i I A 4'V (Mr Annual February CLEAN-UP SALE " Qifr Policy:-Start off Each Season with a Clean Slate Sale Starts Saturday, Feb. 23rd And Closes Saturday, March 2nd The steady increase of business' the past year demonstrates that this store's customers are satisfied, with the service it gives, and that here they find quality merchandise that is properly priced. We hold special sales at the end of each season, only in order that we may .Clean-Up the odds and ends of the past season's merchandise and also to reduce overstocks. A few of the bargains in store for you we list beloW: ' Silks values worth up to $2.25. Special sale 78f Dress gingknms-a large assortment- 151 Tabic linens-regular prices $1.00 to $1.75 Special sale ". S1.00 Tabic linens-regular prices $1.75 to $2.00 Special sale $1.25 Tablo linens-regular prices $2.00 to $2.25. Special salo ..$1.50 Amoskcsg Aca Ticking worth wholesale 41. Special salo 40f Vovay Fey ticking worth wholesale 25tf. Special sale 23 9-4 Peppcrcll sheeting worth wholesale 49c Special salo 48J 0-4 Lockwood sheeting worth wholesale 50. Special sale 49f Part Linen Weft Toweling worth wholesale 14tf. Special sale 100 Whito Outing SO inches wide. Special sale 15f, 30 inch Kcarsogo cottcn flannel. Special sale price 25 A largo assortment ladies Crcpo Do Chine & Gcorgctto waists values up to $6.50. Special sale price $3.9$ Ladies Suits, priced at 33 1-3 per cent Discount Ladies Winter Dresses, priced at 1-2 Reg. Price Childrens Coats, priced at 1-2 Regular Price And a great many other BARGAINS not listed here See Large Bills for Particulars Sale Starts Saturday, Feb. 23rd And Closes Saturday, March 2nd &UL O iX8rusrAJL Red Cloud. Nebraska! 'M ' i fHE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska. MJBLWHKD EVERY THURSDAY latered hi the I'ontofllcii at Hid Cloud, Neb m flocond Cliw Mutter y McjAKTIItm M K. QUIHIjRY 1'UllUHllK). fc UNIiY lltiMUUKATIU I'AI'KK IN WKHBTEU COUNTY Under a recent ruling of the Fed eral Food Administration, henn and pullets cannot be shipped for food purposes or killed between iTob. 11 and May 1st- They may ho shipped or Bold, however, for egg production purposes. o It's a lttlo early in the year, but Kansas has started her annual bush wa about needing help for the wheat liarycntA Nebraska harvests .mofe wncai per caipu.iv.- nu,i ,.iupj u to date has never had to holler for help, especially for advertising pur poses. RECIPES USED BY MISS RICEfiERT i Tho Nebraska County Treasurers' Association will meet in Omaha Feb. 25-27. Geo. E. Hall, State Treasurer, and W. II. Smith, State Auditor, will deliver two of the addresses. Two theatre parties, a banquet, and a visit to the Auto Show arc among the en tertainment features. or co J ' w v iV (J 0 Mr. McMartin of Washington member of tho advisory board, visit ed Nebraska recently in connection with tho work of the "Four Minute Men." He says that the work in Ne braska is the best organized and the most efficient of all the states. He ranks Illinois and New York next in order. Of course none of them can beat Nebraska at any soit of good work. o Speaking about records, here arc a few held by Nebraska towns. New port ships more hay than any other town in America. Antioch makes and ships more potash than all the rest of America but together. jOma ha markets more butter than any other city in tho world. Hastings manufactures more cigars than any other city west of the Mississippi river. ScottsblufC county produces more beet sugar than any similar area in the United States. Arnold ships more silica than any other rail road station in the United States. The largest sheep barns in the' United States arc at Bumliam, a suburb of Lincoln. Omaha is the la'rgest prim ary sheep 'market in the United States. ft , Y Why don't You biiy her the Best Range? JP3 IWsKvSfiMl sell- WBmrS V The most important part of hojmc equipment is the cooking range. Look at the range your wife or mother is using. Ask her if she is perfectly satisfied with it. Then come and see us. We will show you The Walls Are 3-Ply TL SOUTH BEND MALLEABLE All-Ways Preferable Range rrRiNE The Oven Is Air-Tight Your Hard" wareDealer , v. miner ,. ai Hunger Hr, 8. S. Dcanlor, M. J), C Veterinary In Charge C H. Miner Serum Co. PJlODUomiS- Anti Hog Cholera Serum V - Red Clout!, Nebraska iWn r Phoac at Our Expense . ...... '. .. .. .. ' u, . veterinary License no. & The Hamilton - Gather Clothing. Co. Everything a Man or Boy Wears Rod Cloud Nebraska Wedding at Logan, Kansas -" e A very nrcltv weddiner was eolom- ijj "yriizod in thia Aeighborhpod on Sunday, neoruary ui, tnc contracting parties hfttnrr Misni Trftrm V.lUnf Hnmrlifni. f ? : r-j'r'j? t"-v.. ""' ." Air. ami Mrs; .yRviqijJSiJioti and Mr. i.., ui. wuuinuii l'iuvhi. nun, ui xir. ana Mrs. Maurice Callighcr of Eabon, Kansas. Immediately after divine services the weddinjr ceremony was Derformed by Bev. Father Kcilly at the homo of tho brido s parents. The bride is one of the vicinitv'a most highly respected and beloved young ladies and is in every wav can- ablo of bringing sunshine and happi ness into tho homo which Iho young couple will establish. The groom is a skillful and success ful young farmer poscssetl of a quiet and happy disposition and is in eory way worthy of tho young lady he ha? selected as his life partner. After tho ceremony relatives. friends and neighbors to tho number of .seventy partook of n sumptuous wedding dinner, after which the mnny vocal and instrumental numbers wore rendered. At a late hour thn miosis departed, wishing tho young couple many, many years of happy wedded life'. Mr. and Mrs. Harvc Blair and fam ily returned from a t.wo weeks visit with relatives in Illinois. Nelson Rasp was in charge of the ranch during their absence.' Smallpox and measles are picvclcnt hero the past two weeks. Our ener getic physician has been successful in keeping tho epidemic under control!. I understand tho Kansns board of lipnlHi lino nliftnivnil Ilt ... A.. 4A.. "German" measles to "Liberty" , mcaslc3. As fir as my limited know ledge extends l think tho former is applicable enough and pust as approp riate as tho later. Wo nil know Mm mcanhnr of tho wefc-d. "oo.rmJ' lmnco cornea tho word "German" merely a i derivative besides theso measles pos-. ucrmnn tendencies , comes or crawls invisibly upon tho unfortunate victim, giving no notico or warning, therefore I believe it should retain its original title. m Wo regret to hear of tho resigna tion of our highly respected mail car rier, Mr. Will Carpenter, on route 3 from Inavnlo, as ho always gavo per fect satisfaction. Never the loss Ids successor, Mr. Ralph Grossman will ( bo welcomed as ho has' always been . considered a good fellow, und suitablo , for tho place. This column edited by tho Women's County Council of Defence A number of ladies requested that they be furnished tho recipes used by Miss Rlchcrt at the demonstration Saturday. For this reason they are given here: Potato Uread Part 1. , 1 ea!.t cake h cup water 1 cup water 2 cups white flour Part 2. 31bs. or 10 medium potatoes, peeled and mashed 1 tablespoon salt 4 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons fut 8 cups white flour , Set sponge 03 usual, mixirfg part 1 thoroughly and ictf'tfac.pvcr nign'i.'ln uiu iiiyming tuun, uiuiu wen, pcci ana mash potatoes, add salt, sugar and fat. Cool and add to sponge. Add white flour to make stiff dough. Let rise to double its- bulk. Mold into loaves. Let rise again to double its bulk and bake in a moderate oven. Note: Some of the mashed potato may be used in the sponge if desired and the potato water may be used also if potatoes arc peeled before cooking. Oatmeal Bread Part 1 1 yeast caltc cup luke warm water 4 cups boiling water 1 cup white llour 4 cups rolled outs or oalmenl Part 2 4 tablespoons melted fat 7 cups bread flour 1-8 cup brown sugar 1' teaspoon salt Dissolve yeast cake in luke warm water. Pour 4 cups boiling water over 4 cups rolled oats, let stand until luke warm. Add yeast then add 2 cups "white flour, or enough to make a soft sponge. Let rise over night. Next morning add fat, sugar and flour, knead. Let rise again until double its bulk and bake in a moderately hot oven. , Corn Mcnl Hrcnd Part 1 1 yeast cuke 1 cup luke warm 'water 2 caps water 3 cups -white flour Part 2 , " -' 2 cups milk 1 tablespoon .salt 4 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons fat l cups cornmeal , 5 cups white flour ' Make a sponge of Part 1 as above. Let-1 ripe over night. Scald milk in Piw:t 2, add alt, sugar and fat. Cool, add to sponge, then add commeal and Hour to make a doucrh. Knead well. Note: Cornmeal may be cooked if qcBireU'Py s,tirnng 4 cups cornmeal in to 4' cilpfl boiling water. Let steam in double- toiler 10 minutes Cool . nnd addito sponge, omitting the 2 cups of mnje. , , Corn Flour Bread - Pai't 1 ' . - -t . . 1 yeast cake 1 cup luke warm water 2 cupB water 3 cups wbitc flour Part 2 N 2 cups skim milk 2 tablespoons fat 1 tablespoon salt 4 tablespoons sugar 2 cups com flour 7 cups plus of whito flour Make a spongo of Part 1, as above. Mix thoroughly and lot rise over night. In the morning scald skim milk in Part2, add fat. salt and sucrar. Cool. add to sponge, add corn flour and then white flour to make dough. Knead, and Ilt- iPA 4-f jlmiViln t& 1...IT. If 1J S i vi. iisu m iiuuuiu ti.o uuik. mo 111 into loaves. Let rise again to double its bulk and bake in. a moderately hot oven- o Spring Drive For More Food Resolutions to concentrate on the problems of food production and con servation during the spring months were passed at the February meeting of ho Executive Board of the Wom en's Committee of the Nebraska State Council of Defence. Tho ser ious problems of the distribution of food products will be investigated thoroughly, and all possible help se cured for tho producers. Mrs. F. M. Dewccso, of Dawson, re cently appointed Chairman of tho Food Production Committee, was del egated to confer with Nebraska's Food Administrator, Mr. Wattles, concerning the possible government solutions of tho problems of labor, market and transportation. She will also seek tho viewpoints of the women producers themselves n's to thoirnceds. "This is the biggest problem before tho country to-day," said Miss Hibkova, chairman of tho Women's Committee. "We are facing much the situation which Russia is combating. Russia has overproduced, yet through lack of distribution facilities, people in some parts of Russia aro facing star vation. Tho Women's Committee hopes to And some means of estab lishing a marketing medium which will bring together tho city women who face a shortage and tho farm wonjen who aro overstocked with veg etables and dairy products." o Tho drive for $10,000 with which to carry on war work has been instituted by llfo Women's Committee of the Ne braska State Council of Dcfonso until th6 next meeting of tho legislature when, an appropiation will bo asked for. ; . , - The Day Light Store " i . i i) We buy as good goods as money can buy. We guarantee every thing that , , goes out. Live and let live prices. (Tome in and be convined. Always , here to take care of your "' wants Up-to-Date Staple, and Fancy Groceries Cash or Trade for Your Produce J. E. BUTLER ' Both Phones Bell 45 Electric Wiring IF you want your home Sore or garage wired let me furnish you an estimate on the job, complete; Everything : Electrical '!' .-. . v, !, t.' l.T- "W , Our prices are right, workmanship the, best, and material guaranteed. : "''We order any special fixtures ryoti, : Want ancTinstall thern satisfaclorily:' 'Z Lebus figure on your next job E. W. STEVENS We Serve Only the Best DINE AT OUR CAFE Powell & Pope mrpsrmsmsixxarm mi wiMHWi We solicit a share of your patronage during ipiS N PLATT& FRBBS i Hayes Auto Bus To and from all Trains TAKE THE ayes Auto Bus To And From AH Jrain . 4H 1 it I fthciriPidti ' v ji "HIW v . u A v m v - "i ff: ' .l'' , v $$9 .'4 X V K. V ', f M t y ft -"'it, b . I- n r