'"ff- fn;' ,"? BfJ' H , . RED .CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF IV it i . t r i; -f 3 .. : . Fv . ISP, en f 'fy "k A : 32 J&.U iR-jnjiE'Usr ARGENTINA SHOWS 8IQNS OF A BREAK WITH GERMANY , AND AU8TRIA. PLAN FOR WAR GARDENS Will Cultivate Every Available Piece of Ground Qerman 8trlkera Have Issued an Ultimatum. Duonos Aires. Tho mutilator of war has rocaM6d Argentina's military at taohos from Dorlln and Austria, In po litical circles this action Is regarded as significant and connoctod with tho sinking of ' tho Argentina steamship MlnlBtro Irrlondo, January 26. Tho Ar gentine minister to Franco has con firmed tho fact that tho steamship was flying tho Argentine1 flag whom Bunk. Tho govornmont has not announced by what authority tho chango of flags was tnado after loavlng this country tho vessel having Bailed under tho French flag but reports tho sinking as an un friendly act oven though tho uso of tho homo flag was unauthorized. Tho as sumption in political circles hero Is that Germany does not intend to kacp her promises In regard to Argentina's hipping. German Strikers Issue Ultimatum. Zurich. Tho socialist papor, Vor waorts, announces that tho Dcrlln strikors havo addressed to tho govern ment an ultimatum, of which tho fol lowing aro tho princlplo demands: First Accelerated conclusions of a goneral peaco, without indemnities or annexations. Second Participation of workmen's delogatos of all tho countries in the peaco pourparlers. Third Amelioration of tho food sit uation by hotter distribution. FourthImmediate abolition of the fltato of slego and restoration of tho right of public meetings, suspondod by tho military authorities. tjfrFifth Abolition of militarization war factories. Sixth Immodiato release of all po litical prisoners. Seventh Fundamental democratiza tion df Btato institutions. Eighth tho institution of equal electoral suffrngo by direct secret bal lot. , 'PLANNING FOR WAR GARDENS Every Vacant Piece of Ground to Be Cultivated. Lincoln. Within ho next Blxty days every important city and town in 'tho Btato will havo mado.noto of ovory vacant ploco of ground and its rcntnl value. Plans to orgnntzo tho stato for war gardening purposes tho coming Bprlng nnd summer havo already boon put undor way by tho agricultural ex tension Borvlco ot tho Unlvorslty of Nobraakn. Tho plan to Hat all tho vacant proporty in tho more Important towns throughout tho Btntb Is bolng carried on with tho co-oporution ot tho schools ind tho school boards in tho rospoctlvo places. Tlio children arp taking a con bub of ovory vacant pleco ot proporty, finding out how much it will rent for or whothor tho owner will allow somo ono to garden it freo of charge Airmen Again Raid England London. Gorman airmen havo again raided England. About fifteen air planes took part In tho raid. Ono of them dropped bombs in tho southwost- era ouibkuib ot Lionuon anu anomer in tho outlying northeastern, district. There wero a few casualties in south western London. Bombs wero dropped at various places In Kent, and Essox. There wore sovoral aerial engage ments. All tho British machinos ro tnraed Bafoly. Omaha, Nob. Following a pitched battlo during which more than 200 shots wero fired, dotoctlvos from the control station captured flvo men and two women charged with tho robbery of 'a Dodge Btroet Jowolry store. Tho stolen Jowolry, valued at $20,000, was recovered. Havana. With tho liberals absent ing thomselvos from tho chamber, tho conservative membors ot tho houao ot representatives in regular session , adopted a bill granting amnesty to all civilians jwho took part in tho llboral revolution of February, 1917. State Control of Great Advantage London. British railways, which havo been undor stato control slncti tho beginning of tho war, havo boon operated through art, executlvo com mittee ot goneral managers' ot rail , wayB. Tho working undor ono con trol has resulted in many economics and proved "of great advantago. Newport, Furthor investigation into tho explosion at tho torpedo sta tion horo .last weok strengthens tho official conclusion that tho blast was tho result of an accident. State Council Gathering Data Lincoln. la connection with tho card indox system which will bo used in tho different counties of tho stato to record what oach individual Is do ing to support various war activities, tho stato council of dofonso is furnish ing sample cards to all county coun cils, suggesting tho form in which the records shall bo kept. These cards contain blank spaces for tho man's same and addroBB, bis telophono and automobile number and his rural route U he Htm in the country. -.ajwv. 4j3Ll t . WJSHSf! mwtsoMiaijPMwwiiin n wmwmfmniwm'rm w'wtmiammZtMri MISERY FOR NEUfKAua Spain One of the Countries Getting but Scant Comfort. Madrid. It Is not easy to boo n'nye sllvlor lining to tho clouds that the great war has brought over Spain. Food has Incrcasod enormously in prlco and coal is terribly dear and virtually unobtainable. WagoB Havo beon reduced aniWstriKos onti trouuioB aro occuring in all parts of tho coun try. A long drouth in tho south which lasted nil nutumn and part of tho wlntor rulnod tho crops. Snows havo frozen fruits and vegetables, and many cattle havo died of hunger from scarcity of grazing. Misery is groat in small towns and Madrid stroets aro full of beggars. Every day tho news papers record deaths from hungor and cold. Prisons aro reported to bo full in somo towns s6 that no further ar rests can bo made, nlthough crimes against person and proporty continue No Date 8et for Another Draft. Washington. Expansion of Ameri ca's fighting forces bfayond their, pres ent strength depends upon such things as events abroad and tho shipping situ ation, Secretary Dakor said, in dls closing that tho war department has not fixed a date for another nor ovon determined how many men shall be called. When Mr. Raker told tho son ata military committee that tho United States would havo half a million men In FrarVco early UiIb year, and that in all a million and a half could go across If ships could bo found to carry thorn, ho reforred to tho divisions now in training camps and those already in Europe Future developments will do cldo what additional forces will bo sent. Revolution Threatens Finland Stockholm. The long threatened revolution In Finland, 1b proceeding In tho eastern provinces, according, to sparso reports reaching Haparanda and forwarded horo. Tho railroad sta tion nt Holslngford Is reported to havo boon" occupied by tho Russian red guard. Sharp fighting has taken placo at Vlborg. Russian soldiers aro said to bo aiding tho red guard and re inforcements nro roportcd to have beon sont from Potrogrnd. In nnswor to a protest made by Fin land the Russian government said that it must support tho proletariat ngalnBt Finland's burgcolslo. HolBlng tors' Is commanded by tho gun3 o! Russian warships undor control of bolshovlkl sailors. A bolshovlkl organ at Holslngfors says tho "red guard got out of hand and was guilty of murdering and plundering. Conditions of anarchy are said to provall in tho region of tho disturbances. Starvation With Two Years of War Norfolk, Va. European food ex ports aro agreed that tho ontlro world will bo brought to tho vergo of starva tion If tho war continues two years more, nccordlng to. Dr. Maurlco Fran cis Egan, United Stutos minister to Denmark. Tho northern European noutrals, Dr. Egan declared, aro In dlro straits. Food is so scarco in Denmark that the famous Danish wolf hounds nro being slaughtered for food. Marriage Will Be No Aid. Washington Men of draft BG mar ried nlnco May 18, 191,7, should not bo exempted from selective service, Provost Marshal GonorawCrowder has announcod. Ho Instructed government agents to appeal to district boards all cases In which local boards havo granted depondoncyoxomptlon to mon marriod after May18. At tho Bamo time Crowder ruled that no draft registrants will bo permitted to enlist in tho armies ot the allies, pending caU to tni country's flag, Potrograd. Tho govornmont com missioners announco that diplomatic relations 'th Rumania havo "boon broken, and that tho Rumanian dele gation and all tho Rumanian represen tatives horo will bo sent out ot tho country by tho Bhortost routo. Major General Wood Injured Washington. Major Gonoral Leonard Wood, in Franco on an observation tour, was slightly wounded by nn ac cidental explosion which killed flvo French soldlors and hurt two othor American ofllcors. Rumors Were Unfounded Chicago. Red Cross headquarters in Chicago aftor Investigating charges of a plot to Inoculate bandages mada In Springfield, 111., with disease and gorma, declared that tho charges woro wltliout basis in fact. Martial Law at Demlnn Doming, N. M. Charging lack of co operation from ofllcialB In keeping Doming freo from vlco Mayor M. A. Nordhnus has announced his resigna tion with a statement ot conditions for Secretary ot War Baker and rec ommended that tho city bo placed un dor martial law. Camp Cody Is lo cated horo. William Mauplu, nows- papor man, is noro as tno porsonal representative of Governor Keith Neville ot Nebraska to prepare, a re port for tho governor on conditions nt Camp Cody. MoonBhlrtlna on Increase Washington. Tho necessity of arousing stnto and county officials to their responsibilities in assisting th'o government break up tho manufacture of moonshine whisky Is urged upon tho governors ot prohibition stat.03 in a lotter from Intornal Kovenuo Com missioner Roper, Tha letter was mado nubile as nart of a natlon-wldo campaign against illicit distilling recently announcod by Contmlsolonor Roper when it was dis covered that the .manufacture ot "moonshine" was rapidly increasing STATE SHOWS WELL A BIG PERCENTAGE OF PHYSIC ALLY CAPADLE BUT FEW SLACKERS KNOWN Nebraska Stands Ahead of Forty-five In Number of Men Reporting for War Duty. Washington. Nobraska figures In Provost Marshall General Crowdor's report aro intorestlng in themsolvos and in comparison with tho figures of othor states. Nobraska, for instance had 26,377 draf toes oxaminod for physical defects and of tho number thoro wore 21.0GJ qualified. It amounted to 79,85 per cent and is a Bhowlng exceeded by only ono othor Btato In tho union, South Dakota. Tho avorago of tho county was Bllghtly over 70 per cont so tho Ne braska showing indicates that ten mora men out of every hundred were physically capable than in tho aver ago stato of tho unfom Tho total number ot registrants called was 28,573 and there wore 12,878 claims filed for exemption. This was less than tho averago for the country. Tho Nobraska porccntago waB 45.07 in this item and the national average was 56.05 por cont. Thoro wore 9,731 claims granted, which nude a percentage tL 76.bG, com pared to a national average of 81.79 por cent. Of tho 27,573 men called there were 1,369 who failed to appear. That was a percentage of 4.79 for tho state, com pared to a national porccntago of 8.18. Forty-five states of tho union were behind Nebraska in this respect. In Texas where they brag bo tho percentago of men who got cold feet ran. up to 10.13. In Now York where ovcrybody seemed anxious to go to war, tho porccntago was 7.95. Thoro were 4,499 colored registrants in Nebraska, or enough to make more than a regiment ot colored fighters. They constituted 3,80 por cent ot tho ontlro 118,278 registrants. Only 761 of tho number were called. Tho pec capita cost of carrying out tho selective draft system in Nebraska was Just 36 conts. Tho national avor ago was C4 conts. Thoro wore thirty three states of tho union whoso figures ran much hlghor. Nevada was at tho top with $1.03 por capita. Nebraska's grosB military quota wa3 given at 13,000 and there wore 11,493 volunteer enlistments which General Crowder charged oft against tho state. This was a porccntago ot 82.68, as com pared to tho dreadfully fragilo figure of 64.47 as an avorago for nil tho stater of tho union. ' Tho total alien enlistments In No braska ran up to' 4,908. Allied allons constituted 1,855 of this number. Nou tral aliens constituted another 1,007 of tho number, and thoro wero 698 alien enemies who registered or 14.22 por cont of the ontlro nllon registra tion. Farmers Demand Reasonable Price Lincoln. Farmora aro bombarding tho Nobraska stato railway commis sion with telephones, tologrnph and mail, saying that undor tho'prder Is suod by tho commission to facilitate" tho marketing of "soft corn'" before warm weather sots in, elevator mon havo adopted an arbitrary attitude, and somo of them aro refusing to pay what tho farmers deem to be a reason able prlco for their grain. Farmers consequently aro refusing to sell. Rioters Clamoring for Peace London. Tho Amsterdam corres- pondent ot tho Express says that ex traordinary reports aro current con cerning a revolution in Germany and that there havo been rumors of great disorders In Berlin during tho past fow days, tho rioters clamoring for peaco. Ho also reports bread riotB which wero ruthlessly repressed by tho pollco, many men, women and children being wounded. Campaign Against Anti-Slackers Tho Idea of tho cards now being dis tributed by the county councils of do fenso is to assist In an equitable dis tribution of tho financial burdens of tho war. It is a measure to prevent tho disloyalists and slackers from slipping by tho campaigns for funds at tho oxponso of thoso who aro loyal. Nebraskans Lead Tuberculosis Fight Washington. Congressmen Shal- lonborcer and Sloari of Nebraska lod I tho floor battlo in tho houso for tho appropriation ot $250,000 to fight ani mal tuberculosis in tho. wost. Both men woro vigorous proponents ot a plan to increaBO tho amount over tho statement ot tho agricultural depart ment that $250,000 was all that could bo put to uso advantageously Just now. Argumonts advanced wero prac tically uuassallublo, but tho effort was futile. No Action Will Do Taken Omaha. Although no public .an ' nouuecment has been mado by tho Btuto council ot dofonso, it is exrVomc ly unllkoly that any action will be takon upon tho protost filed by tho Ne braska Equal Suffrago association, upon tho form ot tho proposed amend ment wnicn mo council is euDmiiung. through tho Initiative ami referendum to disenfranchise "alien enemy voters" who aro Booking exemption from tho draft on the grounds that thoy are not citizens. TO HELP WIN THE WAf? m i i i m HOU8EWIVE8 URGED TO PRAO TIVF. RIGID ECONOMY Food Administration Requests Use of Lest 'Material In Preparation of Dally Menu REMEMBER YOUR MENU Two wheatless days a week Monday and Wednesday and one wheatless meal a day. Two porkless days a week Tues day and Saturday. One meatless day a week Tues day and one meatiest meal a day. Washington. Tho now homo card of tho food administration has beon Is sued and Bhortly will bo distributed throughout tho United States to aid housekeepers In observing tho 1918 food conservation program of two wheatless, ono meatless and two pork less days a week, as announced in President Wilson's proclamation. Tho card, carrying an explanation of tho weekly plan, went into effect at once, and bakers began tho manu facture of tho "Victory loaf," a war bread containing a G por cent substi tute for wheat flour. Bakers are to in crease the substitutes for wheat flour until a 20 por cent substitution is reached February 24. At tho flame time grocors will sell householders whoat flour only when tho purchaser buys an equal amount of some other cereals. Tho Food Administration asks every loyal American to help win tho war by maintaining rigidly as a minimum of saving tho following; Havo two wheatless days (Monday and Wednesday) In every woek and ono wheatless meal in every day. On wheatless days and in wheatless meals of others days uso no crackorn, pastry, macaroni, breakfast food or other corcal food containing wheat, and do not uso wheat flour in any form except tho small amount that may bo needed for thickening soups or gravies or for a binder in cornbread and other cereal breads. As to bread If you bako it at homo uso other cereals than wheat, and if you buy it, buy only war bread. Tho object is that wo should buy and consume one-third less- wheat products than wo did last year. Havo ono meatless day (Tuosday) in every week and ono meatless meal in everyday. Havo two porkless days (Tuesday and Saturday) In every wook. Meatless means without any cattle, hog or sheop products. On other days ubjj mutton and lamb in preference to beef or pork. , Porkless means without pork, bacon, ham, lard or pork products fresh or preserved. Uso fish, poultry and eggs. As a na tion wo eat and waste nearly twlco as' much meat as wo need. Mnko every. day a fat saving day (butter, lard, lard substitutes, etc). Fry loss; bake, broil, boil or stow food Instead. Savo meat drippings; use them and vegotnblo oils for cook ing instead of butter. Butter has food values vital to children, therefore, give It to them. Uso it only on tho tablo. Wasto no soap, it is mada from fat. Bo careful ot all fats. Wo uso and waste two and a halt times as much fat as wo need. Mako every day a sugar saving day. Uso less sugar; loss sweet drinks and candy containing sugar should be used in war tlraos, As a nation we have used twice as much sugar as we need. , Uso fruits, vegetables and potatoes abundantly. These foods aro health ful and plentiful and at tho same time partly take the placo ot othor foods which wo must save. Raise all you can for home use. Use milk wisely. Use all of the milk, waste no part of it. The chil dren must bavo wholo milk. Use sour and skim milk In cooking and for cottage cheese. Any ono buying and holding a larger auDDly ot food now than in peace time, except foods canned, dried or preserved in the home, is helping to defeat tho Food Administration in its attempt to secure a just division of food and tho establishment of fair prices. Tho food hoardor is working against tho common good and oven against tho very safety ot tho country. Hoarding food in households is' both solflsh and unnecessary; tho govorn mont is protecting tho food supply of Its people. Assessed valuations ot proporty In Nebraska aro generally higher than those In South Dakota, according to figures compiled by Secretary Bornocker ot -the board ot oquallza' tlon. Automobiles, pianos nnd thresh ing machines aro about tho only items which aro taxod hlghor than thoso in Nebraska. Students in Nobraska schools where Gorman has been dropped will not be penalized in their ontranco credits at tho Unlvorslty of Nebraska, according to announcement by Chancollor Avory.. A resolution passed at tho war conforonco at Lincoln last Nweok, urgos congress to mako a law pro viding that any man pleading ex emption on grounds that no is an niinn. in order to avoid military Borv- lco, can novor bocorao a citizen of tho United States. ( Judgo N. G. Soars ot the district court, sitting at Omaha, has upholp tho main provisions ot tho Nebraska blue sky law, and the right ot the railway commission to enforce Its measures. II DOMIilT POWER UNITED STATES BANKING CEN ,TER OF THE WORLD GERMAN STRIKE IS SERIOUS Much Worse Than Was Indicated In Official Dispatches America's Shipping Is Holding ' Its Own Washington How tho Unltod States has become tho dominant banking power of the world was shown In tho annual report of tho comptroller of tho currency, John Skolton Wil liams, has beon presented to con gress. Comptroller Williams esti mated tho wholo banking power ot tho nation nt J37.529.000.000, an in crease of more than 114,000,000,000 slnco tho boglnning of tho present ad ministration. Taking tho latost osti mato of banking power of tho world, placed in 1890 at $15,558,000,000, ho said, America's lncroaso was alone nearly equal to tho world's cornblned banking power twenty-seven years ago. National hanks of tho United States, Comptroller Williams declared to bo strongor, safer, more observant of laws, nnd more efficiently managed than ovor1 before. Tholr rosources $18,553,197,000 are greater by more than $2,000,000,000 than over before nnd exceed by about tho samo amount tho combined resources of all state banks, prlvato banks and truBt com panies. America's Shipping Holds Its Own New York. In tho twelve months of unrestricted warfare launchod against Amorlcan and allied Bhipping by Ger many ono year ago there havo beon Bunk by Bubmarinos, mines nnd' raid ers slrty-nino vossols,- totalling 171,061 gross tons, according to a careful com pilation ot records of sinkings which havo beon mado public during tho period. Offsetting this loss of Amorl can vossols, most of which woro sail ing ships, tho United States, sinco Fobruary 1, has added to her mer chant marine by tho seizure of former German and Austridn owned ships, a total of 107 vessols having a gross tonnage of 686,494, leaving on tho credit side of tho American ledger in tho account with ho central powers, a not gain of 515,433 gross tons. Tho loss of life caused by tho sinking of tho slxty-nlno American ships was more than 300 persons however. GERMAN STRIKE SERIOUS Much Worse Than Was Indicated In Official Dispatches London. Dispatches from Switzer land and Holland doscribo tho general Btrlko In Dorlln and other partB of Germany as much .more serious than indicated by tho olTlcIal dlspatchos Bont from Berlin. According to Cen tral nows advices from Amsterdam, noarly all of tho workmen of tho balmier Boerslg, Ludwlg and Gonoral Electric works aro on strike. Trades unions aro not at tho head of tho movement but sovoral trades aro al most' complotoly at a standstill. The independent socialists havo car ried on an active propaganda during tho last fow days, tho dispatch says, and tho movement appears to bo very serious, and in industrial centers moot ffags aro prohibited. It is particularly grave In tho suburbs of Llchterfelde, Herlngsdprt and Johanlsthal, whore electric works and alrplano factories aro situated., Strikes also havo broken out in Rhlneland and Westphalia. Openly Urges Revolt London. A dispatch to tho Ex change Telegraph from Amsterdam, says Deutsche Tagos Zeltung openly calls on tho German peoplo to revolt against tho presont regime, "We, too," Bays thlB pan-German organ, "have a Judas among us to day. Ho appears in tho red coat and ma'ntlo of Germany's hangman. Who will savo Germany from thoso traitors but tho Gorman peoplo. It Is now 'Germans holp yourself and God will holp.' " Although Emperor William Ib not named in tho articlo tho expres sion "Gormajiy's hangman" is moant . for tho kaiser. Railroads Cutting Down Expenses Washington. Railroads havo beon ordored by Director General McAdoo to dlspenso with tho services ot oxocu tlvo and political agents and all at torneys not engaged in tho perform ance ot necessary legal work and to observe strictly tho law regulating freo passes. This, tho first economy ordor under govornmont operation of tho railroads, will cut off largo and well-paid staffs maintained by many companies and ellminato from pay rolls hundreds throughout tho coun try. Italians Take 1,500 Prisoners. Romo. Italian troops havo made heavy attack on tho northern moun tain front and broke into tho onomy linos, tho war office reports. Rein forcements whichthe onomy was hur rying down tho Nos and Campomulo valleys wore dlspcrsod by tho artillery of tho Italians and their allies. Twolvo iemy airplanes were brought down, he Italians held mastery ot tho air everywhere. Tho Italians took more vthan 1,500 prisoners. DOCTOR URGED AN OPERATION Instead I took Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound. and Was Cured Baltimore, Md. "Nearly four year t Buffered from organic troubles, ner vousness ana neaa achss and ovory mon th would havo to stay in bed most of the tlmo. Treat ments would relieve me for a tlmo but my doctor was al ways urging mo to .have an operation. My sister asked m ;to try Lydia RPink h a m'a Vegetable y Compound before J7 consenting to an Vj operation. I took five bottles of itand v t cured me and my work it a pleasure. I tell all my friend; who havo any troublo of this kind what Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound has done for me. NEUJB B. BmmNaiiAM, 609CalvertonRd., Balti more. Md. It is only natural for any woman to dread tho thought of an operation. So many women havo been restored to health by this famous remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, after an operation has been advised that it will pay any woman who suffers fron? auch nifmonta to consider trying It be fore submitting to such a trying ordeal. Hie Wish About the War. He Is nn old-fashioned mnn who ! getting well nlong In years nnd he finds It rather difficult to keep, pace with the rapidly changing phases of tho war situation. He te loyal, how ever, nnd, docs his best to keep upr though nt times he finds himself a stride or two behind. The other day tho news wns broken to him that because of his Income from n farm nnd certnln other real es tate, ho prolmbly would have to pay a smnll Income tnx, under tho law relat ing to that subject. It wns the wife who first discovered this Interesting: bit of news nnd nfter she had rend It to him out of the paper the old mnn remnrked: "Mnw, sometimes I nlmost wish this wnr hnd never happened." Indlnnupolls News. OLD PRESCRIPTION FOR WEAK KIDNEYS Have you ever Btoppcd to reason why it la that i-o many products that nro cx tenmvcly advertised, all at onco drop out of sight and arc wjqn forgotten? Tho rcason i plain the article did not fulflf the promises of tho manufacturer. This applies unoro particularly to u medicine. A medicinal ptcparation that has real curative value almost sells itself, as like an endless chain system the remedy I recommended by those who have beer benefited, to thoso who nro in need of it- A prominent drupgist pays, "Take for example Dr Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a. preparation I have sold for many ycarss nnd never hesitate to recommend, for in nlmost every caso it shows excellent re sults, as many of my customers testify. No other kidney remedy that I know of has to large a sale." According to sworn Btntcments nnd verified testimony of thousands who havo upcd the preparation, th6 Bucccfci of Dr. Kilmers' Swamp-Root Is due to the fact that, so many people claim, it fulfils nl most every wish in overcoming kidney,, liver nnd bladder ailments, corrects ur inary troubles and neutralizes the uria I acid which causes rheumatism. You may receive n sample Dottle or Swamp-Root by Tarcet Post. Addrcs Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., nnd enclose ten cents; nlso mention this paper. Large and medium size bottles for sale at nil drug stores. Adv. 1 i Really Wonderful. "Isn't it wonderful Ivow these 'har- A. 1. .. ..it 4- A fan a ' e-lfW mm ni -om m Vtm I W m lfinto bundles?" "Oh, I don't knowr"' fl I hear thoy hnve a machine now that cuts tho wheat, threshes it, grinds It into flour nnd rnises the price, all In- one operation." Life. RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. To half pint of water add 1 or. Bwr Rum, a 'small box of Barbo Compound, anfl "v4 bz. of glycerine. Any druggist cam put this' up or you can mix it at home at very littlo cost. Ifull directions for mak ing and uso come in each box of Barbo Compound. It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair, and mako it soft and glossy. It will not color the scalp, is not ttticky or grcaBy, and docs not rub ou. Adv. What He Wondered. , "By .George, old chap, when I read your latest poem, I sit and wonder." "How I do It?" "No, why you do It." Piles Cured In A to 14 Days pmnhf rotund money It lAKO OINTMHNT fill lo euro ivcnirtK uiina. uieoqia rim application glyos relief. hooding or I'rotruulng l'llo. uvw. If n mnn feels It In his bones It's rheunmtlsih. Costs Less and Kills 1 That Cold CASCARAKWINE The (Under d cold cure for 30 year la tablet form iafe, sure, no opiates cures cold la J4 houri grip if 3 dayi. Money back If It falls. Oct the genuine bos with Red top and Mr. Hill's picture on It. uotia leu, gives more, lavei money. I Tablet, for 25c. AtAnyDrugStor t m , .NL ' .,, , ,, g , miM .rtliUalttjgawta NavV