The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 31, 1918, Image 2

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Colorado and Nebraska Are Involved
In Court Action Chicago's
Fuel Situation Worst
In History.
London. Croat Britain callfl upon
tho Unltod Stntos for 75,000,000 bush
oIb moro whoat. Thin wns ono of tho
most Important statemontB which
Lord Rhonddn, tho British fuol con
troller, mado In a rocont Intorvlow
with tho Associated Pross. Tho con
trollor described tho food nhortnRo In
Great Britain as xnont serious, but not
such as would bo detrimental to tho
health of tho population, with propor
management of mipplian. Ho drow n
sharp distinction between tho condi
tions In Germany, where tho public
health, particularly that of womon and
children, had boon dangerously undor
mined by lack of nutrition nnd soml
starvation, nnd whoro tho working of
fcctlvoncss of tho mon had boon de
creased 30 por cont, nnd In Groat Brit
ain, ho snid, tho solf-donlal thus far
practiced had actually improved tho
physical condition of tho nation.
Fuel Situation Worst In History
Chicago. Tho worst fuol situation
fn tho history of tho city confronts
Chicago, nccording to John K. Wil
liams, stnto fuol administrator. Do
splto tho five-day suspension of busi
ness, Including tho saving of 35,000
tons, no surplus was created. Tho
now coal, mined boforo tho blizzards
which started January C-C, wont
promptly Into empty bins nnd ynwn
lug furnaces. Tho coal mined boforo
tho storm has boon consumed, Mr.
, Williams said, and Industries faco
, another shutdown bocauso of tho lack
of fuol. Mr. Williams tock a stop to
top coal from leaving Illinois. Flvo
1 hundred tons consigned from Frank
( Hn county to St. Louis, Mo., was
halted. Householders demanding coal
j woro told that their orders could not
bo filled for two weeks.
States of Nebraska and Colorado In
volved In Court Action
Donvor, Colo. In tho big irrigation
suit botwoon tho stntos of Colorado
and Nebraska, or rather botween tho
western Irrigation district of Nebras
ka nnd n scoro or moro of Colorado
irrigators an amondod potltlon haB
boon fllod in tho Unltod Statos district
court. Thh bill In equity is a volumin
ous pleading, and ontors Into tho trou
bios botweon tho Colorado nnd Ne
braska Irrigators which came to a
focus when this suit was fllod.
Whllo but ono Nebraska concern Is
tho plaintiff, it Is tho understanding
between all of tho parties and among
tho nttornoys lntorostcd that this is n
tost suit Involving tho right of priority
as botweon tho two states. Tho Ne
braska irrigators in filing this amend
ed petition aro roprosontod by Willis
B. Reed, nttornoy gonornl of Nebraska,
Charles P. Craft and F. B. Edgorton
of Aurora, Nob., J. G. Boolor of North
Platte, nnd S. S. Abbott of Donvor.
Tho suit alms to bring at issuo tho
lights of Irrigators along tho South
Platto river and tho priorities of their
MTeral rights.
Methodists Lead at Demlnn
Doming, N. M. Methodists aro In
tho majority among tho soldlors at
V-'-jjj- Camp Cody, according to a conBus Just
J - mado for tho guidance of churches In
planning religious work. Flvo thou
sand, flvo hundred forty-two. aro regi
stered as Mothodists. Catho'llcs woro
second with 5,130. Thoy with Luth
erans, Presbyterians, Baptists nnd
mombors of tho Christian church
mako up 82 por cont. Elghty-ono ro
UglouB denominations aro roproscntod.
Terms Must Be Accepted
Copenhagen. -Tho Lokal Anzoigor
of Berlin says that unless Leon Trot
lty, tho bolshovlk foreign mlnistor,
accopts tho demands of tho contral
powers whon ho returns to Brest
Lltovsk tho contral powors will break
off pcaco negotiations.
Protests Confinement of Luxberg
Buonos Alros. Tho Argontlno gov
nrnmont has received n noto from tho
Gorman government protesting against
tho confinement of Count von Lux
burg, formor Oorman minister to
Argontlna, to n hospital, contending
this is a continuation of his dotontlon
on tho island of Martin Garcia. Gor
many admits tho Justice of tho doton
tlon of Von Luxburg on tho Island ns
punishmont, but nrguos thoro is no ex
cuse for contlnuanco of a guard nt tho
Will Import Porto Rlcan Labor
Washington To holp rollovo tho
shortngo of labor In tho United Stntos,
100,000 Porto Rlcan laborors and
10,000 Virgin Islanders aro to bo im
ported, according to announcement of
Louis F. Post, assistant Socrotnry of
labor Most of theso will bo put to
work on railroad beds nt Dlroctor Gon
oral McAdoo's roquost. Track work
ers In tho southwost will thus bo ro
leaned for agricultural production.
Importations will begin lato In Janu
ary, it was Btatod.
Auotrlnn Emperor Represented as
Longing for Peace
Vienna. "It Is his majesty's wishes
to end tho war nt tho soonest moment
posslblo by an honorablo peace. In
pursuance of this deslro and on the
principles it ropcatcdly has announced
tho government of tho dual monarchy
has done ovorythlng in its power, and
will contlnuo to do ovcrythlng pos
slblo to bring about most speedily n
general penco. If for tho presont,
howovor, only a soparato pcaco with
Russia is practicable, tho responsi
bility rests Bololy with tho entento
powers, which have rejected ropcatod
ly our pcaco offers."
This striking statement waB mado
by Dr. von Soydlcr tho Austrian primo
minister, in tho course of a speoch at
an important conferenco between tho
government and labor leaders in tho
minister's room in parliament houso.
Embargo la Imperative
Washington. An urgent recom
mendation thnt an embargo bo do
clared for n fow days on acceptance
by tho railroads of any freight, except
coal and food, has been submitted to
Director Gcnoral McAdoo by tho fuol
administration. This action is impera
timo, Administrator Garfield said, to
assuro adequato movement of fuel,
when tho genoral transportation situ
ation enst of tho Mississippi threatens
to becomo worso daily owing to tho
prolonged strain on railroads of deop
snows and intensely cold weather. Tho
period of Industrial suspension has
onded, and with tho resumption of
manufacturing, railroad oilicials look
for a now Hood of trafllc which tho
railroads cannot handlo uutll norma
weather is rostored.
Fuel Saving Schedule at Lincoln
Lincoln. Four hundred Lincoln
firms will snvo for tho government
approximately fifteen hours of fuel
nnd light a week, undor a now busi
ness schedule that becamo effectlvo
Wodnesdny morning.
Tho schedulo was worked out and
orderod into offoct by a special com
mittco at a four-hour session In tho
Lincoln Commercial club rooms Sun
day aftornoon. Tho commltteo was
empowered to act by 200 business mon
mooting nt tho club Saturday noon.
Tho schedulo was worked out on n
baslB of saving an hour In tho morn
ing and at least an hour in tho cvo
ning, whon heat and light will not bo
By making tho closing hours for
doing business earlier tho commltteo
took congnizanco of tho fact that tho
gonoral public in consequenco would
go to its homo cnrllor, retiro earlier
by an hour or so, bank tho furnaco
flro thnt much earlier, and thus a gon
oral saving of fuel among tho ontlro
population would bo affected.
Over a Million Strikers.
Gonovn. Somo news of a roliablo
naturo has bogun to tricklo across tho
Swiss frontior which seemingly proves
that Austria and Hungary aro In tho
throos of tho greatest economic crisis
sinco tho war begun. It is estimated
that moro than a million workmen and
womon havo struck. A majority of
thoso woro employed In tho war Indus
trios, and only a small section of them
havo roturned in anawor to tho bait of
high wages. Tho remainder, It la Bald,
nro assuming a moro than threatening
attltudo, and dally aro demanding
peaco and cheaper food.
Many Not Physically Fit.
Doming, N. M. Thlrty-flvo por cent
of tho sickness In tho Thirty-fourth di
vision of tho army at Camp Cody hero
could havo boon provontcd if only
physically ablo mon had been accepted
into tho army, Ma. B. C. H. Harvoy,
medical statistician, said in comment
ing upon tho roport of Col. J. M. Coff,
division surgeon. Many of tho mon, ho
Bald, should novor havo, been taker
into tho army. '
First Papers Void After Seven Years
Lincoln J. S. Baer, clork of tso
district court, has boon notified by tho
naturalization bureau of tho depart
ment of labor, that tho Unltod Statos
supromo court has docldod that all
declarations of intention, or first citi
zenship papers, aro void for all naturali
zation purposos aftor a lapso of sovon
years, no matter whon issued. This Is
a mattor of great interest to persons
holding old "first papors," as it has
horotoforo boon hold that thoso Issued
prior to Soptombor 20, 1900, woro good
for nny length of tlmo.
Planning New Peace Move
Washington Germany and Popn
Benedict, nccording to a statement by
Sonntor Lowis of Illinois, both nro
planning now, early poaco movements.
"I hnvo reason to know," said Sen
ator Lowis, "that Borlin expects to
withdraw her peaco proposals to tho
bolshovikl and mako now proposals,
but proposals which will bo appllcnblo
not only to Russia, but to nil hor op
pononts. "I havo Information," ho con
tinued, "that tho popo is planning, with
tho ncqulosenco of Italy, another effort
towards peaco."
Von Luxburg In Bad Shape
Buonos Aires Tho director of tho
Gorman hospital has Informed tho
foroign oinco that tho condition of
Count von Luxburg, formor German
mlnistor to Argontlna, steadily has bo
como worso. Count von Luxburg now
has boon In tho hospital flvo wcoks
sufforing from a uorvous breakdown.
Tho hospital authorities have urgod
tho necessity of removing tho pationt
to an asylum whoro ho can bo moro
closoly gunrdod. Foroign ofllco of
ficials apparently aro ntomptlng to
keep Von Luxburg's condition socrot.
Items of Varied Interest Gathered
from Reliable Sources
at the State
In a test enso Judge W. G. Scars
of tho district bench, sitting at Omaha,
has uphold tho main provisions of tho
Nobrnska bluo sky law nnd tho right
of tho stnto railway commission to
enforco tho provisions of tho law. Tho
Jurisdiction of tho railway commis
sion to enforco such a law or tho right
of tho legislature to authorlzo that
body to enforco a law was questioned
by the agent of a company which al
logos It owns land in Oklahoma nnd
Kansas. Tho agent nnd others repre
senting tho samo company wore ar
rested on complain of tho stato rail
way commission. Tho ngont was bound
over to tho district court by order of
tho polico court in Omaha. Ho has
no Hconso from tho railway commis
sion to soil stock. Ho filed a writ of
habeas corpus In tho district court of
Douglas county to obtain his liberty.
Tho court donled tho writ. He thon
filed a demurrer to tho potltlon of tho
stnto in which ho attacked tho con
stitutionality of tho Btato bluo sky
But One Private Just Eight Officers.
Nebraska's national guard, sinco
Govornor Neville Issued tho order dis
banding tho Soventh regiment, con
sists solely of nlno mon, eight ofllcors
nnd n prlvato and two stenographers.
Tho Nobraska national guard rostor
now is:
Adjutant General Hugh Clapp.
Assistant Adjutant General C. E.
Williamson, ranking major.
Major A. D. Fotterman, Hyannis,
Inspoctor gonornl.
Major John G. Lawlor, Hastings,
Judgo advocato goneral.
Major E. O. Weber, Wahoo, medical
Major J. T. Holllngsworth, Omaha,
ordnanco department.
Major M. B. Russell, Lincoln, quar
termaster. Captain J. R. Ervln, Lincoln, quar
termaster, t
Prlvato O. McCullough.
Sinco tho dissolution of tho Sov
enth, all armory leases havo been can
celed and tho property is bolng col
lected nnd stored nt tho arsonnl on
tho state fair grounds. It will tako
at least two months rooro fc proparo
tho book records. Adjutant Goneral
Clapp is now giving his attention to
tho formation of tho homo guard or
ganizations in Nobraska.
Wanto Inventory of State Property
Tho stnto board of control proposes
to sottlo tho ownership of property in
state institutions before a dispute
arises in tho ovont a superintendent Ih
discharged and nttompts to carry olf
a lot of furniture and machinory whoso
ownership may bo In doubt. Further
more it doos not dosiro superintend
ents or others to buy articles for gon
oral uso out of their own funds. Tho
board has asked for a now inventory
of all property at stato institutions.
This Inventory must Bhow what all
property used by tho stato in Indus
trial work is not owned by tho stato.
If thoro aro books, machinory, furni
ture or equipment of any kind that
enters into stato work at an institu
tion which is owned by individuals and
not by tho state, tho now inventory
must so show.
Wants Enemy Aliens Barred
With from 100 to 250 county council
men assembled In tho Nebraska war
conforonco, at Lincoln, tho represen
tatives of tho county councils of do
fense passod a resolution urging that
congress pass a law providing that
any man ploadlng oxomption on tho
grounds that ho is an nlien in order
to avoid military sorvlco can never
become a cltizon of tho United Statos.
Tho councils further urged that a
law bo enacted that no man can como
to this country for tho purposo of
making It his homo and remain longer
than two years without taking tho nee
ossary steps to becomo a citizen, tho
preliminary stops to bo followed as
soon ns may bo by a completion of
his citizenship,
Sent to Wrong Camps
Somo local oxomption boards in No
braska are Bonding men to wrong
camps according to a bulletin Issued
by Captain Walter Anderson of tho
governor's ofllco. Mon Inducted into
tho sorvlco to roplaco thoso Bont homo
or who desort should bo sont only to
Camp Funston, says Captnln Ander
son. Mon, whoso wives nnd children
nro not wholly dopondent upon thorn
for Bupport may claim classification In
Class 2, Division A nnd B, tho bullotln
contlnuos. It la thon up to tho board
to decide
District Judgo W. M. Morning nt
Lincoln Issued nn order restraining
Land Commissioner Grant L. Shum
wny from intorforing with tho Bur
lington's possession of tho Burnham
stock yards, consisting of sovonty-two
ncros of lnnd. Tho enso against Gov
ornor Koith Novlllo nnd othor Btnto
otricials was djsmlssed on n showing
thoy had no lntontlon of Intorforing
with tho carrier's possession of tho
land. Tho land commissioner had
served nottco on tho rond It must pay
tho annunl rental to him instead of
tho Lincoln asylum or ho would forco
it to vacate.
Committee of State Council of De
fense Reviews Situation
Tho seed corn situation in Nobras
kn Is serious. Tho situation is not so
serious, howovor, that it cannot bo
saved. This was tho conclusion
reached nt a recent mooting of tho
Bocd stock commltteo of tho stato
council of defenso.
About' thirty mon lntorostcd in tho
condition of tho seed corn woro pres
ent nt tho mooting from different parts
of tho state nnd reported tho condi
tion of the corn in thoir part of tho
Tho commltteo expects to organlzo
a staff of assistants to work among
tho different countios carrying for
ward tho plaiiB of tho central or
ganization. Tho members havo a fod
oral fund of $100,000 to work with.
This Is to bo a revolving fund with
which to buy tho seed corn from tho
farmers who havo tho surplus stock
and soil tho seed to thoso who aro
in need.
Nobraska will need over 1,000,000
bushels of seod and tho council com
mltteo believes that this amount is in
tho stato, if they can got hold of it
boforo it is taken by somo othor state.
Somo farmors nro refusing to lot go
of their corn when requested to do so
by tho stnto council of defenso. This
condition was reported at tho moot
ing. Tho council will conduct an in
vestigation In thoso cases.
Woman's Committee Elects Officers
Ofllcors of tho womon'B commltteo
of tho Nebraska stato council of do
fon3o elected at tho annual mooting
at Lincoln were-
Honorary Chairman - Mrs. Keith
Stato Chairman Miss Sarka Hrb
kova. First Vlco Prosidont Mrs. W. E.
Barkoloy, Lincoln.
Second Vlco President Mrs. J. L.
Claflin, University Plnco, succeeding
Mrs.A. E. Sheldon.
' Third Vlco President Mrs. E. G.
Drake, Beatrlco.
Treasurer Mrs. Keith Novlllo.
Secretary Miss Jano Bishop, suc
ceeding Miss Annlo Miller of Lincoln.
Auditors Mrs. Jonnlo Itodgcrs, Gib
bon, nnd Mrs. E. T. Lindsay, Omaha.
Ono aftornoon session of tho meet
ing was given over to reports from
country chairmen on tho work of or
ganizing tho different counties of tho
Mrs. Novlllo mado a plea for special
offort among tho women of Nebraska
to do their part In tho successful
prosecution of tho war.
Mrs. A. E. Sheldon, chairman of
registration, mado the following ro
port: From September 12 to January 14
(four months incluslvo) tho following
counties havo sent in full rotutns:
Adams, Antolopo, Banner, Blaino,
Boono, Box Butto, Boyd, Buffalo, Burt,
Butler, Cass, Cedar, Choyenno, Clay,
Colfax, Custer, Dakota, Dawes, Daw
son, Deuel, Dixon, Dodgo, Fillmore,
Franklin, Gage, Garden, Garfieid, Gos
per, Grant, Grcoloy, Hall, Hamilton,
Harlan, Hitchcock, Holt, Hooker, How
ard, Johnson, Kearney, Keith, Koya
Paha, Kimball, Lancaster, Lincoln,
Logan, Madison, Merrick, Morrill.
Nanco, Nemaha, Nuckolls, Otoo, Paw
neo, Perkins, Pierce, Platto, Polk, Red
Willow, Richardson, Sarpy, Saunders,
Sherman, Stanton, Thayor, Thomas,
Washington, Valloy, Wayno, Webster,
Whooler, York.
Promises to Find a Way
To find Bomo way by which tho mon
who havo gone to tho front can voto
and seo to it that tho slackers do not
mark their ballots this fall, was tho
offort that waB urged upon tho coun
cils by Governor Novlllo whon ho
talked boforo tho war council at Lin
coln Saturday aftornoon. "If tho sol
diers can bo enfranchised by special
session of tho legislature bo sure that
session will be hold," he promised
Stato Auditor W. H. Smith, has do
cllnod to honor vouchors for $797.03
approved by tho stato board of educa
tional lands and funds and drawn on
tho stato aid road fund. Tho clnlms
wore incurred by tho board of Irriga
tion nnd highways. Thoy cover
draughtsman's tables and othor furni
ture needed by draughtsmen employed
by tho irrigation and highway on work
connectod with tho enforcement of tho
now stnto aid road law. Ho haa ruled
that tho claims should bo pnld out of
tho fund for tho purchase of furniture
for tho stato houso.
Over 1,500 Nobraska farmors at
tended tho Bosslons of organized agri
culture, which closed horo Saturday
night.. Tho total attondnnco at tho
dlfforont sectional raootlngs was over
12,000. Tho samo commltteo In chargo
was appointed to mako nrrangemonts
for tho 1919 meetings. It includes:
W. R. Mollor, Lincoln, chairman; Sec
retary E. R. Danlelson of tho stato
board of agriculture; II. J. Gramlch,
Lincoln; W. R. McGInnls, Lincoln;
W. S. Whltten, Lincoln; E. A. Burnott,
Lincoln, and C. W. Pugsloy, Lincoln,
Gonoral Cartor of tho militia af
fairs bureau of tho war dopartmont
8tat08 that permission will ho glvon
mon of tho recently disbnndod Sov
onth Nobraska regimont to onllst in
Nobraska units In tho Thirty-fourth
division. Tho gonoral says, howovor,
that propor releases would havo tobo
obtained from tho stato boforo tho
ordor to onllst could bocomo effec
tive. After steps hnvo boon taken to
do this It Is understood such an ordor
would bo Issued by tho war dopartmont.
Impossible to Obtain Food Stuffs from
the Southern Provinces Vague '
Unrest In Germany.
London. Germany, through hor Im
perial chancellor, Count von Hertllng,
and Austria-Hungary, through its for
eign minister, Count Czcmln, havo
uado reply to tho pcaco terms of the
allies and tho United States as recent
ly enunciated by David Lloyd-George,
tho British primo mlnistor, nnd Presi
dent Wilson. Although both Count von
Hortling and Count Czornln affect to
seo tho possibility of coming into
agreement with their enemies on minor
points, tho concreto bases essential to
pcaco aro declared to bo unaccepted.
Tho spokosman for Germany was un
compromisingly hoBtllo to a majority
of tho peaco aims as put forward by
President Wilson, treating seriatim in
his addrdss thoso upon which Gor
many could not como into accord.
Count Czornln was more modernto In
his treatment of President Wilson's
ideas, declaring that tho president'
viewpoint, expressed In his latest nd
dress to congress, showod that thoro
was less Incompatibility between Austria-Hungary
nnd tho United Statoi
than had seemed to be tho case.
Vague Unrest In Germany
London. Tho Impressions convoyed
in news dispatches from Switzerland
In Germany on tho cvo of Chancellor
von llertllng's expected address bo
foro tho rclchstag Is ono of discontent
nmong tho masses, suppressed by tho
triumphant hand of tho military party.
Efforts of tho German censorship to
prevent public knowledgo of tho Aus
trian strikes and peaco demands suc
ceeded for a time, but tho news lenkort
through gradually nnd Austrian evonts
boom now to bo wld known by Ger
man workers. Tho Austrian hope that
tho latter would follow their lead has
not, however, materialized, whllo Ger
man newspapers which ventured to
hold a hnnd to tho Austrian proletariat
havo been sternly repressed.
Impossible to Obtain Foodstuffs From
Southern Provinces
Potrograd "Pctrograd is on tho
verge of famine. Our purposo now
is to mnko It como gradually, not sud
denly; to havo an organized famine,
so to speak," said Madnmo Smith
Kalkncr, a member of tho food con
trol commltteo in an interview with
tho Assoclatod press In connection
with tho reduction of tho bread allow
ance Sho said that tho chief cause
of scarcity of food aro tho war, civil
war and depreciation in tho value of
tho ruble
"As to Potrograd. tho difference
with tho Ukraine havo mado it lmpos
Blblo to obtnln foodstuffs from tho
southern provinces which are tho main
source of food supply for northern
Russia," sho said. Wo havo beon
getting grain from Siberia but recent
snow ntorms havo dolaycd tho arrival
of trains and consequently there is an
acute shortage.
"There is plenty of grain In Russia
now but the peasants don't wish to
sell It because papor monoy Is worth
less. Death Rate Low at Camp Cody
Washington During tho fifteen week
period ending January C, thoro woro
Blxty-slx deaths at Camp Cody, accord
ing to tho detailed figures submitted
to Sonntor Hitchcock by Adjutant Gen
oral McCain of tho army. This was
an averago of less than flvo a week
in n command which varies from a
minimum of 12,000 men to a maximum
of 28,000 men.
Close Royal Theatre to Save Coal
Basol, Switzerland Tho Royal the
ator In Stuttgart has boon closed by
ordor of tho government of Wuttem
berg, In order to save coal. AH tho
othor royal theatres In Gormany short
ly will bo ordered closed for tho samo
Will Direct Roads for Some Time
Washington. Director Goneral Mc
Adoo told tho senate lntorstato com
morco commlttoo ho thought tho gov
ernment should retain operation of
tho ra'Jronds for somo tlmo after
pcaco comes and not return them to
prlvato ownorshps until now nnd com
prchonslvo laws had beon enacted to
govern them. Dlroctor Genoral Mc
Adoo denied that ho had anything to
do with tho fuol restriction order, but
approved of tho order and thought it
would bo vory bonoficial.
Russia Rejects Terms of Germany
Potrograd. Russian delegates to
tho Brost-Lltovak peaco conferonco
havo decided unanimously to rojoct
tho torms offered by tho Germans. Tho
doclslon of tho delegates was an
nounced to tho Assoclatod Press by
M. Kamoncff, a mombor of tho Rus
nlan delegations Tho Germans de
clared tho terms laid down by thorn
woro thoir Inst offer and that If tho
Russians did not accept them hostili
ties would bo resumed nnd tho Ger
mans would capture Roval in a week,
Need Help to Pass the Crisis Safe
ly Proof that Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound
Can he Relied Upon.
Urbnna, 111. "During Change of Lifal
in addition to its annoying symptoms, I
naa an attocK or
grippo which lasted
all winter and left
mo in a weakened
condition. I felt at
times that I would
nevcrbo well again.
I read of Lydia E.
Pinkham'fl Voge
tnblo Compound
and what it did for
women passing
through tho Chango
of Life, so I told my
doctor I would try
it I soon began to
gain in strength
and tho annoying
svmDtoms dis-
nrmenrcd and your Vcpetaolo Compound
has mado mo n well, strong woman so
I do all my own housework. I cannot
recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vcgo-
tablo Compound too highly to women
passing through tho Chango of Life."
Mrs.FBANKHEN30N, 131CS. Orchadeirtr "
SL, Urbana, 111.
Women who suffer from nervousness,
"heat flashes," backache, headaches
and "tho blues" should try this famous
root nnd herb remedy, Lydia E. Pink- k
ham's Vegetable Compound. h
Small Pill
Small Dose
Small Price
have stood tho test of tlmo.
Purely vegetable. Wonderfully
quick to banish biliousness,
headache, indigestion and to
clear up a bad complexion.
Genuine bears alcnature
Generally Indicate n lacL
of Iron in tho Wood
Carter's Iron Pills
Will help this condition
Well Named.
Private A. Wot kind of cigarette
have you got?
Private 1$. (handing him one) Flor
do Pershing.
Private A. (takes n fow puffs nndi
throws it nwny, remarking) They
would floor better men than Pershing.
For Pimply Faces.
To remove pimples nnd blackheads
smenr them with Cutlcurn Ointment.
Wash off In five minutes with Cutlcurn
Sonp nnd hot wnter. For free samples,
address "Cutlcurn, Dept. X, Boston."
At druggists nnd by mail. Soap 25,
Ointment 25 nnd CO. Adv.
Ought to Have.
"He hasn't the ghost of a chance
with thnt Kirl."
"I don't see why not, when ho is m
Intl of spirit."
For genuine eomTort nnd lasting pleay
tire use Red CrosB Hall Blue on wash day.
All good grocers. Adv.
A man can't have his cuke nnd eat
it, too especially on his first trip
across tho pond.
5ft 8ft tbo L-rnnlno.cail forfaUnamn LaXATIVX
JIllOMO uGlNINK. Look for U(Dtno of U. W.
UUOV U. Cure a Cola In On Day? Hie. """
New York city eats 10,000 pounds of
horseflesh weekly.
Back Given Out?
Housework is too hard for a woman
who in half sick, nervous and always
tired. But it keeps piling up, and gives
weak kidneys no tunc to recover. If
your back fa lame and achy and your
kidneys irregular; if you havo "bluo
spells," sick headaches, nervousness,
dizziness and rheumatic pains, use
Doan's Kidney Pills. They have dono
wonders for thousands of worn out
A Nebraska Case
Mrs. T7nil Hurl In . -
rOG KSLN Auburn mmTrai nr
Neb,, Buys: "Tho
Ursa sign of kldnoy '
trouwo i nao was
pufllnesa under my
eyes. 1 didn't pay
milrll nttunflnn tn
that but boforo long rk, I
camo bloated. Then
I boKan to mirror
with terrible pains In
my bade and head
aches and dizzy
spells mado me mls
erablo. Doan's Kld
noy I'lllH helped mo
from tho llrxt nnd
throo boxes entirely cured mo. I
liavon'.t had any kldnoy trouble since."
Get Doan's at Anr Store, COc Dos
MmEy Iiver
J9f 1p' its.
a MAmm
Soothe the IrriUtlon and you relloTe tlm
dutress. Do botU quickly and euectlTely
-by promptly using1 a dcpendablo remedy