The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 17, 1918, Image 7

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K'MO ""OlTd'U'D'; "H fc B ft A 8 K A , CHIEF
lustice to All, No Conquest, Wil
son Declares in Address to
Reparation to France for Taking Al
sace; Free Poland and Autonom
out States In Austria-Hungary
Evacuation of All Russian Tcr
rltory Belgium Must Bo
Washington, Jnn. 0. President Wil
ton yesterday, addressing congress, de
livered n restatement of wnr nlms In
agreement with the recent declaration
by tho British premier, .David Lloyd
The president spoko as follows:
"Gentlemen of the Congress: Once
tnore, as repeatedly heforc, the spokes
men of the central empires have Indi
cated their desire to discuss the ob
jects of the war and the posslblo basis
of a general peace.
"Parleys have been In progress at
Brest-LItovsk between representatives
of the central powers to which the
attention of nil the belligerents has
been Invited, for the purpose of ascer
taining whether It may bo posslblo to
extend these parleys Into a general
conference with regard to terms of
peace and settlement.
Presented Definite Statement
"The Itusslan representatives pre
sented not only n perfectly definite
statement of tho principles upon which
they would bo willing to conclude
peace, but also an equally definite pro
gram of the concrete application of
those principles.
"The representatives of tho central
powers, on their part, presented an
outline of settlement which, If much
lens definite, seemed susceptible of lib
eral Interpretation until their specific
program of practical terms wns added.
"The program 'proposed no conces
Blons nt nil, cither to sovereignty of
Russia or to the preferences of the
population with whose fortunes it
dealt, but meant, In a word, that the
central empires were to keep every
foot of territory their armed forces had
occupied every province, every city,
every point of vnntnge as a perma
nent addition to their territories nnd
their power. It Is a reasonable con
jecture that the general principles of
eettlement which they nt first suggest
ed originated with tho more liberal
etntesmen of Gcrmnny nnd Austria,
the men who have begun to feel the
force of their own people's thought
and purpose, while the concrete terms
of actual settlement enmc from tho
military leaders, who have no thought
but to keep what they have got. Tlfe
negotiations have been broken off.
Full of Significance.
"Tho Itusslan representatives were
sincere nnd In earnest. They cannot
entertain such proposals of conquest
end domination.
"Tho whole Incident Is full of sig
nificance. It is also full of perplexity.
With whom are the Itusslan represent
atives dealing? For whom are the rep
resentatives of tho central empires
speaking? Aro they speaking for the
majorities of their respective parlia
ments or for tho minority pnrtles, that
military and Imperialistic minority
which has sovfnr dominated their
policy nnd controlled tho affairs of
s Turkey nnd of tho Bnlknn states which
have felt obliged to becomo their asso
ciates In this war?
"Tho Itusslan representatives have
Insisted, very Justly, very wisely, nnd
In the true spirit of democracy, tha.t
tho conferences they hnvo been hold
ing with tho Teutonic and Turkish
statesmen should bo held within open,
not closed, doors, nnd all the world has
been audience as wns desired. To
whom have wo been -listening then?
To those who speak tho spirit nnd In
tention of the resolutions of tho Ger
man reichstng on tho 0th of July lnst,
tho spirit and Intention of tho liberal
.lenders nnd parties of Germany, or to
those who resist nnd defy tlint Bplrlt
and Intention and Insist upon conquest
'and subjugation? Or uro wo listening
In fact to both unreconciled nnd In
open and hopeless contradiction?
These are very serious nnd progpant
World Peace at Stake.
"Upon the answer to thfcin depends
tho peace of tho world.
"But whatever the results of the par
leys at Brest-LItovsk, whatever the
confusions of counsel and of purpose
In the utterances of tho spokesmen of
the central empires, they have again
attempted to acquaint tho world with
their objects In tho war and hnvo
gain challenged their adversaries to
wy what their objects aro and what
art of settlement they would deem
-just nnd satisfactory.
"Tnero Is no good reason why that
challenge should not bo responded to
nd responded to with tho utmost can
4or. We did not wait for It Not once,
but again and again we have laid our
'Whole thought and purpose beforo the
world, not In general terms only, but
each time with sufficient definition to
JBake It dear what sort of deflnltlvo
iterms of settlement mast necessarily
spring out of theuv
"Within tho last week Mr. Lloyd
Gcorgo has spoken wlh admirable can
dor and In admirable spirit for tho peo
ple and government of Great Britain.
There Is no confusion of counsel
among tho adversaries of the central
powers, no uncertainty of principle, no
vagueness of detail.
"Tho only secrecy of counsel, the
only Inck of fearless frankness, tho
only fnlluro to make definite statement
of the objects of tho war, lies with
Germany nnd her allies.
"The Issues of llfo and death hang
upon these definitions. No statesman
who has the least conception of his re
sponsibility ought for ajnoment to per
mit himself to continue this tragical
and appalling outpouring of blood nnd
treasure unless ho Is sure beyond a
peradventuro that tho objects of the
vital sacrifice arc port and parcel of
the very Jlfe of society and thnt the
people for whom he speaks think them
right and Imperative us he does.
'Where is, moreover, n voice calling
for these definitions of principle and
purpose which Is, It seems to me, more
thrilling and more compelling than any
of the many moving voices with which
the troubled nlr of the world Is filled.
It Is the voice of the Itusslan people.
They are prostrate and all but helpless,
it would seem, before the grim power
of Germany, which has hitherto known
no relenting and no pity.
Russ Power Shattered.
"Their power apparently Is shat
tered, and yet their soul is not sub
servient. They will not yield either In
principle or In action. The conception
of what Is right, of what It Is humane
nnd honorable for them to accept, has
been stated with n frankness, a laige
ness of view, a generosity of spirit and
a universal human sympathy which
must challenge the admiration of
every friend of mankind; and they
refused to compound their Ideals or de
sert others that they themselves may
be safe.
"They call to us to say what It Is
that we desire, In what, if In anything,
our purpose and our spirit differ from
theirs; and I believe that the people
of the United Stntes would wish me to
respond with utter simplicity and
"Whether their present lenders be
lieve It or not, It Is our heartfelt de
sire and hope that somo way may be
opened whereby we may be privileged
to assist the people of Russia to ut
tuln their utmost hopo of liberty and
ordered ponce.
No Secret Understandings.
"It will be our wish and purpose that
tho processes of pence, when they nre
begun, shall bo absolutely open and
that they shall Involve and permit
henceforth no secret understandings of
any kind. The day of conquest and
aggrandizement Is gone by; so Is also
the day of Becret covenants entered In
to In tho Interest of particular govern
ments and likely nt some unlooked-for
moment to upset tho peace of the
"It Is this happy fact, now clear to
tho view of every public man whose
thoughts do not still linger In an uge
that Is dead and gone, which makes it
possible for every nation whose pur
poses are consistent with Justlco nnd
tho pence of tho world to avow now
or at any other time the objects It has
in view.
"We entered this wnr because vio
lations of right had occurred which
touched us to the quick and made the
llfo of our own people Impossible un
less they were corrected nnd the world
secured once for all against their re
currence. "What we. demand In this war, there
fore Is nothing pecullnr to ourselves.
"It Is that tho world be mnde lit and
safe to live In; nnd particularly that
It be made safo for every peace-loving
nation which, like our own, wish
to live Us own life, determine Its own
Institutions, he assured of Justlco nnd
fair dealing by the other peoples of the
world us against force and selfish ag
gression. -All the peoples of tho world
nre In effect partners In this Interest,
and for our own part we see very clear
ly that unless Justice bo done to oth
ers It will not bo done to us.
"The program of the world's peace,
therefore, Is our program, and that
program, tho only possible program, us
we see It, is this:
Wants Open Covenants.
1. Open covenants of pence, openly
arrived at, after which there shall be
no private International understand
ings of any kind, but diplomacy shall
proceed always frankly and In the pub
lic view.
2. Absoluto freedom of navigation
upon the seas, oufsldo territorial win
ters, alike In peace nnd In wnr, except
as the sens may be closed In whole or
In pnrt by international nctlon for the
enforcement of International cove
nants. ft. Tho removal, so far as posslblo, of
all economic barriers und the estab
lishment of nn equality of trade con
ditions among all the nntlons consent
ing to the penco nnd nssoclatlng them
selves for Its maintenance.,
4. Adequate guaranties given and ta
ken that national armaments will bo
reduced to tho lowest point consistent
with domestic safety.
5. A free, open-minded nnd absolute
ly Impartial adjustment of all colonial
claims, based upon a strict observance
of the prlnclplo that In determining all
such questions of sovereignty tho In
terests of tho populations concerned
must hnvo equal weight with tho equit
able claims of tho government whose
title Is to bo determined.
Must Evacuate Russia.
0. Tho evacuation of all Russian ter
ritory and such a settlement of all
questions affecting Russia as will so
euro the best and freest co-operation
of tho other nations of the world In
obtaining for her an unhampered and
unembarrassed opportunity for the In
dependent determination of ber wa
political development and nnttcnnJ pol
icy nnd nssuro her of a sincere wel
como Into tho society of frco nntlons
under Institutions of her own choos
ing; and, more than n welcome, as
sistance also of every kind that sho
may need and may herself desire. Tho
treatment accorded Russia by her sis
ter nations in tho months to come will
be the acid test of their good will, of
their comprehension of her needs as
distinguished from their own interests,
and of their Intelligent and unselfish
7. Belgium, tho wholo world will
agree, must be evacuated nnd restored,
without nny attempt to limit tho sov
ereignty which sho enjoys in common
with all other free nations. No other
single net will serve ns this will servo
to restore confidence among the na
tions In the laws which they have
themselves set nnd determined for tho
government of their relations with one
another. Without this healing net tho
whole structure nnd validity of inter
national law Is forever Impaired.
Must Free France.
, a. All French territory should
be freed and the Invaded portions re
stored and the wrong done to France
by Prussia In 1871 In the matter of Alsace-Lorraine,
which has unsettled the
peace of the world for nearly fifty
years, should be righted In order that
peace may once more be made secure
In tho Interest of nil.
0. A readjustment of nil frontiers
of Itnly should be effected along clear
ly recognizable lines of nationality.
10. The peoples of Austria-Hungary,
whose place among the nations wo
wish to see safeguarded and assured,
should he accorded the freest opportu
nity of autonomous development.
Evacuate Balkans.
11. Itoumaula, Serbia and -Montenegro
should be evacuated; occupied
territories restored; Serbia accorded
free and secure access to the sea; und
the relations of the several Balkan
states to one another determined by
friendly counsel along historically es
tablished lines of allegiance and na
tionality; and international guaranties
of the political and economic indepen
dence and territorial Integrity of the
several Balkan stntes should he en
tered Into.
l- Tho Turkish portions of tho
present Ottomnn Empire should be ns
sured a secure sovereignty, but tho
other nationalities which nre now un
der Turkish rule should be assured an
undoubted security of life nnd nn ab
solutely unmolested opportunity of au
tonomous development, nnd tho Darda
nelles should bo permanently opened
ns a free pnssage to tho ships and
commerce of nil nntlons under Inter
national guaranties.
13. An Independent Polish state
should ho erected which should Includo
the territories Inhabited by Indisput
able Polish populations, which should
bo assured a free and secure access to
the sen nnd whose political and eco
nomic Independence nnd territorial In
tegrity should bo guaranteed by Inter
national covennnt
14. A general association of na
tions must be formed under Bpeclflc
covennnts for the purpose of nffordlng
mutual guaranties of political Indepen
dence nnd territorial Integrity to great
and small stntes alike.
"In regard to these essential rectifi
cations of wrong nnd assertions of
right wo feel ourselves to bo Intlmnto
partners of nil the governments nnd
peoples nssoclnted together against tho
Imperialists. Wo cannot bo separated
In Interest or divided In purpose. Wo
stand together until tho end. .
"For such arrangements nnd cov
enants wo aro willing to fight nnd to
continue to fight until they nro achiev
ed ; bufonly becnuse wo wish tho right
to prevail and deslro n Just nnd stable
penco such as can be secured only by
removing tho chief provocations to
wnr, which this program does remove.
Not Jealous of Germany.
"Wo hnvo no Jealousy of German
greatness nnd thcro Is nothing In this
program that Impairs It. We grudge
her no achievement or distinction of
learning or of pnclflc enterprise such
ns hnvo mado her record very bright
and very envlnblo.
"Wo do not wish to Injure her or
to block In nny way her legitimate In
fluence or power.
"We wish her only to accept n pfneo
of equnllty among tho peoples of tho
world tho now world In which we
now live Instend of q placo of mas
tery. "Neither do we presume to suggest
to her any alteration or modification of
her Institutions. But It Is necessnry,
wo must frankly sny, nnd necessnry as
a preliminary to any Intelligent deal
ings with her on our pnrt, thnt wo
should know whom her spokesmen
speak for when they spenk to us,
whether for tho relchstag majority or
for the mllltnry party, and tho men
whoso creed Is imperial dominion.
Fight for Honor.
"Wo hnvo spoken now, surely, In
terms too concrete to admit of any fur
ther doubt or question. An evident
prlnclplo runs through the whole pro
gram I have outlined.
"It Is the prlnclplo of Justlco to nil
peoples nnd nationalities, and their
right to live on equal terms of liberty
nnd snfety with ono another, whether
they bo strong or weak. Unless this
principle bo made Its foundation no
part of tho structuro of International
Justlco can stand. The people of the
United States could act upon no other
principle, and to tho vindication of
this principle they aro ready to de
voto their lives, their honor and every
thing that they posses.
"The moral climax of this, the cul
minating and final war for human lib
erty has como, and they are ready to
put their strength, their own highest
purpose, their own Integrity and devc
tioa to the test"
mnovEi umroiM rami! atioru
(By a O. BEL.LEHS, Acting Director at
the Sunday School Courts of ths Moody
Blblo Institute, Chicago.)
(Copyright. 1817. Wfitern Nfwiptptr Union.)
LESSON TKXT-Mark 1:21.46.
GOLDEN TEXT We must work the
works of htm that sent me whllo It Is
day. John 9:4.
TEACHERS-Matt. 4:23-25; Luke 4:16-22,
31-M; Matt. 9:35-48: 11:28-30; Luke 8:1-3.
henled many that wore sick. Mark 1:34.
and pympathy of Jesus.
i MEMORY VERSE-Oal. 6:2.
meeting human needs.
At tho risk of repetition wo will onco
more cnll attention to the new plan of
Sunday-school lessons. Its character
istics aro: First, tho uniform teaching.
A general lesson title nnd the same
general Scripture passages ns tho bnsls
of study for nil grades. Ono Golden
text for nil, although frequently n de
votional Scripture lesson nnd particu
lar text which 1b Intended for tho
opening worship of the school or for
departments of tho school, with addi
tional scriptural material for the uso
of teachers of tho various grades.
Second, tho grades nnd ages. Tho
grades recognized nro: Prlmnry, pupils
from six to eight Inclusive; Junior, nlno
to eleven or twelve inclusive; Inter
mediate boys nnd girls, twelvo or thir
teen to seventeen inclusive; senior or
young people, eighteen to twenty-four;
ndults, twenty-five nnd upwards. Be
ginners nro not included in theso les
sons, as they hnvo been provided for
In tho beginners' lessons of the graded
courses. Third, tho graded teachers.
Different lesson topics or titles as
ndaptcd to the different grades. Again,
memory verses for tho various grades.
Additional scriptural material Intended
especially for tho graded lesson wri
ters nnd teachers. Sometimes the les
son text for a certain grade Is simply
a small portion of tho uniform or gen
eral Scrlpturo passngo for that day.
Tho first six months of this year
will bo devoted to the Gospel of Mark.
Every syllable will bo covered during
tho course. Then thcro Is to bo a three
months course of study In tho Chris
tian llfo on such vital topics as: Tho
Beginning of a Christian Life, Beading
God's Word, Fraying to God, Obeying
God, Growing Stronger, Speaking for
Christ, Conquering Evil, etc., appar
ently disconnected, but really a vitally
related course on topics dealing with
Christian living.
The Lesson for Today.
I. The Man of the Unclean Spirit
(vr. 21-27). Jesus was teaching In tho
synagogue, and tho results were far
different from thoso In Capernaum or
Nazareth. (SeoTuke 4:10-30.) But as
always, evil is present with good, and
evil always recognizes true piety,
henco thoso present recognized that a
God-cent man with a God-given mes
sage was speaking. Sunday-school
teachers should also speak with au
thority, for wo aro as "tho oracles of
God.M (I Peter 4:11.) Notice Christ's
power over spiritual evil. (w. 23-27.)
Demonlncal possession, we are told, Is
qulto common today In China and other
heathen lands. Tho terror of this de
mon at tho words of Christ may sug
gest how evil men will feel when
Christ shall como again. As always,
evil desires to bo "let alone," but
Christ would not let him alono. The
demon did not want to come out, but
ho was helpless before the power of
Christ and had to come, and in coming
be mado himself so felt thnt tho people
were "all amazed." Neither1 astonlshj
ment nor amazement, however, is con
version. II. Peter's Mother-ln-Law (vr. 28-84.
In this next scene wo hnvo ono of tho
homes wherein Jesus manifested his
power over physical or bodily illness.
Notice Christ was abiding with his
own loved ones. Here is an example
on the part of Christ of how to do per
tonal work. Also nn example and a
testimony that service is a testimony
of gratitude. Tho fact thnt this ono
was healed and that sho began ut once
to serve, Is also a testimony to tho
fact of the cure. There was sickness
In that home, not "error of mortal
mind," and they did what was best
brought the sick ono to Jesus. Again
In verso 80 Is this keyword of Mark's
Gospel, "straightway." Jesus could
heal at a dlstanco (John 4:50-53), but
ho liked to como straight up to the
(filleted one. Notlco he took her by
tho band. This, too, Is a lesson for us.
The gospel of a handclasp is too often
neglected. Tho "tuklng-by-the-hnnd"
rollgioa is much needed in our
churches today. Notice ho also "raised
her up." People need to bo lifted to
day. It Is not enough to command
them to rise; we must ulso help them
to arise. Then it was that "the fever
left her." Sickness, as well as de
mons, gave way before tho Lord.
The concluding scene of this day
(w. C2-35) is remarkable and presents
a vivid and beautiful picture. "At
even when the sun did set" (v. 32) they
brought unto him "all" that were dis
eased. While all wero gathered at the
door, not all wero healed, for the rec
ord says, "many were healed." We
read, "many aro called, but few cho
sen." All that city was gathered that
eventldo about Peter's door (v. 23), but
the sad part of It was that not all
received the healing touch of Christ
They had had a wonderful Sabbath
day. They had seen proof of ths
bower of the Master.
State Leads Nation In Machines Per
r Capita
Socrotary of Stato Pool has com
plotcd a count of tho automobiles
ownod In tho dlfforont counties of tho
stato of Nebraska in 1017 which shows
a total of 148, 101. Thoro was also
lssuod during 1017 a total of 1,744
plates to tako tho placo of lost num
bers. Bolow Is tho showing for tho
past flvo years. This docs not include
Bosldos giving Nebraska first plnco
in tho numbor of nutomobllcs ownod
por capita in tho United States, tho
report dlsclosos the romnrkahlo do
velopmont of tho automobllo Industry
in this statu.
Although no nccurnto estimate of
tho vnluo of tho nutomobllos can bo
mado, Mr. Pool Is sntlsflod It is woli
ovor $12,000,000.
Counties 1913 1914 1915 1010 1917
AdnniB CC7 918 1192 19."0 2506
Antelope 2C9 CIS 740 1387 1991
Arthur !i 17 42 158
Manner 27 28 111 1C0 247
lllulno 15 17 27 100 201
Huutio 313 755 S50 12C.G 2031
llox Mutln 146 303 3 US 573 767
Uuyri 84 187 304 41)9 780
Ilmwn 43 130 229 375 G70
ltuffulo 481 570 841 1424 2546
Hint 399 717 842 1336 1888
lllitlUT 4K2 907 1002 11 2567
Oil s 430 7,6 9GI 1514 2281
Cedar 498 599 864 13ttt 2009
t-'hane 44 197 183 418 577
Chary 112 20S 330 5C9 857
I'licyciina 80 201 273 764 1193
I'lav 535 700 802 1490 1999
Colfax 441 572 872 1211 1M1
Cllllllwc 489 679 864 1425 2015
C'UBtpr i 381 651 1091 2041 3109
H.ikotn 150 212 351 493 787
Dawos 113 165 242 472 700
Dawson 264 429 594 1399 2290
Deuel 42 52 106 284 514
Dixon 313 385 648 884 1484
lodRO 645 898 1353 2325 3055'
DoiiKlan 1815 3647 C496 8561 12911
Dundy r.2 103 209 398 640
I'lltmoro 410 686 764 1325 1976
Krnnklln 207 317 451 822 1220
Frontier 64 134 246 867 1194
l'lirnan 244 334 451 1027 1622
O.TKO 654 880 1284 2229 3226
Our.lell 17 84 130 318 530
nnrtlold 38 91 117 220 344
ilnsper 57 101 160 464 834
Clrnnf 91 11 iq me tsn
Oroelcy 123 205 352 614 1023
JJHII 60S 727 1191 1908 2570
Hamilton 592 759 1036 15C5 2264
Harlan 145 206 374 922 1381
Hayes 26 63 134 306 499
Hitchcock .... 66 . 90 205 610 814
J Jolt 278 462 672 1090 1627
Hooker 8 20 35 72 143
Howard 24R 357 549 900 1360
Jefferson 292 414 842 1574 1920
Johnion 332 426 62S 902 1252
Kearney 271 C87 489 893 1283
Keith 40 83 131 328 558
ICeya Paha ... 20 95 127 245 344
Kimball 11 C4 112 274 468
Knox 274 550 809 1355 218S
Ijuicastcr ....1781 2452 3625 C007 8276
Uncoln 290 444 748 1511 2095
J-OR-an 12 15 50 134 254
!"UP 22 49 61 117 227
Mrtrilann r.DT CK, 11D1 ioat fftTnie
Mcl'herson .?.'. 25 25 31 88 157
JJPrrcK 301 438 676 1011 1454
Morrill 22 37 154 404 765
fcnneP 130 273 601 9C0 1287
Nemaha 456 596 779 1119 158S
Nuckolls 280 519 619 1070 1592
J"0" 683 996 1246 1939 2648
Pawnee- 287 413 526 813 1190
J?Cr,,,,n M 74 167 339 637
UhPlPl 272 274 627 1009 1791
r'Tce 215 462 673 935 1470
I'lntto 6K3 1001 1312 1960 2651
J2'J -- 631 611 1050 1379 1846
Tied Willow... 124 215 420 831 1314
Jllchardson ... 401 664 813 1347 2238
Rwk 35 75 116 221 347
mllno 385 553 803 1564 2205
Karpy 160 216 492 737 1041
Maunders 594 857 1457 2376 3222
Scott's muff... 154 274 444 10C0 1G89
Hewnrd 5S2 6!4 1172 1992 2639
Sheridan 133 206 329 598 1005
Sherman 130 168 274 661 952
Hloux 2S 57 107 257 456
"nnton 189 296 426 778 1185
XJinyer 186 DOS 850 1372 1924
Thomas 10 14 13 63 92
Thurston 107 234 421 694 1045
V''"ry 1S! 35 657 1227
WanhltiRton ... 605 742 1015 1444 1915
jynvno 113 60S 732 1140 1578
Webster 137 2S8 504 869 1373
Wheeler 34 46 97 135 325
ork 626 1041 1216 2007 2632
Mombnrs of tho state administra
tive staff of tho national guard havo
boon chocking up tho targot equip
ment used on tho Ashland rlflo rango.
Tho equipment will fill two cars and
will bo shipped to some training camp
in the United Statos. The Ashland
rango had somo of tho best target
equipment in tho United Statos.
Nearly 14,000 Nobraskans havo
found employment through tho stato
free employment bureau, tho govern
ment farm labor bureau maintained
in connection with it and tho local
bureaus, according to tho annual re
port of Labor Commissioner Norman.
There wore 14,371 requosts for em
ployes mado during tho yoar and 13,
591 filled, according to Mr. Norman.
Of this numbor IOC wore women.
A brand new feature for -tho meet
ings of "organized agriculture" woek,
in January, at the university farm, is
a Farm Equipment association pro
gram. This will ho hold ono day
only this year, on January 19, but it
is expected to bo a warm affair, as
some of tho farmers who have not
had good luck with their lighting sys
tems and tractors have promised to
be present to give tholr exprlonces
for tho bonoflt of other farmers.
On account of tho Bllm response
from volunteers willing to enlist in
tho army for emergency employment
as bricklayers, tho war department is
sending out Instruction to local ex
emption boards for tho immediate
drafting of men of that occupation
who aro included In tho final 15 per
cent of the first quota. Only four
teen men have bo far been reported
to the governor as avallablo for this
call whereas Nebraska is expected to
furnish thlrty-flvo. Soveral havo al
ready gone to San Antonio, Tex., to
work on aviation buildings.
The state live stock sanitary board
thru Stato Veterinarian J. S. Ander
son, Is gathering Information in re
gard to the prospective Incrcaso in
the number of horses and mules In
Nebraska during tho present year.
This is being done for tho information
of tho government.
The annual state meeting of county
assessors wllj tako placo in Lincoln
at the state capital. January 29 and
30, to discuss plans for a uniform as
sessment of property throughout the
Back Lame and Achy?
There's little peace when jour kid
neys are weak and while at first there
may be nothing more serious than dull
backache, sharps, stabbing pains, head
aches, dizzy spells and kidney Irregu
larities, you mus. act quickly to avoid
the more serious trouble, dropsy, gravel,
heart disease, Bright' disease. Use
Doan's Kidney Pills, the remedy that
is so warmly recommended everywhere
by grateful users.
A Nebraska Cist
Q. W. Ault,
Erop. City Feed
tore, St. Paul.
Neb., says: "Slnco
I havo been In
the produce bust
nesa, I have often
been brokon down
with backache.
At times I could
n't lift the lightest
weight and went
around In misery.
I often got dlzty
and fott generally
run down. Doan's
Kidney Pills have
flvnrl imrt itn In
"Kvtry Pkinrt
good shape and I am gratcfuL"
Gal Doan'a at Ah Star. flOs mWtam
doan's "yasy
but you can clean them off promptly with
and you work the hone tame time.
Does not blister or remote the
hair. 2.50 per bottle, delivered.
Will tell you more if you write.
Book 4 R free. ABSORBINE, Jfc,
the antiseptic liniment for mankind,
reduces Varicose Veins, Ruptured
Maiclciof Urtnents, EnUrttd CUodt, Wnt,
Ct AlUn Mia aakklr. Fill 11.21 a tmtla
si int tlm or 4c Urertd. Utto la titt O. I. A. by
Wstioa I.Oolaaiaa,
Taunt Law jar, Waahlnstoa,
11.11. AltvtMAflll hAAfe.?
Bates raasonabla. UlghMlraranBoes. MUutW
I .
New Zealand wheat ncreugo is 20
per cent ihort.
To Cure a Cold In One Day
TakalXATIVslBHOMOQalnliiaTableU. Itsteea
tba Oungh and Iiradache and works off the Out.
KW. MOUTH'S slnMra on each box. Wo.
If a man never changes his mind,
he Is cither very right or very stub
born. Without a Telescope,
"lilt mo again, James; I bcllcvo Pre
discovered a hitherto unknown stellar
He .Was Willing.
"And will you marry mo?" asked the
"And leave pupal" asked tho swoot
young thing.
"Why, certainly."
"Hut what will poor papa do?"
"Oh, never mind. I'll do papa."
Tonkcrs Statesman.
Enforcing Peace.
Thero Is something better than this
league to enforce peace; something
that will preserve the natural tenden
cies to Intellectual growth In the
race, without requiring mllltnry ag
gressiveness as n national prerogative,
writes Courtenay Do Kalb, in tho At
lantic. That Is to introduce the
prlnclplo of natural trade by taking
steps to eliminate the fostering devices
on which nntlonnl aggrandizement de
pends. It might not bo posslblo to
rench every schemo for nrttflclal trade
development which will lift Its head,
but tho tariff can bo stripped off, and
tho granting of ship-subsidies and
bounties, and all tho cruder forms of
industrial parcntallsm. This would at
lenst go far toward the organization
of tho sisterhood of nntlons on the
true competitive basis of relntivo in
herent skill, knowledge, and ability.
In that direction lies the open road to
penco and progress. Tho world may
not deludo itself; It must take that
highway, or accept tho principle of
tho trade war which goes hand In
hnnd with Mars.
and "snap to its
Try a cup and
notice the channing
flavor and substan
tial (Character of this
table beverage.
Postum is a true
"man's" drink and
women and tiildren
delight in it
"There's a Reiion
Sold by Grocers
TiUimSInr AbK
mm mm
.... j.:rM