The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 21, 1918, Image 6

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Enforcement of Voting by Mall Bill
Urged by Major Mnher "Antls"
Will Defend Fight on
Washington. The United States
And the allien will make ovory effort
t force a decision In tho world war
'flurlng 1918. Fow military and naval
f experts bollovo that the central pow
ers will permit tho war to run through
anothor winter.
"Ab I havo stated heretofore," said n
military expert of high rank, "in my
Judgment thcro is not tho slightest
chanco that tho Germans can mnko
any headway that will do thom a par
tlclo of good on tho wostcrn front. I
seriously doubt that tho kaiser or von
Illndonburg believes tho statements
rocontly credited to them concerning
their faith of victory for tho central
powers. They simply camouflaged
their pcoplo and their armies, Just as
they havo many times In tho past.
Will Defend Fight on Referendum
Lincoln, Nobr. L. B. Crofoot of
Omaha, whoso wlfo is chairman of
tho executlvo committeo of tho So
ciety Opposed to Woman Suffrage, do
clarcs that tho "antls" will defend the
attack on tho referendum poUtlon
mndo by tho suffrage workers. Mr.
Crofoot Bpont sovcrnl hourB at decro
tary of Stato Pool's office going over
tho petitions.
"I am only making a preliminary
survey of tho situation," Mr. Crofoot
said. "Wo are going to fight tho
caso, but our plans for doing so havo
not been formulated."
Prosecution of tho injunction suit
brought against Socrotary Pool tcN
provont him from submitting tho par
tial suffrage law passed by tho 1917
legislature to a referendum at tho
general election next fall will be
pushed with all possiblo spocd in tho
district court hero. Tho suit charges
that wholesale frauds occurred in Om
aha and Lincoln. '
Maher Urgea Enforcement of the Vot
ing by Mail Bill
Lincoln Tho right of 20,000 of tho
24,000 Nobraskaris who will bo In mill
tary servico to vote cannot bo ques
tioned from a legal standpoint, and
provision for rocclving their ballots by
mail should be mado Immediately,
Major John O. Maher, of Lincoln, now
in tho quartermaster department of
the regular army at Omaha, writes in
a letter to Governor Keith Neville.
After tho passage of a voting law,
provisions of which Major Mahor out
lines, it will be time enough to tost
the constitutionality of tho vote of tho
other 4,000 In "tho regular army,"
whoBO right is questioned under tho
Nebraska constitution.
At tho Mirao session of the legisla
ture a state moratorium law should bo
passed, relieving both a soldier and
his dopondonts from financial obliga
tion during tho period of tho war,
Major Maher says, and tho powers of
tho stato council of defense should bo
enlarged to hotter curb disloyalty and
promote a better co-operation in war
Over 1,000 Four-Minute Men In State
Lincoln, Neb. Tho Nebraska branch
of tho division of four-minuto men is
the third largest in tho country, ac
cording to William McCormlck Blair,
director of thU division, who says:
"In no stato is hotter exemplified, than
in Nobraska tho spirit which has on
nblod this arm of tho government to
do Us work." Thoro are at tho prosont
time 075 four-minuto men engaged in
work in Nobraska.
Bolshevlkl Riot In Chicago
Chicago. Two riots which threat
ened to nB&umo Borious proportions ro
suited when Chicago bolshevlkl, by tho
powor of fist and lung, took charge of a
mooting In honor of Prof, Gcorgo Lorn
onoBSoff, prosidont of tho Russian mis
sion on ways of communication, at tho
Douglas park auditorium. A rlbt call
was sent' In and a crowd of 4,000,
which attempted to break into tho nl
ready ovorcrowded hall, was driven
away by tho uso of clubs.
Vernon Castle Killed by Fall
Fort Worth, Tox. Captain Vornon
Castlo of tho English royal flying
corps was killed whllo flying fifteen
miles west of Fort Worth. Castle had
mado over 150 flights ovor tho German
lines and was a horo of many exploits
In the war zono.
Washington. Movomcnt of men to
comploto tho first draft, beginning on
February 23, will not bo completed
within tho following flv$ days as or
iginally planned but will extend ovor
into March
Speech Will Affect Austria
Washington Congress and offi
cialdom generally feel (hat Prosidont
Wilson's1 latest war aims Bpotich will
hasten tho elimination of Austria from
tho war. Austria, tired of tho Btrug
glq and growing discontentod at pull
ing Gorman chestnuts from tho fire,
soonor or later will hood tho presi
dent's broad-gaugo proffor of a nbw
chanco at peuco, authorities doclaro.
Austria is tho main hopo upon which
the WHebn peace drive vlias been and
is contercd.
Senator Notes Mexico's Communica
tion With Kaiser
Washington. Tho recently pub
lished birthday telegram said to havo
bcon sent by President Cnrranzn to
Kalsor Wilholm has been plnced in
tho congressional record by Sonator
Sherman, who declared ho was "moved
to wish to do moro than practice
watchful waiting in view of tho felici
tations exchanged between those two
distinguished worthies."
Tho kaiser. Senator Sherman ob
served, in making acknowledgment
"reform! feelingly to tho intimato ro
latlonshlp botween Senor Cnrrnnza
and his own holmoted self. Just now
Intimato this relationship may bo,
arouses more than idlo xurloslty, if wo
remember that tho nllles bought sixty
million barrels of oil from Mexico last
year. How his prosperity may bo pro
moted by our winning tho war Is a
portincnt Inquiry, especially when tho
kaiser fervently asks that the Inti
mato relationship botween thom shall
bo so deepened and strengthened Hint
It may result In a vlctorlus peace.
Such a peace is full of sinister menace
for this country."
Result of Wage Increase
Washington. Tho first official Indi
cation of wtiat proposed railroad wage
Incrcasos would cost was given at a
hearing beforo tho railroad wage com
mission, when J. A. Franklin present
ed the claims of tho railway employes'
department of the American Federa
tion of Labor.
"Figuring an averago of 3.1 1-3 per
cont Increase, on tho flat Increases
asked, tho additional cost would he
$82,000,000 annually," Secretary Lane,
chairman of tho commission, comput
ed. Mr. Franklin said tho estimato
Boomed correct based upon Increases
for 250,000 organlzod men. Ho also
had suggested that any Increases
should apply to unorganized workern
of the samo trades, numbering about
200,000, who wero not figured in the
rough calculation. Tho wago bas'is
asked was $C aday for skilled men
such ns carmen, machinists and black
smiths, 4.G0 a day for helpers, and
timo and a half for ovortimo, Sunday
and holiday work,
Urges Use of Pinto Beans
Washington, Acting on advlco from
C. W. PugBloy, of tho Nobraska Btatd
farm, Senator Hitchcock has takon up
with officials hero tho mattor of ob
taining a supply of pinto beans In
stead of Japaneso beans for growing
as food supply. It appears that tho
government has commandeered from
certain sources not mado known, about
twenty million pounds of Japanese
beans, and is overlooking a much
larger supply of pinto boans, which
Mr. Pugsloy claims havo a higher food
Vuluo than the Japaneso beans and
which can be obtained at a lower
prlco. It is to havo tho government
get tho pinto Into the hands of growers
that Mr. Pugsloy, who haB been trying
for somo time without results to got
action by tho government finally has
takon it up in a now way.
Brltams Here Subject to Call
London. Tho convention between
tho British recruiting mission and tho
"United Statos draft authorities under
which it is cxpoctod 200,000., British
Bubjects in this country will be subject
to sorvico in tho British army, has
boon agreed upon. Tho agreement only
awaits ratification by tho senate and
tho signatures of Prcsldont Wilson and
King George to bocomo effective. All
subjects between tho ages of twenty
and forty-ono are Hablo to call.
News Astonishes Washington
Washington. Administration of
ficials aro considerably upsot by tho
news that tho bolshoviki covommnnt
of Russia has withdrawn formally from
tho war and ordered tho demobiliza
tion of tho Russian army, although re
fusing to sign a pcaco treaty with Ger
many. Tho stato department was
sllont on tho mattor, refusing to credit
tho dispatch from Amsterdam until of
ficially confirmed.
Tuscania Victims Hicrease
A Scotch Seaport. Tho American
dead as a result of tho slnklne of tha
steamer Tuscania apparently Is nt least
l&y. Tims far 145 bodies hnvo boon
burlod along tho Scotch coast, and
fourteen moro await furthor disposi
tion. Washington. To facilitate tho
movement of grain for the allies and
homo consumption, Dlroctor Gonoral
McAdoo has ordered proforonco given
to grain shipments throughout all tho
principal agricultural states.
Time Extended for Filing Returns
Washington. Extension or tlmo for
filing Incomo and oxcesa profits ro
tunm from March 1 to April 1 is an
nouueed by Internal Itovcnuo Commls.
sionor Roper. This ruling nppllos
also to reports on payments of moro
than ?800 during tho yoar to bo mado
by employers and buslnoss enterprises
anil covers incomes both above and
below $3,000, and corporation In
comes. Delayed preparation of blank
Tonus and regulations was tho princi
pal, causo for tho postponement.
To Help Move Potato Crop.
Lincoln, Bollof that most of Ne
braska's potato crop can bo moved is
hold out by II. L. Russell, adviser to
Food Administrator Hoovor, in a tolo
gram to Prpf. C. V. Pugsloy of tho
agricultural extonslon sorvico. Mr.
Russell states that tho bringing of
potatoes down, to a reasonable lovol
Is forcing a frco contingent on tho
consumption of tho product, uocuring
of cars. Secretary McAdoo has prom
ised to furnish transportation as soon
as weather conditions permit.
Nebraska Suffragists Plan Knockout
for Antl-Rcferdndum German
Hopes for Peace are
Washington. Now insight Into tho
plans of tho war department for con
ducting Its part of tho war is afforded
In a statomnt mado by Secretary of
War Baker beforo tho houso commit
tee on military affairs. The ovldenco
brought out rovcalcd thoso facts:
Tho next draft will not bo 'called
until May and probably not until Juno
next, when G00.000 additional mon will
bo certified for service in tho national
Tho calls for thoso men will bo gov
erned by tho capacity of the canton
nionts. Tho provost marshal general in
charge of raising tho national army
desires to disregard the existing plan
for tho apportioning of men called
from tho various statos and asks for
powor to call any number from any
General Crowder desires, also to
havo included in the next draft, men
who have become twenty-ono years of
ago uinco tho gonoral registration last
German Hope for Peace Weakens.
London. Germany's declining faith
in victory is described by "a well-to-do
neutral medical man who lately left
Germany after living in Augsburg dur
ing tho war porlod." Writing from
Berne to tho Daily Mall, ho declared
that though still believing that Ger
many could not be beaten, tho German
poople had long sinco become war
weary arid had given up hopos of the
so-called German pcaco.
"The masses," ho continued, "aro in
an hysterical stuto, ono minuto pray
ing for peace at any prico and tho noxt
under tho Influence of some piece of
news, somo well-organized patriotic
concert or kinematograph exhibition
got up by tho fatherland (annexation
ist) party, at which they will bo shout
ing wild applause and singing 'Dcutsch
land, Doutschland uber Alles.' "
Suffragists Plan a Knockout of Anti
Referendum Lincoln, Neb. In a petition filed in
district court here, charges of fraud
and forgory are made against a refer
endum petition Died with tho secre
tary of stato last July, suspnding un
til tho fall elections the law passed
by tho last legislature, giving to
womon of the stato limited suffrage
The petition Just filed is signed by
a numbor of tho members of various
women's activities of tho stato, and
several Omaha and, Lincoln lawyers
will represent them In tho case.
Tho chargo Is mado that moro than
half of tho 33,986 names on tho
referendum petition aro olthor for
eigners, or havo boon socured by
misrepresentations, or are invalid
signatures on account of legal defi
ciencies. Tho suffragists hopo to securo a
final decision in tho case in ordor, it
they break down tho referendum,
that thoy may tako part in tho spring
town and city elections.
Washington. With 104 American
soldiers of tho Tuscania known to bo
dead and burled on the Scottish coast,
nn unofficial estimate places tho total
loss of Amorlcan troops nt 2C7. Aftor
eliminating from tho passengor list tho
names of tho survivors and tho Identi
fied dead and accounting for thirty
three unidentified, 136 soldiers still
aro not accounted for, and it is be
llovcd thoy aro lost.
Lincoln Patriotism rolgr.Ed supreme
at tho Lincoln high school Tuosday
forenoon when tho 1,600 studontB met
in tho auditorium to colehrat-c Lin
coln's birthday, and unfurl a sorvico
flag, containing 323 stars, each ono
representing a studont who was nt
present or In tho past a member of tho
Lincoln high, but who are now sonic
whore hi Araorlca or somewhere In
France, In defenso of the flag.
Doming, N. M. Tho Thirty-fourth
division at Camp Cody will bo almost
100 per cont tnsurod. The campaign
for Insurance among the men has
closed and It is predicted that less
than 100 men In tho camp aro without
insurance. Men of tho division now
havo signed for $28,600,000 In govern
ment policies,
Lincoln County federal food ad
ministrators and gonoral commlttcos
of the federal food administration
havo boon called to meet hero Febru
ary 25 and 26.
Washington Unnaturalized Gcr-r
mans who hnvo not yot registered
with tho police or postmnstors will bo
subject to Internment for tho war, the
department of Justlco explains In a
final warning to thoso subject to reg
istration. The tlmo was extended to
allow tho enrollment of farmors In tho
wost who could not got to town during
tho bad wenthor of last weok.
RoporiB indicate that many Ger
mans romnihed unregistered in east
ern citios, where the dopartmeut had
been particularly anxious to obtain a
full consus,
News of Nebraska Told In
Condensed Form
Kearney voters will pass on a
$30,000 bond Issuo nt n special elec
tion on April 2, the money to bo used
to improve city schools.
Reports from Washington nre to tho
effect that work will bo vigorously
pushed on Ashland's new postofllcu
tills spring.
A hundred German textbooks wero
stolen from the Howard High school.
Tho school board hnd previously
voted to discontinue tho
A movement Is under way nt Kear
ney to utilize every vacant lot in the
city (or garden purposes this summer.
It Is planned to have school children
do most of the work.
Attorney General Reed ndvocnted
conscription of I. W. W.'b Into em
ployment under military restrictions
in a speech before the State Associa
tion of Thnisheruipn nt Lincoln.
Tho Classical association of the
middle west will hold Its fourteenth
nntuinl meeting In Oinnhn April 4, 5
and 0. Thirty states will be repre
sented nnd about H00 delegates ure
expected to ntteml.
One of the fow Nehrnskn men
known to have been on the Tuscania
when torpedoed off the northern Irish
coast was Patrick McGnwtin, J-"-. ot
York, son of Mr. anil Mrs. Patrick Mc
Gownn o York.
Marshall Davison, Gage county far
mer, hns obtained n test ot 100 per
cent from his seed corn. He planted
CO kernels and every one of them ger
minated, tho stalks now being nbout
five Inches In height.
According to present plans there are
seven labor candidates, seven social
ist candidates and scores of Individual
candidates who will nsplro for city
commissioner nt Omaha ut the pri
maries April 0. '
County Agent Rlst who hns beep
making n thorough cnnvnss of the
teed corn situation und winter wlicnt
condition in Gage county, reports that
In 150 tests of seed corn conducted,
tho test showed an average of 01 per
cent germinating.
The laying of tho cornerstone of the
oclal science building nt the Univer
sity of Nebraska at Lincoln, recently,
was hailed by university men ns tho
ymbol of a now eru of education and
churnctcrlzed ns particularly flttlng lu
tho present crisis of world history.
Tho council of defense of Cumin?
county hns decided to adopt the enrd
Index system of enrollment for encb
person In the county. This will covet
all property possessed, donntlons made
for war purposes and much other val
unblo Information.
Stanton was stirred again the
other 'night by tho report that tho
Germanta hall had been opened after
being closod by the "yellow paint"
artists. Someone reported that tho ln
scription on tho hall, "Closed for
ever," was being disregarded. The
matter resulted ln several citizen?
being summoned beforo the county
council of dofense.
Dlroctor Pugsley of the agricultural
extension service of the University of
Nebraska has received nssuranco from
tho United Stntes Department of Ag
riculture that tho government will
end a potnto starch expert to thhi
tnto In tho near future. Mr. Pugs
ley proposes that the vast qunntltie
of potatoes In western Nebrnska bo
turned Into starch. Ho estimates
that there nre 2,500 cars of potatoes
In tho hands of growers in Nebrnska.
.list year these growers greatly In
creased production. Unless some
means Is found to turn to good ac
count the supply, production next year
will naturally be decreased.
Plenty of good food, shoes for every
man, warm nnd comfortnblo bnrrncks,
with good sleeping qunrters, oppor
tunities for wholesome recrentlon In
camp nnd considerate treatment from
their officers these aro conditions
prevailing nt Cnmp Funston under
which Nebrnskn's men nnd thoso of
other neighboring stntes aro being
trnlned to fight for Uncle Sam, ns re
ported by Governor Neville upon his
return to Lincoln from n three-day
visit to tho camp. Governor Novlllo
nnd his 'party went to Camp Funston
to dedicato tho now Nebraska build
ing there.
Captnln Walter Anderson, provost
marshal of Nebraskn, is preparing
county quotas for tho 300 Nebraska
men to bo called to Cnmp Funston,
February 23, ns tho Inst 15 per cent
increment of the first drnft. These
men will bo selected by locnl boards
under tho new classification, ho says.
K. n. Walker of Scottsbluff is re
corded ns Nebrnskn's first volunteer
shipyard worker. Nebrnskn's quota In
the drlvo for shipyard volunteers is
2,500 men. Tho campaign will bo di
rected by the stnto council of defense.
Stnte. Food Admlnlstrntor Wnttlei
hns designated Thursday of each
week ns "Potnto Day" In Nebraska,
and called upon merchants to sell
potntocs on those dnys nt reduced
prices. -On these dnys mcrchnnts will
bo authorized to sell potatoes ns n
substitute with wheat flour on tho
basis of four pounds of potatoes to
ono pound of flour.
Nebraska is Included in the list of
statos whero plrority Is given to cars
needed to move corn and other ce
reals to market by orders of Director
General of Railroads McAdoo. ,
TbIb week la Boy Scout week In
Nebraska according to a proclamation
tamed by Governor Novlllo.
A carload of Red Cross supplies,
mado by organizations la Nebraska,
was loaded nnd shipped to nn Atlantic
port from Omaha a few days ago.
Recruiting for the nrmy nnd navy
has been exceedingly brisk ovor the
stnte sinco tho torpedoing of the Tus
canlu. An effort to test the constitutional
ity of n Nehrnskn law denying sol'
dlers of the regular army n right to
vote, has begun In Omaha.
Pawnee County Food Admlnlstrntor
A. E. Henry Is considering the advis
ability of Issuing In tho neur future
Hour nnd sugar cards.
Announcement has been mado that
the Nebraskn quota for the first draft
Is filled and no men will be scut from
this stuto In response to the cnll for
the last 15 per cont.
Henry J. Buss, farmer near Ster
ling, picked nn car of corn from his
Held that contained 20 rows, with
1,4-18 kernels. He thinks he has
beaten tho record.
Judgo Good, In tho district court nt
Aurora, filled that hog breeders who
uso tho word "Immune" In their nil
vertisenients must wurrnnt absolute
Immunity from cholera.
Randolph high school reports that
In n recent thrift stnmp drive ever
scholar from the first grado to the
12th subscribed, and the total amount
will run close to $2,000.
The torpedoing of tho transport
Tuscania, loaded with United Stato
troops, has proven n groat stimulant
for nrmy recruiting In Omaha. Fol--lowing
tho ilrst reports 70 men enlist
ed In the nrmy.
Stockmen living tributary to tho
Omnlm market are being wnrncd to
hold back their stock for a few days
until the railroad situation elenrs nnd
packers are ublo to get tliylr products
to the eastern market.
A petition for the paving of the
Lincoln ( Highway from the east city
limits of Fremont to the town of
Ames, eight miles west, hns been
Hied with the Dodge county boord of
Tho stato university mny be made
a vocational training camp by the
government, carrying out a plan to
utilize tho universities of tho country
for thut purpose, according to a mes
sage received In Lincoln.
German text books wero stolen from
tho Fairmont high school the other
night. The school bourd had been
asked to discontinue German in the
schools, but hnd been negligent In
granting the request, It was claimed.
A petition has been presented to
tho city council of Wymore nsklng
that a wclghmaster for that place be
nppolnted. An ordinance providing
for tho appointment of such officer Is
being prepared.
Tho Nebraska branch of the divis
ion of four-minuto men Is tho thirl
largest In tho country, nccordlng to
William McCormlck Blair, director of
this division. There aro 1,075 four
minute men in Nebraska.
Captnln Anderson of the governor's
office hns notified local exemption
boards in Nebraska of nn order which
ho received from Washington, stating
that the government hereafter will
not allow or pay claims for automo
bile hlro In transporting drafted men
to tho railroad stations at their home
O. M. Gruonther of Platte Ccntor.
executive sccrotary of war savings for
Plntto county, hns reported thnt coun
ty chairmen of war savings from all
over Nebraska have been inquiring of
him as to how the Plntto county wnt
savings drive, which more than pledg
ed the quota of the "county In one day,
was accomplished.
Tho maximum retail gross margins,
per ton, for coal 'nnd coke, delivered
at tho ynrds, to consumers In Ne
brnska outsldo of Douglns nnd Lan
caster counties, wero established by
Stato Fuel Administrator Kennedy ns
follows: Domestic coal, not ynrtl
screened, $1.25; domestic coal, yard
screened, $1.40; stenm coal, 00c; coko,
$1.25. This Is tho first tlmo mnrglns on
tho snlo of coal havo been made uni
form nil over tho state. Tho or
der compels all retail coal deal
ers to post up and maintain In
their places of business, accessible to
their customers, tho cost to them of
each kind of coal nnd coko' handled,
tho mnxlmum retail gross margin al
lowed, and the retail prlco nt the
ynrd;' also drnyngo nnd delivery
Horse meat Is to bo put on the
market In Omaha, is tho announce
ment of tho Equlno Meut nnd Pack
ing company, recently Incorporated In
Nebraskn with $50,000 capital. Tho
company has been selling horse meat
nt Grand Islnnd for somo time.
Sewnrd county ranks first nmong
counties of Nebraskn thnt hnvo re
ported thrift stninps snlcs to tho
Omnlm postofllce, up to n fow duys
ngo. Thnycr county Is second. Sow
nrd's quota wns $320,880; sales, $S9,
SS5; percentage, 27.07.
Senator Hitchcock's nttltudo on the
war cabinet bill Is a disgrace to Ne
brnska In tho opinion of llvo Omnlm
Inbor orgnnlzntlon8, which sent tele
grams to Hitchcock condemning him
for his stand townrd tho administra
tion nnd suggesting that ho dovoto his
energies to "fighting tho kaiser In
stead of President Wilson."
The Kearney city council passed an
ordinance which prohibits tho giving
of any Sunday entertainment to which
nn ndmlRslon Is charged nnd will put
a atop to Sundny shows, Sunday base
ball and cbatauqua programs.
ThU Woman Recommend
' Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound Her
Personal Experience.
McLean, Neb." I want to recom
mend Lydia EL Pinkham's Vegetable-
i-ompouna 10 bib
women wno. sutler
from any functional
disturbance, aa it
has dono mo mor
good than all the
doctor's medicine.
Sinco taking it I
havo a fine health
baby cirl and have
gained in health and)
strength. Mv hns.
band and I both
praise your mod- 4a nit a.ffAtnj
women." Mrs. John Koppelmann, R,
No. 1, McLean, Nebraska,
This famous root and herb remedy,
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vcgetablo Com
pound, has been restoring women of
America to health for moro than forty
'years and it will well pay any woman
who suffers from displacements, in
flammation, ulceration, irregularities,
backache, headaches, nervousness or
"the blues" to give this successful
rcmeay a trial.
For special suggestions in reRanTto-
your ailment writo Lydia E. Pihkham.
Modicino Co., Lynn, Mass. The result
of its long experience is at your service.
To Fit tho Crime.
"If till they chargo against tho pack
ing business Is true, what do you think
should be done?"
"I think the offenders should havo
u ponlshmcnt which Is meet."
The Pathfinder, Leading Weekly Mag
azine of Nation's Capital, Makes
Remarkably Attractive Offer.
Wnshlngton, D. C, (Special) Peo
ple In every section of tho country nre
hurrying to take advantage of tho Path
finder's wonderful offer to send that
splendid Illustrated review of tho whole-v
world thirteen weeks for 15 cents. It
costs the editor a lot of money to do
tills, but he says it pays to invest in.
new friends, and 'that ho will keep the
offer open until tho Pathfinder passes
tho 250,000 circulation mark, which will
bo In a few weeks. Fifteen cents mail
ed at once with your application to
Pathfinder, 170 Douglas St, Washing
ton, D. C, will keep tho whole family
Informed, entertnined, helped and in
spired for the next threo months. Adv.
Granite Valuable Fertilizer.
Grnnito contnlns nearly nil food pec
cssary for many plants. Therefore,
freshly ground grnnito Is a good fer
tilizer. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
cannot roach tho seat ol the disease.
Catarrh Js a local disease, greatly Influ
enced by constitutional conditions. HALL'S
CATARRH MEDICINE will cure catarrh.
It Is taken internally and acts through
tho Blood on tho Mucoub Surfaces of the
la composed of some of the best tonlc
known, combined with somo of the best
blood purlflcrs. Tho porfect combination
of tho Ingredients In HALL'S CATARRH
MEDICINE Is what producoa such won
derful results in catarrhal conditions.
Druggists 75c. Testimonials free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Prop8., Toledo, O.
A Substitute. ,
"But, my dear sir," expostulated
Lawyer Dronn, . "n robo ndds to the
dignity of a judge."
"So would a shroud 1" snarled old
Festus Pester.
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTOItIA, that famous old remedy
for Infants and children, and see tbatlt
Bears tho
Signature of (
in uso for over 80 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Gaston
The Cause .of Hatred.
"What havo you got against Henry?"
"NoNiIng, except he's tho man my
wlfo Is always wishing I would 1ml
tnte. ,
Insures snowy whlto boautlful clothes
on washday. Duy Rod Cross Blue,
not just chpap liquid bluq which makes
your clothes greenish yellow. Rod Cross
Ball Bluo largo packages cost only 5
cents. All good grocers soil it Adv.
Not the Samo Thing.
"I heur thnt you havo been visltlnc
' "No. Relntlves."
The Oulnlne That Daea Not Affect Head
ItoMoie or lu tonle and laxa'tra street, .Laxatlr
Bromo Quinine can ba taken by anjons wltbout
oatulng nenrouinoa or ringing In the bead. Then
la onlr ona "Ucomo Qulnina." u. W. UBOVJTS
signature 1 on box. Ho.- ,
Ready for Fight.
Gloom Yes, Rlr; money 1b trouble.
Bright "Well, if that's tho caso I'm
alwnys looking for trouble.
To keep clonn nnd healthy tako Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Thoy regu
lnto liver, bowels nnd stomach. Adv.
Voluble With His Mitts.
"How did you got that black eye?"
"Slept with n deaf nnd dumb man
who tnlkcd In his Bleep."
When Your Eyes Need Care
Try Murine Eva Rrhiu .
!a.S2a2l5!f f.V J5K 0?2. -" t
- r
1 A T5',
irtAfl .. ,