The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 27, 1917, Image 8

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Christian Church Notes
Christ tuns prOKrauis wore given nt
Indian (reeh. Ked Ol md nnd tlio
South Side Minion, About tlW wns
ploriged for Y. M C. A. mid Syrian tititl
French lellef. ' Definite Usurer, will be
Rlvoti later. Excellent programs were
Riven at nil thrco appoititnionts.
At the close of the Mondhy evening
program n uumber of the friends nnd
member' of the church marched to tho
homo of Mrs. Iiydla lloft'iimn I'hllllps
nnd wero quietly seated. Mr. I'hllllpi
then stopped norosn the way nnd in
farmed Mr. and Mrs. A.'ti. Ilausornnn
that tin V vt ci e wanted nl tho pliont.
Mrs. immediately cntno
with Mri, I'liilllps aim Ihere found the
waiting crowd. Mr. and Mrs. Iluusur
mini are moving back t.o Alum and this
gathering wns u Mirprlse on thorn.'
Mrs. Phillips served n itriu rnnchuon
and nil enjoyed the occasion. riitusor
man's people are excellent people mid
they will be greatly mlR.eil In tho
church and community. Mr. Mauser
man has made nmuy fricii Is in thcelty
And Red Oloild has lost nno of lis most
substantial families. We trust that
they llnd it to tlolr advantage to re
turn to Alma and shall nlwayh extend
a hearty welcome unfit to Ked Cloud.
A number of the young people of
the chut eh engaged in teaching out
side tho county have roturuod for their
Chrlstmis vacation.
Harold Fey preached a fluo sermon
last,Sunday morning and will speak nt
iho tdisston next Sunday afternoon
ixml on Monday will return to Cottier
University whero he is studying for,
tho ministry.
Clias Kust of (illlotle, Wyoming,
writes a very inte-estlng letter on
couraglng the work being do le by tLo
Mr. and Mrs. Fred More loft Snt
luidny for Stockvillo where they spent
Christmas week.
Frank llnller loft for Camp Funs
ton Monday to koc his brother, John,
who Is in cump there.
Mrs. 0. I). SamEol and child ion arc
upending tho vacntion with lcltitivea
at Wymore and Helvidoie.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Olcy Ivcrson, C. W.
Cowley and family, Mrs. N. J. Cow
Icy, C L Cramer and family, and Joe
Uiggins spent Christmus day with
Mrs. W. II. Crnmcr In lied Cloud.
Our Own Popular Songs.
A working Rltt who nought a Job when
biisluerft wam real Hlnclt
Trltd exerelsliiK horitm nt tlio old I.ato-
nla trnc.c.
Slio lll:cd tlio work, niitl bIiu was ulwu.
certain of her pay,
Tor her employer wan a sport who paid
tier by Hm dny.
Said lie, "you'ro nn npnrcntlct, but I'll
let you hnvo n mount,
And you oan rldo Star Shooter, Iio'h a
colt of Koine account.
IIc'b entered In n ineo next week, and
lio'll win euro oh fate,
Hut you intikt cut nut lipor mid trnln no
you can malto tlio wpIrIiI."
Tlio (treat iloy came, nnd when tlio iiuks
paraded to tho post
Tlio Blrl had mndo tlio weight, but she
' wns feeling llko n ghost.
Tho harrier went up and then .Star Shoot'
er took the lead,
tin ron lllta lie wns Beared to death nnd
fdiowcd a world of rpoed.
Uo inn rtf fast that lij mm hooii In fiont
by n half mile.
And when they lilt Iho -Uretcli tho girl
looked buck with a Kind mnllo.
The Krcat crowd jelkd: "Come on, yoe
Ktarl Come tin! Tho rest nre Joltrn!"
And then tho fill I remotnlicrul that she
must fnco all I hem folks.
Sho felt round for her powder rug and
powdered up her nose.
And Razed Into her uiliror as ho nnt In
sweet lepofe.
And, nn sho primped, the other horses
1,'tilloiieil up and passed,
. And, when she'd finished dolllni; up, poor
Btnr wns t turning last.
Star's owner falil: "Vou'ie filed, you dull
To win sou didn't try!"
And though big lumps wero In her throat,
tho bravo gltl did teply:
Hulled Christian ehureh in lied Cloud ! "X in?I?:.b?,',,ll"5BVor"c"' ,,ut rm ,,H,nin
awl to'ls us they have -tarted a United
Clirlutlun church nnd Sunday school'
out west near hi- much. Ked Cloud is
becoming u mUsiou try center for
United ClirMhnlky.
Mr. Coh'Ul.iu is very sick lit this
i nn m .i i
Just lite unmet
And Just horam-e your old nag lost, why
should ! take tho blauio?
And no suy nlu'l no gout, though ho wenu
ttliittiomlu on his clothe"
WhoM Hit a woililnir girl brcauso slit
poWih'ivd up her ncwe "
Names Is Names,
t'ln.v Klmdo Is a farmer living noni
Oxford. Intl.
Hov. Mutlcss was in Ked Cloud on
M. Fnrnhnm lins been on the sick
list for about a week.
Mrs. T. Jones, who lias been ouite
fick, seems to be improving. I ,
Wesley 'J'abor left the latter part of dmined by
Inst week for Denver, Colo.
Ulnnch Buikcr spent Christmas
with her parents in Ked Cloud.
Sam Saunders camo home to spend
Christmas, hero with relatives.
Guy Barker and family spent Sun
day in Ked Cloud at J. W. Barker's.
.Mrs. Oioy of Kiverton spent sev
eral days last week with Mrs. Clias.
3Irs. Stella Kennedy nnd Clay Or
chard anil wife autoed to Ked Cloud
A largo crowd attended the services
"The White Gift for the King" Sun
day night at the M. E. church.
A. Courson and 'family came in Sat
urday night from Colorado to spend
Christmas with i datives heie.
Miss MoiTet of Bloomington spent
a few days here this week with her
sister, Mrs. Hi Dunn and family.
Will Topham and wife and Mrs. L.
W. Thompson ami son were shopping
in Red Cloud Saturday afternoon.
Don Cloud, who seemed to he im
1 "oving, was taken worse again tho
I: tter part of the week, anil is again
f4."lto sick.
Misses Mnhlo Carpenter, Maude
! jranvillc and Aehlv' Woithen autoed
to Iiuskin Tuesday to spend the day
at the Stickney's,
The Gouscd hut Honest Compositor.
Mrs li V. Ivcllcher gave a tea In
hm ror ol' .loscphlim Hellly nnd Martin
Collins Friday evening. From Tin Ex
i hungc.
Our Daily Special.
nil try to do tlioso
we an
II. 15. Jones was in'Blue Hill Mon
day. 11. Carmin was in Blue Hill Wed
ncsday. i
I. O, Perry was down from WjlcoK
Jlcv. II. (J. Wilcox and family were
in "Hastings Saturday.
Win. Harrington was down from
Lincoln over Christmas.
Mrs. Frank Spenco and duughlcr,
Myrna, loft Wednesday for Ong.
Lloyd Easterly was down from
Grand Island during the vacation.
Mesdames Oley Ivcrson and C. W.
Cowley wcie in Ked Cloud Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Sopor spent
Christmas day with relatives at Scw-
Mrs. Gilbcit Woodsido of Lincoln
spent Christmas with J. W. Davis and
L. E. Perry and family of Dowitt
wero visitors at the R. E. Perry homo
Geo. Gordon of Loomls spentChiist
mas day with .Mrs. Josephine Koon
and family.
Luke McLuke Says:
'J'ho only man who knows how tc
miinngo u woman is thu Irul who has
never tried It.
Mother frets so tired of the same old
farnlturc In the stiuin old looms nnd
the same old dishes In (he smile old
kitchen that she takes a few hours oft
every now anil then nnd rearranges
her keepsakes In the old trunk In the
little, the Mime trunk she took on hut
bridal tour. And she will dust olT tin
piece of her wediUug cuke thnt Is wrap
ped up in a piece of her bridal veil.
And she will kls the little pair of
baby shoes wrapped up In the tiny
baby cnp. 'And she will get out the
tintypes of father taken the day they
wore- married. And she will have n
good bawl and kiss the tintype. Then
nlie will go ilownstnlis, nail when fa
ther comes home to supper she will
give him the devil because he didn't
wipe his shoes on the mat.
When he Hist pels her life Is all
honey, but later on life Is all hives.
A tiny mouth often hides nn awfu1
lot of Jn .
Whisky grows better as It grows old
or. But men are not that way.
Many a brave mtin who doesn't mind
facing the music will do a lot of holler
lug when he Is asked to listen to It.
Most wcinen have two dispositions
one for home use nnd onu for compan
use. And this Is also true of most men
Consider the thermometer. It ofter
takes a drop too much at night, but
that doesn't prevent It getting up early
the next morning.
Every now anil then jon will see a
woman who gives you the Impresslor
that If slio smiled she would crack hei
After a fellow roams nround foi
nwhllo he gels an Idea that squan
men are almost as rare nnd almost m
old fashioned ns sipmre pianos.
Anyway, Adam never had to get hi
out of bed nnd empty the pan under tin
lee box.
During the honeymoon sho hellevci
that the earth sags down every Mini
ho tnkes n step, biit later on she bo
Heves that It would take nliout four
ten ti mutts llko him to outweigh i
Nnmos Is Names.
A. Pancake Is manager of a lunch
loom In West Virginia.
jfrrm. T'flg,)ee'MtT!rXW,,fMJPMi
J.'flpf fir ; ), - XS, A.i
American soldicrc by theiundrud thousand are no A In Europe pre
paring to fight America's battlb foj jlberty against the kalscr'srbarbarlan.r.
Some of our Icrfs hac already mads the great sacrifice for you and me.
We must support our army by Jolfifn- the Red Cross at once.
Five passenger car for
live stock. L. L. Yost
Luke Will Swap Soma Fat For Some
Colonel I.uko Mcl.uko of tho Clncln
iiall (0.) Enquirer and Colonel Ceorgo
Tucker of tho Taylor Press resemble
each other In that they neither run to
fnt and do not carry heavy hair. Thcso
deficiencies aro ntttlbutcd to heavy
work. Georgetown (Tex.) Commercial.
' Things to Worry About.
A man has Invented n mncliluo for
stringing beads by centrifugal forco.
Yes, but You Didn't Mean It That Way.
Frlonds of Mrs. Susan Keeno will bo
glad to know sho Is recovering slowly.
-Mnrshllold Mall.
Our Dally Special.
If your troubles affected you ns llttlo
as thoy affect your friends you would
bo happy.
Remember Horrors of War-Torn Europe and
Think of Safety and Comfort Here
Then Join the Red Cross.
The good people of this community onco more com
memorate the nativity of the Christ Child with merry-making
and gifts..
Ours Is a prosperous community. None of us Is IJkely to
suffer this winter for want of food, clothing or shelter, though
high prices and certain forced economics will make us real
ize the United States Is at war thousands of mlle3 away. A
few of us who have given otir boys to the nation may
them. But generally specking, we shall feel perfectly
cccurc, and when We stop to think about It, we shall thank
God more cr less heartily for his blessings.
Over In France, which hao a total population of about 35,
000,000, probaoly 3 000 000 are In the army fighting off tho
tliVAUVilt MUVHk WVVV W.W 1 1 IU I - I W II J lwn.ll . ""IVM
-are absolutely down nd out. They are a part of the In- II n tlo. nit Ini.afrlnl llctflrt HoV!l el lf(rl hv tllA li
German savr.cso. Now these people are homeless, hungry,
naked and sick. At least half of them have tuberculosis,
with scarcely a fighting chnuce for life. The whole of Franco
Is making unheard of sacrifices to save the nation.
Poor little Belgium io a wreck a dying wreck. Her
small army hao been practically exterminated. Her boys
and old men have been shpt down In cold blood by tho
kaiser's heroes. Her daughters havo been dragged Into
slavery worse than death. Her babies havo been Impnled
on bayonets and nailed to barn doora by playful Teutonic
soldiers. About all that Is left of Belgium Io her deathless
And Serbia. Serbia Is now but a name In history. A
nation become a slaughter pen and charnel house. A peoplo
wiped clean off the earth.
What has been said of France applies equally to Italy,
Roumanla and Russian Poland.
Europe hno been a hell of suffering and grief for threo
' years. What have the last threo years meant to tho United
States? Prosperity and peace.
Today all stricken Europo Is uttering that age-old lamen
tation, "Out of the depths, Oh Lord, havo I cried unto Thee; ,
Lord hear my voice." And the American Red Cross Is tho
Instrument through which Provldenco Io answering the prayer.
The Red Cross Is "over there" now, performing a labor of
mercy and paying a debt of fellowship on a scale never before
known. But It must havo your help and mine In order to
carry on Its vast enterprise In the name of humanity. So
tho organization Io campaigning tho nation for 15,000,000
Every man, woman and child In this community ought
to belong to tho Red Cross. Tho membership fee Is S1.00.
Another dollar brings tho member the Red Cross Magazine
for a year.
Every $1.00 or $2.00 membership helps Just oo much to
back up our American boys In khaki helps Just so much to
tako the frightful curse from the lives of millions of home
less, starving, freezing, diseased mothers and babies In dev
astated France, Serbia, Belgium, Poland and Roumanla.
Tho finest Christmas gift you can make Is a Red Cross
membership. Don't fall to como across by Christmas evel
f rip va a ra
The government must have more money to carry
on the war successfully.
War Savings Stamps are sold in 25-cent and' 55
sizes. You can buy either size from the undersigned.
With the first 25-cont stamp you are given a card
with room for fifteen more stamps. These stamps do
not bear interest, but when the card is full it can be"
traded in on a S5 stamp, that docs.
With the first $5 stamp bought you get a card with
spaces for twenty stamps of this size.
The 55 stamp draw 1 interest compounded quar
terly. This is equivalent to about i'A'o. and is the
highest interest rate ever paid by the government.
Tcadh the children thrift and patriotism,
them War Savings Stamps
x i
Mayor Damcroll Prof. Whitehead
F. G. Turuuro & Son State Haute
Peoples Hank
Rev. Drulluer
Father Fitgorald
II. t). Lotson P. M.
Alf MeCiill.
Atty. F.J Mijuduy
Rev. lleebo
Grleo Drug Co.
Miss Mabel Pope
It. P. Woesner .; Co.
Webster County Hunk
Atty. F. E. Mnurer
Atty. h. n.Hlacriledgo
(J. I,. Coiling
Gertrude I). Coon
A. V. DUCKKR, Chatman Town Savings
and Thrift Committee
&-t -.h-- Tffli:riK?;-i &d!L
Auto Hearse - Horse Hearse
Phone, Ind. Store 158, Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB.
I Last Sunday of the Year
with the Christian Church
1 1 .00 a. m. Gospel Sermon
!; ion i t i i r n. i
.; :ju p. m. naroia rey rreacnes
7 on 4ti ni i i r .i p i . r- 1 i-k ic
j. r.jyj p. m. ii ne rnnosopny oi me lMcotattaines. iead iev C
2:6.1 5-and 1 John 1:6.9. A liv5 subject. Hear th effh"oh. J
These are part of the new Frannie Unit, on our main line adjoining tho
successful Powell locality, and the lands avo watered by the same Government
system, merely an extension of the canals. Of 184 farms, there remain only
fifty not taken these will go before March 1st: act quickly.
Eastern Colorado and Western Nebraska off pjilcndid lands at low Tmifrn-. ffMl S
A farmer near Akron Colo., raised this season a $.1,600 crop of beans on a $3,- " s m
2uuTuTmr-::',c,.y: What is such land worth an acre? You can buy i,t from J
$20 to $35 an acre. -iimmfUHilt.
Thousands of acres of divided large holdings now comlnei6n(thovriiarot.
It will pay you to do "pome thinking" at once. See me. I am paid'oWlp5?'
I,. W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agont,
1001 Farnnm St., Omaha, Neb.
At tj&
I5.rJafJJS?w',,' j -i-?'?.. .'J
' vl
. "K'li
..yv .tii'z.
. f7- '"7 i:'
Hamilton - Cathtr
Clothing Co.
Sacccoon la Pul Store
Everything a Man
or Boy Wears
Red Cloud Nebraska
ti ngg(iti.riwiso,f
15c a copy
At Your Howedoalor
Yenr'y Subscription $1.50
Send for our new free cat'
alas of mechanical books
Ponular Mechanics Magazine
i 6 North Michigan Avi:uo, Chicago
Dr. R. V. Nicholson
EgrOHF.cE Oven Ai.nmaiiT's Store
Is now ready to plnco your s.ilo dntoi 5
u Ask any ono ns to my (iiMincntlons !
. or whom I linvocrlDd knlnn. in,inn,. 1
i" dent phonos on IU. Wrlto wlroor call
J Red Cloud, Nedr.
I Hi