r I- IMP OLOUD, It ' A, oaur IK ; M ,i (It iivwisl BLADEN - : C. 0. Sooy of Nelson transacted liusinoga bore Uiio week. S. M. Hall wan down from Hast ings the past week. ftijw Blanch Bnnka of Blue- Hill vis ited 'relativcu ItcrothiB week. Lisle Hcchl made a visit with hi jarcntfl to Luahtoil over Sunday. Sam Hogato aunc down from Ar thur Saturday evening to cry a few Kilcs. Mr. Vobs the Stale Inspector o kIiooIs paid a visit to the local school 1hls wiek. Mrs. M. J. McHalo of Blue HJI i-pent the week with Iier sister, Mrs. I. ,H. Snylor. Clarence Bennett went to Beatrice Friday to visit with, him brother, W. h. Bennett, and family. Amos Cutter, Fred Chamberlain, Chas. Jones and Wm. Ruschke attend d a Red Cross dance at Holdrego Friday evening. Mrs. M V. Kuhn returned the mid dle of tho week form Indiana whero the attended the funeral of a-brothor rho died at the Great Lakes Training Station Inst week. INAVALE Mrs. Don Mnrtwol! waa on the sick lift last week. Alva Myers nnd John Burgess spent Saturday in'Rcd Cloudi Mr. Craford is sawing wood for "Will Topham this wock. Leo Jtuby entertained "Liberty measles" in lied Cloud last week. Mrs. Roy Palmer and Mrs. Steve Kennedy nutoed to Red Cloud Satur day. Rosco - Birch nnd family moved Tuesday into hid farm south of the tfver. Dr. Crdghton of Red Cloud was in town x Tuesday making professional calls. .The W. C.' T. U. Ladies met Mon day at the Council of Defense Build $ij to ww. ' Mr! Cole'accdmpanicd his Son, Fred, to Red Glb'uH to have dental work done Saturday. ' '' Mr. C. K. Joyce and Mrs. Will Topham 'and uephewn spent Saturday !n Rc'd'Glmfd. , ' -' 9upt .T?mbfee ' oT " 'Hastings will' 'be ivrcU(70 I'. M. March a to hold Quartolv conference. Mrs. Clarence Reed and children pent Friday and Saturday in Red Cloud at Bolit. Mitchells. Mrs. II. C. Hummel came Sunday sight fnun Rogers, Ark., whero she H been ?prndiug the winter. Ralph Grew.ni an hus given up his job In the Wickwiru garage and is Mtrring- wall oa Will Curpcntor'B -ouie. Vpyd Barker came up fioni Red Cloud Saturday 1 M. and spent Sun Jay with relatives rctui-uing Monday A. M", to his school work. Thm HamUtonrCmther Clothing Co. '.. iSsw Everything a Man or Boy Waara JPcacr Cloud Nebraska When the Firemen. Appea.r the Insuicd man's fint thought it one of thaiikfulneu that lie a iu. How aboil i your thought if a fn'icman ihoutJ ap pear at your home? The Day Before the Fire u the day to inline. As that day may be to-morrow lor all you can know or do, it fellow- dial prudence would im pell you to ttop in our cJtce to day and have ut iuue you a policy, O. C, TEEL 1 .V t - I K.elia.ble Insure.nce DOGS DETECT FOOD HOARDERS Qertnan Police Unable to Cop With the Situation Until Canines Were Prec I Into Service. Tim nroMitcnla of famine in Germany nre so ncricma timt food iiodniing ih growing among the wealthy to tin ex lent that Iran given the government no end of trouble. Tho Gorman pnjlco have exhausted evory'menns of detect ing tho hoarders except one, and thnt Ih to uho highly trained police doga on their trull. TIiIh Ih now being done, nnd the dogs nro proving themselves Invalu able In running down violators of tho food law;?. Nenr Berlin, according to n correspondent, tho dogs recently lo cated a' man who had been pilfering from vcgolnblo patches' of truck gar deners. Tho dogs led tho police to tho house whero the stolen vegetables were hidden. In Munich u constable attempted to seize a man caught with CO pounds of meat brought from an Illegal slaugh ter house. The man escaped, leaving the burden behind, but wns tracked to n liny loft by police dng3. When tho olllcrr returned to the spot where the meat had been left he found the meat gone. The polled dogs wcro again cnlled upon and they located tho uicnt In a house where It had been hidden by u woman. PLAUSIBLE THEORY "U'h the honest iium In thin world who needs watching." "How's Unit?" "Oh I the dishonest ones will cheat ymij nnyliow, whether you watch them or not." '' J 1 ; Money In Spent Bullets. Near Otis Hill, In IlltVgliftin, Mass., whore onco stood 1hc tnrget and rifle range, tho highroad excavator has .scoopeY! "front tho hilly ground nevernl hundred poumN of lead from bullets found Ihurc, and one young man 1 credited with having obtained enough leud to All nn ash-sifter, his first hour's work n el ting him $1.50. Demand for Alcohol, The French government requires '200,000 gullons of alcohol a day In the umnul'ucture of ' certain high explo sives. Annual consumption will amount to 12,500,000 gullons more than I'rnncu produced before tho war, and the French government has. been coin polled to buy 37,500,000 gallons abroad. , ,- ' In Broiling Steak. In broiling steak or chops 'the fire somi'tlnu'.s dies down too quickly. When this happens .sprinkle a little gniiitihited sugar over tho coals. This Intensities tho heat and the smoke from tho Mipu Imparts h delicious lln vor to the meat. Dry Hair on Wire. To enable a woman to speedily dry her hair after washluglt a l'lttsburgh Inventor bus produced a wire frame to be placed on tho head that spreads tho hair. Wircloss Storm Warnings. One of the objects of an Australian Antarctic expedition will be the estab lishment o a meteorological station to give warnings by wireless of the seven storms which sweep far southern sens. Laundry Hints. In washing white slllc or chamois gloves tho yellowish look can bo avoided by rubbing them with the white of nn egg while they are still wet.1 Roll Pastry on Marble. Fvt-iich cooUs prepuro imstrlcs upon u nmrblQ Blnb. All fho lnprcdlonta aro ico cold nnd mixed on cold nmrblo to innko the product JlttUy. Might Try This. Clnniiiiion nnd cloves put Into sninll buKS atid.nddql. to boiling fqt.elyes n Rrottt iluvnr to dougtinuti that nro fried la R. AA ffiftJT" J j$ I CORN WILL WIN ACrSWAR America's Cieatest Cereal Crop Is Now Moving to Market. MAINSTAY IN NATION'S CRT3IS. Oyrplus Wheat of tho United States Has Been Sent to Famlno Threat ened Europe. America's great corn, crop, exec ig ii.OOO.OOO.OOO liusliehwfil save exceed ing iJ.OOO.OOO.OOO hushch,.wl save tho world's food fclttmtlon, ofllclals of the United States food administration be lieve. Corn Is tho nation's best food cereal, housewives uro beginning to realize. It contains all tho elements needed to keep the body In a state of health and when used nccortllng to the settles of trletl recipes, especially when com bined with an added portion of till or fat, will .sustain llfo Indefinitely. In dian warriors In colonial days lived on parched corn nlone for many days at a time, and nt Valley Forge parched corn was nt times the solu ration of the Continental soldiers, Owing to transportation dllllcultlcs caused by tho war the corn crop moved more slowly to market this year than ever before. Now, however, the cereal Is reaching the millers and consumers. In the meantime the uatlou'H surplus wheat has been sent to Hut-ope. uViduy there are approximately .'10 bushels of corn for every American. This (inutility Is greater by live bush els than In former years. Corn litis become the nation's uiiiln stny In the crisis of wur. , Just as this cereal saved the first American colonists from famine tin many occasions, Just as It served as a at n pie food during the War of the Inv olution and during the Civil War, King Corn has again come to the front li the nation's battle with autocracy. Corn meal Is finding greatly Increas ed use In the milking of 6rdlmiry white bread. Hundreds of honsewhos nnd many of the larger bakers are mixing 20 per cent, com meal with wheat Hour to make leavened hiviid. This kind of a mixture Is worked ami baked In the sumo lerlpe. and with 1hc same methods that apply to straight wheat (trend. (,'ori) bread using corn meal entire ly Is gaining a greater popularity than ever before. Housewives are coming to realize that every pound of yheat saved in America' tnculW a pound of wheat released for shipment to the 1 nations with which America Is usmipI- juen in mo war. There .ire a score of corn' products (hat today t.-wf.i unusual importance jor Americans Corn syrup for sweet ening corn calces ami buckwheat cakes and for use In the kitchen Instead of granulated sugar Is one of the leading product" lunde from corn. Corn oil, excellent for fr.xlug and for every oilier purpose filled by salad oils. Is appeariuK on the market In large quantities. It conies from the' germ of the com. W-iN-CiEliANY LIES CWT.D. IN CANADA Canada Is also having' trouble with Madedu-Cermany lies calculated to hinder C'anadlnii food ooii.servnllon nc cording to an olUelal statement re ceived from the -Canadian food con troller by ihe United Slates food ud ministration. The stories bothedng Canada tire of the same general eharacier as thoso the United Slates food administra tor recently denounced In t his coun try, such ns the ridiculous fiilt and blueing famine fakes and the report that the government would seize liiiiirtcwlve)' stocks of home canned goods. The Canadian food controller cstl males that when Ihe people listen to and pass on such stories, each .one has the: power of destruction thnt lies In a Imitation of soldiers. "Stories without even a vest lite of foundation have been scattered brotid eiiBt," said the Canadian statement. "Nor have they come to life casually. They huvo starttM simultaneously In different parts of the country and In each Instance have been calculated to arouse public Indignation. "They are Insidious, subtle, persist ent, lilt b. bit they dissipate public trust, the great essential In the work of food control. "It lies with every Individual to for bear from criticism: to refrriln from passing on the vngrunt nnd harmful story, and thus the more effectively to co-operate Jn work which Is going to mean more than the majority of people yet realize." THE UNITED STATES FOOD ADMINISTRATION SAYS: There Is no royal road to food conservation. We can only ac complish this by the voluntary action of our whole peopls, each element In proportion to U meant. It Is a matter of equality of bur den; a matter of minute savins and substitution at evey point In the 20,000,000 kltcbMk n the 20r OOO.OOO.Ihner UW8. mud In the 2,000Opamanufac,urAf, wholt sale and" retail establUh'-nentt sf I Oh, Joy! Frofessor IIoss Bennett nnd big El len IXummons wcro sweetly mingling their voices together Sunday. From a Kentucky Newspaper. Our Dally Special. Be as good as yolir word, but sco that your word Is good. , Lulto MoLuko Gays: There Is something wrong with a boy who bates dogs nnd won't throw stones nt cuts. Some of the girls who are peaches on the street are lemons when tftey are nt home. Uefore marriage she Is "dear." nnd -nigut.i iurm around I'oweil, nearby, mv Miiltru ut ov-r 8a0i an aero, ho Is treasmc." After marriage she Wostorn Nebraska and Eastern Colorado Lands The.o aro bocomes dearer, and ho becomes 'treas- bt-lng bold out from Uruo holding alotig.l.Io Ilui'llogior, uiulti llne TIiIh pro tirer. and ypt they 'lane n scrnp c'very ' cess Is uoiin on steaillly through the vosr. Tinv aro excellent for duirvlnir .day, ' ti'Kf I U Afc Till- Ideal woman continues to be the one"you didn't marry. The man who marries n girl for her complexion ' In June finds out that peaches and crenni cost n heap of money lit December. If n man would praise his wife ns much at home as ho does when be Is outside the hoiipymoon would never end. The reason why n woman never for gets to ninll u letter Is because she hasn't any pockets. The man who Is too lazy to work for ft thing will get down on Ids knees nnd pray for It. and then feel greatly sur prised because he doesn't get lt. Some people get a lot of comfo'rt out of tho rofloclion that there are lots of people In tho world who are worse than they are. Always laugh at a mnn's Jokes. And some dny he will lend you money when you need It., A good housekeeper Is nlways hnrd up for uprons. A good naturcd puppy dog Is protty friendly. But he hnsn't anything oil h cnndldato before election. When a man sots himself up as an example some' people can't figure out what he amounts to. The old fashioned womnn who used to think that she was disgraced It she didn't get her wash 6ut on tho line on Monday morning before the other wo men in the neighborhood now has a daughter who tells the laundryman to come back on Tuesday for the wnsh became she Is too tired to uet It ready on Monday. The man who streak nerews his sorry for a poor bendpd. hits' four hairs to dome always feels J boob who Is bald I wiVl sell you a homo i a 1! d Ulond so cheap audo ii n.c lr Easy I'ny-monts that you can not ftd'ord to p a y rent. Six p e r eotit (interest on deferred p a yt incnts. 11 a v o three locations. Oet First '.Choice. L. E. TAIT 1020 O Street Llueoln, Neb. Buy a Home! PUBUC AUCTION tmNmwmmmwetn The Undersigned will oiler for sale t Public Auction on the Jake Lacy farm, 2 miles east and 2 1-2 miles south of Cowles, and 6 miles east and 4 miles aorth of Red Cloud, commencing at 10:00 a. m on V Tuesday, Feb. 26, 1918 The Following Described Pi opcrty: ' 70 - Head of Live Stock - 70 Black mare, G yrs old, wt 1200r sorrel horse, 5 yrs old; black mare, smooth mouth; 2-ycor-old colt, wt 1050; saddle pony, wt 1000. . . ' 10-yr-old roan cow: 4-yr-old cow, fresh in march: 2 G-yr-old cows, 1 fresh in March, 5 good milk cows, 2 fresh and 3 fresh soon: 2 2-yr-old heifers, fresh soon; 3 yearlings, 1 steer, 1 bull, 1 heifer; 4 calves; 5 fall and winter calves; 0 coming yearling calves; 3 2-yr-old steers. 6 fall shoats, wt 100; 8 fall pigs, wt 40 to 60; 4 brood sows; 10 A-l Duroc brood sows, farrow ia April. Hay rake, hay buck, new 2-row John Deere cultivator, John Deere lister, hay rack, ' top buggy good carriage. Lightning feed mill, rack and wagon, double driving harness, single driving harness, 2 dozen Rhode Island Red Pullets and a few Cockerels, 2 chick en coops, 2 rat terrier pups, one telephone right, bedsteads, 12-ft table, sanitary couch. 2 rock ing chairs, 6 kitchen chairs,' heating stove, gasoline stove, barrel chum, "200 egg incubator, refrigerator and other articles. II TV P MQ Suvms of 10 ant vnder, Cash. Sums over that amount 10 months time I 1 JuIilfliJ given, purchaser giving note with approved security. 10 per cent interest. Chas. Adamson and Wallace Vance G. G. DENNY. Auct. JAS. McDRlDS. Clwlc. The New Government-Irrigated Farms In the Big Horn Basin, Near Deaver, Wyoming, On y n few uixiil fiirnH of lln Denver nro left. If ymt not qulolily, you ,,(V M'1.1"'1'1 "f mmnf thestt for n 1018 crop. Ih'tt will bring you tho highest possibly prices. Ex"0 lent C'lVerninent water rlgh, with wutor all ready for you. It J merely, tip t- yon to t, dco In. 1,1 ud g-t under, way. Tim big horn Haslo Is ca. ttiblMie ; it l on lis wiiv imvurds it rich eomnioiiwoal'h, with a solid basis of oil, Irrigation, aifnlfu, live stool: and miliar bout industries Our advertising matter win snow .urn that m. for-toulntl wheat rtiMng, live btoqlt mid goiioral kind in the wo-t .Secure my Hurvlues; 'jifflRtMij S. B. Howard, Immigration Agt C. B. & Q. Ry llilllllUilllli ItWt Km-ii u m St. Omaha. Nubr. N. B. Bush, 5 tveep Improving Your Equipment 2J Do not worry about the bhorttige of crops, another jcar Is coming ijj Do not wait for cheaper bulldlng.umturial 2j Do not let the war (-euro you 5j Do yu know material will Increase when the war Isover? Europo Jp must lie rebuilt Supply nnd domnnd will tuke a hand then 5 Do you know we haveltip to date Information on nil farm buildings.? Do you want ideas on farm buildings? Wo furnish them FREE I JWalone-Gellatly Go. "TALK WITH US ABOUT LUMBER" tAvv.v.v.v - Notice of Suit (I. II. SaiMcrflnml .lolin K. ICdnards nun. resident (ItlnuliintH will take uotiua that llic Montana Kntlonal Hunk nt innings lint (lied Its petition nnd ronimcnotd :tu action ui;aliist'tlicii! In tho district court of Webster rounty the object and prayer of which areto recover from Mild dnfcndantB thu mini of tfl'iOftUi with Interest at 'i per cont per an num from Dcccniticr li, 191" and &IG attor. ncys fees ami easts of flute, iih the aiuonnV due plnlntlll' troin the defendants upon a prom issory nolo executed nnd delivered by defea diiiits to plalutlir, dated October 20. 1UIT. Defendants in c further notified that un nf ildavttforuttncliinent was tiled Insalductlon and an order of attachment Issued our of said court iby virtue wicrcof tho foltavrlue dchcrlbcd rcal'ostatoln Wctf.tcr County, Nc braaka ban licuu levied upon anil attached n.s tbopropcrtyiof dcfcndniit-lohu K. Kdwards lo-wlt; tho tout licnm (8K) jiipclcior i-cctlon fmiiui'ii (1) In townihtp tvyo (1) ratine ten 111)) nudiiu plalnlltrtjiHifcH to subject tho fluid property to the imj'iuent of bald debt. , ' DefondnntS'nro r(Miilred to rintnrcr safd potltlouon till) In tboodlco of the t'lirk of uldcouiliit ltcd Cloud, Nebrnnka on jr be fore March 11,1918. J)aloIJniuiry:U, 11)18. Tiik Montana N.it'i. Hak of Hii.i.inom. Ily I.. II. lll.ACKI.UtHIK, Ml Its Attorney. Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED JSTOfkice Ovku Ai.iittiaiiT's Stork Read the Chief, are Going Very Rapidly! 4 o this over ten ycarsago Government fttrmlntf and nro thu boat lumln nf tlmlr they are freo. Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Neb. I v.v. - A. - .v.VJ - . - rVJ.v - - v - v - vv KODAKS Better Kodak Finishing And Developing. .:. A Full Line of Supplies ROLLS IF.VEr,OrKn-'10e HAIL V0UC ORDER TO US Stevens Bros. E. S. Gatrber Wall Paper. Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work",Cuarate8d) Electrical Gads of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish Yom tke Fixtwes Dr.W.n.McBride oKNTiar Successor to Dr. Cros OVKU STATE BANK RED CLOUD NEBRASKA Dm u 1!sy' 4 "J A the country. . i .... u II-' li 1'V 91 , ,1 ,1 , w m WtrTTVT,i,M""TMi4irrt-jrirTjTniisii)iwLtji . a in .r .. WW.! 'H-n)rmnttiliyvifi jkmhtt 1 1 n ii-i.i a.- ill i.4 nw ..i "T. l''. IH ii i.iKi.U l.iiMin'..j;j.lltt.li,ri,..i, il M-fii '.jtirtin'n iiijiiix,,!. I .. l ' a ' . -. .j- i it . XJtilkit. n...t-. t-Ji 'mAhj, , ;V J4-j