The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 31, 1918, Image 7

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- y
To half pint of water add 1 or.. Bay
Hum, a small box of Barho Compound,
and A oz. of glycerine, Any druggist can
put this up or you can mix it at homo at
very llttlo cost. Full directions for mak
ing and uso como in each box of Barbo
Compound. It will gradually darken
strcnkctl, faded gray hair, and mnko it soft
ml glossy. It will not color tho scalp, la not
sticky or greasy, and docs not rub oil. Adv.
Poor John.
John "There are always two sides
to every argument, Martha." Mar
tha "Yes; yours and the right side,
John." '
Cold At Once
The old faintly remedy In tablet
form afe, sure, eaiy to take. t No
oplatet no unpleaiant after effect.
Curet cotda in 24 houn -Grip In 3
dayi. Money back If It falta. Get the
ie.r 'own. ame
Remarkable Organization Built Up by
Uncle Sam Since World War Began
genuine ooi wun
Ited Top and Mr.
Hill's picture on It
At Any Drug Stora
Happy Is thn home whore Red Cross
Ball ltluc is used. Sura to pleaie. All
aroccrs. Adv.
rik a!S3)
,f v .gitv rafw ALV sW aV H
r!s C I r
.. f.xm- w
J-, ii i .
A.&?UC'GJLASK , I ill III II lilll llllllKIl I
- 111 llllll 1
aVLsH tlDnn Aiiiit run nfllMnlu flint thn I Mil 11 1 IIMHN-1
' H Bront Gcrmun consplrncy con- j i Ml J I S ""
fUfy corning which the few revolutions .' , j ! 'l l 1 1 nT"
I " "H.I h,) fir umde lmvo electrified tho ' I 11 Jy I 5
1 JBjl tuition wns tinder way. To meet j -.j g .l (k
IA, yl ' 1,,oy ,,nd on,y tl10 nscnclcs ;$? JJ I A
ptsnl which were barely ntlcquato for vy-.-, n
KlascbS pence; there wns hardly a man . -- T v
IIHKK years ago it begun to dawn
upon American ofllclalH that tho
great German conspiracy con
cerning which tho few revelations
ho far made have electrified tho
nation wns tinder way. To meet
it they hnd only tho agencies
which were barely adequate for
peace; there wns hardly a man
who hnd ever matched wits with
tho foreign government experts.
The story of how this mennco was met can as
yet be told only in part. Hut not tho least in
teresting part concerns the men who lmvo
done the work.
Chief of the weapons which were at hand wns
tho secret service of tho department of Justice.
Its agents were nn unobtrusively efflclcnt lot, but
woefully Kinnll In numbers nnd, for tho most
pnrt, Inexperienced in International nffnirs.
"White slaves" nnd predntory business hnd been
their chief gnme. Tho even smaller forco of
tho treasury secret service was almost fully oc
cupied with Its routine duties of guarding tho
currency and tho president's life. It, too, has
rendered amazing service against the spies, but
upon tho department of Justice ngents fell tho
chief burden.
They were called upon to match tho craft,
tho experienco nnd tho ruthlessness of tho keen
est of German spies, who were backed by n
renowned secret service organization nnd unlim
ited funds.
Their chief, tho mnn who had developed tho
government detective force, who hnd laid tho
foundation for nn extensive, loosely genred, even
running mechanism, and who promptly assem
bled It when the need came, Is Alexander Bruce
Blelankl ("Homo Run" Bielaskl they called him
In his high school days). Ho entered tho depart
ment n dozen years ago, when tho development
of n bureau of investigation to bundle secret
work for which no other provision hnd been mado
was started.
Tills burenu wns commissioned to wrestle with
violations of neutrality, with those of tho nation
al bunking Inws, with antitrust cases, bucket
shop cases, "white slave" cases; it wns to prose
cute those who Impersonate nn oflleer of the
government, to pursue those who flee tho coun
try nnd seek to evndc the long arm of tho federul
Thero were nlrendy savornl detective agencies
In tho government, each created for a specific pur
pose nnd limited by law in its operations. For In
stance, thero wns tho secret service in the treas
ury department. There were customs agents to
,prevent , smuggling, land ngents to protect "tho
public domnln, post office Inspectors to muko
difficult the misuse of the mnlls. But tho special
agents of the department of Justice had a field
many times as broad ns that occupied by nny other
detective agency. One phnso of Its work alone
that of circumventing violations of neutrality
iiecanio a herculean task when tho war broke.
Tho department of Justlco refused to follow
precedent In its creation of n detectlvo agency. It 4
fcuilt a stnff of operatives that was a new thing In
jtho field of detective work. In doing so It mado
brains Its first requisite of selection of men and
held that education was a developer of brains.
Tho youngsters of this servico have succeeded
.where veteran police have failed. Every enso an
operative undertakes Is an entirely new problem,
Sn which his past experience Is by no means an
infallible guide. It needs brains nnd initiative.
A young agent of tho burenu of Investigation,
formerly u snlesmnn for a wholesale grocer, went
into tho Alleghenies on his first case and denned
,up a nest of moonshiners that hnd defied local
authorities and United States marshals for years.
Another of theso men worked as a laborer on tho
docks of Now Oricnns nnd found out tho meth
ods employed by tho sugnr snmplers In so grad
ing imported cargoes that tho loss to the govern
ment wns hundreds of thousnnds In duties every
(yenr. Still another "roped In" with Mexican
revolutionist In El Paso.
Tho importance of tho work of these special
ngents may bo measured by an account of the
circumstances back of tho seizure of tho port of
Vera Cruz In April, 1014, and tho part played In
that event by one of thoso Ingenious men. It
was eomo months before that event thnt a huge,
bearded Russian nttractcd tho attention of a
(house detective In a New York hotel by tho dis
play of a draft for $8,000,000 signed by President
Iluertn of Mexico. Tho houso detective tele
phoned tho special agents, who watched tho opera- .
tlons of tho Russian.
That individual bought firearms nnd ammuni
tion in sufficient quantities to load a ship. It
was tho business of tho government to seo te
"it thnt ho did not send this to Mexico, ns thero
was an embnrgo on firearms to that country. Tho
ship, howocr, cleared for Odessa, Russia, and tho
Bpeclal agents traced it to thnt point and wit
nessed tho refusal of tho Russian government to
allow tho 'ammunition to bo landed, because of
n fenr thnt it was to bo used by revolutionists.
They Miw tho ship nguln trnvorso tho Mediterra
nean and unload its cargo at Hamburg. Tho
special agents noted, however, that tho Russlnn
hnd disappeared, and suspected that ho was moro
loyal to his own pocket thnn to tho Mexlcun
Tho ammunition was reshlpped from Hamburg
to Vcrn Cruz. As It approached tho latter pori
tho United Stntes, under tho Influence of the In
formation furnished by Its special ngents, entered
and seized tho port that Iluertu might not get
this ammunition. The
occupation of Vera Cruz
followed. It Inter dev
eloped that most of the
ammunition bought by the
Russian was Junk, nnd
thnt Mexico had been
cheated by him, and that
ho had returned, probably
enriched to the extent of
$1,000,000, to tho land of
his fathers.
Such was the work of
tho special agents beforo
the wnr. Bielaskl, in Washington, sat nt tho
center of tho web which covered the nation. In
other important cities, such ns New York, Chi
cago, New Orleans, thero wero lesser web cen
ters. In tho federal building in each important
city wns nn office of special ngents with n group
pf operatives which revolved about it. In tho
smnlier centers wero Blnglo representatives
who could call for re-enforcements whenever nn
emergency developed. Then there were the free
Innccs of tho service, those who could bo shut
tled to whatever point required tho attention of
especially skilled men."
Bielaskl is the silent man with every mesh of
the web In his sensitive fingers. His career is
ono that might well be nn inspiration to nny am
bitious youngster. Ho entered the department
of Justlco 12 yenrs ago ns n laborer and for n
compensation of $600 n year. Soon he wns a
clerk of bpeclal agents, then nn examiner, a spe
cial examiner, nn assistant to the attorney gen
eral, ncting chief and chief of special ngents.
This latter post he has held since 1012. Theso
have been the yenrs during which tho newest nnd
greatest of tho government's detective ngcnclcs
has been taking definite form. Bielaskl has been
molding It.
Then the great war came, and the United States
found Itself n non-pnrtlclpunt fnced with the ne
cessity of maintaining neutrality within its bor
ders. Flnnlly this country wns Itself In wnr and
must combat the much vaunted secret Bervlco
of tho Germnns, nnd must watch those millions
of peopio living within its borders that had been
born In enemy countries and whose allcgianco
wns sufficiently In doubt to make their surveil
lance neceswry.
During the period of neutrality scores of un
pleasant situations arose because of tho insist
ence of Germnny upon abusing tho hospitality of
the' United States. Almost tho first of theso
resulted from a plan laid by Capt. Franz von Pa
pon, military attache to tho German embnssy, for
obtaining false passports for tho use of German
reservists. First through Lieut Hnns von Wedell
nnd later through ono Rurocdc ho operated an
ofllco In Now York which sought to get vngnbonds
around tho wharfs and cheap boarding houses
nnd to induce these men to apply to Washington
for passports, which ho purchased and use In
returning reservists to Europe. Tho plnn had not
been working long when a special agent from tho
Now York office wns on tho trnll. He succeeded
In representing himself ns tho proper sort of mnn
to secure fraudulent pnssports, nnd wns soon
deep in the confidence of tho Germans. Ruroedo
wns sent to prison; von Wedell fled, but wns In
tercepted by tho British nnd imprisoned, nnd tho
wholo scheme wns broken up. Vnn Pnpen wna
recalled at tho request of tho stato department
becnuso of "Improper activities," of which this
wns but one.
The watchfulness of tho special agents wns evi
denced by tho fact thnt they know tho exnet hour
when, on April 10, 1010, Wolf von Igcl hnd taken
70 pounds of secret papers out of various hiding
plnccs nnd nsscmblcd them for transfer to Wash
ington. Von Igcl opernted from an ofllco at 00
Wall street. Though ho wns nn cmployeo of tho
German embnssy, thero wns a question as to
whothT'r his pnpers wero from seizure
ns they would bo In tho embnssy. So ho wns
making ready to transfer them to unquestioned
finfety. He claimed thnt his pnpers wero exempt
from tho right of seizure. Tho German ambas
sador backed his clntm. The special ngents ad
mitted thnt If they wero official papers of tho
embassy they should bo returned. They took
them to Washington, where, nt tho stnto depart
ment, they met the Gorman ambassador. Through
long hours of night that official dug through
those papers. They placed him In n most em
barrassing position. If ho claimed them ns stato
1'iers ho admitted nn olllclnl part in their reve
lations. If ho failed to claim them ho left this
lncrlmlnntlng evidenro In tho hands of tho Amer
ican authorities. Ho decided thnt tho latter
courso wns the less embarrassing. Practically
nil the pnpers were left with tho special agents.
Theso papers revealed a degree of scheming and
intrlguo ngnlnst a neutral country that IsVilmoBt
beyond conception.
I MpfflliliMl -
V ' 1 1 nil P
rf v
When Cupt. von Papon laid his plans In tho
Gorman club, In New York, for tho Invasion of
Cunada by Germans In tho United States, tho spe
cial ngents knew of his plnns. Tho fiasco of tho
Welland cnnnl, tho unavailing activities of Paul
Kocnlg, chief detective of tho Hnmburg-Amerl-enn
lino; tho machinations of Capt. Karl Boy
Ed all came to nought and wero well known by
tho American authorities.
Finally enmo the master spy of them nil, Cnpt.
Franz von Rlntclcn, intimate of the knlscr, n mnn
of highest Hoclnl rank and vast wealth, with
plans to overturn nil in America thnt worked
ngnlnst tho Interests of Germany. Ho poured out
money like wnter nnd met enthusiastic co-operation
on all sides. It seemed almost us if every
man In America was willing to help to tho ex
tent of accepting large amounts of money from
von Rlntclcn. In fact, Americans took his money
right and left, and rendered no service in re
turn. Gront quantities of German money wero
spent, but llttlo progress wns mndo toward attain
ing tho results for which Germany strove.
When theso activities are Mirveyed as a whole,
the effort of German intrigue In America Is seen
to have been astonishingly fertile. In tho face
of such n lack of results it Is difficult to bcllovo
U tho excellence nnd cleverness of 'russlan es
pionage. This newly organized agency of tho
United States, intended for application to tho
tasks of peace, crossed swords vlth what is
termed tho greatest spy system in tho world, and
thus far it has not bceri bested.
Then, suddenly the United States itself was
thrust Into tho war. With tens of thousnnds of
Germnn reservists, hundreds of thousnnds of Ger
mnn citizens, millions of people of Germnn blood,
this country would appear to have been In a po
sition of great danger from within. Certainly
thero was need of sharp watchfulness. No other
belligerent nation wns confronted by nn Internal
alien-enemy problem of such magnitude.
The government In this emergency offered Bl
elaski the assistance of representatives of Its
other departments elsewhere. Thero were, for
Instance, certain representatives of tho depart
ment of agriculture, scattered from coast to coast,
who knew their communities well. Theso were
Instructed to watch for Individuals who gave evi
dence of disloyalty to tho United States and re
port back to tho department of Justice, when
there was time, or to the nearest United Stntes
attorney when quick nctlon wns required. Tho
post ofllco sent instructions to 45.000 postmnsters,
83,000 letter enrriors nnd 48,000 rural delivery
man. Knch of theso was 'instructed to keep his
ear to the ground for nny showing of disloyalty
from within nnd report promptly. Tho lnnd of
fice, the Indlnn office, tho public health service,
tho reclamation service all thoso governmental
agencies that sprend out among tho peopio wero
officially Instructed to help protect tho nation from
any possible foo from within.
Thoso other detective ngcnclcs of tho govern
ment such ns tho secret service, tho post ofllco In
spectors, the customs ngents, wero cnlicd upon
for skilled assistance. On tho instnnt, almost, and
entirely nsldo from theso government ngenclcs,
thero waB built up In Bilenco a secret servico of
volunteers which Is today effectively nt work. Its
tentacles stcnl out through newspaper offices,
hanks, hotels, over railroad systems, Into munici
pal governments, through tho radiations of trav
eling salesmen. It Is a looso organization, but It
works under instructions and knows what to do
when It finds a plague spot.
And this vast machine hns been placed In tho
hands of a young mnn, who, 12 yenrs ngo, fresh
from high school, entered tho government servico
ns a laborer at $000 a year. "Homo Run" Biel
askl, son of a minister, grandson of Capt. Alex
ander Bielaskl, who died In battlo nt Bull Run,
descendant of n Polish pntrlot who fought that
Americn might become n nation, Is making opera
tion difficult for tho spies of the enemy.
They nro making shells of cast Iron In France,
making thorn at tho rate of 1,000,000 a dny, Tho
Scientific American quotes Edgar A. Custer as
saying these aro moro effective than steel shells
In attacking earthworks.
Consistent Garb.
"How was tho runaway convict
dressed?" "In a cutaway coat and
slouch hat."
American Soldiers In France.
Itosil Military Compass Go's "ad" today, otlv.
Atlanta has Increased snlnrles of
1,411 city employees.
Bagdad has a motion picture theater.
Pboldiers boothe
ysAtfT'Dinn lrouoies
fewith Cuticura
Soap 25c. Oinlincnt 25c & 5Dc
Itiglon.lM. J'l.okn free. High.
o returuncun. Umlretulta,
Puts a ..
Stop to all
And prevents others linvlnR the dlsenso no matter how
nxpoBud. no cent uml pi n ttnltlr, n nnil PIO n dnxca
bottle. All good druggists nnd turf gooda houses,
Spohn Medical Co., Manufacturers, Goshen, Ind.,U.S.A.
:;i-rfc ?
2- -1 ii.. "
XijfSK- aE&
that's what thousands of farmers
say. who have cone from the U. S. to
settle on homesteads or buy land in Western
Canada. Canada's invitation to every industrious worker to nettle in
Manitoba, saakatcnewan er Alberta is especially attractive, one wants
fanners to make money and happy, prosperous homes for themselves
by helping her raise immense wheat crops to feed the world.
You Can Get a Homestead of 160 Acres Free
or other lands at very low prices. Where you can buy good farm
IaRd at 915 to $30 per acre that wiil raise 20 to 45 bnshcls of $2
wheat to the acre it's easy to become prosperous. Canadian fanners
also grow wonderful crops of Oats, Barley and Flax. Mixed Farm
lag is fully as profitable an industry as grain raisins. The excellent
grasses, full of nutrition, aro the only food required either
for beef or dairy purposes. Good schools and churches;
markets convenient; climate excellent Write for literature
and particulars as to reduced railway ratc3 to Supt, of Im
migration, Ottawa, Canada, or to
Room 4, Dee Bldg., Omaha. Neb.
Cnnndlan Oovorntnont Agent
"What Is more pathetic," asked the
sentimental young woman, "than n
mnn who has loved nnd lost?"
"Well,' 'replied tho mnn of experi
ence," a fellow who has hot nhout $20
on a sure tiling and found out that ho
was wrong is entitled to a nook ut tho
walling place."
"Cold In the Head"
Is an acute uttacic of Nasal Caarrh. Per
sons who nro milact to frequent "colds
In the head" will And thnt tho use of
build up tho Systom, .cloanso the Blood
and render them loss liable to colds.
Repeated attacks of Acuto Catarrh may
lead to Chronic Cntnrrh.
en Internally and acts through the Dlood
on the Mucous Surfaces of the System.
All Druggists 75c. Testimonials froo.
1100.00 for any case of catarrh that
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Hot Water.
"Bllgglns Is always getting Into hot
"Yes," replied Miss Cayenne. "Ho
Is so cold-blooded I suppose it Is a
kind of relief."
Nebraska Directory
Rooms from $1.00 up nIukIc, "6ccut up doul e.
Omaha, Nebraska
33C-7 Paxton Clock Onialia, Neb.
Acponllon, knlfi', El(li', Biitice, box,
Hiiuburst and combination pirat
ing, heiuHtlleliliii?, plcot cilnlng,
all ntylts and bIzuj. Price List fret.
Market jrnur crnnm whom 1 1 will not you thn tnont
tnonoy. Tin, rulrinoiit llrminmry Citiiipuiiy
often you thn bi-notUot It thirty four years of cz
n r.;
your check wlllboeent yuuually; you wnin.nn ox-
porlnc. 11 y ablDPlng ynurcream to tfi
yua win receivii tun
uuritnt valno In
press chanrrs and your can will bo returned moro
promptly. '1 hoyKUnranUMiloncV you frouiWo toll Uu
more per can for ynnr cream than ynu can pet by
aolllncltattiouin. Hhto to luo nroreM Nfliraika fac
tory. racUrlM w IU4 M Uaaba, Cnt aaa Uruil liU.d.
Sorao men who Imagine they nro cut
out for politicians nro poor tits.
.. Stoppage of the bowels
Moro cattle die of paralysis of tbe
bowels and being drenched than from
all other bowel troubles
I)r. David Itoberta'
fed dry on the tongue will overcome
raralysls and stoppage ot the bowels
hua avoiding drenchlnir which ia
dangerous In Itself.
i Read the rrscticsi nomevtttrininsB
f.r frt kkUI AktrilM la isws
If no dealer In vour town, write
Br. Std Betsrtt Tit Co. 100 Brsrt imn, Mttiltetlii. Hit.
aaU " ff W
or birthday made happy
jour photo carried In It,
which will be Ills con
stant companion In
France. If be set Inst
n, J"" Man's Land." it will
prevent him being taken prisoner or it wlU
Bach soldier, for bis safety, needs onr
Military Luminous Pocket Compass
It la bright at night and points the way for
yonrboylnthndark. Always In his pocket it
Is always ready for use. over IWJ.Oou lumi
nous compasses now In tbe allied armies.
Closed banter form, tbln watch model case)
looks like latest tbln watches, build white
metalilU): gold tilled WW. Kngratln, plain
block letters. So each; largelnltlals luu cach
monograms Wo up. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Bend money order today.
llDHlSroudwur OuklanU, Cat.
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 5-1918.
Nebraska Directory
Mnnnmontc v.
IflUllUlllUlllU Wn
liWiiMssswiisv .Gtlt.tyi
' " 7StT?Vtly lWi
C. E. SPEIDELL & SON, Lincoln
Our Lincoln Brand Seeds Is the last word on quality
Send today (or our 128 page catalo?. It Ii
free to you. CHISWOLI SUED A: NUKS
ERV CO., Ioit. Kill Lincoln, Nobruaka
Ship Turkeys, Poultry
Capons, Veal, Rabbits, Butter,
Eggs, Hides, etc. to
Wo pay promptly CASH. Coops
and Canes furnlithrd. 20 years la
Omaha. Write for tags.
Will U. Dorsey, formerly Solo Cornetlst, Llberatl's
land, sells new and lerond band Instruments,
Martin made violins and all blrlng Instrument
bought and aold. Caroglren all wall orders, i'lno
strings that will last. All supplies. Adilivssl
G. A. Crancer Co., 1210 O St., Lincoln, h'tbr.
Caro W. U. Dorsey, Mar. Musical Instrument Oept.
Farms, ranches
City proporty for salo at a bargain, or will
exchange land for city property or city
proporty forfarfns. Call ofphone ui,B-3S5Q.
700 Terminal Bldg. LINCOLN, NEB.
230 No. lltbSt. 75c to $1.50.
Cafo In connection .
731 O St. C0cto75c
Cafe In connection
CHRIS ROCKE, proprietor of both hotels.
More Money for Your
Write for latest market
reports and tags. They
aro free. We tan hides
for coats and robes.
Electric Service
We repair and supply parts for nil umkrs of
electrical equipment used ou automobiles.
For Atwater Kent Ignition
DIJur Sturters, Ootineotlout Ignition,
Dynelo Starters, Uleetrlo Auto-Lite Starters,
Urny A'DavIs Starters, North Uattt Oturtcrs,
WcstluRlioutie Starters.
Special attention given to express shipment.
RANDALL ft N0LL.317S.llth St.)Lkrols,Nb,
if-dA &, WHlfflfi