiiawniymiMmiiiii 11 DINE AT OUR CAFE Powell & Pope Tho bait hns been lifted on the con sumption of mutton and lamb on meatless days until April 15th by or der of tho Food Administrator. Ac- Advices to Food Administiator Wattles ate that manufacturers of essential food products will ho nblc to got thoir full necessary sugar ro- cording to rules promulgated by Food cjuiiomonts for manufacturing pur-' Administrator Wnttlc3, mutton and poses during the coming soaion. This' lamb may bo eaten-on meatless days npplios particularly to packers o until tho date namod. Surplus pro fruits, condensed milk, and prescrv- J duetlon is givon as tho reason by the ing necessary egetahles. It alo ap'-' Washington authorities who advised plies to housewives in buying ougar tho now ruling. Tho order is effective for preserving purposes. immediately. OE?ST2rnTtlJS22aJ2aEI22SES2J35 We solicit a share of yout patronage daring 1918 PL ATT & PIBBS ayes auco mis To and from all Trains TAKE THE Hayes Auto .Bus To And From All Trains 4,1 A t .)(' L w, k 'iy.ynityHi ., f 4.i.itA-. A (ft j. mm