r.uXfc Ju 3 N BED OLOITD,- NEBRASKA, CHIEF re ffc I 7 'i ; N !j f Character Quality Oiir display of Furniture is the mo complete we have ever offered to the trade You will find the very latest designs, the best material possible to obtain. We extend you an invitation to call and inspedl this exhibition enjoy . the excellent workmanship and the advanced ideas in artistic furniture and home furnishings. ROY SATTLEY ME RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud. Nebraska (JUUBUKD EVEUY THURSDAY interna in the Pontofflce at Kcd Cloud, Neb as Becond Clans Matter V H. MoAUTHUR M K. QUlOIiBV I'L'ULthllKH MANAOUt UK ONliY DKMUCKATIC I'Al'KH IN WKHHTEH COUNTY Mrs. Jnquay tatted towol Mrs. P. Kcllctt 2 chickens Mrs. B. Kenglc fruit Mrs. O. J. Kailey jelly Miss Hattic Kailey apron Mrs. H. C. Lctson something Mrs. Larrick bread, fruit Partial List Of ' Red Cloud Donations ADDITIONAL DONATIONS OUT SIDE RED CLOUD . N. M. Hayo3 . . ......... .,.3 chix D. I. Hulncbubch ....2 ba seed" coin Brc Blickenstaff 2 ,bu, wheat Shannon ... .1 sack ujiple J Grant Shidlcr ., v . .-j&.OO RED CLOUD CITY. R. P. Weesner Coat, furs, skivt' Cowdcn-Kaley Co. Trunk, baj, sweat ers A boys caps. Powell A Pope .Bx cigars Mm. Rurdtn. . .hats, silk waist etc. P. A. Wullbrandt .Bx. apples Roy SatUey Fibre rocker Morhart Bros Auto Robe Staoe.Morhart -.-.Auto robe Turnure & Son .4 dress patterns, rug N. A. Piatt .2 bxB candy Grko Drug Co.Ca8serolesct,handbaES Hamilton-father Co. 2 overcoats, 6 pr boys pants, 6 vcst3. J. A. McArthur Seed corn Malone-Gellatly Co $20 order Powell & Birkner" 5 bxs cigars J. C. Mitchell Carving set, etc. C. L. Cotting, ..toilet set, manicure set, bath set, etc. Geo. Trine Soft coal heater E. S. Garber reading lamp M. A. Albright 2 waist patterns Mrs. Lollar .' apron Mrs. Ludlow ..jelly Mrs. Ed. McAlister ....beets, hominy Mrs. Max Mizcr ..pure bred chicken Mrs. Fred Miller . . 2 aprons, 2 fruit Mrs. V. E. Maurer ..chickens or cake Mrs. "E. McCune . .1 gal. mince meat Mrs. Mitchell coat Mrs. McCrncken cherries Mrs. C. II. Miner . . . .chickens, butter, fruit Mrs. J. Merrill chickens, fruit Mrs. B. E. McFarland cake Mrs. E. L. Morhart, fruit, etc. Mrs. W. II. McKimmey coffee Mrs. Mountford cake Mrs. Wm, Mountford fruit Mrs. Wm. McCallum pickles Mrs. Ed McAlister ....hominy, beets Mrs. Marshall 2 cans fruit Mrs. McConkcy fruit Mrs. Miksch cherries Mrs. Markham laco collar Mrs. Mitchell coat Mrs. Ncuerburg 3 loaves bread Mrs. E. J. Overing brown bread Mrs. Ozmun fruit & jelly Mrs. E. U. Overman chicken Mrs. G. M. Ohmstcd fancy work Mrs. C. J. Piatt fancy work Mrs. J. Pope pickles Mrs. B. F. Perry 2 lb butter Mrs. Geo. Pope bread & butter Mrs. a. t. I'oints ..apron Mrs. S.,R. Potter. ... cherries, picklos Mrs. E. J. Pulsipher . .2 canB peaches Mrs. E. D. Piatt 2 aprons Mrs. A. B. Peirce chicken Mm. C. H. Potter. . chicken & cream Mrs. Frank Peterson fruit Mrs. C. J. Pope bread & butter Mrs. Polnicky . .- fruit Mrs. Pierce tomatoes Mrs. M. K. Quiglcy fruit Mrs. Richardson ..sweater cassarole and apron DON'T FORGET M. A. ALBRIGHT HANDLES A COMPLETE LINE or the BEST GROCERIES Chase & Sanborns Coffees Itens Crackers and Cookies Batavia Jams and Spices Sunflower Canned Goods PEERLESS FLOUR Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts COMB AND LOOK J. E. Yost. . 1 ham, shoulder, 6 lb lard Mrg Roertfl peck potatoeB try 1 ' "y I at our line 0 Staple Dry Goods Setsnug Underwear Iron Clad Hosiery Henderson Corsets Skating Sets and Caps Mina Taylor Dresses Fancy Towel Sets Cotton Bats Outings Ginghams Percales Shirtings Notions Eshclman grass seed Frank Smith.. 4 pr Bhoes & loggins Piatt & Frees ..2 tons Maitiana coai J. Peterson w . . . .sack flour C. S. Romine sack flour Mrs. Hunt -cap P. A. Hildebrandt meat Jos. Fogel suit case Pope Bros bkg dish, windshield Hutchison & Saladcn, order $1000 ins. Fred Kihn .bx cjgars E. J. Overmg fo5it..warmcrs S. B. Klser .-flowdrstand 1 Hunt A Rheelcv barbeir'order $1 B. Sutteh : . . .2 gal" auto oil Roy Oatnan ....24 Sunday dinners Walker uarage..orocr 8 aayiaoor Ellis Shoo store 3 pr. boots Barbara Fhares dress pattern E. H. Newhousc cut glass E. M. Ege set dishes Jas. Peterson . .. .McCormick binder Mrs. Ed Amack canned pickles Mm. ' Marv Arncson chicken Horace Brown load wood CZitv Tlarhfl . . .-. . . i 50 r.- .. : jr.u Mrs, ,f. H. uoner z ,az egs Mrs. J. H. Bailey 2 cans-fruit Mm. Clarence Baker apple Butter IF YOU WANT A POTEST OH A PHKER Made Right, Lettered Right And Erected Right SEE OVERIHG BROS. & GO. I Maker of ArtlsticZMonumcnts Red Cloud, Nebraska lrVWVyVW.VAVrtSrtfVftV,JVAVAVV.V.VV.V.VAV.VJ Keep ImprovingYour Equipme nt : i i i i in i - .... i i .. . - in. J Do not worry about tho shortage of crops another year is coming Do not wait (or cheaper bulldlng'miiU'rinl Do uot let the wax aoare you ' ' , i ' ' . i Do yea know material will inorense when thVnr ihover? Cutojio must be rebuilt, Supply &4 demand will tnltGft.hand Ihoq ' Do you know we htvc) to date information on nil faV'in building? Do you want ideftt on farta bullilinga? We furtilBh tlicin VfitK : x1i " - :iiWi:0iiia"7' ; - i Mrs. -N. B. Buah.dres'd chicken, chcr- Mrs. J. L. Beebe cake Mrs. Barker' '. coffee Mrs. Wm."' Brown ..... chicken Mrs. Bogenrief -o cherries, jelly Loiura Beauchamp, w , . .'Jcake Mrs. Clyde Bowcn . . . . , .2 cans fruit Mrs. Burgoaa 2 loaves bread Miae M. Blumer canned fruit Mrs. C. G. BarncB canned fruit Mrs. Boyce 2 qts beet pickles Mrs. J. O. Butler. .cake, fruit, jelly Mrs. W. V. Beal. .cookies, can apples Mrs. Beckwith 1.00 Mrs. E. A. Beal 4 .cansr.truit Mrs. Blackledgc pickles, beans Mrs. Barker baked beans Mrs. Bohrer canned peaches S. R. Boyco dressed chicken Mrs. J. Coon 2 cans cherries Mrs. H. Cramer (cake Mrs. L. M. (Jrabill ..2 cans cherries Mrs. J. D. Cathcr cake,?1.00 Mrs. C. C. Cox..douehnuts. peaches Mrs. A. H. Cramer canned fruit Mrs. Cramer , fruit Mrs. Clark fruit Mrs. E. H. Cowdcn 2 aprons Mrs. G. Christy mince meat Airs, (juttcr aprons Mrs. Wm. Crabill ..chicken, cherries Mrs. Coombs cookies Mrs. C. C. Cross cake, etc. Mrs. J. W. Corbctt cake Mrs. M. B. Corner chicken Mrs. Rissa Cox 2 cans fruit Mrs. Dnmercll 3 doz. doughnuts Mrs. Dcnrdorf cake Mrs. A. V. Duckcr dry goods Mrs. Ed Dickson 2 loave.-i bread Mrs. A. N. Eddy cake Mrs. Wm. Engles . . . . i bu potatoes Mrs. Etherton coffee Mrs. C. Etherton butter Mrs. Emerton canned fruit Mrs. W. D. Edson It cans fruit Mrs. Edwards cake Mrs. Evana bread Mrs. M. L. Finkcnbindcr beans Mrs. Fry fruit Miss Mollie Ferris 2fancv work batts Mrs. W. H. Fisher lb butter Rev. D. Fitzgerald Moss agate Miss K. Fitzgerald 3 dz rolls Mrs. C. E. Fcam .tomato iclish, rug, apples Mrs. Finchcr fruit Mrs. Wm. Finchcr fruit Mrs. Fentress beets Mrs. Groat ....canned fruit, hominy Mrs. Gilhnm , chow chow Mrs. Godfrey cookies Mrs. George .... 4 gal. fruit Mrs. E. Goblc ibu potatoes Mrs. E. L. Grimes ... .2 loaves bread Mrs. J .Garber fruit, jelly Mrs. C. Gurney , cake Mrs. C. Gf.. Green , . .2 jars fruit Miss S. Graham fruit Mrs. Henderson lb butter Mrs. J. Herburgcr fruit Mrs. P. L. Hansen , cako Mrs. Ed. Hanson .'. .....J bu potatoes Mrs. W.'G. Hamilton 2 gafmlnce meat Mrs. Geo. Hadell v . r". '. bread Mrs. Hanson, Sr. .-. .-. ..-.-. . .chicken Mrs. Hildebrandt . .. . UvM .-. .pickles Airs. Hernek .....,,, ..v something Mrs. Hummel ....."".': .. .". .'. , .fruit Mrs. Geo. Hummel . ,h . .'. , chicken Mrs. Harry- Huffer. ....V . j, s . . . .jolly Mrs. T. G. Harwood .-2 -loaves bread Mrs!. J, M. BjwftFHisijia fruit Mrs.' I. B HyiaMC'reern'4H8n. mince i : . 7i v. . i.,Ti.:v. ..!.. ' Mrs. Robinson 2 aprons Mrs. Rife bread, pickles Miss. C. Roubal apron Mrs. F. Retzman ....Hoover's bread Mrs. W. H. Rosencrans fruit Mrs. J. Ryan fruit Mrs. Roy Rust jelly Mrs. C. H. Rust fruit Mrs. ,F. Richardson jelly Mrs. 'J. W. Stockman cake Mrs. Ned Sutton peaches Mrs. E. Stevenson jelly Mrs. Simmons jelly Miss Strickland fruit Mrs. Roy Sattlcy peck potatoes I Mrs. C. A. Schultz . .2 loaves bread Mrs. C. M. Sherwood. elec fixture, cake Mrs. A. C. Slaby . . . i lace yoke Mrs. F. Sutton plums Mrs. W. A. Sherwood ducks, tomatoes Mrs. R. Schultz .'....fruit Mrs. L. M. Stonebreaker. . .kens, bag Mrs. Smclscr cherries Mrs. Shelley fruit Mrs. A. K. saladen iruit Mrs. J.. Sherman fruit Mrs. J. T. Saladen fruit Miss M. Stevens fruit Mrs. H. Stroup something Mrs. Skiles cake Mrs. J. Topham 4 leaves bread 2 cans peaches Mrs, P. Traut . . - cake Mis. Geo. Trine 4 chickens Mrs. G. Turner 2 chickens Mrs. Tennant 26 Mrs. F. G. Turnure 2 aprons Mrs. F. A. Tumure 2 doz eggs Mrs. Cha3. Turner cake Mrs. White child's apron Mrs. A. r. Walker. doughnuts, 2 cher's Mrs. G. J. Warren 2 aprons Mrs. R. P. Weesner preserves Miss J. Winton fruit Mrs. C. Walters jelly Mrs. I. O. Walker bread Mrs. Henry Welsch peaches Mrs. Wm. Wolfe fruit Mrs. G. F. Walker something Mrs. G. Wolfe fruit Mrs. A. K. Wilson .chicken Mrs. J. E. Yost lard Mrs. L. L. Yost fresh meat Mr. & Mrs. C. Engstrom 1 dz cherries Mrs. Hassinger comforter Mrs. Ben Pegg 2 qts .cream Mrs. Wm. Sunberry ....canned fruit Mrs. L. McKailand cot bed Mrs. D. C. Bell napkin box Mrs. Crow fruit, mince meat Mrs. E. Welsch 2 chickena Geo. Harris load wood Mrs. John Barkley . ,.C0 o xti t i tv.JatLii C. 7k; Jferrfirr?.-. . Wr7'. K .t .VtOO Mrs. C. -S. ItAtb. . . . .'.'.: buttert toefld Country Boys Not Physically Super ior to Those Living in Cities According to records of the selec tive service, country hoys do not phow much physical superiority over those of the cities. For purpose of com purisori selection was made of cities of 40,000 to 500.000 population, and a corresponding set of counties of the some total size. In the physical ex aminations 28.47 per cent of the city boys were rejected, as against 27.96 per cent of the country boys. 1 9 P Farm Loans Private money lo in u No delny, money horn. All pipers kept hero nnd piiynble nt home bank I also mnke regular company loans on best terms to ho had. Call for m at Htato Bank.-C. F Cathor. t Wanted to Rent 0 or 1C0 acrelmpioved farm, quire at this otUce. In- Nelson IlHyes, living north of the uity about six miles, was quite serious ly injured today, when ho fell on the let). No bones were broken but be washujt about tint bend and hips. Ouchl A'TltiVs'lan whoi-o name was Fopsklnltchea Mot. a Turk named Oofxzxzxzxzxsscza .. .kltchca.. , .'They killed nine million "v'" ' 1ml fmir million "n" ' . And murdered vltchM." some ten .thousand The New Cash Store is now open for your inpedion. Our goods have arrived and we invite you to come and see us. You will secure right treatment... We belong to no combination and there is no strings on us. We solicit a share of your patronage. We PAY CASH for Produce. Both Phones Bell 45 J. E. BUTLER Electric Wiring IF you want your home. Store or garage wired let me furnish you an estimate on the job, complete. Wifl'j I" ti Everything : Electrical ii'.? j i i -I .i i Our prices are right, worKniahsKip' ?he best and material guaranteed. We order any special fixtures you want and install them satisfactorily. ' Let us figure on your next job E. W. STEVENS Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Co. Meafr Brute. ,, "It says h'fro that,a7m'an Bbould work' hurd'andr marrye1fo .' said Mrs: Oabb iaa,sblkejj 'tfptitcin tne paperi; .it . as' tftMHiHf" ' . . 7i4'.Vi;A"aWl-ii."''Ui',iii !,. -'i' never jtrritd or M wmld' bat;j; vretn Mfftr we BfltM," growJt Me, HR I nrl Offir nf fhp 1 )) Lincoln Telephone and lelegraph Compauy is now complete with the very kteft and mosl approved type of telephone from the central office to the subscriber's telephone. , Everything up to date. Lincoln and Omaha have nothing better. In fact nothing belter can be bought. No expense or trouble has been spared to make the Red Cloud Exchange the equal of any exchange in the state. You are invited to calll and inspect the new' office The entire appw floor new Kaley building GEO: J, yff ApREN, Local Manager' i ) . :.-! .ij.n;, vrv.mm $BMm& womcmvmw uOHK MHHW4 WBtmr- Dr.WmMs&rlte . . . a7an.rfT,,.;,r " ' ' SuccessoFwrDCrQsl ID-CLOUD- NEBRASKA -1 ; x, 'I 'i-"i jrtmuMQiiiiM v !$raiaptS538ms QUIUMM 4 Mrs. C. JmitM fruit