The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 31, 1918, Image 5

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Virgil Uutf spent Tuesday in Super
ior. k ,
Earl Delay was tip from Guide Roclc.
Friday. ' ' !
Clifford Pope wan in Cowlos, Friday
, evening.
A. L. (handler was over from Eabon,
Father Fitzgerald spent Sunday in
Mrs. Wm. Barnes spent Monday in
Guide Rook
Mrs. Ernest Welch wax a Hastings
visitor Friday. .,
V '"'Dr. Iiollar made a' ljuslnwa trip to
.- Superior;1 Saturday. '! :. ''
Dr. C. E. Cross made a business trip
to Bastings, Ifqndajf. .'.
Lew Breakey was over from Leban
op, the last 0( tte wwfc,
Mr. and Mrs C.J. Piatt were passen
gers to Lincoln, Monday.
Wamtsd Bonse .work by day or
week. Inanlre at this office.
J, Gqpd;meals good service modarat
rprioea-Powell k Pope's cafe.
Forrest Monntford of Hastings spent
Sunday with his parents here.
Aline Hamilton spent the weekend
with' relatives in OaraV Rock. ,,) "
Mtsa Lura Hedge of Inavalo spent
Sriri"dy with ber( mother here. ,
Hotel for Rent Inquire D. L
Dalley, Inavale. 2-5
Miss Constance Roubal returned
borne Monday evening from Blno Hill
H. A. Searle of White (illvpr, South
DakoU, was a business 'visitor here
Tuesday. - -
Court Reporter
Bafiaiekunfeatt Hastings.' Mo
n snow hu the Oiplit-um, Friday
Uoscoe P. Vec8ner spout Monday In
(Jljde Howen spent Wednesday in
Guide Rock.
t)Ht- Dr. Wnrrick, tho occultst, Wed.
ncMlny Fob. C.
Dr. Asher cmno down from Rlvcrton,
TuuMlity tuoriiing.
Mrs. Itlha Vnx spent Wednesday with
lomtivus at owles.
Evi lehti-tl, glasses flttod. J. C.
Mitchell, tho Jeweler
A. M. Ayurs jf Highland, Kntisa9,
was In the ciy Mominy.
Mis. Nellie McClure of Lincoln visit
ed relatives here Sunday.
' J. II. Ualluy returned home tho last
of the week fium Omaha.
(Jeiald Leonard catuc down from
Itiuvale, Tuesday tuoiniog.
Clias. Funic returned to his duties at
Superior, Monday morning.
Mrs C. E. Cro3 and childreu weie
Sunday visitors In Fiauklln
Miss Martha Baker of Whcoler, Kan
brts, spent Tuesday in this city.
Attorney A. M. Walters came down
fium Blue Bill, Monday evening.
Mrs. Al Spires and daughter, Miss
Hazel, were Uastinga visitors, Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chct Sheoley and child
rcn spent Sunday with relatives at
Uulde Rock.
Frauk Rlelmrdson of Cheyenne, Wyo
ming, 1b spending a few day's with his
wife and family.
'At the Orpheum Monday, February
4th a Vitugraph Blue Ribbon feature
in 5 acts. Adm. 6 aud 17c.
iSverton Foe arrived Saturday morn,
log rrom Grcybnll, Wyoming, to visit
his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Foe.
' iMrs. Chas. Scbellak returned to her
home1 at Grand Island, Monday morn,
lug, after a visit with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Steffln. -
At the Orpheum Saturday, Feb.', 2.
"The Woman in White", a Pathe'G aot
drama. Matinee 2:30 adm. 6 and. 17c,
Night 7:30 adm. 6 aud 17c. '
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Qarretson return
ed to their home at Van Tassel, Wyo
mlng, Tuesday morning, after a visit
with b!is mother, Mrs. Ella Qarretson.
Buy Land at Stratton, Colorado See
Rose Brottiers or Blue Bill, Nebraska
or go to Jos. A. Collins, Stratton,"Colo.
Judged Dorsey aw'i
-V- I- M . IC I J -IJ,
Maxwell C. Fulton
Maxwell C. Fulton wan born In Mer
cer Co. Penn. July 27 1843. And died
at his homo in Inavale Ncbr. Jan. 27,
1918 at the ago of 74 years and 6
Mr. Fulton was married to Anne
Scott of Oil City Penn. July 24, 18G6.
To this union were born bJx child
ren. Mr. Fulton served three yenrs in
tho war of the rebellion.
In 1876 he came to Ncbr. and lo
cated in Webster Co. whero he lived
until the time of his death.
Mr. Fulton leaves a wife nnd five
children. Two sons, Herbert of Mar-
shfield, Oregon; Roy of Inavale; and
three daughters, Mrs. Jennie Hend
ricks of Kcncwick, Washington; Mrs.
Etta Blankcnbakcr and Mrs. Buclah
Stoncr of Inavale; and 28 grand
children, to moum his loss. One
daughter, Mrs. Jennie Vandcrbcrg
having proceeded him in death.
The funeral services were conducted
by Rev. A. S. Reeves of Guide Rock,
at tho Christian church in Inavale
Monday at 1:30 P. II. and the 're
mains were laid to rest in the Wal
nut Creek cemetery.
Miss Blanch Barker speut'Sunday in
Red Cloud. ' ,
Floyd McCall shipped In some western
stock cattle Tuesday. t - -
Donald-Heartwell accompanied eat
tie to Kansas City, Sunday.- . .1 " . .
Clay Orchard.and faml'y left? Taes.'
day for their home at BelinNewVMftit,
' Howard Dctslev accompanied 'a, par
of Chas. Hunter's cattle to KanstoOtty'
Mr. Loseke received two thorough
bred Holstcln cows from Fairfield i the
past week. . ...... ,w , iJ
Oris Matkina-loftr Wednesday fotvhb
Jhis Is Our Winter.
v of Test
EltVINO food W n lo
cal iirolilviu i r each
couiiiuiiilO. Prices
mil (lollnlte rules for
eo'ry one riinuot ho
formulated: It
Is a duty for
each one to
cat only so '
much as Is
necessnry to
innlntntn tho
human body
nenllhy nnd strong. This winter
of 1018 Is the period when Is to
be tested here In America wheth
er our people are cnpnhle of vol
untnry Indlvldunl sncrlflce to
save the world. That Is the pur
poso of the organization of the
United States Food Administra
tion by voluntary effort to pro
vldo tho food that the world
Jtpr '
Europe's Meat Supply Must Come
From America.
Warring Natlefcs Have Deplete1 Ltve
SUek at Inermeus Rate, Pvt.
, Kllllnf Dairy Cattle Per Fee.
r alias MaurineCaUwcll, who has been
!'i .lIVifT . ".r r I Jj' iV i!
mporiBi, rioib-
j. o
mB CVY m ft M m A M Ma AtaM A tt a JM . . tJ m ttda W
MTS. VYUI. iUUUtguaiary jncumunu- -HerBCbOOl WaSCIOSCUUU uttuuui. yy a
to Guide Rock,, Tuesday morning to smallpox scare. ,.v T'jL;,
vm'immWW c ftal.'J lih tffiimt bUrt returnedVW!
.-iI.V. D O .! Ill .
flmlth. Bros, of Sunerior will hold i
tifWi?aWMog ifie'tlaylj
February 8th. ,
.Mrs. Joe Biwti returned homo Wed
nesday morning from a visit with rela
tives at Re'publicatx City.' i
Mrs. Fred Walker of Pauliue, was a
Sunday vlstt'orjat theOme of ber par,-
enU, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mountford.
Walter Marshall, who is traveling
i jf or the Marshall Paper Co., of Onahs,
. jeept fioJnday with his mother here.
, '''Geo. Snpsqii and Witll Mountford
' ' came 'down from near Inavale, Tuesday
mernlng, where they have been work
log,, ,. .,.. -v
"The high school basket, ball team
wnt to BladehFriaav hlght, ..and
were badly ' defeate'i vby the team of
that place.
1 Mr. and MrB. Hamilton returned to
t their home at Lincoln, Tuesday, after
1 n 'visit at the home of Mr. and Mr?.
Norman Phillips.
' Dr. Warrick, the speciuUsl wilt meet
eye, car, nose and 'throat patients and
those needing 'glasses at Dr. DamereR'n
, Wednesday Feb. u.( Hours l::tf) to fi.
Miss Irene Buckles, who Imd the
misfortune of having her leg broken,
when the horse which she was driving
ran away, Is 'reported ' as rapidly invi
proving. " '' ' v
February 4 th to 0tl)',ili elusive is tlw
time spechled.fpr the rejilsitering of all
alien enemies Iri tbfsooutityv All
males of four't'eea y'earrfVft-'iw must
flpear at'tbls ti'moiHl'rttT.
.Monday evetlng from KearnoWhefe
had'US xmbg relatty.'jSHo'
was accompanied home ny ue. sisicr
who will visit here a few days.
American stock breeders are being
asked to conserve their flocks and
herds la order to meet Europe's tre
mendous demands tor meats during
the war and probably for many yean
' fha rtnHmA Utmtmm tnnA aittntnl.
"Jratloh reports that' AasWteea stock
raisers have sfeew a dlspoeltlos to
co-operate with the government la In
creasing the nation's supply of live
Li&C '
,, Germany today is.pronanry neucr
h supplied with live stock than-any oth
er European .nation. When the Ger
b'an armies made their big advance
Into France and then retreated vir
tually .all the cattle In the .Invaded
territory :appoilmately. , 1,800,000
heaa-rwere driveji ,l6go . tiy uerman
ilries..r- , , 0pj"Vv.c V., Q
'" But - In England-mwbreu 2,W,O00
pres of pasture lands hive.been turn
The Weather Man Promises
Continued Cold Weather
Perhaps Almost Two Whole Months of Wbter
We suggest that this is a good time to replenish
your supply of good warm clothing. It is a fact
at the prices we arc selling' good, dependable
merchandise it will be a great saving to you,
over the prices in the near future.
A good cotton rib union suit at Si. 26 per garment
A good wool Munsing at $3.00 to $4.00 per garment
Cotton and part wool SWEATERS at $1.00 to$3.50 each
Nice line 6f WOOL SWEATERS at $5.00 Xo $8.5()
A complctcllinc of OVERSHOES al prices a great deal
cheaper than will bo next year.
Shccp lined coats, blanket lined duck and mole skin
coats marked at prices very muchlundcr Ihc present
market prices.
Suits and Overcoats
We still have a good aswrtsmt of OVERCOATS
all wool ranging In price from $10.00. to $22.50 -j
SUITS Now is tho opportunity to save money on ydur
suit purchases. We are still selling at the old price.
iJNice worsted and cassimer suits from $15.00 to $27t50.
-BUE SERGES A very complete line. We can fit
you whether long, stout or rifular. $12.50 to $27.50.
' " We ask you to come in and compare 'our forices '
with others. Your money back if you are not '
satisfied with anything bought of us.
r i
I Hamilton-Cather Cloth'g Co.
hpftfet PowellWyoming, after visit
wkparen -'-
A lnrorA rrnwilrfiitnflfi(l thn funeral
" " " CT -M.l'"l'WTl'' - , i- l. haIm flAlHALathft ASltVlAirTISilMlBl
services otIacKultoavhlch were bald i45i;.flicrlaiin 'fanldly.-' One kf the
'V'Mr.'ad'MrsiliMllHanttndrDonFuYSxi price scale 'adopted ty the fl 3i'iBri,i.1
ton of&4$iotd Vft?ndedthe f unera' bglh "totftlMiW1!"' $f VpriO H ht'
sYJcom at jj-fiWA iU-'i.L-'iJ - OMoverober and reh)be,J$iao8i Jan-
,MoW $&& ?.?bnu"on Jary,.14.40. IFhe ftect.ofrttie8eprlce - (
Chick" Powell, who left berVaboflt lMonday
and FrednuntbrtdrBrtonlaUe'nded
tnc funeral services -or -lao nil ton,
a year ago for an extended western
trip for the betterment of his health,
returned to this city Monday evening
to visit his brother, Oliver and wife.
"SV ANTED A good, steady gentlo:,
manly salesman to handlers," Ward's
wagon.ln Webster Coahty. No cxperr
t.nna ViBP.lsd. Vnr'full DBrtloulate
write 'proisptly to Dr. rWard's 'Medical
Company, Winona, Minnesota, bswo
IshedlSW.. : ' 48 0
.iW'Ltnttoln Telephone and .Tele
Mw r-Amniinv has compiled with the
.W f thn State Railway Coramia-
flinn to restore Long Distance service.
to the Farmers' Telephone Company.
The Long Distance connection of tho
Farmers' Telephone Company wnicn
was cut off by the Lincoln Telephone
and Telegraph Company to protect its
property, but since the Railway Com
mission lias ordered a consolidation of
both telephone systems there appears
to be no reason to continue the fight
over the Long Distance connection.
Farm Loans
I'riVMte money lowest lit toroht
No delay, money here. All papers,
kept iieic and payable at home bunk
I also make regular coinpuny loans on
best terms to be had. Call for me at
StatcBanlc.-C. F Cather. tf '
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reed are the
proud parents of a baby girl born Jan
uary 24. The day was also' "Grandpa!1.
Rob MUcheU'9 birthday. " " -J.v
Dau NafrUvatid wild who werVbedly
Injured 10 a runaway Friday night are
getting along as well as can be expect
w'-to drlvebeejnUDals;onthe mar
ket as ioon hpossjblc.' ,
b T A ! rih. ft ffAMkav dHA 0 4a41 A
j All j ranee iuv uuuiucr ui inum
well as' the.'.auallty have shown an
"normoui decllue doling the war.
jWherc France had 14,807,000 head of
wattle In 11)18, she now 'has. only 12,
i,ft067 a 'decrease of 16.6 per cent
"lAnd- iPrance If today producing only
bue" gallon of milk compared to two
and cue'hall'-teiions before tne war.
& and Telegraph Co
ll j'f. . L .A tfAltaMji aWsV WaAAI"
ed. .Thev are at the home of thelrl.,wnraara uu ,-. -
daughter: Mrs. C. A. W.JdoMrs.
Bessie Cain of Red Cloud is numi' - !&Tw&
m I;
We Serve Only the Best
i m . i J er
Kern McCoy was a Lawrence visitor
Monday. ..,' '
O.'fi. Mavymec was in Hastings the
first of the week;
Mr. aud Mrs. Orville Oberg were in
Hastings, Tuesday.
Mrs. V. R. Hall visited relatives at
Lawrence, Thursday.
Mrs. Frauk Boom, Jr., was a passon.
gcr to Qlltner, Tuesday.
John Otto made a trip to IviinsHh
City the first, of the ueek.
Robert Perry, P. L. Preston aud Wm.
Rushku were In IHue Hill, Monday.
Mrs. Frank Italcer of Hildreth visit
ed at the S. V. Baker home the lust of
the week,
' George Munsoii, yr,, nu down from
Hastlugs tltlB ,week jooking after 'ills
interests here.
A. M. Householder wsh out tu Cha
pel the'' past week looking after his
land interest. s
.1. 1). Carr returned Wednetdar frou
BUfford where he hud beent.UMbiUng
his son who locutod near that place the
past mouth. i
Tho Inventory is )ho of the mcM val
uable records a farmer oairmake, and
between now and March 1 Ir the best
time to tuku it. To Hsslst farmers in
the work the airrloultural extension
sc rvlno hasou hand bulletins giving
an oiitlinu for the inventory auu airec
tlons. lllauk forms lire Included
Conies of the oiicular. Extension liull
otin No. 41, miiy bo Imd on application
to tho Agricultural Kxleuslon Service,
Lincoln, Nob.
altuattoB hat 'convinced .the FeodnH
mlnlstraUon that the fame ptooieaa
,a imiriM tin tercel 1b the Drome-
tlon'of meat i prodadng aalioals asfl
dairy product! rather 0n in" 0e pro
duction of cereals for export when
the war will have ceased.
v Is a ., ,,
I'Olft'is'MfT fnr.imi,fTfni rl
Nebraska Institution
Owned, Operated and
Under Direct Control of ,
I There has been much misunder
standing about the bread program in
'England. It la true that the English
man buys a leaf of bread for less than
au America - can, but It Is poorer
bread, and the British government is
ipaylng 1300,000,000 a yir toward the
"cost of if.
r All' the grain grown la tireat Urlt-
aln Is taken over" by the government
.at an arbitrary price and the Imported
wheat purchased on the markets at
'the prevailing market price: This is
turned over to the mills by the govern t a nrlce that allows the adal-
h-.A k. I.ri1 lnaf 'of fnu'r noimrta
to sell' at la cents, the two .pound loaf
'al 0 ccntii and the one ponnfl, lf at; ft
In France, under conditions ome
what similar, but with a larger ex
traction, the four pound loaf sells for
16 cents.
W hv nMriy 2,000 atockhWar
rttiainf in Ntbrailwu ,
N.thar er6tiiii ha nt eUDar
tt atinf stack in thte CmHy.
It is undar tht am ctntrtJl' it ha
baan under, tine it brfanUatian in
1903 nd wiU follow th tame cn
servative policy that has always
beenlin force.
Lincoln Telephone -Telegra
ph Co. I
. . " . ' '
Out Sale I
1 BBB1
' .. i ' . i
j Powell & Pope)
L- I
Wanted to Rent
0 or 100 ncru improved farm,
(julro at this olllce.
'tilaMffI FN raaWi VISTT H
ExfcilaratiBf Bwkr VjNtwIi
LUMtr mime kianiu Etiif wuimy
Everybody i Aah Anyk4y
lu the meatless menu llieio Is u fr
tile Held for developing new and nour
ishing dishes, according to K. II. NWoi,
wrttlnit In the Hotel flazettf, who bei
'HevcH that the present shoriaKe or
'meat and fats will not end with te
comlnc or peaee," but may grow omi-q
acute and contluue for rive or sjx
years, tltun makliiK It worth while to
develop itipuui or xralii, vesctables
ad tlsh on a mora or rnn permanent
'Hauls. Meat rati he rrtlnml by t-eroHls
and other irtl foods, or mity be
ervnd In' very Mmall porllon.1 an a fla
voring for other rood. I it nuklu uu
meatless tiieitnx ililn mitlior limit our
American Creole and xniiiht'i-n cubilue
a broad Held for lnellloii.
Harness and Leather Goods
.. Haviiig decided to retire .from business , I, am olfr- -wd
my Ei 11KD OlUVn. Ui UiUJiuos, wiwia, naiitio
and .all kirids.of strap work and repairs for harness
also trunks, suit cases, traveling bags and pocket
books at CUT PRICES. I have about 25 sets of
FARM HARNESS that, I will offer at last years
pr,ies and TEN PER CENT OFF until sold, also
ten per cent off oh leaiKcr collars. Now is the
time to. supply wants for spjring work oil the farm
at'MONEY SAVING PRICES. I also have a few
' gallons' of strictly pureVNeatsfoot oil for $1.50 gal.
-I fl F! F1 0 G E Li cloud
F SW HBaMaS' s "', " BBB tmmmm ummm
Lowest rales,;bO!,t term iud option
and in any amount. No'lnKpectfoil o1-
pense, ai'd absolutely no delay. Six
plan to choose from. Sole anit for
TrtiVOtt. MattlkA Hnhor.
.7. II. Dnlley
f. v ,i. IAAL lllEj
Haves Auto
ejr s
To And From All Trail
t ltflJ
&.r ,-