The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 14, 1918, Image 1

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F. V
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jtf Jv"wJJ -! 1Jt!tt!tiI 1 1 jv1 ;i rJvTT H a r Smm -r-' Vt r uJ jT-lr 1 .4KH l&7 1wBad? ft y"4 "Jjit jTtj- ) 3 ir - t- lr .KtC TuTi T'g'"'""1' K Rl ITst HlH ft E HBflELf k k H p - B H 1 BHI "-! SCtrnZSEfaBSjSeMMMM'
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4 Newspaper That (lives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50.
Buy Stamps and
Save a Soldier . .
Refuse to Buy Thorn and Let Brave Men Die
While you are at home tonight boiide the warm lire American
boys over tlierc in France will bo out in this cold In the trundles,
Tonight while yon tire in your warm, anui? bed your own win or
your neighbor's ton 'over their' maybe dodging depth from shrapnel.
Tlie boys in the trenches have loaned their lives for yon; won't
you loan your money for them loan It at 4 per c lit- compound inter
est, the highest rate the government has ever paid
Buy U. S War Savings Stamps and you save the lives of Ameri
can soldiers; refuse to buy and you let brnve men die.
The government miiit have monoy now. The decision Is soon lo
be umde'for or against America. Which way, depond upon you.
The more moncv loaned the government the sooner tho war will
end und the less American blood will be shed.
You can liny War Suvlims Stamps in i!."i cent sizes, known as
"Thrift Hthmps" und S3 Mzes, known as "War Savings Certificate
Space Donated by Webster County Bank
,v.v.v.v.vj rj0yS aj camp Funston Nancy Jane Turner
I j Receive More Equipment Passes to Her Reward
! I Tills we:k the company lias been ' 'i'ho ieath of Mrs. Nancy Jane Tur
pj diilmig every morning and has bfon nor which occurcd at the homo of her
J I putting in the tlm at pxtHided order s south of the city early Frldny
drill and part of the tlmu they l.avo morning marked the passing of one of
been drilling with the battalion und the most highly respected and oldest
regimental drill, citizens of this community, she having
Mouduy lUtei noon it iiew order oamoHlmost reached the age of sevonly
out and now everyone gous to school : two years.
every afternoon e.cpt Wednesday and: Several months ago the aged lady
Saturday. Tho school consist-, of hov- . suffered a paralytic stroke which dc-
eral dashes viz: I'Vld and Forlifien
tion, fj.ivoncl, Snipers, Autoiiiatin
Utile and Hand Grenades
Wednesday evening the leginient
KasmsxxsxmKmiasKSsmngfmKstM iwwm
prived her of the power of speech, but '
in no way affected her mind, ultimate-!
ly causing her death.
Funeral cervices were conducted on
had singing over at the Y. M. 0. A hunday afternoon ut two o'clock by
and twenty live boys or this company i'Rcv. J. L. Bcobe. interment was nindo
had to uttutid the hdiool. Wednesdny in tho city cemetery.
afternoon at. 4:30 tho company went on j
clutv itiinrcllna tho roirimciits rounds' Nanci' Janc Outright was bprn in
and quarter. The editor ha been on ioss county, Ohio, March 22, 18lG,nnd
! M': td
a7 wSWSmWSSM V SStSwam
Cream Separator
We do not believe that a farmer who knows anything
about farm machinery could be induced to buy any separa
tor other than a DeLaval after he had seen the latest im
proved DeLeval machine and had given it a trial.
It is a fact that 99 per cent of all separator buyers who
do SEE AND TRY A DELAVAL machine before buying
purchase the DeLaval and will have no other. The 1 per
cent who do not buy the DeLaval are those who allow
themselves to be influenced by some other consideration
besides real genuine separator merit.
It you are thinking about buying a cream separator wo will
consider it a fnvor if yon will permit us to setup a DcLntnl for
you on your own place and hirvo you give It a fair trial.
You will bo under no.obligation to buy the machine if it dots
not make good all our claims, and should you decide to keep
H and cannot eonvenictnly pay cash, you mayN do so on 6uch
easy torms that it will actually savo its costs while you ate
pnylng for It.
Geo. W. Trine
lire guard duly all week. I guard t ltd
barracks halt of the night and sleep
the balance and do not Imvo to drill In
the dxy time. Wednesday and Thurs
day we had ideal spring weather and
everyoiie went around in their ftlilrt
Sunday afternoon we were issued
more equipment consisting of bayonets
etc., and for the next two weeks Wo
grew to womanhood at that place. She
was married to Lewis Bohrcr at Chil
Hcothe, Missouri in 18G1 and to this
union was born one son, Win. Bohrcr
of this city. Her husband entered the
army and died three months 'after
.entering tho sen-ice of his Country.
She, with her son, moved to Nodaway
county, Missouri, and in tho year of
18GG at Quitman, Nodaway county,
will spend the tlnu in the trendies !Misso.ul'b h married Richard Turner.,
dulling ut skirmish lines and attack-
The NebrHbka boy& who ttrebtutioned
here are to, liuvw-u recreational
The-buildlniris to beliu x 129 and
auditorium wlll'seat WlO people. The
building Is to oust SDOvO'and it is a gift
from tho people of Nebraska and it will
eurtuiuly bo appreciated by the Corn-
busker boys hore.
Ex-President Tufc will arrive bore
Monday to spend u couple of days lec
luring to the soldiers and giving us
tho one-) over.
Art McArlhur.
"A Pound of 'Substitute"
All .patriotic citizens of the county
are requested to come to the I. 0. 0.
F. hall on Saturday, February ICth.
This day has been designated as Worn
ens' Council of Defense day.
The object of the day and meeting
To this union were' born eight children,'
In 1869 she, with her husband, united
with the Universaiist church. In 1874
.,,rjj..they homoBtcaded in Smith county,
nd Its Kansas and In 1877 camcto Nebraska,
where sho has Binco made her home.
In 1887 Death entered their homo and
took from them an infant daughter
and in 1910 the husband passed to the
Groat Beyond.
She leaves to mourn her demise five
sons and three daughters, who are: W.
(T. Bohrcr, Charles Turner, Mrs. Ben
Fogg, Albert Turner, Mrs. Guy Day
and Grant Turner, all of this city,
Mrs. Sam Johnson of Inavalcand John
'lurner of Hastings, besides twenty
three grandchildren and ten great
grandchildren. Commercial Advertiser.
To Accomplish Good Work
You Muft Have Proper Equipment
The Parker Lucky Curve
Self Filling Fountain Pen
is unequalled. Our new stock contains
at $2.50 to $6.00
Lower Priced Self Filling Pens at
$1.25, $1.50 and $2.00
Make Sure Your ChiMs EYES ARE RIGHT ami Able
to Sustain the Strain Imposed by Scliool Work
E. H. N
HTC. B. Q. Watch Inspector
lflewlr ana 0$tonftrlt
Holds Business Meeting
A moating of tho directors of the
Chamber of Commerce was held at
their (iiiarters on Wednesday morninir
is to enroll ull patriotic women of this llt w,lloh ,,, BXlcnsV0 ,,ans Wero
county in the Council of Defense, to mtt(lo f01. tll0 comllff ycHr,
raise funds with which to pny our . A comiuluuo was appointed to adopt
state apportionment and carry on the piausfora Credit Clearance Assocla
defense work of the county. tlou to be handled through tho Chain-
Tho slogan, "A Hen or the Price of w of Commerce,
a Hep" has ,bcen interfered with to n.ins for tlie formation of u Labor
considerable extent by an order re- j uVeaii were dUcussed and action will
cently issued that no hens are to be bo' taken In this mutter in the nenr
sold or shipped out of the state and future. This will bring those desiring
as the committee is anxious to assist employment in communication with
the Government in every way possible tliose wanting reliable help,
they request tho women of the county, The .problems of -trade extension,
to bring eggs or a donation equal to better rodds! stmbt Improvement and
the price of a hen. I tjlvlo pride and the extensive advertls-
Thore will be a program Saturday ing of the city 'c resources were th rash
afternoon commencing at two o'clock od out by this body of geiiMemen nnd
and a demonstration of "Tho Pound of ( Wo expect to K-e considerable work
Substitute" by Miss Ethel Richcrt, one joll0 along these lines during the com-
uj. mu uuvciumuuu lumi iiciiiuusiiui.- inn en,. ,,,,,1 mi,,,,,,,.,..
By Eleanor H. Porter Read by
Miss Pauline Lucile Mayo
Noted Reader and impersonator
of Lincoln, Nebraska
Under the Auspices of the High School
Proceeds to go tor the purchasing of pictures and OUior
art works for tho assembly room of tho now school house
Miss Mayo has presented folly Anna country wide
and Is considered unequallos by those who have
heard her. YOU come and hoar her andloarn how
to play the "Qlad Game. "
25c and 35c
I Union Meeting Sunday Night
ors. In order that tho men may not
feel slighted arrangements have been
mrttlc whereby they may "do their bit"
by purchasing a tag.
10:00 a. m. Sunday School, Mrs. C. J. Pope, Supt.
11:00 a. m. Preachinglservice gospel sermon. . .
2:30 p. m. Sunday School, South SidelMission.
2:30 p. m. Indian Creek services preaching.
The United Church people gladly co-operate with any
movemenh calculated to unite the people in a common
A big drive will be made for an in
crease In membership In tho Chamber
of Commerce.
Kizer & Son, If You Please
The ever increasing demand for the
product and services o'f Hon. S. 11
met Tuesday. The most important 1VIKB1' veteran woouwoncor piiuisciiy.
matter brought before them was tho rently compelled hlm to socuro the
opening of bids' for tho construction solces of his son, Clnreuco1, nn cxper-
of county bridges. Only two firms wnccrt Ctt-P0"t'- ni cabinet maker,
had sent in-bUls for this work, they T,l b'"B which for a number of
being the Elkhart Bridgo and Iron year8 sermI us "lco Rn1 workroom
company and tho Omaha Structural for "Sam" Prove1 to bo of Inadequate
Steel Bridtro comnanv. Renrosonta- mentions to accommodate the growth
Commissioners Proceedings
The board of county commissioners
norse nearse
Auto Hearse
Phone, Ind. Store 158, Res, 93
tives of the Omaha concern were jyes
ent. The commissioners decided to
postpone action in the matter until
next Friday.
Tho annual report of Road Overseers
Andrew Guy and Chris Guy wero ap
proved by tho board.
of business, therefore they recently
built nu addition to the old business
block und installed some modern ma
chinery. Tho original ideas und ar
tlstio designs of the senior member of
the firm combined with the skill and
Men in Military Service
at Camps nnd Cantonments
May Write for Newspapers
Persons in military service aro pcr
mitcd under certain restrictions, to
H- T -...1.1! 11 1 .., .,.,.. .,..
energy of the junior member will en- u maKOJslnos Thoy may not re-
L. E. llawllnpa wns nnnnlnfml vAt,,l nU, lUon " Successfully COIIipetO ..- Mmmt .. mntr!nl fin-nUbnil
overseer of District 2S, Chris Guy re- Z.l WVX 8am Uuo'ot t hy them.
signing. Rawlings' bond was np- , , , . All letters containing matter for
a I lowest rates, host terms and option , publication written by men in
S. F. Greene was appointed deputy and-innny amount. No Inspection ex- vico must bo sent through officers,
assessor in Glenwood precinct, II. A. Ppsc, mm! ulisolutely no delay. Six who will delete nil references capable
Stumpcnhorst resigning, i J?SA ti'0,0,!? f,.r0,m:,,o?0, n8cnt for of furnishing important information
Tho board adjourned to.Feb. 1C. 10V0U, MltUs j. 'H, Dttusy, to the enemy.
Regular newspapor correspondents,
not in military service aro not re
quired to submit copy for censorship,
being- guided by tho request for see-,
rccy published hy thq Committee on.
Public Information. If theso aro ig
nored tho privileges of tho camp may
bo withdrawn in the discretion of tlie
camp commander.
None of theso rules apply to troops
in- Franco, whero tho commanding
general of tho Expeditionary Forces
will establish such regulations' 83 arc
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