The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 17, 1918, Image 1

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    mlS!MWnti-"q- Z
HUle lllstorlonl SorMy
n Z30g)m&l-
Tfc WByju, WTt '-, . T " " '?! yJ-T " "f-,rL.- 'C r ?jj";77' y I"ayfcaM -ZjJJTrsZyggjKj---p---m ga IT?-! ' "17 T' "rVT"""Z-L jEmJ !JLlgTBBWMIIMtJ-U ljj u "
A Pkwstwper That fllvcs The News Fifty-two Week Each Year For SI.50.
I . . .....
The Savings Habit
is what counts these days. There
never was a better time to jftart
than RIGHT NOW. The sooner
you start (he sooner you will
have a substantial amount on
hand. Laying aside a littlu ttach
week is easy and you will never
miss it then when (he time
comes that you need money you
will have it. !
Army Captain Robs Bank. I Telephones Must Consolidate
And Murders Four Men
Webfter County Bank
Red Cloud, Nebraska 5"
I il?OFr Br issHft
: II 1 1
hTR MJt' Jk
Monday n.nniini: v i drilled it) the
I'ri'iicli plutoon system an 1 ther, I mil
lH,(niul drill and afterwards ptitcticed
tin (mine hoc ml.h In tln afternoon
tin- doctor.- took our culturo for spinal
niiiniiitis hid! then e went nut mill
Tuesday thV comnii5 drilled in the
iiioinitik' but in the afternoon we stay
ed ill tlio tiarmos to re-r, tlion in tlio
evening we went out and drilled until
ten n 'clonic '
Thursday it Miowcd all ilny and we
stnyortiu t lie Imrinuks tict listened "lo
leettins by the IJeutcnniits In the
afternoon thos hIio ate attending the
bayonet, liuoinVli'K and tic Id of fortlll.
cation schools eut to school uhile the
re-t of tlio coinjiany had bayonet chill.
Cream Separator
We do not believe that a farmer who knows anything
about farm machinery could be induced to buy any separa
tor other than a DeLaval after he had seen the latest im
proved DeLeval machine and had given it a trial.
It is a fact that 99 per cent of all separator buyers who
do SEE AND TRY A DELAVAL machine before buying
purchase the DeLaval and will have no other. The 1 per
cent who do not buy the DeLaval are those who allow
themselves to be influenced by some other consideration
besides real genuine separator merit.
Xt you arc thinking about buying a cream separator w will
consider it a favor If you will permit us to setup a DeLaval for
you ou your own place and have you give it a fair trial.
You will be under no obligation to buy the moohtne if It does
not make good all our claims, and should you decide to kaep
it and cannot convenletnly nny'caoh. you may do oo oo each
easy terms that it' will actually. save iW" contV 'nulla j
paying for it.
'you are
Geo. W. Trine
On Ciitlay niuht the company went
on sitntint'l ilutj and some of the, boys
froze their lingers while ou duty nud
were relieved. Two laborers were ar
rested by one of I he sentinels arid wore
kept in the barracks all night, Fioni
now on all civilians will bo arretted
when eaiiKht iu the camp lifter five
o'clock and will have to .spend tho
night under guard.
Saturday morning fire spinal menin
gitis carriers were taken out of tho
company and sent to the detention
camp where they will have their nose
and throat swabed out forsevcial days
We also had rifle and bunk inspection
and after thoveUng the snow away
troautbe barrack we were off for the
rst of the day. The latter part of thin
nireelittaas very 'cold and 'the 'ther'-1
nomettr regiMeroc! lorojmona,,!
i)i mJLT.i Ct
m i Jlir rJ .XIA B4Wi. - i -
crossed in at Jotnce:
into the Arm i USh
of the copliJejftLejyflferB
working and two civ'ilians. vvuro juso
present, and inVering the lve vlth hU
revolver com; bllCci'one ol'tlio mon to
tie the other nen's'Tlarihs with a rope,
then -the robber tled his bands and
taking a hatchet, "killed four pf tho
men and seriously wounding tho fifth
He robbed the bank of several thous
and dollars., '-The man that was , so
badly Injurcdsuocee'dcd in getting out
of the bank after the robbery and
orawled acros9 the' road Jno,a ditch
where a seutlnel found' Him and spread
the alarm. After the alarm had been
given over the 'camp eaoh company hod
roll call and all of the privates had to
get oat of bed and answer present.
Saturday afternopd. the officers qf eaoh
company looked tfirn each soldiers be
longings and'no (one was given a .pass.
or allowed logo to Armycttyjfcjt the
time of this Witlnd'o 'dews h''bepn
given out whc!uer"the bank robber had
been cangbt. l " .
It was later learned that Capt. Lewis
Wbisler of Company jeMh 'Infantry
committed the orimes',and'1' later, find
ing it was useless fo.vtfy 'to escape, Vlaot
and killed himself. x w
At tlio conclusion of a hearing that
lasted the greater pnrt of the day the
Htnte niilway commission informed
the Furtners' Independent Telephone
compnnv and the Lincoln Telephone
compativ. that it proposed to take the.
picliminary steps towurd ordering
n consolidtition made of their com
peting exchanges nt Itccl Cloud.
To that end it will have its engi
neers make a physical valuation of
both plants and this will be followed
by an accounting study. After that a
public hearing will ho hud at Rci.
Cloud nnd this will be followed by an
onler to consolidate tho two ex
changes and fixing the rates for the
unified fcivioo.
At the morning session the commis
sion held that under the pleadings and
the law thete was but one thing to do
nnd that was to order the Lincoln
company to restore the toll connect
ions that it severed when tho tele
phone war at Itcd Cloud broke out
between the two companies. From
this the company will appeal, as it in
volves a question of whether en
forced physical connection is in con
travention of the constitutional pro
vision that prevents a person's prop
erty being taken from him without
due process at Jaw.
The. consolidation order, on the oth
er hand, is not .plcaaing to the arm
ors' company. It haa the sumMUm to
be the only comnanv la Sad CUmA
an It was .that.japaMtfca that led to
me present vjgm w j.Man um.ub-
coin compojw.-.BAaiMt-aMflMM r
aure.TheT iln - my hu rf
redWuonsalidate am tiaa im,
chi company to take share in, the
proportion ef' Its cwtrtliutJ, Initio
capital in tho formW
.tliis would have given the,
, Uincofn
To Accomplish Good Work
You Mut Have Proper Equipment
The Parker Lucky. Curve
Self Filling Fountain Pen
is unequalled. Our new stock contains
at $2.50 to $6.00
Lower Priced Self Filling Pens at
$1.25, $1.50 and $2
Maht- Sure Your Ctilds RYES A KtGffT and Able
to Sustain the Strain Imposed ky ScAapt Work
tare. 9. i q.
Jmwmlmr and Optmmmtrlmt
Watch Inspector
Fair Fooif' Prices
lfair prices recommended by price
committee for Webster county, Nobras
ku, and published by authority of the
Federal food Administrator for said
eempany tho majority steel1, tj'ws
rciuscu. incn me Lincoln company
came back with a proposition of con
solidation in which, if it was found
that it had the majority of stock en
a consolidation, it would Bell enough
to give the Farmers control. This
was rejected also, and the counter
proposition made that tho Farmers"'!
cojnpany.twould buy what it desired
of the other company and it could
was declined on tho grounJ that Rer
Cloud is a necessary nart of the toll
lino system for that section under'
proper routings and the Lincoln com
pany did not desire it handled by
another corporation in which it .had
no interest. After that the war. be
gan. The Lincoln company hat just
put in a now exeaaage there.
The afternoon maiaa ceaateted
largely of 'the cxamiaatien ef L.H.
Blackledgc, who appeased fer the pwr-'t
pose of demanding that the dtkena
bo relieved of the burden
ancc of two teUpheae ytrteaaaT'e
said he did not care hew they got to
gether. Mr .Blackledgo waa the only
two-time victor in the legal jovat The
Lincoln company wanted a consolida
tion and got it. The Farmers didn't
want it and got it. The Lincoln com
pany didn't want to restore the toll
line but it is ordered to do so. The
Farmers' company wanted it restored
and got the order.
Without a hearing and upon the
Holding tnat no "public utility may
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F. G. Turnure & Son
Pktoria Rerlew Patterns
Hernia Wear
Sunday at the Christian Church
Where Can You Get the Truth?
1 000 a. m. Sunday School
1 1 .00 a. m. Gospel Ssrmon
2:30 p. m. Service at Indian Geek
J 6:?0 p. m. Young Peoples Service
7:30 p. m. A Sermon-lecture Heai something that will make
i JL you think, even if you don't agree with all you hear. .No
hoDe or toeoD e who are atratd to think
-r S
Sugar, per pound :.V!wnko any change in service without
Hour, llrst grade, 48 pound sack.W (HI first obtainJne . or annro
Prvrn ! i.l lO n..,wl oM, !.. """ -...., vu t,utioi.iii, i l'l"
........,..., aw "" al of tho stato
iiur' uiibivr, er iounu w
I'KK. per doz , no
Itrend, ouo pouud louf ..,....,. 10
There pricos nro for cash over tho
counter. An additional charge mav
be made for delivery or credit to customers
Red Cross Clean up Sale
Next Saturday afternoon at 1 p. m.
the Red Cross will odor all articles
brought in since December 0th for
salo to tho highest bidder. There will
be wheat, pigs, chickens, apples,' etc.
To be held rit the Koontz tie barn.
E J. Overlng, Jr.
The W. ft. C. will not meet until the
first Saturday in February.
railway commission
thafbody Tuesday ordered tho Lin
coln Telephone company to restore the
trunk line between its exchango at
Red Cloud and that of tho Farmers'
Independent company, a rival.
The Lincoln company, in 1910, en
tered into a long timo contract with
tho Farmers' company when the Bell
was tho lattcr'B competitor at Red
Cloud by which tho Farmers got toll
lino connection with the Lincoln com
pany's system. When the Lincoln
company bought tho Bell, it had the
toll line run into its exchango at Red
Cloud and put in a trunk between the
two exchanges, in this way handling
all toll business out of Red Cloud.
Some weeks ago tho Farmers' com
pany, or its friends, depending upon
Contluaed Ou Page H
We Serve Only the Best
Powell & Pope
. ' ' u'"i
iw AlUbiL Ai&m&Ml fc 'MMl A-Ll