The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 24, 1918, Image 1

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I PrM:rt? 'y,r " M l v " I
, UtoP .iww W ip. Mi T It I11 g , I, ftf
4 Newspaper That Gives The News Flfty-twa Weeks Each Year For SI.50.
Buy Stamps and
Save a Soldier
Refuse to Buy Them and Let Bra ve Men Die l
While you aro at home tonight beside tho warm lire Amerlumi J
boys over there In France will be out in the cold in the trenches,
Tonight while yon are in yoar warm, HtniR bed your own miii or
your neighbor's son 'over their' may be dodging death from shrapnel. J
The boys in the trenches have loaned their Hvrs for yon; won't
you loan your money for them loan it nt 4 pt-r cctn compound inter' J
est, the highest rate the government ha- ever paid
Buy U. S War Savings Stamps Hud you save the lives of Amerl- !
can soldier; refuse to buy and you let brave men die. m'
The governmeuf must have money now. The decision is soon to
be made for or against America. Which way, depend upon you.
The more money- loaned the government the, sooner the war will J
end and the less American blood will be sited.
You can buy War Savings Stamps in '-'." cent sizes, known as
"Thrllt Stamp'' mill S3 sizes, known as "War Saving-, Certiilcatc J
St'impj.'1 ,
Space Donated by Webster County Bank s
- mSms&H 'and
Cream Separator
We do not believe that a farmer who knows anything
about farm machinery could be induced to buy any separa
tor other than a DeLaval after he had seen the latest im
proved DeLeval machine and had given it a trial.
It is a fact that 99 per cent of all separator buyers who
do SEE AND TRY A DE LAVAL machine before buying
purchase the DeLaval and will have no other. The 1 per
cent who do not buy the DeLaval are those who allow
themselves to be influenced by some other consideration
besides real genuine separator merit.
If you are thinking about buying a cream separator wo will
consider it a favor if you will permit us to set up a DeLawil for
you on your own place and have you give it a fair trial.
You will be under no obligation to buy the machine if it does
not make good all our claims, and should you decide to keep
it and cannot convenietnly pay cash, you may do so on such
easy tertnR that it will actually save its costs while you are
paying for it.
Geo. W. Trine
A Mid-night Fire
At Camp Funston
Tuesday morning Major Fisher in
spected the Fourth platoon of this
company and stated that it was the
best in the second battulion of this
regiment. Since th.1t time the plat
oon hus been drilling and studying
preparing to drill against two other
platoons of this regiment for first
honors at Camp Funston. At present
the regiment holds the record of. being
the best in this camp.
It hus been too cold too drill and
the Lieutenants have been giving us
lectures every day.
On Thursday Captain D. M. Heard
took charge of the company as Cap
tain Fisher, who had been in conuyand
of the company since it wus organized,
took up his duties us Major of the
Second batallion of this regiment. The
company were sorry to lose Captain
Fisher but were glad to see him ad
vance. The new Captain has had con
siderable military experience and ap
pears to thoroughly understand the
duties of his present office.
It becamo the duty of the company
to water the mules one day this week.
At eleven o'clock Friday night we
had fire drill. Every soldier was
obliged to pack up his underwear,
mess kit and shoes and put them in
tjie barrack bag. Alsovtic up his
poncho and bedding and carry Them
with his rifle out of the building when
tlie alarm was turned in. The rations
for two days 'were taken, out of the
kitchen and hauled around the block
byjthc men of the supply train. There
welt; two men on each wagon who
drove the two span of mules. Each
company had a runner who Jiad to re
port at the headquarters building and
one who ordered the wagon. At
twelve o'clock the recall was sounded.
Then we returned to our barrackH and
retired for the night. Before the fire
we retired in our uniforms and over
alls. ,v
Saturday morning the company
went out northwest of camp where
we spent the morning digging
trenches. The ground contained much
rock and wo were compelled to use
picks and crowbars much of the time.
This week each one of us received n
helmet and slcvclcss sweater from the
Red Cross.
A. I). McAllTIIUIl.
Considerable Interest Shown
At Conservation Meeting
lied Cloud's first food conservation
meeting was held at the Morhart
opera house Tuesday evening. The
attendance wus not as lurgc us wus
expected. The object of the meet
ing was to have the people become
more fumiliar with the federal laws
governing the sale and purchase of
County Superintendent Gertrude L.
Coon acted as chairman and addresses
were delivered by Father Fitzgerald,
Rev. Bates, J. E. Hutchins, F. J. Mun-
day, Rev. Schall, E. J. Overing, Rev.
Beebo and County Food Adminis
trator McBridc. Mr. McBrido also
Young and Old Sunday Morning
Christian Church
Thrilling War Film
Illustrates Lecture
Sergeant G. V. Hnnley, one of the
thirteen surivors of the Princess Pat,
famous Canadian regiment, who spent ,
93 binn(li(' in ilin f t-nnnlino in Wntiftit
and Belgium, will give a vivid por
trayal of his experiences on the west
ern front in a lecture at the Orpheum
theater Tuesday evening Jan. 29.
His lecture includes descriptions of
many thrilling and terrific battles in
the early days of the war, life in the
tranches, conditions on the western
front, conditions which existed
in 11M and throughout the war up to
the present time and by means of
comparisons will show why the allies
will win.
A noteworthy feature in connection
with Sergeant Hanlcy's lecture is
5,000 feet of thrilling war pictures
taken along the western front by
dare-devil camera men, which show
every phase of the gieat European
conflict, each scene being described
and explained in detail by Sergeant
Hanlcy as it is flashed on the screen.
(flic film depicts conditions along
the entire western front. Once beau
tiful and now battle-scarred France
is shown with- the important cities
of Verdun and Ypres, where the most
important battles 'of the war 'aro tfoip
being fought. The film shows every
pliase of the great war from the front
line trenches, with battles in 'progress,
tojKhc hospitals behind the lines.
Life in the Trenches Vividly Por
The film shows the German and
French front line trenches 40 feet
apart, with a terrific battle in pro
gress. This scene' shows the vast im
portance of bombs and hand grenades
which are used effectively when bat
tles are fought at close range. Gas
and liquid fire bombs arc seen burst
ing on both the German and French
trenches. , .
A thrilling battle in the air is. shown
between the German taubc and three
French aeroplanes which was taken
10,000 feet in the air, in which the
French pilot forced the German ma
chine to the ground.
An artillery duel in shown between
the allied big guns and the batteries
in which the big guns are seen blast
ing forth death-dealing projectiles,
In this battle high explosives, and
shrapnel is seen bursting on the Gcr
man trenches.
The film is not without humorous
moments as the method of cutting
the buttons off the pants of the Ger
man prisoners to keep them from
running away, is shown.
There arc many other thrilling
scenes showing pontoon bridges
which arc constructed in a very few
minutes by the engineers, observa
tion towers, balloon and aeroplane
observers in action, submarine chasers
and hydro acroplano in actipn, show
ing the method of hunting down
submarines, a deadly gas attack,
showing the use of respirators and
numerous other thrilling -scenes.
At the conclusion of the film show
ing, the sergeant will make a sum
mary of conditions during the three
n... l i i.i i i ,
iinsnuicii many questions nut to jum years oi uio war in such n manner
bjj; those in attendance. The Betz or-'that his hearers will have no dif
chestra furnished the music for the flculty in determining that there can
bo only one ultimatum comnleto vie
Mr. McBrido states that mnny per- tory for humanitv and justice. Adv.
sons iiftho community are not obscr- '
ing the food laws but thinks that this' About ton days ago, (lien Walker,
is due to tho fact that they do not Ums K'Ueyi John Havel and two gen
thoroughly understand tho food laws tle",c" 'rom Bluo Hill attempted to
and called this meeting for the piir-'d,,,vo flvo Dodge cars from Detroit,
poso of cnlightning them. It would Michigan, to this city. The heavy fall
bo well for every one to remember of SI10VV compelled them to abandon
that if they do not comply with these, J'"5 L'ast Puxton, Illinois, where they
To Accomplish Good Work
You Muft Have Proper Equipment
The Parker Lucky Curve
Self Filling Fountain Pen
is unequalled. Our new slock contains
at $2.50 to $6.00
Lower Priced Self Filling Pens at
$1.25, $1.50 and $2.00
Make Sure Your Childs EYES ARE RIGHT ami Abie
to Sustain the Strain Imposed by School Work
Jeweler and Optottftrlatf
WCR.frQ. WatcfcMpcctor .
ift . '
t jW9 f
We invite you to inspectthese beautiful garments'
The New Styles Appear First in
Wirthmore Dollar Waists
and that essential fact, coupled with their ex
ceptional worth, is tho reason for their remark
able demand each week.
The four new styles arc seasonable and different
from previous ones they se.em to be made of
prettier and better fabrics, too and how you
will admire the unusual quality of the trimming
The only "value rivalv
. of the Wirthmore dollar
x waist is the Welworth
two dollar blouse
Complying with the Fuel Adiiiinistraton, 'until further
notice our store, OPEN A TS.-jo A. M. 'and CLOSE A T
6:00 P. M EXCEPT SATURDAY, when the closing
hour will be p:oo P. M.
11:00 a. m. Special Message for Young People.
7:30 p. m. All people should attend the Union Meeting
with the Baptist people
food laws that they can and will bo
An extra session of district, court is
belnn held ut the eoiirt house this wceh,
JuiIro Dor&cy of iilooiniiiRton, prebld
iiiR. The first cu&o on tho douhtt will
bo tho Property Owners of ravine;
District No. 1 v, the City of Ited Cloud.
Friday uiorninR i.s the date sot for tho
siune. It will bo followed by ttio easo
of Fountain Finoher vs. Tho ISlkhorn
Construction Company.
F. G. Turnure & Son
Pictorial Review 'Patterns
Munsing Wear
were stored in a RuraRe. Wednesday
inniniiiR, A. T. Walker mid Chns. Kaley
left for Prt.xton. Thoy will bring tho
cars to Peoria, Illinois, where they will
bo met by Qen Walker and two others'
who will drive them to this city.
English Ev. Lutheran services at the
Grace Episcopal church Sunday, Jan. ' !
27, beginning at 11:00 a. m. sharp. ;
Sunday school at 10:30 sharp. Senior JJ
class will meet Friday at 2:30 p. m.;'"!
Junior class S.-ltlirdnv nf 9,sn n i IN
-.. J w (W.r ,,, ..,, -
A. Schaal, pastor.
Auto Hearse - Horse Hearse
Phone, Ind. Store 1 58, Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB.
i4aktoiA. fliLni. tb. -&--J.